He wasn't kidding: Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

Dude, the $7 billion is ONLY the amount illegals are scamming us on tax refunds, per the IRS inspector general. The total amount illegals are costing us is enormous. Food, housing, costly emergency room healthcare, education, hundreds of thousands of them in prisons, court costs, border security, property damage, theft, police, illegal drug related costs, its billions and billions of dollars.

The US spends (or more accurately, is robbed by its neighboring countries) of hundreds of billions per year by the transfer of their impoverished populations into the country.

How do I know this? NYS spent $4.5 BILLION ALONE on educating illegal alien children last year - that is calculated by taking the 110K illegal kids multiplied by $35K to annually educate (including ESL classes plus free breakfasts and lunches) each child. This number is not disputed by NYS, this is only ONE state out of 50, and does NOT include healthcare, welfare, housing, etc. When other major illegal alien haven states like CA are added - who lost FIFTY-SEVEN hospitals due to the non-payment of their bills by illegals - one starts to realize the cost of having these people in the country is immense, in the hundreds of billions each year.

It would be cheaper to pay far more for your lawn to be mowed, strawberries picked, hotel beds made, etc., by higher-paid americans than to pay illegals the astronomical amount of taxes americans are paying to support the mass poor of central / south america. Plus everything would be FAR less crowded; less resources like water used, fewer gallons of oil burned / fewer cars on the road burned so less pollution, etc.

It would be a win-win for americans at all income levels - except for the fucking whore bastard democraps who won't be able to purchase the illegals' votes.
Dude this just shows you don't know what you are talking about .........
Guadalupe Garcia was deported yesterday to Mexico from Arizona leaving 2 kids behind. This is just one parents...... Think in millions let say 20+ million kids.
1. Who do you think will take care those kids? All they have to do is go to welfare which we never have to provide food and shelters for these American kids before. Think if you deport these parents by the millions.
2. It's been proven that they will leave their kids behind. Why? because just like this mother. Why would she take her kids when there are no future on the other side?

#1-the parents knowingly had children in a country they did not belong in and were trespassing, and could be deported at any time
#2-the only reason the kids are citizens is a mis-reading of the constitutional amendment; almost no other even modestly wealthy country on earth allow the children of non-citizens born in them to become automatically a citizen
#3-there is nothing to stop the parents from taking the kids back to their country of origin, which if they were real parents who actually gave a fuck for their kids - apparently less than you do - they would take them.

But they won't, as they'd rather rely on useful idiots like you to try and manipulate public opinion to obsfuscate their criminality (and massive cost to the country) by using deflective nonsense and try to appeal to people's emotions, which will no longer work.
The vast majority of spending on so-called "illegal immigrants" is for the education
Is anyone else tired of ignorant Dumbocrats literally making shit up to justify their irrational positions? The "vast majority of spending" is not on education. One trip to the hospital trumps an entire lifetime of education for them. Healthcare is by far and away the most expensive. After that is all of the costs associated with their crime. Education might be third at most.
The vast majority of spending on so-called "illegal immigrants" is for the education of their, now listen very carefully, NATIVE BORN AMERICAN CITIZEN CHILDREN If you got a problem with that, take it up with the Constitution.
Sorry buttercup - the U.S. Constitution does not cover anchor babies. The spirit of the constitution was for people who were made citizens - so that their children would not have to go through the citizenship process (and if they failed - what nation would they legally be citizens of?). Stop making shit up.
U.S. immigration authorities arrested hundreds of undocumented immigrants in at least a half-dozen states this week in a series of raids that marked the first large-scale enforcement of President Trump’s Jan. 26 order to crack down on the estimated 11 million immigrants living here illegally.

The raids, which officials said targeted known criminals, also netted some immigrants who did not have criminal records, an apparent departure from similar enforcement waves during the Obama administration that aimed to just corral and deport those who had committed crimes.

Trump has pledged to deport as many as 3 million undocumented immigrants with criminal records. Last month he also made a change to the Obama administration’s policy of prioritizing deportation for convicted criminals, substantially broadening the scope of who the Department of Homeland Security can target to include those with minor offenses or no convictions at all.

Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

Eventually, if you have an outstanding parking ticket, out you go the way it should be.

Attention liberals: keep those pussy hats ready to go because I'm sure you are going to get the call to protest and riot. Today six states, tomorrow twelve. :banana::banana::banana:
ICE is claiming these raids were planned under the Obama administration. So it looks like blaming Trump is?

I don't know where you got that from, not the OP. Why would DumBama plan a raid long after he was out of the White House? That doesn't even make sense. From the OP:

“This is clearly the first wave of attacks under the Trump administration, and we know this isn’t going to be the only one,” Cristina Jimenez, executive director of United We Dream, an immigrant youth organization, said Friday during a conference call with immigration advocates.
I got it from a news report on TV.
It is easier to, "pick on the poor" than to give us a "mission to Mars"?

Only the national socialist right wing is "brave" enough to "pick on the poorest who don't even have papers"; instead of "tackling the hard policies".
Nobody is "picking on" anyone you nitwit. We are enforcing the law. I know you lawless Dumbocrat thugs hate that - but eat shit. We will be a lawful nation whether you like it or not.

And are you going to take over those jobs they left behind?
Who do you think will fed those American kids they left behind? Clothing, schooling, care etc etc? YOU DUMB FUCK.

Since you are dumb racist peasant.......... Can you afford the price hikes all over the groceries and services? You are stupid.

What's wrong with illegals taking their kids with them?

Dude this just shows you don't know what you are talking about .........
Guadalupe Garcia was deported yesterday to Mexico from Arizona leaving 2 kids behind. This is just one parents...... Think in millions let say 20+ million kids.
1. Who do you think will take care those kids? All they have to do is go to welfare which we never have to provide food and shelters for these American kids before. Think if you deport these parents by the millions.
2. It's been proven that they will leave their kids behind. Why? because just like this mother. Why would she take her kids when there are no future on the other side?

I see you danced around the question, so one more time: what's wrong with the illegals taking their kids with them when they are deported?

What I'm telling you are the realities and facts no bullshit.
I already answered your question..... You just didn't accept the reality.
Why would they ( or you) take their American kids to a place where there is no home, no hope and no future?
Maybe you are not aware that there are tens of thousands of unaccompanied children without parents that are already here and they are not even American kids. We are feeding and housing them.

These American kids without parents will be a disaster in the making. If you think keeping illegals are expensive? Think real hard who will shelter all these American kids without parents. Don't forget all the ............. pain and sufferings, jobs they left behind, jobs that need to be filled in, services they provided and the high prices of commodities.
Nobody is "picking on" anyone you nitwit. We are enforcing the law. I know you lawless Dumbocrat thugs hate that - but eat shit. We will be a lawful nation whether you like it or not.

And are you going to take over those jobs they left behind?
Who do you think will fed those American kids they left behind? Clothing, schooling, care etc etc? YOU DUMB FUCK.

Since you are dumb racist peasant.......... Can you afford the price hikes all over the groceries and services? You are stupid.

What's wrong with illegals taking their kids with them?

Dude this just shows you don't know what you are talking about .........
Guadalupe Garcia was deported yesterday to Mexico from Arizona leaving 2 kids behind. This is just one parents...... Think in millions let say 20+ million kids.
1. Who do you think will take care those kids? All they have to do is go to welfare which we never have to provide food and shelters for these American kids before. Think if you deport these parents by the millions.
2. It's been proven that they will leave their kids behind. Why? because just like this mother. Why would she take her kids when there are no future on the other side?

I see you danced around the question, so one more time: what's wrong with the illegals taking their kids with them when they are deported?

Picture Horseshack response

I can answer that Mr Kotter

"It would cause democrats less votes?"


As always you don't know jack.
I hope this continues 24/7 for the next 8 years......

I hope it gets accelerated. Hopefully this is just the warm up act.
There should be some kind of incentive for Americans, (not liberals) to deliver the illegals to Mexican recycling centers. Kind of like bringing bottles back to the store and getting that nickle years ago. Set up places to bring your Mexicans, get a few bucks and then the Mexican gets flung back across the border.

I think if this continues, we may see a new wave of self-deporting in this country. Get the hell out of the USA before they come and get you, and maybe return when another Democrat administration comes to power.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I can see the Self Deportation plus this news has got to be making the rounds south of the border Ray.

Obviously you are thinking like an American......... Oh I will deport myself to America and rebuilt my life.

Dude you are an old timer here. Still don't have a clue what's the reality.
Why in the world they will deport themselves when there are no food, home, shelter, school...... you lucky if you have a place to take a dump. There are no such things as self deportation. Dude get real.
Nobody is "picking on" anyone you nitwit. We are enforcing the law. I know you lawless Dumbocrat thugs hate that - but eat shit. We will be a lawful nation whether you like it or not.

And are you going to take over those jobs they left behind?
Who do you think will fed those American kids they left behind? Clothing, schooling, care etc etc? YOU DUMB FUCK.

Since you are dumb racist peasant.......... Can you afford the price hikes all over the groceries and services? You are stupid.

What's wrong with illegals taking their kids with them?

Dude this just shows you don't know what you are talking about .........
Guadalupe Garcia was deported yesterday to Mexico from Arizona leaving 2 kids behind. This is just one parents...... Think in millions let say 20+ million kids.
1. Who do you think will take care those kids? All they have to do is go to welfare which we never have to provide food and shelters for these American kids before. Think if you deport these parents by the millions.
2. It's been proven that they will leave their kids behind. Why? because just like this mother. Why would she take her kids when there are no future on the other side?

I see you danced around the question, so one more time: what's wrong with the illegals taking their kids with them when they are deported?

What I'm telling you are the realities and facts no bullshit.
I already answered your question..... You just didn't accept the reality.
Why would they ( or you) take their American kids to a place where there is no home, no hope and no future?
Maybe you are not aware that there are tens of thousands of unaccompanied children without parents that are already here and they are not even American kids. We are feeding and housing them.

These American kids without parents will be a disaster in the making. If you think keeping illegals are expensive? Think real hard who will shelter all these American kids without parents. Don't forget all the ............. pain and sufferings, jobs they left behind, jobs that need to be filled in, services they provided and the high prices of commodities.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- you taxpayer dollars will work Charwin !! And hey , I love it Charwin and its You and your KIDS and wife down in your warm climate that will have to deal with the consequences that you describe in your last paragraph in your post # 267 !!
I hope this continues 24/7 for the next 8 years......

I hope it gets accelerated. Hopefully this is just the warm up act.
There should be some kind of incentive for Americans, (not liberals) to deliver the illegals to Mexican recycling centers. Kind of like bringing bottles back to the store and getting that nickle years ago. Set up places to bring your Mexicans, get a few bucks and then the Mexican gets flung back across the border.

I think if this continues, we may see a new wave of self-deporting in this country. Get the hell out of the USA before they come and get you, and maybe return when another Democrat administration comes to power.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I can see the Self Deportation plus this news has got to be making the rounds south of the border Ray.

Obviously you are thinking like an American......... Oh I will deport myself to America and rebuilt my life.

Dude you are an old timer here. Still don't have a clue what's the reality.
Why in the world they will deport themselves when there are no food, home, shelter, school...... you lucky if you have a place to take a dump. There are no such things as self deportation. Dude get real.
------------------------------------------------------------------- as regards your last paragraph here , maybe the deported will get together and revolt against the white Spanish masters Charwin !!
as regards Mexican and their Southern brothers and sisters , hey , they are alright , I like them . I just don't like them invading and bringing their third world ways to the USA and then my taxes paying for them Charwin .
Nobody is "picking on" anyone you nitwit. We are enforcing the law. I know you lawless Dumbocrat thugs hate that - but eat shit. We will be a lawful nation whether you like it or not.

And are you going to take over those jobs they left behind?
Who do you think will fed those American kids they left behind? Clothing, schooling, care etc etc? YOU DUMB FUCK.

Since you are dumb racist peasant.......... Can you afford the price hikes all over the groceries and services? You are stupid.

What's wrong with illegals taking their kids with them?

Dude this just shows you don't know what you are talking about .........
Guadalupe Garcia was deported yesterday to Mexico from Arizona leaving 2 kids behind. This is just one parents...... Think in millions let say 20+ million kids.
1. Who do you think will take care those kids? All they have to do is go to welfare which we never have to provide food and shelters for these American kids before. Think if you deport these parents by the millions.
2. It's been proven that they will leave their kids behind. Why? because just like this mother. Why would she take her kids when there are no future on the other side?

I see you danced around the question, so one more time: what's wrong with the illegals taking their kids with them when they are deported?

What I'm telling you are the realities and facts no bullshit.
I already answered your question..... You just didn't accept the reality.
Why would they ( or you) take their American kids to a place where there is no home, no hope and no future?
Maybe you are not aware that there are tens of thousands of unaccompanied children without parents that are already here and they are not even American kids. We are feeding and housing them.

These American kids without parents will be a disaster in the making. If you think keeping illegals are expensive? Think real hard who will shelter all these American kids without parents. Don't forget all the ............. pain and sufferings, jobs they left behind, jobs that need to be filled in, services they provided and the high prices of commodities.

That begs the question: where do kids that are born there live? What do they do about no hope or future?

Obviously parents find a way as they have children all the time. So yes, they will have home and food just like all the other children there. Then when they get old enough, if they want to move back, they can.
U.S. immigration authorities arrested hundreds of undocumented immigrants in at least a half-dozen states this week in a series of raids that marked the first large-scale enforcement of President Trump’s Jan. 26 order to crack down on the estimated 11 million immigrants living here illegally.

The raids, which officials said targeted known criminals, also netted some immigrants who did not have criminal records, an apparent departure from similar enforcement waves during the Obama administration that aimed to just corral and deport those who had committed crimes.

Trump has pledged to deport as many as 3 million undocumented immigrants with criminal records. Last month he also made a change to the Obama administration’s policy of prioritizing deportation for convicted criminals, substantially broadening the scope of who the Department of Homeland Security can target to include those with minor offenses or no convictions at all.

Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

Eventually, if you have an outstanding parking ticket, out you go the way it should be.

Attention liberals: keep those pussy hats ready to go because I'm sure you are going to get the call to protest and riot. Today six states, tomorrow twelve. :banana::banana::banana:
ICE is claiming these raids were planned under the Obama administration. So it looks like blaming Trump is?

I don't know where you got that from, not the OP. Why would DumBama plan a raid long after he was out of the White House? That doesn't even make sense. From the OP:

“This is clearly the first wave of attacks under the Trump administration, and we know this isn’t going to be the only one,” Cristina Jimenez, executive director of United We Dream, an immigrant youth organization, said Friday during a conference call with immigration advocates.
I got it from a news report on TV.

Well again, I would question that source. Obama had plenty of time to do things like this the last eight years. It's in conflict with the OP.
I think that Charwin just wants the cheap boat building labor , think that he is some kinda boat builder or manufacturer aren't YOU Charwin ??
#2-the only reason the kids are citizens is a mis-reading of the constitutional amendment; almost no other even modestly wealthy country on earth allow the children of non-citizens born in them to become automatically a citizen

Babies born to illegal alien mothers within U.S. borders are called anchor babies because under the 1965 immigration Act, they act as an anchor that pulls the illegal alien mother and eventually a host of other relatives into permanent U.S. residency. (Jackpot babies is another term).

The United States did not limit immigration in 1868 when the Fourteenth Amendment was ratified. Thus there were, by definition, no illegal immigrants and the issue of citizenship for children of those here in violation of the law was nonexistent. Granting of automatic citizenship to children of illegal alien mothers is a recent and totally inadvertent and unforeseen result of the amendment and the Reconstructionist period in which it was ratified.

Post-Civil War reforms focused on injustices to African Americans. The 14th Amendment was ratified in 1868 to protect the rights of native-born Black Americans, whose rights were being denied as recently-freed slaves. It was written in a manner so as to prevent state governments from ever denying citizenship to blacks born in the United States. But in 1868, the United States had no formal immigration policy, and the authors therefore saw no need to address immigration explicitly in the amendment.

The 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution - Fourteenth Amendment - anchor babies birthright citizenship - interpretations and misinterpretations - US Constitution
I hope this continues 24/7 for the next 8 years......

I hope it gets accelerated. Hopefully this is just the warm up act.
There should be some kind of incentive for Americans, (not liberals) to deliver the illegals to Mexican recycling centers. Kind of like bringing bottles back to the store and getting that nickle years ago. Set up places to bring your Mexicans, get a few bucks and then the Mexican gets flung back across the border.

I think if this continues, we may see a new wave of self-deporting in this country. Get the hell out of the USA before they come and get you, and maybe return when another Democrat administration comes to power.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I can see the Self Deportation plus this news has got to be making the rounds south of the border Ray.

Obviously you are thinking like an American......... Oh I will deport myself to America and rebuilt my life.

Dude you are an old timer here. Still don't have a clue what's the reality.
Why in the world they will deport themselves when there are no food, home, shelter, school...... you lucky if you have a place to take a dump. There are no such things as self deportation. Dude get real.

Your ESL is showing, where are you from?
Dude this just shows you don't know what you are talking about .........
Guadalupe Garcia was deported yesterday to Mexico from Arizona leaving 2 kids behind. This is just one parents...... Think in millions let say 20+ million kids.
1. Who do you think will take care those kids? All they have to do is go to welfare which we never have to provide food and shelters for these American kids before. Think if you deport these parents by the millions.
2. It's been proven that they will leave their kids behind. Why? because just like this mother. Why would she take her kids when there are no future on the other side?

#1-the parents knowingly had children in a country they did not belong in and were trespassing, and could be deported at any time
#2-the only reason the kids are citizens is a mis-reading of the constitutional amendment; almost no other even modestly wealthy country on earth allow the children of non-citizens born in them to become automatically a citizen
#3-there is nothing to stop the parents from taking the kids back to their country of origin, which if they were real parents who actually gave a fuck for their kids - apparently less than you do - they would take them.

But they won't, as they'd rather rely on useful idiots like you to try and manipulate public opinion to obsfuscate their criminality (and massive cost to the country) by using deflective nonsense and try to appeal to people's emotions, which will no longer work.

1. Why?
2. Then change the constitution retroactively.
3.1. You are right nothing will stop them if they take their kids with them. But nobody will stop them if they leave their kids behind either.
3.2. Who give a fuck? You and me bc you will end up taking care of these kids. Which we never have to worry in the first place.
3.3. Obviously you are thinking like an Americans. They think survivals. They came here for better life taking their kids with no certainty is not acceptable to anybody. Are you going to take your kids with no home, no school and no future to the other side when you know I will take care of your kids? Think.

What I'm telling you are the reality and facts in life.

If you are worried about cost. Think how much will it cost to shelter 20 millions (at the minimum ) of these kids.
Who will fill in those jobs they left behind? You? What will happen to their car and home loans by the millions in numbers? What happen to the banks?
What happen to the enterprises they left behind like.............. home care, elderly care, convalescence home, restaurants, cleaning services, agricultural products, groceries etc etc etc that totally depends on these people?
If you don't have an answer to all of these or just ignore the facts and reality. Then I feel sorry for you. Just because getting rid of illegals doesn't mean it will end your misery.

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