HBO's, Big Love, Series


Senior Member
Oct 13, 2004
Any of you folks been following the HBO, Big Love series?

We've got a Polygamist businessman with three wives in Salt Lake City, UT.. Trying to fit into normal society by keeping his Polygamy a secret. I believe Big Love is based on a book.

Anyway, it's been quite entertaining for the wife and myself.

I suppose the LDS church doesn't have fond feelings about the show.
Actor Bill Paxton is the husband of the three wives.

They live in this housing track/neighborhood, and for all purposes, their home looks like all the others on the street, but behind the house, hubby has two houses interconnected with the house facing the street. They have a common back yard.

Anyway, the wives sit down and make calendar time to have Paxton for the evening/day. It's like a three day rotation set-up. He's fathered kids with all of them. The first wife he married is called "First Wife" the second one is "Second Wife", and so on. There's even a visit to the old family doctor by Paxton for a major Viagra RX.

There's jealousy between the wives and other issues too.

Now businessman Paxton is the owner operator of 4 major home improvement stores in Salt Lake City, and hopes to continue expanding, but in the latest episode, there's been a little snag, as his Polygamy has been exposed or revealed to some Utah government officials through a crazy fluke happening. His first wife was entered in Bee Hive State Mother/Wife of the Year, and when hubby and his kids went to the doings, an anonymous call came in revealing that Bill's wife, sitting with the other finalist wives on the podium, is involved in Polygamy. The anonymous call caused a great embarrassment during the ceremony, and Paxton's wife was escorted off the podium in disgrace.
Seems that Polygamy has never worked out very well in ancient times either as Solomon and David had nothing but problems with wive's jealousy's, and the off-springs of the different concubines and wives all vying for Daddy's special attention. King David was nearly killed by one of his kids.

Even old Abraham ran into problems with Sarah his wife and Hagar his Concubine, both having given Abraham sons........Hagar's being Ishmael, and Sarah's being Isaac, later to be renamed Israel.
Anyway, I didn't realize how much Polygamy goes on in the State of Utah, by some off-shoot Mormon religious groups that the official LDS church has tried to ignore. As in accepting Black folks for priesthood acceptance now through one of their many "new" revelations from God, they have officially received an OK from God via their latter day prophets that Polygamy is now on the "outs".

Up until about 80 years ago, Polygamy was quite accepted and practiced by mainstream Mormons, but the U.S. Government via Teddy Roosevelt came down on the church with a heavy hammer blow. He demanded the removal of the American flag form the Mormon temple and other punitive actions, as the Mormon church had been very resistant to other mainstream acceptable, and ethical practices in the U.S. culture as a whole.

Anyway, founder Joseph Smith Jr. and Brigham Young both promoted Polygamy as God ordained via their Prophet status to the whole Mormon church body. To this day, there are some areas of Utah, where the "Principle" or Polygamous living is still happening, and the State of Utah refrains from prosecuting these folks. Most likely reason: Too many LDS folks in high government positions in Utah, and open prosecution would embarrass the official Mormon church, headquartered in Utah.
Anyway, Big Love is quite an interesting series going on HBO. Maybe even an eye-opener. There is a way to catch up on past episodes if you go to the HBO home website.
Eightball said:
Any of you folks been following the HBO, Big Love series?

We've got a Poligamist businessman with three wives in Salt Lake City, UT.. Trying to fit into normal society by keeping his Poligamy a secret. I believe Big Love is based on a book.

Anyway, it's been quite entertaining for the wife and myself.

I suppose the LDS church doesn't have fond feelings about the show.
Actor Bill Paxton is the husband of the three wives.

They live in this housing track/neighborhood, and for all purposes, their home looks like all the others on the street, but behind the house, hubby has two houses interconnected with the house facing the street. They have a common back yard.

Anyway, the wives sit down and make calendar time to have Paxton for the evening/day. It's like a three day rotation set-up. He's fathered kids with all of them. The first wife he married is called "First Wife" the second one is "Second Wife", and so on. There's even a visit to the old family doctor by Paxton for a major Viagara RX.

There's jealousy between the wives and other issues too.

Now businessman Paxton is the owner operator of 4 major home improvement stores in Salt Lake City, and hopes to continue expanding, but in the latest episode, there's been a little snag, as his Poligamy has been exposed or revealed to some Utah government officials through a crazy fluke happening. His first wife was entered in Bee Hive State Mother/Wife of the Year, and when hubby and his kids went to the doings, an anonymous call came in revealing that Bill's wife, sitting with the other finalist wives on the podium, is involved in Poligamy. The anonymous call caused a great embarrassment during the ceremony, and Paxton's wife was escorted off the podium in disgrace.
Seems that Poligamy has never worked out very well in ancient times either as Solomon and David had nothing but problems with wive's jealousys, and the off-springs of the different concubines and wives all vying for Daddy's special attention. King David was nearly killed by one of his kids.

Even old Abraham ran into problems with Sarah his wife and Hagar his Concubine, both having given Abraham sons........Hagar's being Ishmiel, and Sarah's being Isaac, later to be renamed Isreal.
Anyway, I didn't realize how much Poligamy goes on in the State of Utah, by some off-shoot Mormon religious groups that the official LDS church has tried to ignore. As in accepting Black folks for priesthood acceptance now through one of their many "new" revelations from God, they have officially received an OK from God via their latter day prophets that Poligamy is now on the "outs".

Up until about 80 years ago, Poligamy was quite accepted and practiced by mainstream Mormons, but the U.S. Government via Teddy Rooseveldt came down on the church with a heavy hammer blow. He demanded the removal of the American flag form the Mormon temple and other punitive actions, as the Mormon church had been very resisitant to other mainstream acceptable, and ethical practices in the U.S. culture as a whole.

Anyway, founder Joseph Smith Jr. and Brigham Young both promoted Poligamy as God ordained via their Prophet status to the whole Mormon church body. To this day, there are some areas of Utah, where the "Principle" or Poligamous living is still happening, and the State of Utah refrains from prosecuting these folks. Most likely reason: Too many LDS folks in high government postitions in Utah, and open prosecution would embarrass the official Mormon church, headquartered in Utah.
Anyway, Big Love is quite an interesting series going on HBO. Maybe even an eye-opener. There is a way to catch up on past episodes if you go to the HBO home website.
The anonymous call was from the old man, whom I don't know much about. He's the chairman for some board or something, and Paxton is messing with him?

I haven't watched enough to understand what's going on there...
The old man is named Romanc is an alleged prophet/bishop of the Mormon, "Principle" that advocates Polygamy. He attemps to rule with ruthlessness. He also has his hand in many semi-legal, and probably illegal business practices.

Roman is a ruthless, and very anti-ethical businessman, that Bill is trying to remove himself from any and all control/manipulation.
My wife and I love this show. Watch it every Sunday on HBO.

We were discussing that if the gay agenda were to have their "marriages" legalized than this would have to be the next logical step. Legalizing polygamy, just a thought... Hey if one alternative lifestyle can be married why not all of them???? :rotflmao:
nukeman said:
My wife and I love this show. Watch it every Sunday on HBO.

We were discussing that if the gay agenda were to have their "marriages" legalized than this would have to be the next logical step. Legalizing polygamy, just a thought... Hey if one alternative lifestyle can be married why not all of them???? :rotflmao:

Check out this website before you think that the Mormons are the sponsors of the great evolution in marriage and great ethical brainstorms.
Otherwise know as the Mountain Meadows Massacre.
I never would have watched it if it wasn't on after The Sopranos.

But man, that opening title sequence is a real hook. I had that song stuck in my head for WEEKS.

"God only know what I'd be without you"

I've come to like the show. It's very well acted, and the characters are really compelling. I've never been a Chloe Sevigny fan, but she turned out to be one of the most interesting characters in Big Love.

I'm just totally lost with the whole Roman thing. I must have missed an episode because I can't follow that whole plot at all. I know he's Nicki's father. I just don't get the whole business part of it. Why he has such a hold over Bill.
nt250 said:
I never would have watched it if it wasn't on after The Sopranos.

But man, that opening title sequence is a real hook. I had that song stuck in my head for WEEKS.

"God only know what I'd be without you"

I've come to like the show. It's very well acted, and the characters are really compelling. I've never been a Chloe Sevigny fan, but she turned out to be one of the most interesting characters in Big Love.

I'm just totally lost with the whole Roman thing. I must have missed an episode because I can't follow that whole plot at all. I know he's Nicki's father. I just don't get the whole business part of it. Why he has such a hold over Bill.

Those who are part of their sect of the religion hold allegiance to the prophet are are to pay a percentage of their gains back to him for him to use for the benefit of the group. Basically he is using his religious power to shake him down, as well as threatening to reveal his married status to the government...
no1tovote4 said:
Those who are part of their sect of the religion hold allegiance to the prophet are are to pay a percentage of their gains back to him for him to use for the benefit of the group. Basically he is using his religious power to shake him down, as well as threatening to reveal his married status to the government...

It's more than that. Bill was out. When his first wife became ill, he went to Roman for money and in return roman wanted 15% of his store. The contention came in when Bill started adding more stores and wanted to keep roman out of those. Nikki is also Roman's daughter.

I actually think bill's position is somewhat tenuous.
rtwngAvngr said:
It's more than that. Bill was out. When his first wife became ill, he went to Roman for money and in return roman wanted 15% of his store. The contention came in when Bill started adding more stores and wanted to keep roman out of those. Nikki is also Roman's daughter.

I actually think bill's position is somewhat tenuous.

Then I did miss something. I remember seeing one episode where it was said that Nikki is the one that nursed Barb back to health or something.

I should check On Demand I can probably catch up.
rtwngAvngr said:
It's more than that. Bill was out. When his first wife became ill, he went to Roman for money and in return roman wanted 15% of his store. The contention came in when Bill started adding more stores and wanted to keep roman out of those. Nikki is also Roman's daughter.

I actually think bill's position is somewhat tenuous.

I think that Roman is going to regret his battle with Bill. The state is going to be coming down to the compound if he keeps pointing a finger at Bill. They are going to wonder where the heck he came from and Bill will have very little reason to keep his mouth shut.
no1tovote4 said:
I think that Roman is going to regret his battle with Bill. The state is going to be coming down to the compound if he keeps pointing a finger at Bill. They are going to wonder where the heck he came from and Bill will have very little reason to keep his mouth shut.

I just finished watching the season finale on on demand. Barb was up for mother of the year, and Roman outed them to whole community. Oh, And Wanda poisoned Alby!
rtwngAvngr said:
I just finished watching the season finale on on demand. Barb was up for mother of the year, and Roman outed them to whole community. Oh, And Wanda poisoned Alby!

Please tell me that isn't the finale!

I want to know what happens next, now that Barb and Bill and the wife 2 and 3 are in a tough situation.

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