He is still running loose, who is protecting him

The shooter has dropped off the news radar. That will result in him being caught. These guys ALL eventually screw up and get captured.
I want that AK, and a hundred round drum, every fifth a tracer, every fourth an armor-piercing. You could hold off a platoon of pansy left gun-grabbers for a week with that baby.

Tracers give your position away and a drum mag takes several minutes to reload you dickless fucking clerk. :tomato:
If that fellow has good survival skills, and has gone to the ground, with supplies put up months ahead, he could stay out of sight for months. Eventually, he will do something that will atract attention, and he will stand in court.
I want that AK, and a hundred round drum, every fifth a tracer, every fourth an armor-piercing. You could hold off a platoon of pansy left gun-grabbers for a week with that baby.

Tracers give your position away and a drum mag takes several minutes to reload you dickless fucking clerk. :tomato:
Drum feeds were not on AK's. Drum feeds were Chinese made shit. 'Drums' were not reloaded pal......Not when in a fire-fight unless you were VC and had a dozen toothless old grannies doing it. They were changed out. If a drum jammed it was immediately ejected and a new drum was positioned. BTW. Those drums were later picked up and the little old grannies knew just where to file to remove the poor casting/pressing flaws.
These 'fixed' drums had a special punch mark on them telling the VC soldier the drum was OK for combat.
The CIA picked up on this and tried to punch OK symbols on the drums they knew were defective. But that didn't work b/c the VC had informers within the CIA. Soon there were drums all over the place with multiple punches. From the very beginning the VC had 'played' the CIA. The drums that were genuine were punched allright but the real proof the drum was genuine was always kept a secret.
I want that AK, and a hundred round drum, every fifth a tracer, every fourth an armor-piercing. You could hold off a platoon of pansy left gun-grabbers for a week with that baby.

Tracers give your position away and a drum mag takes several minutes to reload you dickless fucking clerk. :tomato:

Shut the hell up, queer. What the fuck would you know about small arms and combat? Here fag, ponder our T-shirt design for the April reunion. Yes, I know the reality of something you only fantasize about will cause you to scream like a little bitch, poop in your panties, and go run and hide under your bed, but grit your teeth and try to be a man just once in your life.

happy days.jpg
Drum feeds were not on AK's. Drum feeds were Chinese made shit. 'Drums' were not reloaded pal......Not when in a fire-fight unless you were VC and had a dozen toothless old grannies doing it. They were changed out. If a drum jammed it was immediately ejected and a new drum was positioned. BTW. Those drums were later picked up and the little old grannies knew just where to file to remove the poor casting/pressing flaws.
These 'fixed' drums had a special punch mark on them telling the VC soldier the drum was OK for combat.
The CIA picked up on this and tried to punch OK symbols on the drums they knew were defective. But that didn't work b/c the VC had informers within the CIA. Soon there were drums all over the place with multiple punches. From the very beginning the VC had 'played' the CIA. The drums that were genuine were punched allright but the real proof the drum was genuine was always kept a secret.

First off I ain't your pal.....my reply was to the pussy Sweetnam....you might try reading more slowly next time. Since I was 1st Cav AC/AM during Tet in '68, I reckon I saw as many drum mags as you might have....very few actually because their "grannies" were not reloading during combat operations. The drum mags are mostly a joke....too long to reload, makes rifle barrels too hot, prone to jamming, and cumbersome in thick brush, same as 30 round conventional mags. Since I was also was on a LRRP team, I can tell the readers here that the VC did NOT have "informants" inside the CIA....total fantasy from the SOF magazine crowd.
Shut the hell up, queer. What the fuck would you know about small arms and combat? Here fag, ponder our T-shirt design for the April reunion. Yes, I know the reality of something you only fantasize about will cause you to scream like a little bitch, poop in your panties, and go run and hide under your bed, but grit your teeth and try to be a man just once in your life.

Says the dounut dolly with the chipped teeth.....notorious around the cathouses in Saigon for wounding REMF tiny tools. :laugh:
Drum feeds were not on AK's. Drum feeds were Chinese made shit. 'Drums' were not reloaded pal......Not when in a fire-fight unless you were VC and had a dozen toothless old grannies doing it. They were changed out. If a drum jammed it was immediately ejected and a new drum was positioned. BTW. Those drums were later picked up and the little old grannies knew just where to file to remove the poor casting/pressing flaws.
These 'fixed' drums had a special punch mark on them telling the VC soldier the drum was OK for combat.
The CIA picked up on this and tried to punch OK symbols on the drums they knew were defective. But that didn't work b/c the VC had informers within the CIA. Soon there were drums all over the place with multiple punches. From the very beginning the VC had 'played' the CIA. The drums that were genuine were punched allright but the real proof the drum was genuine was always kept a secret.

First off I ain't your pal.....my reply was to the pussy Sweetnam....you might try reading more slowly next time. Since I was 1st Cav AC/AM during Tet in '68, I reckon I saw as many drum mags as you might have....very few actually because their "grannies" were not reloading during combat operations. The drum mags are mostly a joke....too long to reload, makes rifle barrels too hot, prone to jamming, and cumbersome in thick brush, same as 30 round conventional mags. Since I was also was on a LRRP team, I can tell the readers here that the VC did NOT have "informants" inside the CIA....total fantasy from the SOF magazine crowd.

Now you were in the army? Weren't you a marine a few posts back? It's hard to keep things straight when you spend your life bullshitting, huh? What's your real name, and your unit? Why are you so scared shitless to let me check you out, poser? Fucking coward.
No one has to be helping him. This idiot is living out his dream, he's been prepping for this for years, honing skills, and maybe even placing supplies throughout the operating area.

The biggest risk now is a bunch of hunters blundering into him, and not being prepared for it.

If I was a hunter I'd make sure I had a CCW for a handgun, and maybe a semi-auto rifle with me along with my hunting rifle.
Now you were in the army? Weren't you a marine a few posts back? It's hard to keep things straight when you spend your life bullshitting, huh? What's your real name, and your unit? Why are you so scared shitless to let me check you out, poser? Fucking coward.

Always been 1st Squadron, 7th Regiment ya lying sack of shit. I explained the BullKurtz character a few weeks back after the post where you called rifle magazines "clips". :laugh2: Your little pal claimed there were no USMC at the Nha Trang Recondo school.....I'd imagine you now know better than that....I had two Marines on my team, you sorry c*nt.

BTW, for those readers still confused, "BullKurtz" was a character I invented years ago on another board. He was based on a DI I had at Benning.
I want that AK, and a hundred round drum, every fifth a tracer, every fourth an armor-piercing. You could hold off a platoon of pansy left gun-grabbers for a week with that baby.

Tracers give your position away and a drum mag takes several minutes to reload you dickless fucking clerk. :tomato:

Yeah,bad thing about those tracers. And one of the reasons why gunners had a short life span.
I want that AK, and a hundred round drum, every fifth a tracer, every fourth an armor-piercing. You could hold off a platoon of pansy left gun-grabbers for a week with that baby.

Tracers give your position away and a drum mag takes several minutes to reload you dickless fucking clerk. :tomato:

Yeah,bad thing about those tracers. And one of the reasons why gunners had a short life span.

Kinda defeats the purpose of a muzzle flash-suppressor, eh? Now with a PUFF mini-gun, night shooting served not only a target acquisition purpose to help a spotter, but is terrifying to see and devastating to be under.
I want that AK, and a hundred round drum, every fifth a tracer, every fourth an armor-piercing. You could hold off a platoon of pansy left gun-grabbers for a week with that baby.

Tracers give your position away and a drum mag takes several minutes to reload you dickless fucking clerk. :tomato:

Yeah,bad thing about those tracers. And one of the reasons why gunners had a short life span.

Kinda defeats the purpose of a muzzle flash-suppressor, eh? Now with a PUFF mini-gun, night shooting served not only a target acquisition purpose to help a spotter, but is terrifying to see and devastating to be under.

Yeah..petty sure "Stealthy" aint on the agenda when your talking mini guns.
Love the sound of those things,it's right up there with the sound of the 30 mm GAU-8 Avenger rotary cannon.....like a giant zipper.

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