"He thinks he's a builder, but he's a destroyer of everything he touches," Biden said.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 73486
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This coming from Joe the plagiarizer Biden ?

Who destroyed Bork with a smear campaign before the senate hearings.

That fuckwad ?

Who is now 78 and out of his tiny mind ?

So he can't remember who he raped ?

That Joe......
A woman who was 13 years old at the time fondly recounts her summer with Trump:
Defendant Trump had sexual contact with me at four different parties in the summer of 1994. On the fourth and final sexual encounter with Defendant Trump, Defendant Trump tied me to a bed, exposed himself to me, and then proceeded to forcibly rape me. During the course of this savage sexual attack, I loudly pleaded with Defendant Trump to stop but he did not. Defendant Trump responded to my pleas by violently striking me in the face with his open hand and screaming that he would do whatever he wanted,

Immediately following this rape, Defendant Trump threatened me that, were I ever to reveal any of the details of Defendant Trump’s sexual and physical abuse of me, my family and I wold be physically harmed if not killed.

Please tell me when the trial starts.

Was this the same woman who accused Kavennaugh.....:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
This is the best Biden quote I've heard yet -- keep 'em coming Grandpa Joe!
I believe Creepy Sleepy Senile Old Joe was speaking of HIMSELF, in the third person, when he uttered this crap. If ANYONE knows about touching, groping, hair-sniffing, or finger-banging, it's Joe. Would YOU trust this geezer around YOUR kids, wife, or sister? I didn't THINK so.........
We have the worst businessman in modern history as president. He is expected to rebuild the economy. I'd laugh if the situation wasn't so dire. He couldn't build the economy of a small family owned business after being given a billion dollars(in todays money) by his father. Now he is expected to rebuild the economy of a nation of over 330 million people.

Not going to happen. There will be no economic turn around before the next election no matter how much trump wants to open up the country. He has less than 6 months to return the economy to what it was before.
Everything Trump touches dies.
And it will come to those days that obnoxious arrogant Prog women will have their tongues cut out or their jaws removed. But many kept alive as beasts of burden in the brave new world they themselves helped to create. As their ways of self destruction is imprinted in their own design as a living being that gaia made them of.
We have the worst businessman in modern history as president. He is expected to rebuild the economy. I'd laugh if the situation wasn't so dire. He couldn't build the economy of a small family owned business after being given a billion dollars(in todays money) by his father. Now he is expected to rebuild the economy of a nation of over 330 million people.

Not going to happen. There will be no economic turn around before the next election no matter how much trump wants to open up the country. He has less than 6 months to return the economy to what it was before.

I love how leftists keep increasing the amount of money Trump received from his father in their little fantasy world. Come election time I firmly expect it to be a bajillion dollars.
We have the worst businessman in modern history as president. He is expected to rebuild the economy. I'd laugh if the situation wasn't so dire. He couldn't build the economy of a small family owned business after being given a billion dollars(in todays money) by his father. Now he is expected to rebuild the economy of a nation of over 330 million people.

Not going to happen. There will be no economic turn around before the next election no matter how much trump wants to open up the country. He has less than 6 months to return the economy to what it was before.

I love how leftists keep increasing the amount of money Trump received from his father in their little fantasy world. Come election time I firmly expect it to be a bajillion dollars.
Trump was given 500 million in 1976. In todays dollars that equals over 2.2 billion.
We have the worst businessman in modern history as president. He is expected to rebuild the economy. I'd laugh if the situation wasn't so dire. He couldn't build the economy of a small family owned business after being given a billion dollars(in todays money) by his father. Now he is expected to rebuild the economy of a nation of over 330 million people.

Not going to happen. There will be no economic turn around before the next election no matter how much trump wants to open up the country. He has less than 6 months to return the economy to what it was before.

I love how leftists keep increasing the amount of money Trump received from his father in their little fantasy world. Come election time I firmly expect it to be a bajillion dollars.
Trump was given 500 million in 1976. In todays dollars that equals over 2.2 billion.
Tens of trillions of dollars and tens of trillions more given to inner city men and women. From federal, state, local, city and regional governments. Free education, free meals and so much more also. In all of this, to promote personal responsibility is regarded as some form of racial hatred. The war on poverty is lost. The poverty game is permanent. With the poverty/poverty service state now a reality that will end when the economy finally tanks. And we may be close to it. Then we will see where we are at. Get the baby food for the wailing and crying will be loud with help a hundred times more difficult.
We have the worst businessman in modern history as president. He is expected to rebuild the economy. I'd laugh if the situation wasn't so dire. He couldn't build the economy of a small family owned business after being given a billion dollars(in todays money) by his father. Now he is expected to rebuild the economy of a nation of over 330 million people.

Not going to happen. There will be no economic turn around before the next election no matter how much trump wants to open up the country. He has less than 6 months to return the economy to what it was before.

You are giving Trump 6 months to return the economy to what it was before. Should the Democrats win in November, how long are you going to give them to return the economy to what it was before? The reality is that in 2008, the Democrats inherited a rough economy and they spent most of the 8 years blaming Bush and the Republicans in Congress. We don’t need excuses and blame. We tried that for 8 years with Obama.

What are Democrats going to do different than Trump to return the economy to what it was before?
We have the worst businessman in modern history as president. He is expected to rebuild the economy. I'd laugh if the situation wasn't so dire. He couldn't build the economy of a small family owned business after being given a billion dollars(in todays money) by his father. Now he is expected to rebuild the economy of a nation of over 330 million people.

Not going to happen. There will be no economic turn around before the next election no matter how much trump wants to open up the country. He has less than 6 months to return the economy to what it was before.

You are giving Trump 6 months to return the economy to what it was before. Should the Democrats win in November, how long are you going to give them to return the economy to what it was before? The reality is that in 2008, the Democrats inherited a rough economy and they spent most of the 8 years blaming Bush and the Republicans in Congress. We don’t need excuses and blame. We tried that for 8 years with Obama.

What are Democrats going to do different than Trump to return the economy to what it was before?

I get tired of you trifling ass republicans and your bullshit. You guys gave trump credit for turning around the economy in the first quarter of 2017 after he had been in office less than 2 months. He also gave himself credit for doing the same. So given that, he has 6 months to turn around the economy which should be no problem for a man who did it in less than 2.

Obama inherited a dead economy that was Bushs fault and the republicans did slow and inhibit the economic recovery.



This fall’s presidential campaign will offer conflicting narratives about how the U.S. economy is faring and how well incumbent policymakers have managed the recovery from the Great Recession. But we already know the story. We are enduring one of the slowest economic recoveries in recent history, and the pace can be entirely explained by the fiscal austerity, particularly with regard to spending, imposed by Republican policymakers, members of Congress primarily but also legislators and governors at the state level.


So if Democrats win, whatever time it's going to take is what it will take. Because democrats did not sit on our asses lying about creating an economy when they didn't do so, and they did not make claims like the ones you have made in this post that are based upon bullshit right wing lies. And if you want to see how Biden is going to do things he has a website.
We have the worst businessman in modern history as president. He is expected to rebuild the economy. I'd laugh if the situation wasn't so dire. He couldn't build the economy of a small family owned business after being given a billion dollars(in todays money) by his father. Now he is expected to rebuild the economy of a nation of over 330 million people.

Not going to happen. There will be no economic turn around before the next election no matter how much trump wants to open up the country. He has less than 6 months to return the economy to what it was before.

I love how leftists keep increasing the amount of money Trump received from his father in their little fantasy world. Come election time I firmly expect it to be a bajillion dollars.
Trump was given 500 million in 1976. In todays dollars that equals over 2.2 billion.
Tens of trillions of dollars and tens of trillions more given to inner city men and women. From federal, state, local, city and regional governments. Free education, free meals and so much more also. In all of this, to promote personal responsibility is regarded as some form of racial hatred. The war on poverty is lost. The poverty game is permanent. With the poverty/poverty service state now a reality that will end when the economy finally tanks. And we may be close to it. Then we will see where we are at. Get the baby food for the wailing and crying will be loud with help a hundred times more difficult.

That didn't happen. When the war on poverty began, US poverty was 25 percent. It was 11 percent in 2018. So poverty was cut in more than half so the war on poverty was sucessful. Loser whites like you want to blame blacks for continued poverty when white racism in hiring and wages paid is why blacks continue living in double the poverty of whites. Trilions have not gone into the black community. So then take personal responsibility and work to end white racism.

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