He wasn't kidding: Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

We're the most generous country in the history of this planet. We have a right 2 decide who we let in & we have a right 2 secure our border
I think if this continues, we may see a new wave of self-deporting in this country. Get the hell out of the USA before they come and get you, and maybe return when another Democrat administration comes to power.
/---- Wish granted. Drudge had a story a few days ago about illegals self deporting themselves.
Didn't see it, but it doesn't surprise me. Trump took away Obama's Welcome Mat and replaced it with an Exit sign going to Mexico. I didn't care for him when he was running for the nomination, but now that I see what he's doing, we couldn't have picked a better guy for the job.

It is yet to be seen, and highly doubtful, that Trump will surpass the numbers of the Deporter in Chief, Barack Obama. His first deportee was not a good sign. A mother of native born American citizens who has checked in dutifully for six years, convicted of criminal impersonation, the exact same charge that Jenna Bush was charged with while her father was president and while she was under the care of Secret Service.

So like I said, not impressed even a little bit. When he starts locking up the corporate executives that are abusing the system I will be impressed. I won't be holding my breath. Hell, even at least one of his nominees had an illegal alien as a "nanny". Locking his ass up would be a start. They wouldn't come here if they weren't getting paid.

How do you know that's not in his plans? It's only been three weeks. As for DumBama and his numbers, it was the manipulation of the definition of being deported.

High deportation figures are misleading


Thats funny.
thats the video that gave me the idea to pick up a bunch of them and drive them to Virginia thinking they were going to do a yard clean up. I dropped them at the house about 30 miles from where I picked them up, made sure to go across the potomac river bridge since you cant walk back across. Found a house with nobody home, set them to work dragging stuff from the back to the front yard, weeded etc.. and then told the guy I was going back for the rakes and some mulch.
last I saw of them was when I was turning the corner to head home. They were working their little beaner asses off.
Bet the homeowner was surprised when they got back.

Haha...that's awesome.
There was a group of 'vigilantes' here in SoCal who use to pick up a bunch of beaners, drive them out to the orange groves and rob them at gun point for anything and everything they had on them...they'd leave them in the middle of nowhere and drive the takings / 'donations' to a local Salvation Army.

Thats funny.
thats the video that gave me the idea to pick up a bunch of them and drive them to Virginia thinking they were going to do a yard clean up. I dropped them at the house about 30 miles from where I picked them up, made sure to go across the potomac river bridge since you cant walk back across. Found a house with nobody home, set them to work dragging stuff from the back to the front yard, weeded etc.. and then told the guy I was going back for the rakes and some mulch.
last I saw of them was when I was turning the corner to head home. They were working their little beaner asses off.
Bet the homeowner was surprised when they got back.

Just messing with "hard workers"? How lazy of the national socialist right wing.

I bet there are a lot of pimps trafficking teenage hookers who are "hard workers"...we should probably let them be?

That will the dumbest and stupidest vigilantes I ever heard. Why, what and how much would you get from robbing beaners? How many many dumb vigilantes will it take to get a handful of illegals? ................Then donate them to Salvation Army? Dude. You are one lying asshole.
U.S. immigration authorities arrested hundreds of undocumented immigrants in at least a half-dozen states this week in a series of raids that marked the first large-scale enforcement of President Trump’s Jan. 26 order to crack down on the estimated 11 million immigrants living here illegally.

The raids, which officials said targeted known criminals, also netted some immigrants who did not have criminal records, an apparent departure from similar enforcement waves during the Obama administration that aimed to just corral and deport those who had committed crimes.

Trump has pledged to deport as many as 3 million undocumented immigrants with criminal records. Last month he also made a change to the Obama administration’s policy of prioritizing deportation for convicted criminals, substantially broadening the scope of who the Department of Homeland Security can target to include those with minor offenses or no convictions at all.

Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

Eventually, if you have an outstanding parking ticket, out you go the way it should be.

Attention liberals: keep those pussy hats ready to go because I'm sure you are going to get the call to protest and riot. Today six states, tomorrow twelve. :banana::banana::banana:

Round'em up and ship'em out.

Yep, I understand your fear. Those illegal immigrants are some hard working, family oriented, god-fearing, driven individuals. I see it each and every day.

I live out in the country. There is a large immigrant population, illegal, legal, and refugee. It has been that way for years. Mexicans and Central Americans working the fields, South American cowboys that run all the race car team owners horse ranches, Romanians that have been coming here since the revolution, Hmong coming since the late 70's. And of course, Indian.

Their most impressive trait, their commitment to their children's education. Having sent six kids through the public school system here, I can tell you, the immigrant parents, legal and illegal, are more involved with their children's education than the native parents. The results speak for themselves. All of my children were near the top of the class, all junior marshals--and to the class, the majority of their peers were either born here to immigrant parents, or not born here at all.

Iff they are such wonderful people, why are their countries so Fd up that they have to come here?
U.S. immigration authorities arrested hundreds of undocumented immigrants in at least a half-dozen states this week in a series of raids that marked the first large-scale enforcement of President Trump’s Jan. 26 order to crack down on the estimated 11 million immigrants living here illegally.

The raids, which officials said targeted known criminals, also netted some immigrants who did not have criminal records, an apparent departure from similar enforcement waves during the Obama administration that aimed to just corral and deport those who had committed crimes.

Trump has pledged to deport as many as 3 million undocumented immigrants with criminal records. Last month he also made a change to the Obama administration’s policy of prioritizing deportation for convicted criminals, substantially broadening the scope of who the Department of Homeland Security can target to include those with minor offenses or no convictions at all.

Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

Eventually, if you have an outstanding parking ticket, out you go the way it should be.

Attention liberals: keep those pussy hats ready to go because I'm sure you are going to get the call to protest and riot. Today six states, tomorrow twelve. :banana::banana::banana:

Round'em up and ship'em out.

Yep, I understand your fear. Those illegal immigrants are some hard working, family oriented, god-fearing, driven individuals. I see it each and every day.

I live out in the country. There is a large immigrant population, illegal, legal, and refugee. It has been that way for years. Mexicans and Central Americans working the fields, South American cowboys that run all the race car team owners horse ranches, Romanians that have been coming here since the revolution, Hmong coming since the late 70's. And of course, Indian.

Their most impressive trait, their commitment to their children's education. Having sent six kids through the public school system here, I can tell you, the immigrant parents, legal and illegal, are more involved with their children's education than the native parents. The results speak for themselves. All of my children were near the top of the class, all junior marshals--and to the class, the majority of their peers were either born here to immigrant parents, or not born here at all.

AND? It's a very simple concept, there are consequences for breaking the law, if you're not ready to accept those consequences, don't break the law. I'm not moved by irrelevant sob stories, should we start allowing murders to stay free if they lived a productive life since?
^^^ God that's what's wrong with liberals right there. Its ILLEGAL dumb ass, hello earth to Winston, illegal scammed refunds from the IRS, do you know what the word "illegal" means? Go ahead keep defending it so I can mock you.
Most of the time Dumbocrats have no idea what is legal and what is illegal (they are not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier). But even when someone explains to them that something is illegal, they don't care. They are a bunch of ignorant thugs.

This one is a douchebag. Think of what we could do with that $7 billion dollars illegals are stealing from us each year, that's $70 billion over 10 years. That would fund over 100,000 scholarships a year, forever.
This one is a douchebag. Think of what we could do with that $7 billion dollars illegals are stealing from us each year, that's $70 billion over 10 years. That would fund over 100,000 scholarships a year, forever.

Or buy another Obama Care web site. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
It is easier to, "pick on the poor" than to give us a "mission to Mars"?

Only the national socialist right wing is "brave" enough to "pick on the poorest who don't even have papers"; instead of "tackling the hard policies".
Nobody is "picking on" anyone you nitwit. We are enforcing the law. I know you lawless Dumbocrat thugs hate that - but eat shit. We will be a lawful nation whether you like it or not.

And are you going to take over those jobs they left behind?
Who do you think will fed those American kids they left behind? Clothing, schooling, care etc etc? YOU DUMB FUCK.

Since you are dumb racist peasant.......... Can you afford the price hikes all over the groceries and services? You are stupid.
It is easier to, "pick on the poor" than to give us a "mission to Mars"?

Only the national socialist right wing is "brave" enough to "pick on the poorest who don't even have papers"; instead of "tackling the hard policies".
Nobody is "picking on" anyone you nitwit. We are enforcing the law. I know you lawless Dumbocrat thugs hate that - but eat shit. We will be a lawful nation whether you like it or not.

And are you going to take over those jobs they left behind?
Who do you think will fed those American kids they left behind? Clothing, schooling, care etc etc? YOU DUMB FUCK.

Since you are dumb racist peasant.......... Can you afford the price hikes all over the groceries and services? You are stupid.

What's wrong with illegals taking their kids with them?
Just pander. Why do we still have a war on drugs? He could end it by executive order. Only the national socialist right wing, prefers a War on Illegals to ending our extra-Constitutional, War on Drugs, that affects, mostly US citizens.
How could you be a "socialist right-wing" when socialism is the polar-opposite of right-wing?!? What a dumb ass...

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
the right wing is just, clueless and Causeless, like always.

liberal socialism is left wing; national socialism is right wing.
Both are left-wing you ignorant little drug addict. Don't try to argue with me - your brain is too fried and I know this material too well. You cannot have right-wing totalitarianism. It's the polar-opposite of right-wing you high school dropout.

Then argue with me see what you got.
^^^ God that's what's wrong with liberals right there. Its ILLEGAL dumb ass, hello earth to Winston, illegal scammed refunds from the IRS, do you know what the word "illegal" means? Go ahead keep defending it so I can mock you.
Most of the time Dumbocrats have no idea what is legal and what is illegal (they are not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier). But even when someone explains to them that something is illegal, they don't care. They are a bunch of ignorant thugs.

This one is a douchebag. Think of what we could do with that $7 billion dollars illegals are stealing from us each year, that's $70 billion over 10 years. That would fund over 100,000 scholarships a year, forever.
I've actually heard that the figure is $99 billion per year. I find it hard to believe that we are "only" spending $7 billion per year on millions of illegal aliens when you consider the housing, the food, the healthcare, the education, etc. It has to be more than $7 billion.

The thing is - greedy fucks like Lakhota and danielpalos won't foot the bill for those in need. But they want to demand that everyone else do it.
^^^ God that's what's wrong with liberals right there. Its ILLEGAL dumb ass, hello earth to Winston, illegal scammed refunds from the IRS, do you know what the word "illegal" means? Go ahead keep defending it so I can mock you.
Most of the time Dumbocrats have no idea what is legal and what is illegal (they are not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier). But even when someone explains to them that something is illegal, they don't care. They are a bunch of ignorant thugs.

This one is a douchebag. Think of what we could do with that $7 billion dollars illegals are stealing from us each year, that's $70 billion over 10 years. That would fund over 100,000 scholarships a year, forever.
I've actually heard that the figure is $99 billion per year. I find it hard to believe that we are "only" spending $7 billion per year on millions of illegal aliens when you consider the housing, the food, the healthcare, the education, etc. It has to be more than $7 billion.

The thing is - greedy fucks like Lakhota and danielpalos won't foot the bill for those in need. But they want to demand that everyone else do it.

Dude, the $7 billion is ONLY the amount illegals are scamming us on tax refunds, per the IRS inspector general. The total amount illegals are costing us is enormous. Food, housing, costly emergency room healthcare, education, hundreds of thousands of them in prisons, court costs, border security, property damage, theft, police, illegal drug related costs, its billions and billions of dollars.
I hope this continues 24/7 for the next 8 years......

I hope it gets accelerated. Hopefully this is just the warm up act.
There should be some kind of incentive for Americans, (not liberals) to deliver the illegals to Mexican recycling centers. Kind of like bringing bottles back to the store and getting that nickle years ago. Set up places to bring your Mexicans, get a few bucks and then the Mexican gets flung back across the border.

Another genius who thinks every illegal alien is Mexican...
Yep, I understand your fear. Those illegal immigrants are some hard working, family oriented, god-fearing, driven individuals. I see it each and every day.
Wow...those are some glowing words for criminals. You know what is equal parts frightening and sad? Those exact same words could be said about the mafia. When he wasn't beating people to death with a baseball bat, Scarface Al Capone really did love his family. He really did work very hard. He really was "family oriented". And man was he ever driven. But you know what? I don't want Al Capone or anyone like him in my neighborhood.
Their most impressive trait, their commitment to their children's education. Having sent six kids through the public school system here, I can tell you, the immigrant parents, legal and illegal, are more involved with their children's education than the native parents. The results speak for themselves. All of my children were near the top of the class, all junior marshals--and to the class, the majority of their peers were either born here to immigrant parents, or not born here at all.
You know how committed to his children's education Al Capone was? Same with John Gotti. I don't freaking care. At all. At the end of the day, all of these illegal aliens you are crowing about are freaking criminals.

If even a quarter of what you say is true - sending ten million of them back to where they belong - they should have no problem being one incredible force to build Mexico up into something amazing.
^^^ God that's what's wrong with liberals right there. Its ILLEGAL dumb ass, hello earth to Winston, illegal scammed refunds from the IRS, do you know what the word "illegal" means? Go ahead keep defending it so I can mock you.
Most of the time Dumbocrats have no idea what is legal and what is illegal (they are not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier). But even when someone explains to them that something is illegal, they don't care. They are a bunch of ignorant thugs.

This one is a douchebag. Think of what we could do with that $7 billion dollars illegals are stealing from us each year, that's $70 billion over 10 years. That would fund over 100,000 scholarships a year, forever.
I've actually heard that the figure is $99 billion per year. I find it hard to believe that we are "only" spending $7 billion per year on millions of illegal aliens when you consider the housing, the food, the healthcare, the education, etc. It has to be more than $7 billion.

The thing is - greedy fucks like Lakhota and danielpalos won't foot the bill for those in need. But they want to demand that everyone else do it.

Dude, the $7 billion is ONLY the amount illegals are scamming us on tax refunds, per the IRS inspector general. The total amount illegals are costing us is enormous. Food, housing, costly emergency room healthcare, education, hundreds of thousands of them in prisons, court costs, border security, property damage, theft, police, illegal drug related costs, its billions and billions of dollars.
Ah! Thank you for clarifying. I didn't catch that. So yeah...then the $99 billion per year figure I've heard is very likely. Just think what that money can do towards paying down our national debt. Or even better - lowering taxes on all of us since we won't have to pay for all of these criminals.
Just pander. Why do we still have a war on drugs? He could end it by executive order. Only the national socialist right wing, prefers a War on Illegals to ending our extra-Constitutional, War on Drugs, that affects, mostly US citizens.
How could you be a "socialist right-wing" when socialism is the polar-opposite of right-wing?!? What a dumb ass...

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
the right wing is just, clueless and Causeless, like always.

liberal socialism is left wing; national socialism is right wing.
Both are left-wing you ignorant little drug addict. Don't try to argue with me - your brain is too fried and I know this material too well. You cannot have right-wing totalitarianism. It's the polar-opposite of right-wing you high school dropout.

Then argue with me see what you got.
I've done that already. It didn't end well for you. I embarrassed you as badly as embarrassed fried brain over there. At least he has an excuse - drugs. You're just an idiot. :laugh:
^^^ God that's what's wrong with liberals right there. Its ILLEGAL dumb ass, hello earth to Winston, illegal scammed refunds from the IRS, do you know what the word "illegal" means? Go ahead keep defending it so I can mock you.
Most of the time Dumbocrats have no idea what is legal and what is illegal (they are not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier). But even when someone explains to them that something is illegal, they don't care. They are a bunch of ignorant thugs.

This one is a douchebag. Think of what we could do with that $7 billion dollars illegals are stealing from us each year, that's $70 billion over 10 years. That would fund over 100,000 scholarships a year, forever.
I've actually heard that the figure is $99 billion per year. I find it hard to believe that we are "only" spending $7 billion per year on millions of illegal aliens when you consider the housing, the food, the healthcare, the education, etc. It has to be more than $7 billion.

The thing is - greedy fucks like Lakhota and danielpalos won't foot the bill for those in need. But they want to demand that everyone else do it.

Dude, the $7 billion is ONLY the amount illegals are scamming us on tax refunds, per the IRS inspector general. The total amount illegals are costing us is enormous. Food, housing, costly emergency room healthcare, education, hundreds of thousands of them in prisons, court costs, border security, property damage, theft, police, illegal drug related costs, its billions and billions of dollars.

And let's not also forget this:

Remittances are monies sent by foreign-born workers (legal immigrants and illegal aliens) back to their home country. The transfers are facilitated by sending money through banks, making investments in the home country, or by returning to the home country while retaining bank accounts and other assets in the United States.

Remittances are essentially a tax-free transfer of wealth out of the U.S. Approximately $20 billion of Mexican remittances each year disappear from the U.S. economy via the institutionalized money transfer industry, never to return.

Remittances - a massive transfer of wealth out of America | CAIRCO - Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform | issues legislation projects research
It is easier to, "pick on the poor" than to give us a "mission to Mars"?

Only the national socialist right wing is "brave" enough to "pick on the poorest who don't even have papers"; instead of "tackling the hard policies".
Nobody is "picking on" anyone you nitwit. We are enforcing the law. I know you lawless Dumbocrat thugs hate that - but eat shit. We will be a lawful nation whether you like it or not.

And are you going to take over those jobs they left behind?
Who do you think will fed those American kids they left behind? Clothing, schooling, care etc etc? YOU DUMB FUCK.

Since you are dumb racist peasant.......... Can you afford the price hikes all over the groceries and services? You are stupid.

What's wrong with illegals taking their kids with them?

Dude this just shows you don't know what you are talking about .........
Guadalupe Garcia was deported yesterday to Mexico from Arizona leaving 2 kids behind. This is just one parents...... Think in millions let say 20+ million kids.
1. Who do you think will take care those kids? All they have to do is go to welfare which we never have to provide food and shelters for these American kids before. Think if you deport these parents by the millions.
2. It's been proven that they will leave their kids behind. Why? because just like this mother. Why would she take her kids when there are no future on the other side?

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