'He Has Blood On His Hands': Columbia University Study Shows That Trump Could Have Avoided Over 130 Thousand Deaths

I'm sure Donald Trump consider this last February when his advisors were telling him we could lose half million people to this virus.
Half million, that's only 17% of the deaths and less than .15% of population. That leaves us plenty of people to keep the economy growing. And since most of the deaths are going to be old forts, Blacks, Hispanics we don't need. So we just tell the people it's just the flu. Keep the economy going and ignore all the scientists or you'll lose your jobs and the market will crash. However, Trump never considered that these were real people with parents, kids, and friends that care a lot more about them than the Dow Jones Average and the GDP.
Oh shut up. PRotect yourself moron.....or do you need daddy govt to do everything for you
I'm not concerned about myself, but I'm concerned about about my 89 year old neighbor, my grandson who's diabetic and has Cystic Fibrosis, and a very nice lady who volunteers at the senior center who works in a hospital often with Covid patients. These people may well be expendable by Trump and his supporters but there're a lot of us that do care and resent the fact that we have a president who just doesn't give a damn about others. He's traded off thousands of lives to win an election which he may well lose.
Arent we all.......I dont
I'm not surprised with this article. We watched it all happen before our eyes since last winter.

Now, over 220 thousand people are dead. One of them is my favorite aunt.

We learn that at least over 132 thousand people wouldn't have died if trump had followed his own heath experts and did what Canada did. Or if he did what Germany did we would have saved over 179 thousand lives.

We were the leaders of the word. In just 4 years with trump we have become a laughing stock.

''''One of the world's premier liberal arts colleges'''
= your OP is bullshit
If 95% of Americans wore masks in public, more than 100,000 lives could be saved from Covid-19 through February, a new modeling study suggests. What does Trump say about masks, "It's voluntary you don't have to do it.' In rallies he Mocks people wearing masks and social distancing, which loyal Trump fans at rallies certainly avoid. Sad, but Trump's message on coronavirus of killing off the old, the sick, and weak is part of Trump's plan to make America great.

Wearing masks could save more than 100,000 US lives through February, new study suggests
In His Own Words, Trump on the Coronavirus and Masks

You know thats not true by simply looking at the rise in masker states
I'm sure Donald Trump consider this last February when his advisors were telling him we could lose half million people to this virus.
Half million, that's only 17% of the deaths and less than .15% of population. That leaves us plenty of people to keep the economy growing. And since most of the deaths are going to be old forts, Blacks, Hispanics we don't need. So we just tell the people it's just the flu. Keep the economy going and ignore all the scientists or you'll lose your jobs and the market will crash. However, Trump never considered that these were real people with parents, kids, and friends that care a lot more about them than the Dow Jones Average and the GDP.
Oh shut up. PRotect yourself moron.....or do you need daddy govt to do everything for you
I'm not concerned about myself, but I'm concerned about about my 89 year old neighbor, my grandson who's diabetic and has Cystic Fibrosis, and a very nice lady who volunteers at the senior center who works in a hospital often with Covid patients. These people may well be expendable by Trump and his supporters but there're a lot of us that do care and resent the fact that we have a president who just doesn't give a damn about others. He's traded off thousands of lives to win an election which he may well lose.
Arent we all.......I dont
I'm not surprised with this article. We watched it all happen before our eyes since last winter.

Now, over 220 thousand people are dead. One of them is my favorite aunt.

We learn that at least over 132 thousand people wouldn't have died if trump had followed his own heath experts and did what Canada did. Or if he did what Germany did we would have saved over 179 thousand lives.

We were the leaders of the word. In just 4 years with trump we have become a laughing stock.

''''One of the world's premier liberal arts colleges'''
= your OP is bullshit
If 95% of Americans wore masks in public, more than 100,000 lives could be saved from Covid-19 through February, a new modeling study suggests. What does Trump say about masks, "It's voluntary you don't have to do it.' In rallies he Mocks people wearing masks and social distancing, which loyal Trump fans at rallies certainly avoid. Sad, but Trump's message on coronavirus of killing off the old, the sick, and weak is part of Trump's plan to make America great.

Wearing masks could save more than 100,000 US lives through February, new study suggests
In His Own Words, Trump on the Coronavirus and Masks

You know thats not true by simply looking at the rise in masker states
33 states now require masks. Of the states that do not require masks, 6 of them are in the list of states with most cases/million.
I'm not surprised that another 'study' from Columbia U trashes President Trump based on nothing but conjecture.
Funny how the Covid-19 is geared towards politic's so precisely... A week before the election, and cases begin spiking like mad ?? Wonder how the Chinese engineered that little detail into the microbe when toying with it in the Wuhan lab ???

Well I also got it a while back, and I got over it thank the Lord, but I know many who have gotten it, and they had similar results. They got over it too.

Funny how the Covid-19 knows how to spike in the numbers, and then a week out from the election ?? Something is rotten in Denmark.
I'm not surprised that another 'study' from Columbia U trashes President Trump based on nothing but conjecture.
Funny how the Covid-19 is geared towards politic's so precisely... A week before the election, and cases begin spiking like mad ?? Wonder how the Chinese engineered that little detail into the microbe when toying with it in the Wuhan lab ???

Well I also got it a while back, and I got over it thank the Lord, but I know many who have gotten it, and they had similar results. They got over it too.

Funny how the Covid-19 knows how to spike in the numbers, and then a week out from the election ?? Something is rotten in Denmark.
The Coronavirus family of virus which includes the virus that causes Covid-19 and the flu spread faster in colder weather than warmer weather. Last summer we saw the daily cases falling off starting in June and picking up in Sept. In Brazil whose winter comes in June- Sept. we saws cases rising from late May peaking out in Aug and falling in Sept as they moved into their Spring. So we would expect cases to be rising in Oct and Nov. peaking out in Jan-Feb. So don't expect the number cases to go down regardless of the election outcome.

It's the Trump administration that does the counting of deaths and cases, not the media.
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I'm not surprised with this article. We watched it all happen before our eyes since last winter.

Now, over 220 thousand people are dead. One of them is my favorite aunt.

We learn that at least over 132 thousand people wouldn't have died if trump had followed his own heath experts and did what Canada did. Or if he did what Germany did we would have saved over 179 thousand lives.

We were the leaders of the word. In just 4 years with trump we have become a laughing stock.

Hiding in your mothers basement again.

This is old news and total bullshit. We know that because it is Columbia University.
I'm not surprised with this article. We watched it all happen before our eyes since last winter.

Now, over 220 thousand people are dead. One of them is my favorite aunt.

We learn that at least over 132 thousand people wouldn't have died if trump had followed his own heath experts and did what Canada did. Or if he did what Germany did we would have saved over 179 thousand lives.

We were the leaders of the word. In just 4 years with trump we have become a laughing stock.

A student spouts an opinion and trump is a murderer. Typical half baked logic from the left
That people get Covid is by far more their own fault than it is any politician's.
Masks, social distancing & lockdown mandates are not only a violation of our rights, they have also never been proven to stop a viral spread. Shocker!
This statement is obviously false. Look at Mainland China, Taiwan, South Korea. Of course there they also used flexible quarantines, electronic tracking and phone apps — measures U.S. governments and people refuse to even consider. Our Federal structure, distrust of government, insane political polarization and lack of social solidarity are obstacles ANY politician would face in dealing with this or any future contagious threat.

Everybody knows wearing a mask and social distancing is inconvenient. Nobody enjoys making such sacrifices. But our President has set a terrible example, from consciously lying to us about the seriousness of the threat to calling this a war and himself the General in charge, to dominating the daily press conferences with idiotic comments, all while not even wearing his own mask. Trump encouraged resistance to elected officials in Democratic states and divided the country unnecessarily ... as he always does. The severe economic disruption in the U.S., as well as the number of deaths here, would have been less — but probably still relatively high — had Trump just set a good example himself and allowed CDC spokesmen to take the lead.

Trump and all of us have certain responsibilities. Everybody agrees that so called “permanent lockdowns” are unsustainable. But there is no sense in denying that Trump campaign rallies where thousands do not wear masks are dangerous. Or that masks and social distancing and hand washing, etc., are important in slowing the spread of the pandemic and saving lives.
Masks, social distancing & lockdown mandates are not only a violation of our rights, they have also never been proven to stop a viral spread. Shocker!
This statement is obviously false. Look at Mainland China, Taiwan, South Korea. Of course there they also used flexible quarantines, electronic tracking and phone apps — measures U.S. governments and people refuse to even consider. Our Federal structure, distrust of government, insane political polarization and lack of social solidarity are obstacles ANY politician would face in dealing with this or any future contagious threat.

Everybody knows wearing a mask and social distancing is inconvenient. Nobody enjoys making such sacrifices. But our President has set a terrible example, from consciously lying to us about the seriousness of the threat to calling this a war and himself the General in charge, to dominating the daily press conferences with idiotic comments, all while not even wearing his own mask. Trump encouraged resistance to elected officials in Democratic states and divided the country unnecessarily ... as he always does. The severe economic disruption in the U.S., as well as the number of deaths here, would have been less — but probably still relatively high — had Trump just set a good example himself and allowed CDC spokesmen to take the lead.

Trump and all of us have certain responsibilities. Everybody agrees that so called “permanent lockdowns” are unsustainable. But there is no sense in denying that Trump campaign rallies where thousands do not wear masks are dangerous. Or that masks and social distancing and hand washing, etc., are important in slowing the spread of the pandemic and saving lives.
I got as far as your repusive reference to China as the political system we shoud emulate.

He spoke of RIGHTS and you responded by supporting the very antithesis thereof.
Masks, social distancing & lockdown mandates are not only a violation of our rights, they have also never been proven to stop a viral spread. Shocker!
This statement is obviously false. Look at Mainland China, Taiwan, South Korea. Of course there they also used flexible quarantines, electronic tracking and phone apps — measures U.S. governments and people refuse to even consider. Our Federal structure, distrust of government, insane political polarization and lack of social solidarity are obstacles ANY politician would face in dealing with this or any future contagious threat.

Everybody knows wearing a mask and social distancing is inconvenient. Nobody enjoys making such sacrifices. But our President has set a terrible example, from consciously lying to us about the seriousness of the threat to calling this a war and himself the General in charge, to dominating the daily press conferences with idiotic comments, all while not even wearing his own mask. Trump encouraged resistance to elected officials in Democratic states and divided the country unnecessarily ... as he always does. The severe economic disruption in the U.S., as well as the number of deaths here, would have been less — but probably still relatively high — had Trump just set a good example himself and allowed CDC spokesmen to take the lead.

Trump and all of us have certain responsibilities. Everybody agrees that so called “permanent lockdowns” are unsustainable. But there is no sense in denying that Trump campaign rallies where thousands do not wear masks are dangerous. Or that masks and social distancing and hand washing, etc., are important in slowing the spread of the pandemic and saving lives.
I got as far as your repusive reference to China as the political system we shoud emulate.

He spoke of RIGHTS and you responded by supporting the very antithesis thereof.
More stupidity on your part. I spoke of China AND Taiwan and South Korea, and I said nothing about “emulating.” But when assholes attack basic sanitary and anti-pandemic measures, even making up lies about the supposed ineffectiveness of measures that have worked, there is something very wrong. We CAN learn something from Asian societies in this matter.

The U.S. can without doubt survive this virus pandemic, even if there are no vaccines, because Covid-19 effects mostly older people and its lethality is not especially high. But without preparing, without learning proper lessons and good habits from this pandemic, we will certainly not be ready for future epidemics — or possible real biological terrorism.

Certain crowded urban societies in Asia did much better than we did, recovered economically faster, adopted more flexible and scientific measures, had less chaotic political responses, actually came out of this experience stronger and more confident. Suppose the next pandemic has lethality like Ebola? Will you guys still be yelling about your individual rights and refusing to wear masks?
I'm not surprised with this article. We watched it all happen before our eyes since last winter.

Now, over 220 thousand people are dead. One of them is my favorite aunt.

We learn that at least over 132 thousand people wouldn't have died if trump had followed his own heath experts and did what Canada did. Or if he did what Germany did we would have saved over 179 thousand lives.

We were the leaders of the word. In just 4 years with trump we have become a laughing stock.

lol!!! Good one. I would think it would be hard to satirize how silly these lefties are, with the panic mongering, but you managed to pull it off.
This statement is obviously false.
Except what I said is absolutely true. Facts are stubborn & they don't care about your feelings.
From the CDC, May 2020: "In this review, we did not find evidence to support a protective effect of personal protective measures or environmental measures in reducing influenza transmission."
You can wear a face diaper or do anything you want if it helps your panic porn. It's a free country. However, don't ever presume to tell the rest of us what to do, particularly when you have no facts to back you up.
Masks, social distancing & lockdown mandates are not only a violation of our rights, they have also never been proven to stop a viral spread. Shocker!
This statement is obviously false. Look at Mainland China, Taiwan, South Korea. Of course there they also used flexible quarantines, electronic tracking and phone apps — measures U.S. governments and people refuse to even consider. Our Federal structure, distrust of government, insane political polarization and lack of social solidarity are obstacles ANY politician would face in dealing with this or any future contagious threat.

Everybody knows wearing a mask and social distancing is inconvenient. Nobody enjoys making such sacrifices. But our President has set a terrible example, from consciously lying to us about the seriousness of the threat to calling this a war and himself the General in charge, to dominating the daily press conferences with idiotic comments, all while not even wearing his own mask. Trump encouraged resistance to elected officials in Democratic states and divided the country unnecessarily ... as he always does. The severe economic disruption in the U.S., as well as the number of deaths here, would have been less — but probably still relatively high — had Trump just set a good example himself and allowed CDC spokesmen to take the lead.

Trump and all of us have certain responsibilities. Everybody agrees that so called “permanent lockdowns” are unsustainable. But there is no sense in denying that Trump campaign rallies where thousands do not wear masks are dangerous. Or that masks and social distancing and hand washing, etc., are important in slowing the spread of the pandemic and saving lives.
I got as far as your repusive reference to China as the political system we shoud emulate.

He spoke of RIGHTS and you responded by supporting the very antithesis thereof.
More stupidity on your part. I spoke of China AND Taiwan and South Korea, and I said nothing about “emulating.” But when assholes attack basic sanitary and anti-pandemic measures, even making up lies about the supposed ineffectiveness of measures that have worked, there is something very wrong. We CAN learn something from Asian societies in this matter.

The U.S. can without doubt survive this virus pandemic, even if there are no vaccines, because Covid-19 effects mostly older people and its lethality is not especially high. But without preparing, without learning proper lessons and good habits from this pandemic, we will certainly not be ready for future epidemics — or possible real biological terrorism.

Certain crowded urban societies in Asia did much better than we did, recovered economically faster, adopted more flexible and scientific measures, had less chaotic political responses, actually came out of this experience stronger and more confident. Suppose the next pandemic has lethality like Ebola? Will you guys still be yelling about your individual rights and refusing to wear masks?
You obviously hate the principles upon which this country is built..

What is your official position within the communist Chinese government?
Masks, social distancing & lockdown mandates are not only a violation of our rights, they have also never been proven to stop a viral spread. Shocker!
This statement is obviously false. Look at Mainland China, Taiwan, South Korea. Of course there they also used flexible quarantines, electronic tracking and phone apps — measures U.S. governments and people refuse to even consider. Our Federal structure, distrust of government, insane political polarization and lack of social solidarity are obstacles ANY politician would face in dealing with this or any future contagious threat.

Everybody knows wearing a mask and social distancing is inconvenient. Nobody enjoys making such sacrifices. But our President has set a terrible example, from consciously lying to us about the seriousness of the threat to calling this a war and himself the General in charge, to dominating the daily press conferences with idiotic comments, all while not even wearing his own mask. Trump encouraged resistance to elected officials in Democratic states and divided the country unnecessarily ... as he always does. The severe economic disruption in the U.S., as well as the number of deaths here, would have been less — but probably still relatively high — had Trump just set a good example himself and allowed CDC spokesmen to take the lead.

Trump and all of us have certain responsibilities. Everybody agrees that so called “permanent lockdowns” are unsustainable. But there is no sense in denying that Trump campaign rallies where thousands do not wear masks are dangerous. Or that masks and social distancing and hand washing, etc., are important in slowing the spread of the pandemic and saving lives.
It seems just about anytime government requires people to do something they don't want to do, they claim their constitution rights are being violated. For example, prohibition, income taxes, sales taxes, the draft, etc. And yes, a court in Florida has ruled a mask ordinance is constitution. A Florida judge ruled that “no constitutional right is infringed by the Mask Ordinance’s mandate … and that the requirement to wear such a covering has a clear rational basis based on the protection of public health.” Stopping and controlling an epidemic always requires the public to do things they don't like such as wearing masks, social distancing, quarantining, and shutting down schools and business. There have been many countries with large and small populations that have been very successful controlling this virus and in nearly every case it has been because of strong national leadership and the people willing to follow the guidelines and mandates. Unfortunately, the US is not one of them.

Leadership in Washington has just reached a new low with Trump's Chief of Staff announcing that they will not control the virus because it's contagious. I'm not sure whether this statement is stupid or just insane, probably both.
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I'm not surprised with this article. We watched it all happen before our eyes since last winter.

Now, over 220 thousand people are dead. One of them is my favorite aunt.

We learn that at least over 132 thousand people wouldn't have died if trump had followed his own heath experts and did what Canada did. Or if he did what Germany did we would have saved over 179 thousand lives.

We were the leaders of the word. In just 4 years with trump we have become a laughing stock.

hopefully, you didnt listen to the douche pig-lousy and go to chinatown. blame this botox bitch, this is the twat that didnt want to shut the country down until after a foreign countries celebration. did you forget that your leader said to do it? and when TRUMP wanted to they all cried he was a xenophobe, that tells me the demonrat scum is to blame.
Masks, social distancing & lockdown mandates are not only a violation of our rights, they have also never been proven to stop a viral spread. Shocker!
This statement is obviously false. Look at Mainland China, Taiwan, South Korea. Of course there they also used flexible quarantines, electronic tracking and phone apps — measures U.S. governments and people refuse to even consider. Our Federal structure, distrust of government, insane political polarization and lack of social solidarity are obstacles ANY politician would face in dealing with this or any future contagious threat.

Everybody knows wearing a mask and social distancing is inconvenient. Nobody enjoys making such sacrifices. But our President has set a terrible example, from consciously lying to us about the seriousness of the threat to calling this a war and himself the General in charge, to dominating the daily press conferences with idiotic comments, all while not even wearing his own mask. Trump encouraged resistance to elected officials in Democratic states and divided the country unnecessarily ... as he always does. The severe economic disruption in the U.S., as well as the number of deaths here, would have been less — but probably still relatively high — had Trump just set a good example himself and allowed CDC spokesmen to take the lead.

Trump and all of us have certain responsibilities. Everybody agrees that so called “permanent lockdowns” are unsustainable. But there is no sense in denying that Trump campaign rallies where thousands do not wear masks are dangerous. Or that masks and social distancing and hand washing, etc., are important in slowing the spread of the pandemic and saving lives.
It seems just about anytime government requires people to do something they don't want to do, they claim their constitution rights are being violated. For example, prohibition, income taxes, sales taxes, the draft, etc. And yes, a court in Florida has ruled a mask ordinance is constitution. A Florida judge ruled that “no constitutional right is infringed by the Mask Ordinance’s mandate … and that the requirement to wear such a covering has a clear rational basis based on the protection of public health.” Stopping and controlling an epidemic always requires the public to do things they don't like such as wearing masks, social distancing, quarantining, and shutting down schools and business. There have been many countries with large and small populations that have been very successful controlling this virus and in nearly every case it has been because of strong national leadership and the people willing to follow the guidelines and mandates. Unfortunately, the US is not one of them.

Leadership in Washington has just reached a new low with Trump's Chief of Staff announcing that they will not control the virus because it's contagious. I'm not sure whether this statement is stupid or just insane, probably both.
to anybody that cant think for themselves, its bad. for those of us that are allowed to use our brains, we just take precautions, instead of throwing blame. and, we go on with our lives instead of listening to the BS coming out of the evil, vile, scum of the demonrats, like you idiots are told to do.
That people get Covid is by far more their own fault than it is any politician's.
Agree, but it's neither of their fault because this thing is a microbe that picks and chooses it victim's without being manipulated in to doing so by any human. You can wear mask, use hand sanitizer, lysol the room, hide in the basement, but if it's your turn then all of that just flew out the window. I got it, and I like many we were taking the proper precautions, but got it anyway. No one in my family got it, and even my wife after unknowingly being around me before I knew I had it didn't get it. Thank God.

Anyways I got the symptoms enough to say uhhhh I better go get tested, and well whatta ya know I had it. Lost my smell, taste, had fever, chills shortness of breath, and was given a light prescription to battle it in my quarantine. It wasn't all that fancy stuff that others got for it, but with a combination of the light prescription, and other things I did to battle it, then it finally lifted up off of me.
I'm wondering why so many anti-maskers are so sure that wearing masks are useless. I opt on the side of being safe since it may be the difference between life and death for the user (me)and also for the person on the other end of the unfiltered cough or heavy breath. It's consideration for others.
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I'm wondering why so many anti-maskers are so sure that wearing masks are useless. I opt on the side of being safe since it may be the difference between life and death for the user (me)and also for the person on the other end of the unfiltered cough or heavy breath. It's consideration for others.
Wear it if you think you need to, because like you say it's your life, and you are going to take precautions in the situation. Forcing other's to do what you do isn't the right thing to do. Like I said, I did it all and still got it, so it was just my time. Made it thank God, and I still take precautions but that's just me. If healthy, and not sick, then it's up to you to do what you think keeps you safe, but telling others to follow suit or else, uhhh isn't the right thing to do.
I'm not surprised with this article. We watched it all happen before our eyes since last winter.

Now, over 220 thousand people are dead. One of them is my favorite aunt.

We learn that at least over 132 thousand people wouldn't have died if trump had followed his own heath experts and did what Canada did. Or if he did what Germany did we would have saved over 179 thousand lives.

We were the leaders of the word. In just 4 years with trump we have become a laughing stock.

Here, stupid, gullible, easily led by the MSM person

I was going to post this to dumbass billy's earlier idiot comment, but the USMB servers were down.



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