He thinks they're tuning in to see him.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
Trump is bragging on Twitter about his coronavirus briefings getting lots of viewers
Increasingly, members of the media are concerned this large audience is being given dangerous, incorrect information.

President Donald Trump boasted about the ratings of his daily live news conferences on the coronavirus Sunday, and suggested that the large viewer numbers — rather than the misleading remarks he has made during them — are fueling discussions in the media about ending the practice of broadcasting them live and unfiltered.

“Because the ‘Ratings’ of my News Conferences etc. are so high, ‘Bachelor finale, Monday Night Football type numbers’ according to the [New York Times], the Lamestream Media is going CRAZY,” Trump tweeted Sunday afternoon.
This kind of behavior is what would land most people in front of professionals to get psychiatric care.
Bragging about ratings has been Trump's schtick since he started running, that is not new or news.
Constantly whining about Trump is not going to change any votes in November.
Trump's approval ratings are at his highest, so an incumbent has the advantage.
Maybe you should just quote polls that show Biden beating Trump by 9-points?
Trump is bragging on Twitter about his coronavirus briefings getting lots of viewers
Increasingly, members of the media are concerned this large audience is being given dangerous, incorrect information.

President Donald Trump boasted about the ratings of his daily live news conferences on the coronavirus Sunday, and suggested that the large viewer numbers — rather than the misleading remarks he has made during them — are fueling discussions in the media about ending the practice of broadcasting them live and unfiltered.

“Because the ‘Ratings’ of my News Conferences etc. are so high, ‘Bachelor finale, Monday Night Football type numbers’ according to the [New York Times], the Lamestream Media is going CRAZY,” Trump tweeted Sunday afternoon.
This kind of behavior is what would land most people in front of professionals to get psychiatric care.

He considers himself a War time Potus,
President Donald Trump boasted about the ratings of his daily live news conferences
he's locked us all in
what else do we have to do?
i can only talk to my goats for so long yanno....

He considers himself a War time Potus,
wake me up when we've a war on bullsh*t Pene....

"More and more each day, President Trump is using his daily briefings as a substitute for the campaign rallies that have been forced into extinction by the spread of the novel coronavirus.
These White House sessions — ostensibly meant to give the public critical and truthful information about this frightening crisis — are in fact working against that end.
Rather, they have become a daily stage for Trump to play his greatest hits to captive audience members. They come in search of life-or-death information, but here’s what they get from him instead:
Self-aggrandizement. When asked how he would grade his response to the crisis, the president said, “I’d rate it a 10.” Absurd on its face, of course, but effective enough as blatant propaganda

Media-bashing. When NBC News’s Peter Alexander lobbed him a softball question in Friday’s briefing — “What do you say to Americans who are scared?” — Trump went on a bizarre attack. “I say, you’re a terrible reporter,” the president said, launching into one of his trademark “fake news” rants bashing Alexander’s employer. (Meanwhile, he has also found time during these news briefings to lavish praise on sycophantic pro-Trump media like One America News Network, whose staffer — I can’t call her a reporter — invited him to justify his xenophobic talk of a “Chinese virus” by asking rhetorically if he considers the phrase “Chinese food” racist.)"
Trump is bragging on Twitter about his coronavirus briefings getting lots of viewers
Increasingly, members of the media are concerned this large audience is being given dangerous, incorrect information.

President Donald Trump boasted about the ratings of his daily live news conferences on the coronavirus Sunday, and suggested that the large viewer numbers — rather than the misleading remarks he has made during them — are fueling discussions in the media about ending the practice of broadcasting them live and unfiltered.

“Because the ‘Ratings’ of my News Conferences etc. are so high, ‘Bachelor finale, Monday Night Football type numbers’ according to the [New York Times], the Lamestream Media is going CRAZY,” Trump tweeted Sunday afternoon.
This kind of behavior is what would land most people in front of professionals to get psychiatric care.
You think people respond to your posts because they are important.

We respond to them because you post lies, and we love our country.

Go back to Wuhan and finish your rounds emptying bed pans and chamber pots.
He considers himself a War time Potus,
wake me up when we've a war on bullsh*t Pene....

"More and more each day, President Trump is using his daily briefings as a substitute for the campaign rallies that have been forced into extinction by the spread of the novel coronavirus.
These White House sessions — ostensibly meant to give the public critical and truthful information about this frightening crisis — are in fact working against that end.
Rather, they have become a daily stage for Trump to play his greatest hits to captive audience members. They come in search of life-or-death information, but here’s what they get from him instead:
Self-aggrandizement. When asked how he would grade his response to the crisis, the president said, “I’d rate it a 10.” Absurd on its face, of course, but effective enough as blatant propaganda

Media-bashing. When NBC News’s Peter Alexander lobbed him a softball question in Friday’s briefing — “What do you say to Americans who are scared?” — Trump went on a bizarre attack. “I say, you’re a terrible reporter,” the president said, launching into one of his trademark “fake news” rants bashing Alexander’s employer. (Meanwhile, he has also found time during these news briefings to lavish praise on sycophantic pro-Trump media like One America News Network, whose staffer — I can’t call her a reporter — invited him to justify his xenophobic talk of a “Chinese virus” by asking rhetorically if he considers the phrase “Chinese food” racist.)"

The washington post? Lol.
Bragging about ratings has been Trump's schtick since he started running, that is not new or news.
The normalization of behavior previously regarded as completely unacceptable is one of the more dangerous aspects of the Divider-in-Chief's presidency.
Everything Borg80 says, sounds like this:

Last edited:
Trump is bragging on Twitter about his coronavirus briefings getting lots of viewers
Increasingly, members of the media are concerned this large audience is being given dangerous, incorrect information.

President Donald Trump boasted about the ratings of his daily live news conferences on the coronavirus Sunday, and suggested that the large viewer numbers — rather than the misleading remarks he has made during them — are fueling discussions in the media about ending the practice of broadcasting them live and unfiltered.

“Because the ‘Ratings’ of my News Conferences etc. are so high, ‘Bachelor finale, Monday Night Football type numbers’ according to the [New York Times], the Lamestream Media is going CRAZY,” Trump tweeted Sunday afternoon.
This kind of behavior is what would land most people in front of professionals to get psychiatric care.

Just more TDS noise...You really should be sanctioned in here for spamming your butt hurt hate speech....(just putting in terms you understand.)
"In the interest of protecting the nation’s health, it is time to socially distance ourselves from the crazy things that President Trump keeps saying.
I’ve been an enthusiastic advocate of bringing back the daily White House briefings, which Trump’s team had basically quit holding some time around the middle of 2018. So I am relieved to see they have resumed and hope they will continue once the coronavirus crisis has passed.
But not the way they are being conducted now, which is as a substitute for the rallies Trump can no longer hold."
He considers himself a War time Potus,
wake me up when we've a war on bullsh*t Pene....

"More and more each day, President Trump is using his daily briefings as a substitute for the campaign rallies that have been forced into extinction by the spread of the novel coronavirus.
These White House sessions — ostensibly meant to give the public critical and truthful information about this frightening crisis — are in fact working against that end.
Rather, they have become a daily stage for Trump to play his greatest hits to captive audience members. They come in search of life-or-death information, but here’s what they get from him instead:
Self-aggrandizement. When asked how he would grade his response to the crisis, the president said, “I’d rate it a 10.” Absurd on its face, of course, but effective enough as blatant propaganda

Media-bashing. When NBC News’s Peter Alexander lobbed him a softball question in Friday’s briefing — “What do you say to Americans who are scared?” — Trump went on a bizarre attack. “I say, you’re a terrible reporter,” the president said, launching into one of his trademark “fake news” rants bashing Alexander’s employer. (Meanwhile, he has also found time during these news briefings to lavish praise on sycophantic pro-Trump media like One America News Network, whose staffer — I can’t call her a reporter — invited him to justify his xenophobic talk of a “Chinese virus” by asking rhetorically if he considers the phrase “Chinese food” racist.)"
...and democrats couldn't get to podiums fast enough during the impeachment fiasco
His ego is so big it makes every leftist twat spontaneously explode.
Your gleeful reaction to criticism of Dear Leader from the left is a mechanism by which you avoid having to react to his behavior yourself. Do you think it is acceptable for a prez to be bragging about how many people tune in to get info on the virus when he has used those opportunities to lie to the public?
Now would have been an excellent time for Trump to rise above the bullshit and finally become The President. He could have strolled to an easy reelection but he cannot do it. Hard partisan till the bitter end. He is ultimately a coward and true heroics are beyond him.
Trump is bragging on Twitter about his coronavirus briefings getting lots of viewers
Increasingly, members of the media are concerned this large audience is being given dangerous, incorrect information.

President Donald Trump boasted about the ratings of his daily live news conferences on the coronavirus Sunday, and suggested that the large viewer numbers — rather than the misleading remarks he has made during them — are fueling discussions in the media about ending the practice of broadcasting them live and unfiltered.

“Because the ‘Ratings’ of my News Conferences etc. are so high, ‘Bachelor finale, Monday Night Football type numbers’ according to the [New York Times], the Lamestream Media is going CRAZY,” Trump tweeted Sunday afternoon.
This kind of behavior is what would land most people in front of professionals to get psychiatric care.
Captive audience
...and democrats couldn't get to podiums fast enough during the impeachment fiasco
Your whataboutism fell flat. What Dem tweeted about the ratings of their TV appearances during the impeachment inquiry illegally stonewalled by Trump?

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