HE WASN’T KIDDING! Trump Revealed New Plan, Deport 75% of Illegals, 8 million!

I think the RW haven't figured out what it takes takes to deport 8 million people in 4 years...

This means deporting about 8000 a day for every working day... Now lets break this dowm...

Deportation usually involves about 2 - 3 trips to court when the undocumented person is co-operating...

Think about that... You are taking 20,000 cases a day non stop...

The problem you got is this:
A record half-million cases are waiting to be heard by US immigration courts

The first thing I would do if I have no record is just apply for asylum and claim that it is too dangerious for you to go back.

If they en mass just refused to say there country of birth the whole thing would grind to a halt pretty quickly.. Mexico doesn't have to accept anyone who refuses to show there Mexican Citizenship..

This is your problem, not enough offices, prison cells and courts...
Mexico doesn't have to accept their citizens back.
We don't have to give them charity money to support their government.
We don't have to let their citizens eft money back to relatives in Mexico.
And we don't have to let their trucks on our roads.
It was closed because the rules state you need original content. The above may suffice to keep it open but you still have failed to provide a direction for the discussion. Are you for or against for instance.

It is also worth noting that I cannot find anywhere anything that substantiates the 75% figure, the 8 million people figure or anything even close to what you are seeming to claim in the op.

Did you actually read the order that you linked?
I not only read, but I go further and actually research for myself. The figure comes directly from the center of immigration studies. Check it out yourself...

President Trump's Executive Order puts Americans first; at least 75% of Illegal Aliens Eligible for Deportation

Yup heard it on the news last night.

They made one hundred and sixty five arrests in Cali. One hundred and fifty one of those arrested were criminals. Most of the others were already had the paperwork for deportation.

Round em up and ship them back to Mexico. Build the damned wall so they can't come back.

More than works for me.

Fuck em

Send them all back to the shit holes from which they came

...How are landlords supposed to know who is legal or not?
Easy... we feed citizenship-status information into the data stream utilized to run credit-checks on people... be they prospective tenants, purchasers, etc.

That's pretty much public record. But if we find no match to the name and SS number (yes, we would have to have a SS number) then we would have to "assume" they are not legal?
Sounds about right... oh, I'm sure there are permutations and variations and exceptions... nothing is black-and-white... but that makes for a good point of departure.

Perhaps, but then the landlord has to anticipate charges of racism or discrimination by participating in that process. This is not to mention that credit checks cost money. If you have 10 people applying for one of your apartments, that gets to be pretty expensive.

In the past, I've asked my Councilman to give landlords access to criminal records to help us keep lowlifes out of our city. He stated it couldn't' be done. Now I was not asking for police records, just a rating system by the police perhaps on a scale of 1 to 10. Having such a system would help protect me from discrimination liability in the event I don't rent to a minority applicant.

I'm all for landlords being held accountable for renting to illegals, it's just that it has to be reasonable, economical, and most of all, protective to landlords. If an applicant gives me a false identification, there is no way for me to verify that his or her identity is not theirs.
If they give you false id then that should not be your problem anymore - that is where the government comes in.

Actually it shouldn't be my problem in the first place. Nobody is going to turn around and go back to their country because I didn't rent them an apartment. They will just check in at a homeless shelter or something.
...Perhaps, but then the landlord has to anticipate charges of racism or discrimination by participating in that process...
Then part of a package of statutory changes to enable this would obviously require 'hold harmless' provisions, akin to Good Samaritan laws; good faith, unless disproven.

...This is not to mention that credit checks cost money. If you have 10 people applying for one of your apartments, that gets to be pretty expensive...
Cost of doing business. Most large-to-medium -scale property management companies do this already. Sounds like a job for specialized clearing-houses catering to the smaller-scale landlord; bringing economies of scale to the low-volume end of the market, as well.

...In the past, I've asked my Councilman to give landlords access to criminal records to help us keep lowlifes out of our city. He stated it couldn't' be done...
If the data is public and digitized, a tweak here-and-there to existing statute should do the trick.

...Now I was not asking for police records, just a rating system by the police perhaps on a scale of 1 to 10. Having such a system would help protect me from discrimination liability in the event I don't rent to a minority applicant...
Good idea. In any overhaul of statute designed to facilitate the integration of citizenship and criminal-conviction databases into clearinghouse repositories for credit checks and the like, such a rating system might very well relieve some of the political and legal concerns which might otherwise serve to lessen the usefulness of such an approach.

...I'm all for landlords being held accountable for renting to illegals, it's just that it has to be reasonable, economical, and most of all, protective to landlords. If an applicant gives me a false identification, there is no way for me to verify that his or her identity is not theirs.
That's why God invented bio-metric and two-factor identification methodologies and technologies, and rendered them commonplace, effective and inexpensive. Ask any doctor or nurse or government employee who logs into their computers using simple SmartCards. They, too, can be hacked and forged, but it's damned difficult, and won't be widespread.

But that's all just detail.

If we lay the legal and social and technological groundwork to make it dirt-cheap and easy for employers, landlords, etc., to E-Verify (or similar), verification becomes routine and sustainable and, in very short order, second nature to anyone on either side of a business transaction of such a nature.

It's not exactly rocket science... similar data clearinghouse transactions are coming anyway over the next decade or so... so we might as well turn that to our advantage.

Sooner rather than later.

Or so it seems, to this observer.
...Actually it shouldn't be my problem in the first place. Nobody is going to turn around and go back to their country because I didn't rent them an apartment. They will just check in at a homeless shelter or something.
11-12,000,000 of them won't be checking into homeless shelters.

And, yes, it IS your problem.

The presence of vast numbers of Illegal Aliens is detrimental to the American workforce; because they depress wages in the trades and take jobs away from Americans.

The presence of vast numbers of Illegal Aliens is also detrimental to our national sovereignty, the integrity of our borders, and our common security and economic prosperity.

That MAKES it your problem; a little lightweight status checking is a very small price to pay. If your margins are that slim, then perhaps you should engage in other pursuits.

And if, by some chance, you are profiting from consciously and intentionally leasing residential properties to Illegal Aliens, then you are part of the problem.

Employers deal with status-screening of prospective new hires all the time... we build on that, and expand it for rentals and other purposes, and make it painless.

It's coming anyway... this just brings it to the front burner 5 or 10 or 15 or 20 years sooner than it would have, otherwise.
I think the RW haven't figured out what it takes takes to deport 8 million people in 4 years...

This means deporting about 8000 a day for every working day... Now lets break this dowm...

Deportation usually involves about 2 - 3 trips to court when the undocumented person is co-operating...

Think about that... You are taking 20,000 cases a day non stop...

The problem you got is this:
A record half-million cases are waiting to be heard by US immigration courts

The first thing I would do if I have no record is just apply for asylum and claim that it is too dangerious for you to go back.

If they en mass just refused to say there country of birth the whole thing would grind to a halt pretty quickly.. Mexico doesn't have to accept anyone who refuses to show there Mexican Citizenship..

This is your problem, not enough offices, prison cells and courts...
I think what the Left haven't figured out yet is that laws related to deportation can be changed, in relatively short order, to counter such obstruction.

That will prove especially easy once we have a 5-4 Supreme Court again, which is coming within the next few weeks.
This is real. Trump signed executive order 13768 that will make feasible the deportation of the vast majority of illegals in our country. I have no idea why this thread was locked and hope the above commentary is sufficient. I mean, really, what else is there to say?

Video here with reference material: HE WASN’T KIDDING! Trump Revealed New Plan, Deport 75% of Illegals, 8 million! – InvestmentWatch

Or just read it for yourself here: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2017-01-30/pdf/2017-02102.pdf
Good policy. I want every last one of them out.
...Actually it shouldn't be my problem in the first place...
Everybody has to do their part. You too. Conversely, it is incumbent upon government to make that as easy as possible for you to comply with.

...Nobody is going to turn around and go back to their country because I didn't rent them an apartment...
Correct. But if none of them can lease residential property anywhere within our borders, that no longer holds true.

...They will just check in at a homeless shelter or something.
Not 11-12,000,000 of them.
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...Actually it shouldn't be my problem in the first place...
Everybody has to do their part. You too. Conversely, it is incumbent upon government to make that as easy as possible for you to comply with.

...Nobody is going to turn around and go back to their country because I didn't rent them an apartment...
Correct. But if none of them can lease residential property anywhere within our borders, that no longer holds true.

...They will just check in at a homeless shelter or something.
Not 11-12,000,000 of them.

I seriously doubt it will come down to that nor should it. It would be just as ridiculous as the government holding you responsible for selling somebody your used car without checking them out. Government is not going to invest that kind of trust or money to your average citizen which would accomplish little or nothing. But even if they were, what is the next step, locking up otherwise law abiding people? Plugging up our already over loaded court system? For those who do want to break that law, it would create a new crime of black market apartments where landlords charge illegals two or three times the market value for the apartment. So you would fail at solving one problem while at the same time, creating a dozen more new ones.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
This is real. Trump signed executive order 13768 that will make feasible the deportation of the vast majority of illegals in our country. I have no idea why this thread was locked and hope the above commentary is sufficient. I mean, really, what else is there to say?

Video here with reference material: HE WASN’T KIDDING! Trump Revealed New Plan, Deport 75% of Illegals, 8 million! – InvestmentWatch

Or just read it for yourself here: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2017-01-30/pdf/2017-02102.pdf

Did you read The Executive Action?
I just did and there was NO MENTION of 75% or 8 million!
What I did read was this exactly from the Executive Order 13768 of January 25, 2017

Tens of thousands of removable aliens have been released into communities across the country, solely because their home countries refuse to accept their repatriation. Many of these aliens are criminals who have served time in our Federal, State, and local jails. The presence of such individuals in the United States, and the practices of foreign nations that refuse the repatriation of their nationals, are contrary to the national interest.

(d) Ensure that aliens ordered removed from the United States are promptly removed; and
(e) Support victims, and the families of victims, of crimes committed by removable aliens.

Now here are the characteristics of

(a) Have been convicted of any criminal offense;
(b) Have been charged with any criminal offense, where such charge has not been resolved;
(c) Have committed acts that constitute a chargeable criminal offense;
(d) Have engaged in fraud or willful misrepresentation in connection with any official matter or application before a governmental agency;
(e) Have abused any program related to receipt of public benefits;
(f) Are subject to a final order of removal, but who have not complied with their legal obligation to depart the United States; or
(g) In the judgment of an immigration officer, otherwise pose a risk to public safety or national security.

So NOTE that the above and please answer.........WHERE IS THERE ANY EXACT NUMBER OF 75% OR 8 MILLION?
Easy... we feed citizenship-status information into the data stream utilized to run credit-checks on people... be they prospective tenants, purchasers, etc.

That's pretty much public record. But if we find no match to the name and SS number (yes, we would have to have a SS number) then we would have to "assume" they are not legal?
Sounds about right... oh, I'm sure there are permutations and variations and exceptions... nothing is black-and-white... but that makes for a good point of departure.

Perhaps, but then the landlord has to anticipate charges of racism or discrimination by participating in that process. This is not to mention that credit checks cost money. If you have 10 people applying for one of your apartments, that gets to be pretty expensive.

In the past, I've asked my Councilman to give landlords access to criminal records to help us keep lowlifes out of our city. He stated it couldn't' be done. Now I was not asking for police records, just a rating system by the police perhaps on a scale of 1 to 10. Having such a system would help protect me from discrimination liability in the event I don't rent to a minority applicant.

I'm all for landlords being held accountable for renting to illegals, it's just that it has to be reasonable, economical, and most of all, protective to landlords. If an applicant gives me a false identification, there is no way for me to verify that his or her identity is not theirs.
If they give you false id then that should not be your problem anymore - that is where the government comes in.

Actually it shouldn't be my problem in the first place. Nobody is going to turn around and go back to their country because I didn't rent them an apartment. They will just check in at a homeless shelter or something.
Well, yes they are. The reality is that they come here because it is better here. Cant rent, cant work and cant obtain benefits and that reality changes very quickly. You are not going to be able to stop the flow of illegal immigration by attacking the symptom rather than the source - make it so it is no longer worth it to come here illegally and it will all but stop.

Those that come over for more nefarious reasons would then be a whole lot easier and cheaper to intercept.
That's pretty much public record. But if we find no match to the name and SS number (yes, we would have to have a SS number) then we would have to "assume" they are not legal?
Sounds about right... oh, I'm sure there are permutations and variations and exceptions... nothing is black-and-white... but that makes for a good point of departure.

Perhaps, but then the landlord has to anticipate charges of racism or discrimination by participating in that process. This is not to mention that credit checks cost money. If you have 10 people applying for one of your apartments, that gets to be pretty expensive.

In the past, I've asked my Councilman to give landlords access to criminal records to help us keep lowlifes out of our city. He stated it couldn't' be done. Now I was not asking for police records, just a rating system by the police perhaps on a scale of 1 to 10. Having such a system would help protect me from discrimination liability in the event I don't rent to a minority applicant.

I'm all for landlords being held accountable for renting to illegals, it's just that it has to be reasonable, economical, and most of all, protective to landlords. If an applicant gives me a false identification, there is no way for me to verify that his or her identity is not theirs.
If they give you false id then that should not be your problem anymore - that is where the government comes in.

Actually it shouldn't be my problem in the first place. Nobody is going to turn around and go back to their country because I didn't rent them an apartment. They will just check in at a homeless shelter or something.
Well, yes they are. The reality is that they come here because it is better here. Cant rent, cant work and cant obtain benefits and that reality changes very quickly. You are not going to be able to stop the flow of illegal immigration by attacking the symptom rather than the source - make it so it is no longer worth it to come here illegally and it will all but stop.

Those that come over for more nefarious reasons would then be a whole lot easier and cheaper to intercept.

Then I would focus my attention on employment and not landlords. After all, if a minority applies for one of my apartments and has no real job, I don't rent to them, it doesn't matter who they are. They can't sue me for discrimination because I won't rent to anybody with no income.
"Trump Revealed New Plan, Deport 75% of Illegals, 8 million!"

I hope he deliver.

That faggot Barry deported 2.5 million, and there were no riots.
He signed NDAA, no riots.
He put seven countries on notice and bombs the hell out of them, still no riots.
Suddenly, Trump decides to look at the vetting process and reeeee, riots.

Deport all illegals. Every single one.
...Actually it shouldn't be my problem in the first place...
Everybody has to do their part. You too. Conversely, it is incumbent upon government to make that as easy as possible for you to comply with.

...Nobody is going to turn around and go back to their country because I didn't rent them an apartment...
Correct. But if none of them can lease residential property anywhere within our borders, that no longer holds true.

...They will just check in at a homeless shelter or something.
Not 11-12,000,000 of them.

I seriously doubt it will come down to that nor should it. It would be just as ridiculous as the government holding you responsible for selling somebody your used car without checking them out. Government is not going to invest that kind of trust or money to your average citizen which would accomplish little or nothing. But even if they were, what is the next step, locking up otherwise law abiding people? Plugging up our already over loaded court system? For those who do want to break that law, it would create a new crime of black market apartments where landlords charge illegals two or three times the market value for the apartment. So you would fail at solving one problem while at the same time, creating a dozen more new ones.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
A fine counterpoint, I'm sure, but not terribly convincing. You are a landlord. If you rent to Illegal Aliens then you are part of the problem. The goal is to make you part of the solution.
...Actually it shouldn't be my problem in the first place...
Everybody has to do their part. You too. Conversely, it is incumbent upon government to make that as easy as possible for you to comply with.

...Nobody is going to turn around and go back to their country because I didn't rent them an apartment...
Correct. But if none of them can lease residential property anywhere within our borders, that no longer holds true.

...They will just check in at a homeless shelter or something.
Not 11-12,000,000 of them.

I seriously doubt it will come down to that nor should it. It would be just as ridiculous as the government holding you responsible for selling somebody your used car without checking them out. Government is not going to invest that kind of trust or money to your average citizen which would accomplish little or nothing. But even if they were, what is the next step, locking up otherwise law abiding people? Plugging up our already over loaded court system? For those who do want to break that law, it would create a new crime of black market apartments where landlords charge illegals two or three times the market value for the apartment. So you would fail at solving one problem while at the same time, creating a dozen more new ones.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
A fine counterpoint, I'm sure, but not terribly convincing. You are a landlord. If you rent to Illegal Aliens then you are part of the problem. The goal is to make you part of the solution.

Understand, but there is no feasible way to do that. For that to work, government would have to give everybody access to government records. There are all kinds of nefarious things people could use that information for. Just off the top of my head........

Let's say you know somebody that has a few bucks with a foreign girlfriend. You run her and find out she's illegal. So you blackmail your neighbor or convenient store owner. You might even do the same as a landlord who had an applicant you found that was an illegal.

I'm sure there are all kinds of possibilities out there, especially if somebody gets sick of being blackmailed and wants to silence you.
Sounds about right... oh, I'm sure there are permutations and variations and exceptions... nothing is black-and-white... but that makes for a good point of departure.

Perhaps, but then the landlord has to anticipate charges of racism or discrimination by participating in that process. This is not to mention that credit checks cost money. If you have 10 people applying for one of your apartments, that gets to be pretty expensive.

In the past, I've asked my Councilman to give landlords access to criminal records to help us keep lowlifes out of our city. He stated it couldn't' be done. Now I was not asking for police records, just a rating system by the police perhaps on a scale of 1 to 10. Having such a system would help protect me from discrimination liability in the event I don't rent to a minority applicant.

I'm all for landlords being held accountable for renting to illegals, it's just that it has to be reasonable, economical, and most of all, protective to landlords. If an applicant gives me a false identification, there is no way for me to verify that his or her identity is not theirs.
If they give you false id then that should not be your problem anymore - that is where the government comes in.

Actually it shouldn't be my problem in the first place. Nobody is going to turn around and go back to their country because I didn't rent them an apartment. They will just check in at a homeless shelter or something.
Well, yes they are. The reality is that they come here because it is better here. Cant rent, cant work and cant obtain benefits and that reality changes very quickly. You are not going to be able to stop the flow of illegal immigration by attacking the symptom rather than the source - make it so it is no longer worth it to come here illegally and it will all but stop.

Those that come over for more nefarious reasons would then be a whole lot easier and cheaper to intercept.

Then I would focus my attention on employment and not landlords. After all, if a minority applies for one of my apartments and has no real job, I don't rent to them, it doesn't matter who they are. They can't sue me for discrimination because I won't rent to anybody with no income.
That is where they should start - yes. That does not mean that landlords could not use the exact same system. It really should be simple - input a name and SSN and output a simple valid or invalid result. Done.
This is real. Trump signed executive order 13768 that will make feasible the deportation of the vast majority of illegals in our country. I have no idea why this thread was locked and hope the above commentary is sufficient. I mean, really, what else is there to say?

Video here with reference material: HE WASN’T KIDDING! Trump Revealed New Plan, Deport 75% of Illegals, 8 million! – InvestmentWatch

Or just read it for yourself here: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2017-01-30/pdf/2017-02102.pdf

That would be more like 15 to 22 million; the '11 million' number has been spouted since the late 1980's, and Mexico and Latin America has since shifted a lot of its 'poverty problem' north since then.

And, I will believe he is getting serious when he and the GOP start prosecuting their employers for hiring them in the first place. That will take care of 75% of the problem by itself. 25% to 30% of them are professional criminals and when caught should be executed if they are found here again after being deported once already.
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...Actually it shouldn't be my problem in the first place...
Everybody has to do their part. You too. Conversely, it is incumbent upon government to make that as easy as possible for you to comply with.

...Nobody is going to turn around and go back to their country because I didn't rent them an apartment...
Correct. But if none of them can lease residential property anywhere within our borders, that no longer holds true.

...They will just check in at a homeless shelter or something.
Not 11-12,000,000 of them.

I seriously doubt it will come down to that nor should it. It would be just as ridiculous as the government holding you responsible for selling somebody your used car without checking them out. Government is not going to invest that kind of trust or money to your average citizen which would accomplish little or nothing. But even if they were, what is the next step, locking up otherwise law abiding people? Plugging up our already over loaded court system? For those who do want to break that law, it would create a new crime of black market apartments where landlords charge illegals two or three times the market value for the apartment. So you would fail at solving one problem while at the same time, creating a dozen more new ones.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
A fine counterpoint, I'm sure, but not terribly convincing. You are a landlord. If you rent to Illegal Aliens then you are part of the problem. The goal is to make you part of the solution.

Understand, but there is no feasible way to do that. For that to work, government would have to give everybody access to government records. There are all kinds of nefarious things people could use that information for. Just off the top of my head........

Let's say you know somebody that has a few bucks with a foreign girlfriend. You run her and find out she's illegal. So you blackmail your neighbor or convenient store owner. You might even do the same as a landlord who had an applicant you found that was an illegal.

I'm sure there are all kinds of possibilities out there, especially if somebody gets sick of being blackmailed and wants to silence you.
Oh, I hear you, and you're quite right...

Unless the query output is reduced to a simple "Citizen", "Permanent Resident", "Temporary Resident, expires: 99/99/9999", or "Not Found".

If the result is "Temporary Resident", and 99/99/9999 comes before the end of the lease, and the visa is not extended in the meantime, the lease ends on 99/99/9999.

If the result is "Not Found", then you're not allowed to offer or execute the lease in the first place.

Identity-abuse potential de-fused.

And, if we make it easy (and free) for credit-check data clearinghouses to make that inquiry of government servers electronically and report back on it as part of routine credit check data gathering sequences, then anybody who runs a credit check gets (or can request) that Data Byte to be included in the report routinely, and at no extra charge.

Quite do-able, actually.

But we DO need to examine that prospect in the shadow of the old maxim...

"Just because we CAN do a thing does not mean that we SHOULD do a thing."

That, in this country and in our present age, is more a political question than a legal one, I think, and that gets us into the realm of personal opinion.

Me... I vote "Yes"... do it... but that's just me.
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