Head of EPA Admits That Obama's Regulations Will Hit Low-Income Families Hardest


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Of course, the poor will spend a higher percent of their income on energy costs, and everything else. They also cannot afford the more expensive appliances that are being recommended.

Most working people who live at or below the poverty line already require assistance to make ends meet. If energy costs rise, they will need more assistance, which will hurt the middle class more, especially the lower middle class who don't qualify for any help. It's just more out of pocket expenses that won't make a difference in the climate and is nothing more than a wealth redistribution. Bad part is that the wealthiest companies will benefit on the backs of the workers.

While the left bashes the private sector, they don't talk about the fact that we don't have to purchase goods and services from businesses if we don't want to. And we have a choice whether we want to buy the most expensive or least expensive products.

Liberals have no problem with government forcing us to buy more expensive products and pay more for all types of energy. They had no problem forcing many of us to buy more expensive insurance. And they won't have any problem if we were forced to buy more expensive appliances or automobiles to comply with the tyrant's wishes.

EPA Climate Regulations will Hit Low-income Families
Of course, the poor will spend a higher percent of their income on energy costs, and everything else. They also cannot afford the more expensive appliances that are being recommended.

Most working people who live at or below the poverty line already require assistance to make ends meet. If energy costs rise, they will need more assistance, which will hurt the middle class more, especially the lower middle class who don't qualify for any help. It's just more out of pocket expenses that won't make a difference in the climate and is nothing more than a wealth redistribution. Bad part is that the wealthiest companies will benefit on the backs of the workers.

While the left bashes the private sector, they don't talk about the fact that we don't have to purchase goods and services from businesses if we don't want to. And we have a choice whether we want to buy the most expensive or least expensive products.

Liberals have no problem with government forcing us to buy more expensive products and pay more for all types of energy. They had no problem forcing many of us to buy more expensive insurance. And they won't have any problem if we were forced to buy more expensive appliances or automobiles to comply with the tyrant's wishes.

EPA Climate Regulations will Hit Low-income Families
The Democrats recognize that as the best way to keep the poor on the plantation.
I thought they were going to offset that phenomenon with some kind of assistance or subsidy or tax credit or other free shit. :lol:
I thought they were going to offset that phenomenon with some kind of assistance or subsidy or tax credit or other free shit. :lol:
I'm waiting for the day when the head of the epa realizes his job is unconstitutional. Shouldn't he honor his oath and quit?
That will make the rich happy.

Head of EPA Admits That Obama's Regulations Will Hit Low-Income Families Hardest
I thought they were going to offset that phenomenon with some kind of assistance or subsidy or tax credit or other free shit. :lol:
I knew I had heard it somewhere...

The EPA thus requires states to set up “financial assistance programs” only for those living near or below the poverty line. As a model other than straight cash subsidies, the EPA cites a Maryland program that offers “free installation of energy conservation materials” such as window insulation and furnace retrofits. Another is New York, which hands out compact florescent lightbulbs and even new refrigerators. The resulting energy efficiency savings, the EPA helpfully notes, are “of particular value to low-income households who can least afford high energy bills.”

At the federal level, the EPA is creating a program that gives twice as large a subsidy for renewable and efficiency projects that are built in inner-city neighborhoods and disadvantaged rural areas. There will be job retraining for laid-off coal miners. The agency also plans to install more solar generation on top of or around public housing. So while it will raise their utility bills, at least the poor will get a complementary photovoltaic panel.

Obama’s Climate Plan and Poverty

This is too fucking rich. :lol:
So that is how the EPA intends to justify the horrendous impact of skyrocketing utility bills on the poor and middle class?

Insulate homes for free, and give job training to coal miners so they can build more of this shit. :lol:

No self-respecting EX coal miner would take such a job. It's like getting fired by your boss, then having him put you to work on his plantation. :slap:
That will make the rich happy.

Head of EPA Admits That Obama's Regulations Will Hit Low-Income Families Hardest

Actually, it's making Obama and the Dems happy. They did this and yet you try to blame others. There are wealthy Dems, you know. Congress has more wealthy Dems than Repubs, yet you guys try to twist this.

Being a "kept person" means you are forever beholden to those who sustain you. This move insures that the poor will remain dependent on government.
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Of course, the poor will spend a higher percent of their income on energy costs, and everything else. They also cannot afford the more expensive appliances that are being recommended.

Most working people who live at or below the poverty line already require assistance to make ends meet. If energy costs rise, they will need more assistance, which will hurt the middle class more, especially the lower middle class who don't qualify for any help. It's just more out of pocket expenses that won't make a difference in the climate and is nothing more than a wealth redistribution. Bad part is that the wealthiest companies will benefit on the backs of the workers.

While the left bashes the private sector, they don't talk about the fact that we don't have to purchase goods and services from businesses if we don't want to. And we have a choice whether we want to buy the most expensive or least expensive products.

Liberals have no problem with government forcing us to buy more expensive products and pay more for all types of energy. They had no problem forcing many of us to buy more expensive insurance. And they won't have any problem if we were forced to buy more expensive appliances or automobiles to comply with the tyrant's wishes.

EPA Climate Regulations will Hit Low-income Families
The Democrats recognize that as the best way to keep the poor on the plantation.
The democrats new slave technology.
Doesn't ever matter to the k00ks that their mindless regulations imposed by the corrupt EPA kneecaps the poor. When the poor have to pay ALOT more for electricity, its "FUCK YOU!!" to the underclass........the agenda is far more important. This is exactly the main reason I am in this stoopid forum.........to point out the level of k00k we are dealing with here. These selfish narcissists don't give a fuck who they screw over with their human racism. Go talk to any small business owner and ask them about the total level of crap they have to deal with from the federal government to meet these lunatic regulations.

My role in this forum is to educate the curious on how self-centered and sick these fools are and how their prime mission is to remove personal freedoms and destroy the middle class of America.......a Hobbes wet dream. Go read Leviathan.........this climate change BS has never had anything whatsoever to do with the environment or the climate.:up:

By the way........to a person, these AGW nutters in here loath people who are successful!!! Hate them with a passion.......they need to blame others for their fucked up personal decisions in life that leave them standing on the playing field of life with their thumbs up their asses.. They want successful people who have busted their asses to get fucked over. Meanwhile, they are all societal fuck-ups because they have no balls...........never learned to compete............are devastated by words. Need to blame somebody else because they grew up with a backbone of a Hershey bar. Keep an eye on the ghey debate tactics...............scream social oddball fem men.

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Doesn't ever matter to the k00ks that their mindless regulations imposed by the corrupt EPA kneecaps the poor. When the poor have to pay ALOT more for electricity, its "FUCK YOU!!" to the underclass........the agenda is far more important. This is exactly the main reason I am in this stoopid forum.........to point out the level of k00k we are dealing with here. These selfish narcissists don't give a fuck who they screw over with their human racism. Go talk to any small business owner and ask them about the total level of crap they have to deal with from the federal government to meet these lunatic regulations.

My role in this forum is to educate the curious on how self-centered and sick these fools are and how their prime mission is to remove personal freedoms and destroy the middle class of America.......a Hobbes wet dream. Go read Leviathan.........this climate change BS has never had anything whatsoever to do with the environment or the climate.:up:

By the way........to a person, these AGW nutters in here loath people who are successful!!! Hate them with a passion.......they need to blame others for their fucked up personal decisions in life that leave them standing on the playing field of life with their thumbs up their asses.. They want successful people who have busted their asses to get fucked over. Meanwhile, they are all societal fuck-ups because they have no balls...........never learned to compete............are devastated by words. Need to blame somebody else because they grew up with a backbone of a Hershey bar. Keep an eye on the ghey debate tactics...............scream social oddball fem men.


The left focuses on whether the climate is warming or not. They refuse to discuss the proposed solutions because those so-called solutions are merely a means of conducting the most massive wealth redistribution in history. It won't affect the climate. It will take down this country. This very plot was suggested decades ago by Alinsky and Cloward-Piven. In order to tear down America, there needed to be a crisis of global magnitude. The radicals want one world order. They are looking to redistribute money world-wide and no one on earth will be safe from this scam. In the near future, no one's money will be safe. Look at Greece if you want to see where we are headed.

When their policies hurt the poor, they suck more out of middle class to make up for it. They NEVER go after the wealthy to help middle class. We will have people at the very bottom and some at the top with few in between. We've seen this before and our founders did their best to create a constitution that would prevent it from happening to us.
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Doesn't ever matter to the k00ks that their mindless regulations imposed by the corrupt EPA kneecaps the poor. When the poor have to pay ALOT more for electricity, its "FUCK YOU!!" to the underclass........the agenda is far more important. This is exactly the main reason I am in this stoopid forum.........to point out the level of k00k we are dealing with here. These selfish narcissists don't give a fuck who they screw over with their human racism. Go talk to any small business owner and ask them about the total level of crap they have to deal with from the federal government to meet these lunatic regulations.

My role in this forum is to educate the curious on how self-centered and sick these fools are and how their prime mission is to remove personal freedoms and destroy the middle class of America.......a Hobbes wet dream. Go read Leviathan.........this climate change BS has never had anything whatsoever to do with the environment or the climate.:up:

By the way........to a person, these AGW nutters in here loath people who are successful!!! Hate them with a passion.......they need to blame others for their fucked up personal decisions in life that leave them standing on the playing field of life with their thumbs up their asses.. They want successful people who have busted their asses to get fucked over. Meanwhile, they are all societal fuck-ups because they have no balls...........never learned to compete............are devastated by words. Need to blame somebody else because they grew up with a backbone of a Hershey bar. Keep an eye on the ghey debate tactics...............scream social oddball fem men.


The left focuses on whether the climate is warming or not. They refuse to discuss the proposed solutions because those so-called solutions are merely a means of conducting the most massive wealth redistribution in history. It won't affect the climate. It will take down this country. This very plot was suggested decades ago by Alinsky and Cloward-Piven. In order to tear down America, there needed to be a crisis of global magnitude. The radicals want one world order. They are looking to redistribute money world-wide and no one on earth will be safe from this scam. In the near future, no one's money will be safe. Look at Greece if you want to see where we are headed.

When their policies hurt the poor, they suck more out of middle class to make up for it. They NEVER go after the wealthy to help middle class. We will have people at the very bottom and some at the top with few in between. We've seen this before and our founders did their best to create a constitution that would prevent it from happening to us.

You are exactly right......and notice the low turnout in this thread from members of the AGW religion. Two-faced assholes......phony as the day is long. They dont give a shit about black people or any other people living at the poverty line. Must hold to that established narrative after all......no matter who gets screwed. Id spit in the face of all them and id laugh my balls off while doing it. Phonies are ghey.

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