He wasn't kidding: Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

Just pander. Why do we still have a war on drugs? He could end it by executive order. Only the national socialist right wing, prefers a War on Illegals to ending our extra-Constitutional, War on Drugs, that affects, mostly US citizens.
So Barack Obama is "right-wing" in your limited little mind? Because he vehemently agrees with President Trump's policies on these criminals invading our nation.

10USC311 is also legal. Our drug war is not legal. We have a Commerce Clause not a War on Drugs clause.

What does the Commerce Clause have to do with it. Recreational drugs are illegal in this country.
U.S. immigration authorities arrested hundreds of undocumented immigrants in at least a half-dozen states this week in a series of raids that marked the first large-scale enforcement of President Trump’s Jan. 26 order to crack down on the estimated 11 million immigrants living here illegally.

The raids, which officials said targeted known criminals, also netted some immigrants who did not have criminal records, an apparent departure from similar enforcement waves during the Obama administration that aimed to just corral and deport those who had committed crimes.

Trump has pledged to deport as many as 3 million undocumented immigrants with criminal records. Last month he also made a change to the Obama administration’s policy of prioritizing deportation for convicted criminals, substantially broadening the scope of who the Department of Homeland Security can target to include those with minor offenses or no convictions at all.

Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

Eventually, if you have an outstanding parking ticket, out you go the way it should be.

Attention liberals: keep those pussy hats ready to go because I'm sure you are going to get the call to protest and riot. Today six states, tomorrow twelve. :banana::banana::banana:
Democrats, advocates question ICE enforcement raids - CNNPolitics.com
ICE, ICE, baby!! It needs to increase 1,000 fold. Democrats cry and whine.
Prohibition was a Bad Idea, last millennium. That is All our Drug War is. Why was he not at Home Depot, looking for hard work?
You know what's a worse idea? Supporting the invasion of your country. When millions of people come into your country without permission - that is an invasion.
You don't fuck with The Donald. Don't get mad, get even.

House Dems Ponder Whether ICE Raids Linked to White House Anger Over 9th Circuit

House Dems Ponder Whether ICE Raids Linked to White House Anger Over 9th Circuit

"And somebody cynically suggested, although I'm not suggesting, that perhaps on the heels of a tremendous opinion by the Ninth Circuit -- which I think, you know, upholds the values of this country and makes clear the separation of powers in the system of checks and balances -- that perhaps on the heels of that, that was done intentionally to try and take attention away from a big loss by the Trump administration on what they want to do and what they want to turn America into," Sanchez added.

Crowley said "the timing is interesting, to say the least."

Just how many different forrums do you post your shit in?

Letting you Moon Bats know that Trump is not fucking around is not "shit".
Open Season on druggies would end the drug war real quick.

I don't know that it will ever end, but the reduction would certainly be helpful. That wall Trump wants to build will help keep more than the illegals out of here.
Just pander over a different, illegality, that just happens to affect the poorest the most?

How "brave".

It affects a lot more than the poor. Or do you get your ideas from watching too many movies?

Tell my cousin that it only affects the poor. She lost her 28 year old son less than two years ago; found him on the front lawn unconscious. In his bedroom they found the dope, needle and spoon.
Prohibition was a Bad Idea, last millennium. That is All our Drug War is. Why was he not at Home Depot, looking for hard work?

He had a job. Not much of a job, but he worked. Some people get so addicted that it's worth risking death to get high. We have an opium epidemic in this country that's killing thousands of our citizens, and you want to give them more access to this stuff?
The filth illegals will be booted the hell out of our country, taking their crime wave, drugs, and tax refund scams with them. We'll save $7 billion a year alone just on tax refund scams says the IRS inspector general.
If an illegal uses your SS# do their earnings go into your account? Do you get bigger check at age 67? Sigh, I suppose the GOVT is competent enough to unwind it all? Seems they might be able to catch earnings coming in from 2 different areas or names? At same time.......
If an illegal uses your SS# do their earnings go into your account? Do you get bigger check at age 67? Sigh, I suppose the GOVT is competent enough to unwind it all? Seems they might be able to catch earnings coming in from 2 different areas or names? At same time.......

Government doesn't care as long as they are getting the money.
Every illegal deported saves American taxpayers money, not just in the year they are deported but every year going forward.

Did you know some illegals are scamming taxpayers out of child tax credit refunds of over $10,000 a year? Was your tax refund that large?

Did you know that 24,000 illegal tax refund checks were mailed to a single address?

Most Americans are not aware that illegals have been ripping them off. They thought poor illegals were picking vegetables on a farm, instead they are running tax refund scams.
Finally, a president with balls large enough to have the courage to do the right thing.

Ah, the snowflakes will be siding with the criminals as usual.

Obama deported thousands. Trump is like a shortbus student by comparison
Trump has only been at it for a couple weeks, and he actually is letting homeland security do its job.
Unlike banana boy who tied the hands of homeland security and refused to do anything about the grease leak on the southern border.

Wou know Trump is 2,000,000 deportations behind schedule

Really? You mean to tell me Trump said he would deport 2 million people in less than three weeks? Have a link to that by any chance?

Trump said "on day one during the first hour" the criminal illegal aliens "GONE"

August 2016
unlike politicians of the past, Trump is a man of his word.

Trump said his inaugural was the most attended and most watched in history. When the parks dep showed the photos Trump shut them down. The guy is mental. His word means nothing.
I saw the photos. It was packed, despite the rain and multiple terrorist attacks.
Every illegal deported saves American taxpayers money, not just in the year they are deported but every year going forward.

Did you know some illegals are scamming taxpayers out of child tax credit refunds of over $10,000 a year? Was your tax refund that large?

Did you know that 24,000 illegal tax refund checks were mailed to a single address?

Most Americans are not aware that illegals have been ripping them off. They thought poor illegals were picking vegetables on a farm, instead they are running tax refund scams.

The maximum child tax credit and earned income credit combined is not close to ten thousand dollars. Why don't you make up some more shit.

And you are distorting the whole tax refund check thing. The refunds were not illegal, they were refunds filed against legitimate taxes paid on ITIN's assigned by the IRS. The workers using those numbers may or may not have been here illegally. Funny thing, the IRS assigns someone a number regardless of their immigration status, in order to facilitate the COLLECTION OF TAXES.

In short, it is not a "scam" to file for a refund of the money taken from your check for taxes that you don't owe. Illegal alien, green card holder, or Martian invader.

Now, a couple of things ought to just jump right out there. First, what is an INS raid? What, do they pull up to Home Depot and start demanding papers? Roll into neighborhoods and start knocking on doors? Hell no. They have one around here all the time. They roll into the Case Farms plant, that is where they go. And they do it again, and again, and again.

And those ITIN's. Turns out that is a local too. They found that the IRS assigned 6,411 ITIN's to unauthorized workers using one address in Morganton, NC. The wife is eating lunch with her sister in Morganton right now. You know what else is in Morganton? The Case Farms plant.

It's been that way for years. Don't be fooled by the "immigration raids". It's circus. When they show up at Case Farms corporate headquarters and start walking out the men in suits instead of the women in smocks at the processing plant, that is when you can start yahooing.
If an illegal uses your SS# do their earnings go into your account? Do you get bigger check at age 67? Sigh, I suppose the GOVT is competent enough to unwind it all? Seems they might be able to catch earnings coming in from 2 different areas or names? At same time.......

Government doesn't care as long as they are getting the money.

Exactly right. An illegal alien can apply to the IRS for a Individual Tax Identification Number and they will happily assign him one.
Prohibition was a Bad Idea, last millennium. That is All our Drug War is. Why was he not at Home Depot, looking for hard work?
You know what's a worse idea? Supporting the invasion of your country. When millions of people come into your country without permission - that is an invasion.

Ronald Reagan granted them amnesty to stay

A decision he later regretted.

Ronald Reagan also regretted trading arms for hostages. And supporting the taliban. And tripling the national debt
Prohibition was a Bad Idea, last millennium. That is All our Drug War is. Why was he not at Home Depot, looking for hard work?
You know what's a worse idea? Supporting the invasion of your country. When millions of people come into your country without permission - that is an invasion.

Ronald Reagan granted them amnesty to stay

A decision he later regretted.

Ronald Reagan also regretted trading arms for hostages. And supporting the taliban. And tripling the national debt

He wasn't responsible for the national debt. He presided under a Democrat Congress.
Trump is arresting & deporting alien criminals - something O refused to do bc O preferred them to Americans
We're becoming a nation of laws again. I know that really upsets Democrats. But oh well, sorry bout that.

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