He wasn't kidding: Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

I think if this continues, we may see a new wave of self-deporting in this country. Get the hell out of the USA before they come and get you, and maybe return when another Democrat administration comes to power.
/---- Wish granted. Drudge had a story a few days ago about illegals self deporting themselves.[/QUOTE]

Didn't see it, but it doesn't surprise me. Trump took away Obama's Welcome Mat and replaced it with an Exit sign going to Mexico. I didn't care for him when he was running for the nomination, but now that I see what he's doing, we couldn't have picked a better guy for the job.
U.S. immigration authorities arrested hundreds of undocumented immigrants in at least a half-dozen states this week in a series of raids that marked the first large-scale enforcement of President Trump’s Jan. 26 order to crack down on the estimated 11 million immigrants living here illegally.

The raids, which officials said targeted known criminals, also netted some immigrants who did not have criminal records, an apparent departure from similar enforcement waves during the Obama administration that aimed to just corral and deport those who had committed crimes.

Trump has pledged to deport as many as 3 million undocumented immigrants with criminal records. Last month he also made a change to the Obama administration’s policy of prioritizing deportation for convicted criminals, substantially broadening the scope of who the Department of Homeland Security can target to include those with minor offenses or no convictions at all.

Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

Eventually, if you have an outstanding parking ticket, out you go the way it should be.

Attention liberals: keep those pussy hats ready to go because I'm sure you are going to get the call to protest and riot. Today six states, tomorrow twelve. :banana::banana::banana:

Round'em up and ship'em out.

Yep, I understand your fear. Those illegal immigrants are some hard working, family oriented, god-fearing, driven individuals. I see it each and every day.

I live out in the country. There is a large immigrant population, illegal, legal, and refugee. It has been that way for years. Mexicans and Central Americans working the fields, South American cowboys that run all the race car team owners horse ranches, Romanians that have been coming here since the revolution, Hmong coming since the late 70's. And of course, Indian.

Their most impressive trait, their commitment to their children's education. Having sent six kids through the public school system here, I can tell you, the immigrant parents, legal and illegal, are more involved with their children's education than the native parents. The results speak for themselves. All of my children were near the top of the class, all junior marshals--and to the class, the majority of their peers were either born here to immigrant parents, or not born here at all.
Well the Russian Communist Party supports yo' rag top hero, Trump!

Denier. You may think Putin is no longer a Communist but the rest of the GOP knows better.

Trump’s bizarre bromance with Putin has fueled the impression that Trump’s comments seem to be encouraging Putin’s hostile agenda toward America and the West. Former acting Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Michael Morrell, said Trump supports “policies that read like a Kremlin wish list.”

Republicans Should Be Worried About Trump's Russian Ties - Iowa Starting Line
Well the Russian Communist Party supports yo' rag top hero, Trump!

haven't had enough coffee yet I see....? he SAID RUSSIAN communist party supporting Trump.
I don't make the distinction myself but go ahead and support it.

She doesn't have to, I already linked it.
Nope. You just shot your retarded mouth off in post 66..

"Well the Russian Communist Party supports yo' rag top hero, Trump! But I don't have a problem like his illegal immigration policy. It is no skin off my nose if every illegal in the country was rounded up and deported."

That's all you had.
That was all I needed. I'm not here to make you feel good about yourself. I call 'em like I see 'em.
"She doesn't have to, I already linked it."

Not only are you a liar but a really stupid one at that.
My friends, don't back down on this: To want a secure border & to want illegals out does not make us mean or bigots. It makes us Americans.
I think if this continues, we may see a new wave of self-deporting in this country. Get the hell out of the USA before they come and get you, and maybe return when another Democrat administration comes to power.
/---- Wish granted. Drudge had a story a few days ago about illegals self deporting themselves.
Didn't see it, but it doesn't surprise me. Trump took away Obama's Welcome Mat and replaced it with an Exit sign going to Mexico. I didn't care for him when he was running for the nomination, but now that I see what he's doing, we couldn't have picked a better guy for the job.

It is yet to be seen, and highly doubtful, that Trump will surpass the numbers of the Deporter in Chief, Barack Obama. His first deportee was not a good sign. A mother of native born American citizens who has checked in dutifully for six years, convicted of criminal impersonation, the exact same charge that Jenna Bush was charged with while her father was president and while she was under the care of Secret Service.

So like I said, not impressed even a little bit. When he starts locking up the corporate executives that are abusing the system I will be impressed. I won't be holding my breath. Hell, even at least one of his nominees had an illegal alien as a "nanny". Locking his ass up would be a start. They wouldn't come here if they weren't getting paid.
How brave of you, to pick on the poorest. Did you know our drug war, is illegal. Why not pick on the richer? Not enough "bravery" to go around on the national socialist, right wing?
How brace of you to hide in the U.S. like a greedy fuck'n coward. Why don't you go to Mexico and make it a better country? Why don't you go there and make it such a great country that Americans want to sneak in to Mexico?

No? Didn't think so. Coward.
How long ago did you get off the boat, instead of making your former nation-State, a better place to live?

Did all of the brave, national socialists go back when their Fuhrer, called them?
I'm not the one advocating that an invasion of the U.S. should not only be permitted - it should be supported. So I ask you again you fuck'n coward - why don't you go to Mexico and make it a better country? How brave of you to hide here and pop off at the mouth. Actions speak louder than words, coward. Go help those people. Get off of USMB and actually doing something you cowardly little punk.

Denier. You may think Putin is no longer a Communist but the rest of the GOP knows better.

Trump’s bizarre bromance with Putin has fueled the impression that Trump’s comments seem to be encouraging Putin’s hostile agenda toward America and the West. Former acting Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Michael Morrell, said Trump supports “policies that read like a Kremlin wish list.”

Republicans Should Be Worried About Trump's Russian Ties - Iowa Starting Line

haven't had enough coffee yet I see....? he SAID RUSSIAN communist party supporting Trump.
I don't make the distinction myself but go ahead and support it.

She doesn't have to, I already linked it.
Nope. You just shot your retarded mouth off in post 66..

"Well the Russian Communist Party supports yo' rag top hero, Trump! But I don't have a problem like his illegal immigration policy. It is no skin off my nose if every illegal in the country was rounded up and deported."

That's all you had.
That was all I needed. I'm not here to make you feel good about yourself. I call 'em like I see 'em.
"She doesn't have to, I already linked it."

Not only are you a liar but a really stupid one at that.

You must be a delusional fool. You can't refute something and in your demented mind it becomes a lie. How pitiful.
My friends, don't back down on this: To want a secure border & to want illegals out does not make us mean or bigots. It makes us Americans.

The idea of anything other than an open border is totally UNAMERICAN. The idea, that the founders, who were so distrustful of government, would grant that government the power to pick and choose it's citizens, is counter intuitive to the entire concept of "enlightenment" and the American form of government. How can a government be of the people, for the people, by the people--when the government gets to pick the people?
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics, or understanding economic paradigms not in their propaganda and rhetoric.

we don't have true capitalism. you are not liberal but national in your use of socialism.
Well consider I'm not a socialist at all because I'm a conservative - it's painfully obvious that you are astoundingly stupid. You don't understand the basic political scale. You don't understand basic economics. And you don't understand the U.S. Constitution. The only thing you understand is how to mooch off of society.

Now, my little National Socialist fascist, go play with your toys (that you took from someone else) while the adults talk. This material is way above your limited intellect.

NYT: "In Austin, Tex., undocumented women working in a laundromat cowered in the back of the room..." WHEREAS IN CANADA, YOU GET FREE STUFF!
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My friends, don't back down on this: To want a secure border & to want illegals out does not make us mean or bigots. It makes us Americans.

The idea of anything other than an open border is totally UNAMERICAN. The idea, that the founders, who were so distrustful of government, would grant that government the power to pick and choose it's citizens, is counter intuitive to the entire concept of "enlightenment" and the American form of government. How can a government be of the people, for the people, by the people--when the government gets to pick the people?
Please answer a very, very simple question: Should folks be allowed to come into this country illegally? Yes or no?
the right wing is just...Causeless, like always.
We have a cause. We're restoring the law in the U.S. We don't care that you don't like it.

just pander. 10USC311 is also, federal law; get legal to it, right wing gun lovers.
Um.....do you not understand that no matter how many times you say "just pander" in a completely nonsensical manner, it still makes you sound just as fuck'n stupid the ninth time as it did the first time?

I will repeat reality for the propaganda loving National Socialist fascist who wants to ignore reality: we are restoring law in the U.S. We do not give a damn that you don't like it.

And your hilariously stupid "10USC311" nonsense is as funny as the rest of your nonsense. The 2nd Amendment says (and I quote) "....the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed". It does not say the right of the militia. It says the right of the people.

Thanks for playing snowflake. You just got your ass handed to you in a major way.
Every illegal deported saves American taxpayers money, not just in the year they are deported but every year going forward.

Did you know some illegals are scamming taxpayers out of child tax credit refunds of over $10,000 a year? Was your tax refund that large?

Did you know that 24,000 illegal tax refund checks were mailed to a single address?

Most Americans are not aware that illegals have been ripping them off. They thought poor illegals were picking vegetables on a farm, instead they are running tax refund scams.

The maximum child tax credit and earned income credit combined is not close to ten thousand dollars. Why don't you make up some more shit.

Why don't you pull your head out of your ass, its been documented. NBC News documented refunds as high as $18,000 with illegals claiming kids that not only were not their kids but their relatives kids, but the kids are still in Mexico and have never lived in the US. Go argue with NBC dummy.

I tell you what hoss. You give me all the money the government collects in Social Security taxes from unauthorized workers, which they don't have to pay and which they will never get a benefit from, and I will gladly refund the government any earned income tax credit collected by illegal immigrants.

^^^ God that's what's wrong with liberals right there. Its ILLEGAL dumb ass, hello earth to Winston, illegal scammed refunds from the IRS, do you know what the word "illegal" means? Go ahead keep defending it so I can mock you.
You don't know what you are talking about. Normandy, was an invasion. We merely have a lack of a capital based social program that will solve our illegal problem on a permanent basis via Capitalism and not, Socialism on a National basis.

Just the clueless and Causeless right wing; insisting on their pander.
Again....not even forming coherent sentences. Tell me Danial Palos - from which part of Mexico did you sneak into my country? You're inability to form coherent English sentences gives you away.

Millions of people have snuck into our country - illegally. We did not welcome them into our country and we did not give them permission to come into our country. By its very definition - that is an invasion.

As far as your completely idiotic nonsense about "capital based social programs" - we're not National Socialist fascists like you want us to be. We are a capitalism. The U.S. Constitution strictly forbids federal "social programs". What I suggest is that you stop being a greedy coward, you take your money to Mexico, and you provide them with the "social programs" that they need, over there. You're so brave to stay here whining on USMB instead of getting out there in Mexico and doing something.
No problem with this.....and now, go fill those jobs they left!

Ray, Owebo and the rest will fill in those jobs......... see if these people will last, prices will shoot up or where our economy will stand.

Yeah, we will fill those jobs when Trump and the Republicans kick all those lazy bastards off our social programs and make them work for their own money.
Watch the National Geographic documentary on illegals take over of the Meth trafficking into the USA, then cry me a river about deporting illegals. They bring their wives and kids into the US an traffic Meth not 12 miles from my house. Go look at American kids after being strung out on Meth for a couple years, they are near death. Does that sound like the immigrants we want in our country? Fuck no!

LMAO. If you have a problem with the meth epidemic you might want to talk to the Aryan Brotherhood.

Mexico OWNS the Meth trafficking in the USA FACT! You look more ignorant with each post.
^^^ God that's what's wrong with liberals right there. Its ILLEGAL dumb ass, hello earth to Winston, illegal scammed refunds from the IRS, do you know what the word "illegal" means? Go ahead keep defending it so I can mock you.
Most of the time Dumbocrats have no idea what is legal and what is illegal (they are not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier). But even when someone explains to them that something is illegal, they don't care. They are a bunch of ignorant thugs.
My friends, don't back down on this: To want a secure border & to want illegals out does not make us mean or bigots. It makes us Americans.

The idea of anything other than an open border is totally UNAMERICAN. The idea, that the founders, who were so distrustful of government, would grant that government the power to pick and choose it's citizens, is counter intuitive to the entire concept of "enlightenment" and the American form of government. How can a government be of the people, for the people, by the people--when the government gets to pick the people?

A country with no borders is not a country at all, it's merely unclaimed land.

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