He wasn't kidding: Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

I don't know that it will ever end, but the reduction would certainly be helpful. That wall Trump wants to build will help keep more than the illegals out of here.
Just pander over a different, illegality, that just happens to affect the poorest the most?

How "brave".

It affects a lot more than the poor. Or do you get your ideas from watching too many movies?

Tell my cousin that it only affects the poor. She lost her 28 year old son less than two years ago; found him on the front lawn unconscious. In his bedroom they found the dope, needle and spoon.
Prohibition was a Bad Idea, last millennium. That is All our Drug War is. Why was he not at Home Depot, looking for hard work?

He had a job. Not much of a job, but he worked. Some people get so addicted that it's worth risking death to get high. We have an opium epidemic in this country that's killing thousands of our citizens, and you want to give them more access to this stuff?
Not enough capital opportunities to make, "life worthwhile"? I guess you don't believe in Individual Liberty either; but, prefer socialism on a national basis while complaining about less fortunate illegals who are willing to work harder than You.

What does socialism have to do with illegal narcotics usage? You can't focus on one subject at a time. You hop all over this forum like a frog.

Plenty of rich and middle-class people die from drugs as well.
We're becoming a nation of laws again. I know that really upsets Democrats. But oh well, sorry bout that.
Just pander to the ignorant right wing.

10USC311 is also, federal law.

And, our drug war is illegal.

You're welcome to my country if you do it the legal way. It's time to end Illegal Immigration. Period, end of story.
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Just pander. Why do we still have a war on drugs? He could end it by executive order. Only the national socialist right wing, prefers a War on Illegals to ending our extra-Constitutional, War on Drugs, that affects, mostly US citizens.
So Barack Obama is "right-wing" in your limited little mind? Because he vehemently agrees with President Trump's policies on these criminals invading our nation.

10USC311 is also legal. Our drug war is not legal. We have a Commerce Clause not a War on Drugs clause.

What does the Commerce Clause have to do with it. Recreational drugs are illegal in this country.

this is Why, Nobody takes the right wing seriously about the law or economics.

There is no drug war clause in our federal Constitution, which limits our federal government.

nothing but pander to the ignorant right wing.

There is nothing in our Constitution that restricts child prostitution either, but that doesn't mean the Commerce Clause makes it legal.
Every illegal deported saves American taxpayers money, not just in the year they are deported but every year going forward.

Did you know some illegals are scamming taxpayers out of child tax credit refunds of over $10,000 a year? Was your tax refund that large?

Did you know that 24,000 illegal tax refund checks were mailed to a single address?

Most Americans are not aware that illegals have been ripping them off. They thought poor illegals were picking vegetables on a farm, instead they are running tax refund scams.
Only the rich are getting richer. How much is our socialized war on illegals costing the People, but not the rich.

God I'm growing tired of ignorant ill informed liberals. Obviously you are not aware that the last illegal amnesty was studied and determined to be a huge loss financially. It also stomped the shit out of wages for Americans for a decade. Illegals hurt our poor and middle class not the rich. Who's side are you on? Are you an illegal or something? If so get the fuck out of my country.
What does that have to do with the question you asked me about drugs?
reading comprehension issues as well?

Only the national socialist right wing is "brave" enough to "pick on the poorest who don't even have papers"; instead of "tackling the hard policies".

What papers do you speak of? If you're here legally, you have papers. If you don't, you're breaking our laws.
10USC311 is also, federal law. Are you well regulated?

And, our drug war is illegal. the national socialist right wing, doesn't care as long as it involves socialism on a national basis.

Not necessarily 'illegal', but it is wrong. Most drugs should be decriminalized. But we should improve our border security too. And then we should immediately release all Citizens from our prisons who were convicted of non-violent drug offenses.

Human beings wanna get high. That's just the way it is. It's an individual Adult decision. It's not a Government decision. The act of getting high shouldn't be illegal, anymore than the act of getting drunk should be. Let's free up our Law Enforcement to track and imprison serious violent criminals. That's what i would like to see anyway.
Where does any Constitutional power come, to wage a War on Drugs or Prohibition?

That's already been decided on. It's gone through all the courts. However, i support decriminalizing most drugs.
Watch the National Geographic documentary on illegals take over of the Meth trafficking into the USA, then cry me a river about deporting illegals. They bring their wives and kids into the US an traffic Meth not 12 miles from my house. Go look at American kids after being strung out on Meth for a couple years, they are near death. Does that sound like the immigrants we want in our country? Fuck no!
It is your war on drugs; otherwise, drugs would require an FDA label.

Go puff on your bong loser.
Well the Russian Communist Party supports yo' rag top hero, Trump!

Denier. You may think Putin is no longer a Communist but the rest of the GOP knows better.

Trump’s bizarre bromance with Putin has fueled the impression that Trump’s comments seem to be encouraging Putin’s hostile agenda toward America and the West. Former acting Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Michael Morrell, said Trump supports “policies that read like a Kremlin wish list.”

Republicans Should Be Worried About Trump's Russian Ties - Iowa Starting Line
Well the Russian Communist Party supports yo' rag top hero, Trump!

Denier. You may think Putin is no longer a Communist but the rest of the GOP knows better.

Trump’s bizarre bromance with Putin has fueled the impression that Trump’s comments seem to be encouraging Putin’s hostile agenda toward America and the West. Former acting Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Michael Morrell, said Trump supports “policies that read like a Kremlin wish list.”

Republicans Should Be Worried About Trump's Russian Ties - Iowa Starting Line
Well the Russian Communist Party supports yo' rag top hero, Trump!

haven't had enough coffee yet I see....? he SAID RUSSIAN communist party supporting Trump.
I don't make the distinction myself but go ahead and support it.

She doesn't have to, I already linked it.
Well the Russian Communist Party supports yo' rag top hero, Trump!

Denier. You may think Putin is no longer a Communist but the rest of the GOP knows better.

Trump’s bizarre bromance with Putin has fueled the impression that Trump’s comments seem to be encouraging Putin’s hostile agenda toward America and the West. Former acting Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Michael Morrell, said Trump supports “policies that read like a Kremlin wish list.”

Republicans Should Be Worried About Trump's Russian Ties - Iowa Starting Line
Well the Russian Communist Party supports yo' rag top hero, Trump!

haven't had enough coffee yet I see....? he SAID RUSSIAN communist party supporting Trump.
I don't make the distinction myself but go ahead and support it.

She doesn't have to, I already linked it.
Nope. You just shot your retarded mouth off in post 66..

"Well the Russian Communist Party supports yo' rag top hero, Trump! But I don't have a problem like his illegal immigration policy. It is no skin off my nose if every illegal in the country was rounded up and deported."

That's all you had.
Every illegal deported saves American taxpayers money, not just in the year they are deported but every year going forward.

Did you know some illegals are scamming taxpayers out of child tax credit refunds of over $10,000 a year? Was your tax refund that large?

Did you know that 24,000 illegal tax refund checks were mailed to a single address?

Most Americans are not aware that illegals have been ripping them off. They thought poor illegals were picking vegetables on a farm, instead they are running tax refund scams.

The maximum child tax credit and earned income credit combined is not close to ten thousand dollars. Why don't you make up some more shit.

Why don't you pull your head out of your ass, its been documented. NBC News documented refunds as high as $18,000 with illegals claiming kids that not only were not their kids but their relatives kids, but the kids are still in Mexico and have never lived in the US. Go argue with NBC dummy.

I tell you what hoss. You give me all the money the government collects in Social Security taxes from unauthorized workers, which they don't have to pay and which they will never get a benefit from, and I will gladly refund the government any earned income tax credit collected by illegal immigrants.
Well the Russian Communist Party supports yo' rag top hero, Trump!

Denier. You may think Putin is no longer a Communist but the rest of the GOP knows better.

Trump’s bizarre bromance with Putin has fueled the impression that Trump’s comments seem to be encouraging Putin’s hostile agenda toward America and the West. Former acting Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Michael Morrell, said Trump supports “policies that read like a Kremlin wish list.”

Republicans Should Be Worried About Trump's Russian Ties - Iowa Starting Line
Well the Russian Communist Party supports yo' rag top hero, Trump!

haven't had enough coffee yet I see....? he SAID RUSSIAN communist party supporting Trump.
I don't make the distinction myself but go ahead and support it.

She doesn't have to, I already linked it.
Nope. You just shot your retarded mouth off in post 66..

"Well the Russian Communist Party supports yo' rag top hero, Trump! But I don't have a problem like his illegal immigration policy. It is no skin off my nose if every illegal in the country was rounded up and deported."

That's all you had.
That was all I needed. I'm not here to make you feel good about yourself. I call 'em like I see 'em.
U.S. immigration authorities arrested hundreds of undocumented immigrants in at least a half-dozen states this week in a series of raids that marked the first large-scale enforcement of President Trump’s Jan. 26 order to crack down on the estimated 11 million immigrants living here illegally.

The raids, which officials said targeted known criminals, also netted some immigrants who did not have criminal records, an apparent departure from similar enforcement waves during the Obama administration that aimed to just corral and deport those who had committed crimes.

Trump has pledged to deport as many as 3 million undocumented immigrants with criminal records. Last month he also made a change to the Obama administration’s policy of prioritizing deportation for convicted criminals, substantially broadening the scope of who the Department of Homeland Security can target to include those with minor offenses or no convictions at all.

Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

Eventually, if you have an outstanding parking ticket, out you go the way it should be.

Attention liberals: keep those pussy hats ready to go because I'm sure you are going to get the call to protest and riot. Today six states, tomorrow twelve. :banana::banana::banana:

Round'em up and ship'em out.
Watch the National Geographic documentary on illegals take over of the Meth trafficking into the USA, then cry me a river about deporting illegals. They bring their wives and kids into the US an traffic Meth not 12 miles from my house. Go look at American kids after being strung out on Meth for a couple years, they are near death. Does that sound like the immigrants we want in our country? Fuck no!

LMAO. If you have a problem with the meth epidemic you might want to talk to the Aryan Brotherhood.
/---- Establishment Politicians in both parties scratch their heads, stare into the sun as oatmeal drools out of their mouths and ponder, "Trump is actually doing what he said he would do. WTF is that all about?"
Well the Russian Communist Party supports yo' rag top hero, Trump!

Denier. You may think Putin is no longer a Communist but the rest of the GOP knows better.

Trump’s bizarre bromance with Putin has fueled the impression that Trump’s comments seem to be encouraging Putin’s hostile agenda toward America and the West. Former acting Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Michael Morrell, said Trump supports “policies that read like a Kremlin wish list.”

Republicans Should Be Worried About Trump's Russian Ties - Iowa Starting Line

Where do you people find these off the wall sources at? The Iowa Starting line? My computer couldn't' even load it.
I think if this continues, we may see a new wave of self-deporting in this country. Get the hell out of the USA before they come and get you, and maybe return when another Democrat administration comes to power.[/QUOTE] /---- Wish granted. Drudge had a story a few days ago about illegals self deporting themselves.
We're becoming a nation of laws again. I know that really upsets Democrats. But oh well, sorry bout that.
Really. Trumps national security advisor violated the Logan Act

Yeah, that happens sometimes:

Obama Violated ‘Logan Act’ During Kenyan Campaign, says Former US Attorney

You need a non-fake news source

I do? How many would you like? There were dozens of outlets reporting the same thing at the time.
Well the Russian Communist Party supports yo' rag top hero, Trump!

Denier. You may think Putin is no longer a Communist but the rest of the GOP knows better.

Trump’s bizarre bromance with Putin has fueled the impression that Trump’s comments seem to be encouraging Putin’s hostile agenda toward America and the West. Former acting Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Michael Morrell, said Trump supports “policies that read like a Kremlin wish list.”

Republicans Should Be Worried About Trump's Russian Ties - Iowa Starting Line

Where do you people find these off the wall sources at? The Iowa Starting line? My computer couldn't' even load it.
I guess your memory is full... The link works..I just retested it!

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