HE WASN’T KIDDING! Trump Revealed New Plan, Deport 75% of Illegals, 8 million!

Why does the left think the deportation of 8 million illegal aliens is feasible?
Why isn't it?
Costs too much.

Takes too long.

Far easier to seize the assets of Illegal Aliens and to (metaphorically) crucify Americans who sell or rent or provide them with employment and housing and services.

Throw a few hundred such large-scale employers and landlords into jail and empty their bank accounts and the rest will fall into line quickly.

Do the same with a dozen or so Sanctuary City mayors and city councils, after charging them with and prosecuting them for conspiracy to obstruct justice.

Eliminates the incentive to either come here or to stay here.


How are landlords supposed to know who is legal or not?
* assists an alien s/he should reasonably know is illegally in the U.S....

It is a bit ambiguous.
* assists an alien s/he should reasonably know is illegally in the U.S....

It is a bit ambiguous.

I didn't just throw the question out there, I'm a landlord and would like to know how I would know if somebody is legal or not?

When I take applications, I check for income and job status. If they have a rental record, I check that as well. If I had to check to make sure somebody is legal or not, I wouldn't even know where to start.

But even if that were the law, that pins us against the wall. When I advertise my apartments, I've been targeted by the state. They send out agents disguised as people looking for an apartment to see if you will discriminate against them or not.

So let's say they send out a white couple and I just take their application. Then they send out a Mexican couple and I check for their legal status. Could the state then fine me because I didn't check out the legal status of the white American couple, but I did with the Mexican couple?

The state is always looking for a way to F you. They had this subject on a local talk radio show a few years ago. A landlord called in to tell his story of how he doesn't allow pets. Somebody called saying they had a dog because the dog helped him with his depression. He reiterated he has a no pet policy. A few days later, a lady called with cats claiming the cats helped her with some sort of problem she had, and again, the landlord wouldn't' take her application.

The state sent him two $5,000 fines for medical discrimination. Both applicants with pets were state agents. Because they made the claim the animals helped them with "whatever" their condition was, he was not allowed to restrict those pets. That's how these people work over here.
Trump said during the campaign that he would begin by deporting the "Bad Guys, the violent criminals...the rapists, murderers, gang members, drug dealers"....

Deporting the mother of 2-4 Americans kids for some minor offense is NOT what he said he would do first....he said later, they would decide how to handle these type of people....

if memory serves?
Illegal is illegal, there should be no pity for these people that are scared now that they did not follow the law in the first place...
It was closed because the rules state you need original content. The above may suffice to keep it open but you still have failed to provide a direction for the discussion. Are you for or against for instance.

It is also worth noting that I cannot find anywhere anything that substantiates the 75% figure, the 8 million people figure or anything even close to what you are seeming to claim in the op.

Did you actually read the order that you linked?
I not only read, but I go further and actually research for myself. The figure comes directly from the center of immigration studies. Check it out yourself...

President Trump's Executive Order puts Americans first; at least 75% of Illegal Aliens Eligible for Deportation
So, you think linking to a blog posted on a clearly biased source that STILL does not support your claim (hint: eligible for deportation does not mean deporting) is supposed to back it up?

I find the claim silly anyway - 100 percent of illegals are eligible for deportation. We just do not expend the resources to do so.
This is real. Trump signed executive order 13768 that will make feasible the deportation of the vast majority of illegals in our country. I have no idea why this thread was locked and hope the above commentary is sufficient. I mean, really, what else is there to say?

Video here with reference material: HE WASN’T KIDDING! Trump Revealed New Plan, Deport 75% of Illegals, 8 million! – InvestmentWatch

Or just read it for yourself here: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2017-01-30/pdf/2017-02102.pdf

I think it's an unworkable plan. For one, it's a felony to hire illegals. Are we going to jail those that hire them? Many families are mixed. Mom and dad illegal, or maybe one parent legal, one illegal, a couple of their offspring born here, maybe one or two were born in Mexico. Is Mexico going to allow those legal offspring to return to Mexico with their parents? Maybe not, given the hostility between the two countries that's certain to arise. Are we really that willing to tear apart families? Also where do the legal young offspring go if they stay here and their parents return to Mexico. To the streets? There'll be lots of empty houses, apartments, school rooms too. Lots of teachers in the unemployment statistics. Then, who's going to do the jobs illegals were doing? Of course, a lot of jobs will dry up with the huge loss of economic activity, which will create depressions in certain areas. This open border thing has been going on for decades and I just don't think that getting rid of millions in one fell swoop is workable, like I said.
...How are landlords supposed to know who is legal or not?
Easy... we feed citizenship-status information into the data stream utilized to run credit-checks on people... be they prospective tenants, purchasers, etc.

That's pretty much public record. But if we find no match to the name and SS number (yes, we would have to have a SS number) then we would have to "assume" they are not legal?
This is real. Trump signed executive order 13768 that will make feasible the deportation of the vast majority of illegals in our country. I have no idea why this thread was locked and hope the above commentary is sufficient. I mean, really, what else is there to say?

Video here with reference material: HE WASN’T KIDDING! Trump Revealed New Plan, Deport 75% of Illegals, 8 million! – InvestmentWatch

Or just read it for yourself here: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2017-01-30/pdf/2017-02102.pdf

I think it's an unworkable plan. For one, it's a felony to hire illegals. Are we going to jail those that hire them? Many families are mixed. Mom and dad illegal, or maybe one parent legal, one illegal, a couple of their offspring born here, maybe one or two were born in Mexico. Is Mexico going to allow those legal offspring to return to Mexico with their parents? Maybe not, given the hostility between the two countries that's certain to arise. Are we really that willing to tear apart families? Also where do the legal young offspring go if they stay here and their parents return to Mexico. To the streets? There'll be lots of empty houses, apartments, school rooms too. Lots of teachers in the unemployment statistics. Then, who's going to do the jobs illegals were doing? Of course, a lot of jobs will dry up with the huge loss of economic activity, which will create depressions in certain areas. This open border thing has been going on for decades and I just don't think that getting rid of millions in one fell swoop is workable, like I said.

The jobs will be filled by Americans, especially if Trump and the Republicans do the right thing by drastically cutting down on our welfare state. The kids would have to return with the parents. Any parent not taking their children with them should be charged with abandonment should they return to the US. Laid off teachers and empty schools? Good, it will keep taxes lower for the residents.

The sky would not be falling, in fact, it would make things better for everybody in this country.
75% ?? not enough deport all ragheads. the killers the breeders and the offspring's the whole god damned fuckin' shit load of em.
...How are landlords supposed to know who is legal or not?
Easy... we feed citizenship-status information into the data stream utilized to run credit-checks on people... be they prospective tenants, purchasers, etc.

That's pretty much public record. But if we find no match to the name and SS number (yes, we would have to have a SS number) then we would have to "assume" they are not legal?
Sounds about right... oh, I'm sure there are permutations and variations and exceptions... nothing is black-and-white... but that makes for a good point of departure.
...How are landlords supposed to know who is legal or not?
Easy... we feed citizenship-status information into the data stream utilized to run credit-checks on people... be they prospective tenants, purchasers, etc.

That's pretty much public record. But if we find no match to the name and SS number (yes, we would have to have a SS number) then we would have to "assume" they are not legal?
Sounds about right... oh, I'm sure there are permutations and variations and exceptions... nothing is black-and-white... but that makes for a good point of departure.

Perhaps, but then the landlord has to anticipate charges of racism or discrimination by participating in that process. This is not to mention that credit checks cost money. If you have 10 people applying for one of your apartments, that gets to be pretty expensive.

In the past, I've asked my Councilman to give landlords access to criminal records to help us keep lowlifes out of our city. He stated it couldn't' be done. Now I was not asking for police records, just a rating system by the police perhaps on a scale of 1 to 10. Having such a system would help protect me from discrimination liability in the event I don't rent to a minority applicant.

I'm all for landlords being held accountable for renting to illegals, it's just that it has to be reasonable, economical, and most of all, protective to landlords. If an applicant gives me a false identification, there is no way for me to verify that his or her identity is not theirs.
I think the RW haven't figured out what it takes takes to deport 8 million people in 4 years...

This means deporting about 8000 a day for every working day... Now lets break this dowm...

Deportation usually involves about 2 - 3 trips to court when the undocumented person is co-operating...

Think about that... You are taking 20,000 cases a day non stop...

The problem you got is this:
A record half-million cases are waiting to be heard by US immigration courts

The first thing I would do if I have no record is just apply for asylum and claim that it is too dangerious for you to go back.

If they en mass just refused to say there country of birth the whole thing would grind to a halt pretty quickly.. Mexico doesn't have to accept anyone who refuses to show there Mexican Citizenship..

This is your problem, not enough offices, prison cells and courts...
I think the RW haven't figured out what it takes takes to deport 8 million people in 4 years...

This means deporting about 8000 a day for every working day... Now lets break this dowm...

Deportation usually involves about 2 - 3 trips to court when the undocumented person is co-operating...

Think about that... You are taking 20,000 cases a day non stop...

The problem you got is this:
A record half-million cases are waiting to be heard by US immigration courts

The first thing I would do if I have no record is just apply for asylum and claim that it is too dangerious for you to go back.

If they en mass just refused to say there country of birth the whole thing would grind to a halt pretty quickly.. Mexico doesn't have to accept anyone who refuses to show there Mexican Citizenship..

This is your problem, not enough offices, prison cells and courts...

Then perhaps what needs to take place is erecting more deportation courts; hundreds of them. Especially when anti-deporation people are trying to gum up the system even more:

Mexicans Vow to Fight Trump by Jamming U.S. Courts
This is real. Trump signed executive order 13768 that will make feasible the deportation of the vast majority of illegals in our country. I have no idea why this thread was locked and hope the above commentary is sufficient. I mean, really, what else is there to say?

Video here with reference material: HE WASN’T KIDDING! Trump Revealed New Plan, Deport 75% of Illegals, 8 million! – InvestmentWatch

Or just read it for yourself here: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2017-01-30/pdf/2017-02102.pdf
Think about this before you post, how is anyone going to find 8 million people and deport them. Its all but impossible
They will report in.

One way is you stage a nationwide lottery for green cards....just show up and if the number on the card you're given on entry turns up, you get a green card. They'll turn out by the thousands. Once you have a full house, you lock down all the exits and send riot police in to zip-tie the beaners, throw em on buses and boot em out at the border entrances. If they are ever caught inside the US again without a proper visa, they get 5 years of busting rocks on a chain-gang.
...How are landlords supposed to know who is legal or not?
Easy... we feed citizenship-status information into the data stream utilized to run credit-checks on people... be they prospective tenants, purchasers, etc.

That's pretty much public record. But if we find no match to the name and SS number (yes, we would have to have a SS number) then we would have to "assume" they are not legal?
Sounds about right... oh, I'm sure there are permutations and variations and exceptions... nothing is black-and-white... but that makes for a good point of departure.

Perhaps, but then the landlord has to anticipate charges of racism or discrimination by participating in that process. This is not to mention that credit checks cost money. If you have 10 people applying for one of your apartments, that gets to be pretty expensive.

In the past, I've asked my Councilman to give landlords access to criminal records to help us keep lowlifes out of our city. He stated it couldn't' be done. Now I was not asking for police records, just a rating system by the police perhaps on a scale of 1 to 10. Having such a system would help protect me from discrimination liability in the event I don't rent to a minority applicant.

I'm all for landlords being held accountable for renting to illegals, it's just that it has to be reasonable, economical, and most of all, protective to landlords. If an applicant gives me a false identification, there is no way for me to verify that his or her identity is not theirs.
If they give you false id then that should not be your problem anymore - that is where the government comes in.

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