HE WASN’T KIDDING! Trump Revealed New Plan, Deport 75% of Illegals, 8 million!

This is real. Trump signed executive order 13768 that will make feasible the deportation of the vast majority of illegals in our country. I have no idea why this thread was locked and hope the above commentary is sufficient. I mean, really, what else is there to say?

Video here with reference material: HE WASN’T KIDDING! Trump Revealed New Plan, Deport 75% of Illegals, 8 million! – InvestmentWatch

Or just read it for yourself here: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2017-01-30/pdf/2017-02102.pdf
Think about this before you post, how is anyone going to find 8 million people and deport them. Its all but impossible
That's not what it is. It's a decapitation sling.

It could be called an 'oreo cookie'. Physics is physics.
lol. I don't think he got what you were referring to. Or he thinks those guys are REALLY strong - like Hulk strong.

Texas Tech has a reasonable freshman physics course. Mike could sit in on it.
I don't need to know anymore about physics.

that's good since you know nothing about any type of science.
You have no idea what I know or don't know. We have never met (Thank God) you are just another lying lib.
This is real. Trump signed executive order 13768 that will make feasible the deportation of the vast majority of illegals in our country. I have no idea why this thread was locked and hope the above commentary is sufficient. I mean, really, what else is there to say?

Video here with reference material: HE WASN’T KIDDING! Trump Revealed New Plan, Deport 75% of Illegals, 8 million! – InvestmentWatch

Or just read it for yourself here: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2017-01-30/pdf/2017-02102.pdf
Think about this before you post, how is anyone going to find 8 million people and deport them. Its all but impossible
They will report in.
Good lord, for real? Don't hold your breath. Liberals and their lackey lawyers/judges will have it overthrown faster than you can say unconstitutional. We are told that this is a nation of laws, and nobody is above the law, etc . etc.. Illegals have the race card, PLUS they are lap dogs of the classist white elitist swine that abuse and exploit illegals aliens for profit....So this is like the unstoppable force meeting the immovable object. We will see what happens here. If true.
This is real. Trump signed executive order 13768 that will make feasible the deportation of the vast majority of illegals in our country. I have no idea why this thread was locked and hope the above commentary is sufficient. I mean, really, what else is there to say?

Video here with reference material: HE WASN’T KIDDING! Trump Revealed New Plan, Deport 75% of Illegals, 8 million! – InvestmentWatch

Or just read it for yourself here: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2017-01-30/pdf/2017-02102.pdf
Think about this before you post, how is anyone going to find 8 million people and deport them. Its all but impossible
They will report in.
You gotta be kidding, Einstein. Why would anyone do that
This is real. Trump signed executive order 13768 that will make feasible the deportation of the vast majority of illegals in our country. I have no idea why this thread was locked and hope the above commentary is sufficient. I mean, really, what else is there to say?

Video here with reference material: HE WASN’T KIDDING! Trump Revealed New Plan, Deport 75% of Illegals, 8 million! – InvestmentWatch

Or just read it for yourself here: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2017-01-30/pdf/2017-02102.pdf
Think about this before you post, how is anyone going to find 8 million people and deport them. Its all but impossible
They will report in.
You gotta be kidding, Einstein. Why would anyone do that
You just don't understand how the people running the show will operate. It's pretty simple really.
Think about this before you post, how is anyone going to find 8 million people and deport them. Its all but impossible
Hitler supposedly got 6 million Jews rounded up for deportation and that was 70 odd years ago. Y'know modern technology and all that?
Good lord, for real? Don't hold your breath. Liberals and their lackey lawyers/judges will have it overthrown faster than you can say unconstitutional. We are told that this is a nation of laws, and nobody is above the law, etc . etc.. Illegals have the race card, PLUS they are lap dogs of the classist white elitist swine that abuse and exploit illegals aliens for profit....So this is like the unstoppable force meeting the immovable object. We will see what happens here. If true.
No they won't. The deportations are already happening.
This is real. Trump signed executive order 13768 that will make feasible the deportation of the vast majority of illegals in our country. I have no idea why this thread was locked and hope the above commentary is sufficient. I mean, really, what else is there to say?

Video here with reference material: HE WASN’T KIDDING! Trump Revealed New Plan, Deport 75% of Illegals, 8 million! – InvestmentWatch

Or just read it for yourself here: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2017-01-30/pdf/2017-02102.pdf

75% would be a lot more than 8 million. That same tired 10-12 million number has been repeated for the past 20 years. It's much more than that now.

This is real. Trump signed executive order 13768 that will make feasible the deportation of the vast majority of illegals in our country. I have no idea why this thread was locked and hope the above commentary is sufficient. I mean, really, what else is there to say?

Video here with reference material: HE WASN’T KIDDING! Trump Revealed New Plan, Deport 75% of Illegals, 8 million! – InvestmentWatch

Or just read it for yourself here: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2017-01-30/pdf/2017-02102.pdf
Think about this before you post, how is anyone going to find 8 million people and deport them. Its all but impossible
They will report in.
You gotta be kidding, Einstein. Why would anyone do that
You just don't understand how the people running the show will operate. It's pretty simple really.
explain it
This is real. Trump signed executive order 13768 that will make feasible the deportation of the vast majority of illegals in our country. I have no idea why this thread was locked and hope the above commentary is sufficient. I mean, really, what else is there to say?

Video here with reference material: HE WASN’T KIDDING! Trump Revealed New Plan, Deport 75% of Illegals, 8 million! – InvestmentWatch

Or just read it for yourself here: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2017-01-30/pdf/2017-02102.pdf

75% would be a lot more than 8 million. That same tired 10-12 million number has been repeated for the past 20 years. It's much more than that now.

Executive order 13768 has nothing to do with deportation. You are so stupid you done even bother to look up the facts
No, I don't ever explain anything to liberals. All that does is make you spin and lie more. Just trust me on this.
This is real. Trump signed executive order 13768 that will make feasible the deportation of the vast majority of illegals in our country. I have no idea why this thread was locked and hope the above commentary is sufficient. I mean, really, what else is there to say?

Video here with reference material: HE WASN’T KIDDING! Trump Revealed New Plan, Deport 75% of Illegals, 8 million! – InvestmentWatch

Or just read it for yourself here: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2017-01-30/pdf/2017-02102.pdf

75% would be a lot more than 8 million. That same tired 10-12 million number has been repeated for the past 20 years. It's much more than that now.

Executive order 13768 has nothing to do with deportation. You are so stupid you done even bother to look up the facts

I looked up the facts, and it does have to do with deportation.
This is real. Trump signed executive order 13768 that will make feasible the deportation of the vast majority of illegals in our country. I have no idea why this thread was locked and hope the above commentary is sufficient. I mean, really, what else is there to say?

Video here with reference material: HE WASN’T KIDDING! Trump Revealed New Plan, Deport 75% of Illegals, 8 million! – InvestmentWatch

Or just read it for yourself here: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2017-01-30/pdf/2017-02102.pdf

75% would be a lot more than 8 million. That same tired 10-12 million number has been repeated for the past 20 years. It's much more than that now.

Executive order 13768 has nothing to do with deportation. You are so stupid you done even bother to look up the facts

I was critiquing these numbers. They are wrong.

Video here with reference material: HE WASN’T KIDDING! Trump Revealed New Plan, Deport 75% of Illegals, 8 million! – InvestmentWatch
Trump said during the campaign that he would begin by deporting the "Bad Guys, the violent criminals...the rapists, murderers, gang members, drug dealers"....

Deporting the mother of 2-4 Americans kids for some minor offense is NOT what he said he would do first....he said later, they would decide how to handle these type of people....

if memory serves?
Trump said during the campaign that he would begin by deporting the "Bad Guys, the violent criminals...the rapists, murderers, gang members, drug dealers"....

Deporting the mother of 2-4 Americans kids for some minor offense is NOT what he said he would do first....he said later, they would decide how to handle these type of people....

if memory serves?
Trump is a man who has no idea of what he is doing, totally dysfunctional
Good lord, for real? Don't hold your breath. Liberals and their lackey lawyers/judges will have it overthrown faster than you can say unconstitutional. We are told that this is a nation of laws, and nobody is above the law, etc . etc.. Illegals have the race card, PLUS they are lap dogs of the classist white elitist swine that abuse and exploit illegals aliens for profit....So this is like the unstoppable force meeting the immovable object. We will see what happens here. If true.
No they won't. The deportations are already happening.
Don't start celebrating just yet, it took thirty years to get to this point. Let alone change the minds of the majority of people brainwashed by the classist wealthy whites in their ivory towers. You think they are going to just let this slide?
They are already trying to keep the criminals here but they will fail. They are failing.

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