He LOOKS like a He. Wow.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Transgender couple fights for equality in US Armed Forces - AOL.com

And he said it best. "Body is assigned male or female. I was assigned as female at birth but my MIND said male. So that is what I became. Male."

However, his mate was assigned as male when he was born, but is now female. She does not look like a She to me.

This is kinda confusing.

Anyway...from the link (but I encourage you to watch the vid):

After telling his commander about his situation, he risked being discharged from the Air Force. Being a transgender in the US armed forces comes with a lot of secrecy. Even though Logan shares a bathroom with another male, he keeps his hormone shots and medical prescriptions hidden in a safe container. He takes his shots every Friday, and he's made sure to have his prescription next to his shots so that the legality of the substances are never questioned. When other guys ask him about being a transgender, Logan explains it as the mind not being aligned with the body.

Although the gender norms and judgement have created hardship for Logan, being in the Air Force has actually provided Logan with a safe haven. "Here in Afghanistan, a war zone, it's like a vacation to me because I can be myself," he said.

The day after Logan told his sergeant that he was transgender, he was called into the unit chief's office for an unexpected meeting. Logan was pleasantly surprised. The chief told him that they had his back "150 percent," and he even suggested to Logan that he should get rid of his female 'blues'--a formal army attire--and trade them in for male ones.

Logan's fiancée, Laila Villanueva, is also a transgender, and she was originally assigned to the male gender. Laila, who is stationed in Honolulu, Hawaii, has worked in healthcare management for the Army for 12 years, but she still faces issues and criticism. Army officials still correct patients when they use female pronouns for Laila, asking them to call her a male. This causes pain and frustration for Laila. "There shouldn't be any problem for us to serve openly," she said.
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The vid is great. Its still confusing but...they are harming nobody, so this gender thing shouldn't be so..well...stuck in a box?
She does not look like a She to me.

I saw nothing in the least bit masculine about her. She was completely feminine.

But what difference do looks make?

There are plenty of straights males who appear feminine and females with masculine characteristics.

This is about them as people, not appearances.

And yes, I :salute: both of them and the 15,500 other transgenders who are serving in the military.
Transgender couple fights for equality in US Armed Forces - AOL.com

And he said it best. "Body is assigned male or female. I was assigned as female at birth but my MIND said male. So that is what I became. Male."

However, his mate was assigned as male when he was born, but is now female. She does not look like a She to me.

This is kinda confusing.

Anyway...from the link (but I encourage you to watch the vid):

After telling his commander about his situation, he risked being discharged from the Air Force. Being a transgender in the US armed forces comes with a lot of secrecy. Even though Logan shares a bathroom with another male, he keeps his hormone shots and medical prescriptions hidden in a safe container. He takes his shots every Friday, and he's made sure to have his prescription next to his shots so that the legality of the substances are never questioned. When other guys ask him about being a transgender, Logan explains it as the mind not being aligned with the body.

Although the gender norms and judgement have created hardship for Logan, being in the Air Force has actually provided Logan with a safe haven. "Here in Afghanistan, a war zone, it's like a vacation to me because I can be myself," he said.

The day after Logan told his sergeant that he was transgender, he was called into the unit chief's office for an unexpected meeting. Logan was pleasantly surprised. The chief told him that they had his back "150 percent," and he even suggested to Logan that he should get rid of his female 'blues'--a formal army attire--and trade them in for male ones.

Logan's fiancée, Laila Villanueva, is also a transgender, and she was originally assigned to the male gender. Laila, who is stationed in Honolulu, Hawaii, has worked in healthcare management for the Army for 12 years, but she still faces issues and criticism. Army officials still correct patients when they use female pronouns for Laila, asking them to call her a male. This causes pain and frustration for Laila. "There shouldn't be any problem for us to serve openly," she said.

Have to agree,I had to go back and read the title several times to convince myself.
That ...em,whatever it was,looked like a straight up dude.
Emmm she ..uh ..he ..err,ah is on some serious kinda pharmaceuticals.
He was born a she. She was born a he. They swapped genders. Met. Fell in love. So..they are really straight. Right? Say they didn't have surgeries and just dressed as the opposite gender. They would still be heterosexuals.
Anyway...if he and she are doing their jobs, what is the fuss? Good luck to both of them, says I.
That vid of both of them should be the top representative of what transgender is, so more can understand. It sure helped me get an inkling of what they had to go thru and are still going thru.

I can't even begin to imagine my brain saying I am one gender but my body shows the opposite.
That Logan guy should have received the ESPN award for courage. Oh. Wait. He isn't in sports. He just puts his life on the line every day. What has Jenner done in the past 40 years?

If the LGBT need a hero..Logan is the one they should focus on as their spokesperson.

I think (and its just my opinion), that too much emphasis is on hollywood fucktards and THAT is why most don't understand transgenders..or WANT to know. Maybe that vid and Logan and Laila will reach those that refuse to open their minds.

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