US poised to see record drop in yearly homicides

Still higher numbers then when Trump was in office....hence why, and I quote "The drop in homicides comes as more than three-quarters of Americans say there is more crime in the U.S. than a year ago and more than half of Americans say the same about crime in their local area, according to a Gallup poll released last month."

and why a record number of Americans are saying they are worse off then before Xiden was elected
Really? Post the numbers that show that. For example when Biden took office the unemployment rate was 6.3% today it is 3.5%. Give us solid numbers that make your point.
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You know what would dramatically lower the homicide rate?

If blacks would stop murdering other blacks in various inner city shitholes in places like Chicago.
How is that digging deep, when more whites were attacking Asians.

Then you should have no problem providing proof right?

Also, this conversation is about racially motivated crime against Asians by blacks. You want to talk about whities attacking Asians, start another thread instead of your usual yabbuttism.
So black racists get a pass and you expect conservatives to take blacks claim of racism seriously and you want to end racism.

Do explain your logic. This should be interesting.
Conservatives take it seriously. You right wing extremists are too stupid to understand and you dishonestly talk about black racism while disingenuously dismiss what white racism entails as compared to what you call black racism. Blacks who exhibit the behavior you call racism get no pass but there will be no comparison or equal weight given to that and the ability of whites to elect racists to make law, and in the case of trump, run for president. There is no equivalence between what you call black racism and voter suppression, banning books or subjects that tell the truth about American history, taking bullshit cases to the supreme court to end equal opportunity or this:

The quote below is written by members of the National Conference of Black Lawyers, the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, and the National Lawyers Guild as part of the Report of the International Commission of Inquiry on Systemic Racist Police Violence against People of African Descent in the U.S., on page sixteen:

“The Commissioners find a prima facie case of Crimes against Humanity warranting an investigation by the International Criminal Court (ICC). The crimes under the Rome Statute include: Murder, Severe Deprivation of Physical Liberty, Torture, Persecution of people of African descent, and other Inhumane Acts, which occurred in the context of a widespread or systematic attack directed against the civilian population of Black people in the U.S.”

From The Lancet:

“The burden of police violence fatalities in the USA is known to fall disproportionately on Black, Indigenous, and Hispanic populations. Recent studies suggest that over the life course, about one in every 1000 Black men are killed by the police in the USA, making them 2.5 times more likely to be killed by police than White men. Black women are about 1.4 times more likely to be killed by police than are White women. Systemic and direct racism, manifested in laws and policies as well as personal implicit biases, result in Black, Indigenous, and Hispanic Americans being the targets of police violence.”

When what you call black racism has these kinds of evaluations resulting from the behavior, I will talk about black racism. And when millions of blacks are doiing what Flash admitted to doing for 20 years in 2020:

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.

”Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid “affirmative action” hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental“diversity” demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic name is probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time. Glad I did it. I would do it again.”

I'll talk about black racism. Because blacks would never nominate Louis Farrakhan for President. He tried to form his own party in 1996 and could never get enough black support to get on a ballot. But whites nominated trump and got him elected and are trying to do so again. So when blacks support an extremist black racist for the higest office in the land and work to get him nominated, I'll talk about black racism.
Then you should have no problem providing proof right?

Also, this conversation is about racially motivated crime against Asians by blacks. You want to talk about whities attacking Asians, start another thread instead of your usual yabbuttism.
That wouldn't change the rate when it comes to whites, since 89% of whites who are murdered are murdered by other whites.
I doubt that. But lots more blacks kill other blacks. The black on black murder rate is appalling.

'It is historic': US poised to see record drop in yearly homicides despite public concern over crime​

With 2023 ticking down, the nation is poised to finish the year with its biggest annual drop in homicides on record, according to preliminary data from law enforcement agencies both large and small.

The homicide rate in the United States is expected to plummet nearly 13% compared to 2022, meaning more than 2,000 fewer people were the victims of homicide this year, Jeff Asher, a national crime analyst, told ABC News.

The drop in homicides comes as more than three-quarters of Americans say there is more crime in the U.S. than a year ago and more than half of Americans say the same about crime in their local area, according to a Gallup poll released last month. Adding to that perception is the annual National Crime Victimization Survey published this month by the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics that found the number of violent crime victims nationwide climbed from 16.5 per 1,000 people in 2021 to 23.5 per 1,000 in 2022.

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This is what's reallly happening under the Biden/Harris administratiion. You can f up and put trump back in if you want. But I'm voting for Biden.
When the cops in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes don't bother to enforce crime anymore and the Democrat Prosecutors don't prosecute anymore and the Democrat elected and appointed Judges don't sentence criminals anymore then the crime statistics will look like they are going down.

Do you understand that?

'It is historic': US poised to see record drop in yearly homicides despite public concern over crime​

With 2023 ticking down, the nation is poised to finish the year with its biggest annual drop in homicides on record, according to preliminary data from law enforcement agencies both large and small.

The homicide rate in the United States is expected to plummet nearly 13% compared to 2022, meaning more than 2,000 fewer people were the victims of homicide this year, Jeff Asher, a national crime analyst, told ABC News.

The drop in homicides comes as more than three-quarters of Americans say there is more crime in the U.S. than a year ago and more than half of Americans say the same about crime in their local area, according to a Gallup poll released last month. Adding to that perception is the annual National Crime Victimization Survey published this month by the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics that found the number of violent crime victims nationwide climbed from 16.5 per 1,000 people in 2021 to 23.5 per 1,000 in 2022.

View attachment 883036

This is what's reallly happening under the Biden/Harris administratiion. You can f up and put trump back in if you want. But I'm voting for Biden.
Cut-and-paste will be yuor downfall, shorty !!

27 of Top 30 Crime-Ridden Cities Run by Democrats​

The Daily Signal › 2022/11/04 › democr...

When you cut-and-paste read the analysis first and you won't make a fool of yourself so often -
Well what are they gonna do? Change the definition of what surmises a homicide like they tend to do with everything else?

Or are they just gonna stop reporting/recording the statistics, like they also do with so many other things in order to establish an illusion of change?

Violent crimes are way, waaaay up ever since Biden and Harris got installed and they shifted the Cloward-Piven strategy into massive overdrive.
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This conversation is about the drop in crime that happened in 2023. Not the diversion a white racist posted up based on his watching Newsmax and reading tweets on X.
Then you should have no problem providing proof right?

Also, this conversation is about racially motivated crime against Asians by blacks. You want to talk about whities attacking Asians, start another thread instead of your usual yabbuttism.
No, that's not what the conversation is about. You made a comment about blacks attacking racism which is one of the standard white racist whataboutisms anytime the topic of crime is posted. Race was not mentioned in the OP and it was CarlinAnnArbor who decided to make race an issue and you other scumbags jumped in.

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