Headed for a recession

A Recession is when someone else loses their job. A Depression is when you lose yours.

To hell with Keynesian.

A recovery is when Barack Obama loses his.

Weird, we had 8 years of Bush/GOP 'job creator' policies, how'd we do again?

And what did the Dems do about it when they had the Senate and Congress under Bush......................

Under hearings they denied any wrong doing at all. None of them were pushing to put a lid on the bubbles............I've posted too many times on the Derivative Explosions during that time. And we are there again...............




Total private Workers (excluding farms)

DUBYA JAN 2001 111,859,000

DUBYA LEAVES JAN 2009 111,397,000


Obama Jan 2009 111,397,000

TODAY 116,594,000

That's 5+ MILLION NET private sector workers (9+ million since hitting Bush's bottom March 2010)

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

January 2008 employment peaked at 115977. Before the Crash............

We have just now after 6 years of Obama gone past that mark. It doesn't take into effect the population increases during that time.

The Crash happened on his watch buy you deny that the Dems had anything to do with it. Both sides are guilty of what happened. Our Gov't new damned well they were bubbling the markets. One of the main culprits was Graham who was tied to Enron.

Now as you goose step for Obama, you need to tell me how Obama CREATED ALL THOSE JOBS............Trillions in Stimulus. QE's to 4 and a half TRILLION DOLLARS.........
16.1 TRILLION in initial back door loans from the Federal Reserve...........

Fiat Currency did this. And we are headed for another crash. We have been in a downward trend since 98.............Mostly do to Free Trade in my opinion. Poverty has increased, and too many have completely dropped out of the work force.

Not to mention that China, Russia, and even Germany are looking to kill the Dollar as the Reserve Currency.

No matter what you say about this recovery, we are headed over the cliff.

Peaked in 2008? Oh right, Bush/GOP ponzi scheme he allowed and cheered the Banksters with his 'home ownership society' and gutting regulators AFTER warnings, was all Clinton, Barney and the Dems fault *shaking head*

The "turmoil in financial markets clearly was triggered by a dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for U.S. subprime mortgages, beginning in late 2004 and extending into 2007," the President's Working Group on Financial Markets OCT 2008

US household debt doubled under Bush. Mortgage market went from $1 trillion a year in 2000 to almost $4 trillion a year by 2007. HMM

Who was in charge?

Like the GOP great depression, they allow HUGE bubbles to be created then are shocked it takes so long to correct itself!
A recovery is when Barack Obama loses his.

Weird, we had 8 years of Bush/GOP 'job creator' policies, how'd we do again?

And what did the Dems do about it when they had the Senate and Congress under Bush......................

Under hearings they denied any wrong doing at all. None of them were pushing to put a lid on the bubbles............I've posted too many times on the Derivative Explosions during that time. And we are there again...............

The "turmoil in financial markets clearly was triggered by a dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for U.S. subprime mortgages, beginning in late 2004 and extending into 2007," the President's Working Group on Financial Markets OCT 2008


Weird, we had 8 years of Bush/GOP 'job creator' policies, how'd we do again?

Look at his unemployment numbers for his ENTIRE tenure.:eusa_whistle:

More people were working the day Bush left office in the worst recession post war than for most of Obama's tenure.

Yep, Bush allowing AND CHEER LEADING for US household debt to double under him (2001-2007) will create a false economy. Can you say PONZI scheme? There was ZERO real growth under Bush's 8 years

And you want to blame Obama for the depth of the hole Bush/GOP left US in? lol
Look at his unemployment numbers for his ENTIRE tenure.:eusa_whistle:

More people were working the day Bush left office in the worst recession post war than for most of Obama's tenure.

Yep, Bush allowing AND CHEER LEADING for US household debt to double under him (2001-2007) will create a false economy. Can you say PONZI scheme? There was ZERO real growth under Bush's 8 years

And you want to blame Obama for the depth of the hole Bush/GOP left US in? lol

Obama doubled Bush's debt.
You're such a moron.
Total private Workers (excluding farms)

DUBYA JAN 2001 111,859,000

DUBYA LEAVES JAN 2009 111,397,000


Obama Jan 2009 111,397,000

TODAY 116,594,000

That's 5+ MILLION NET private sector workers (9+ million since hitting Bush's bottom March 2010)

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

January 2008 employment peaked at 115977. Before the Crash............

We have just now after 6 years of Obama gone past that mark. It doesn't take into effect the population increases during that time.

The Crash happened on his watch buy you deny that the Dems had anything to do with it. Both sides are guilty of what happened. Our Gov't new damned well they were bubbling the markets. One of the main culprits was Graham who was tied to Enron.

Now as you goose step for Obama, you need to tell me how Obama CREATED ALL THOSE JOBS............Trillions in Stimulus. QE's to 4 and a half TRILLION DOLLARS.........
16.1 TRILLION in initial back door loans from the Federal Reserve...........

Fiat Currency did this. And we are headed for another crash. We have been in a downward trend since 98.............Mostly do to Free Trade in my opinion. Poverty has increased, and too many have completely dropped out of the work force.

Not to mention that China, Russia, and even Germany are looking to kill the Dollar as the Reserve Currency.

No matter what you say about this recovery, we are headed over the cliff.

Peaked in 2008? Oh right, Bush/GOP ponzi scheme he allowed and cheered the Banksters with his 'home ownership society' and gutting regulators AFTER warnings, was all Clinton, Barney and the Dems fault *shaking head*

The "turmoil in financial markets clearly was triggered by a dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for U.S. subprime mortgages, beginning in late 2004 and extending into 2007," the President's Working Group on Financial Markets OCT 2008

US household debt doubled under Bush. Mortgage market went from $1 trillion a year in 2000 to almost $4 trillion a year by 2007. HMM

Who was in charge?

Like the GOP great depression, they allow HUGE bubbles to be created then are shocked it takes so long to correct itself!

You refuse to see any wrong doing with Democrats during the same time. As you will continue to refuse that Democrats refused to see anything wrong in the Housing Market. Your side was pushing for this as well, and were not trying to fix anything as the bubbles went to hell.

Both sides are guilty.

And both sides are equally guilty for what's upcoming.
Look at his unemployment numbers for his ENTIRE tenure.:eusa_whistle:

More people were working the day Bush left office in the worst recession post war than for most of Obama's tenure.

Yep, Bush allowing AND CHEER LEADING for US household debt to double under him (2001-2007) will create a false economy. Can you say PONZI scheme? There was ZERO real growth under Bush's 8 years

And you want to blame Obama for the depth of the hole Bush/GOP left US in? lol

As was Clinton. Hell Obama was dang lawyer to challenge unfair lending prices. Both sides were pushing for reduced standards on mortgages.

And neither side stopped the Markets from hell which caused this.

Both played the smoke screen of TARP..............

Your a one sided BS artist. Both sides are guilty. I throw them all under the bus, and I've been doing so since the 90's for their BS.

You are spouting only one side of the equation.
BTW I don't see you refuting the data I posted.

Look at the Trillions to Pump up the Markets from the Federal Reserve and get back to me.

It's all BS, and it's coming down again as soon as they pull the plug.

Total private Workers (excluding farms)

DUBYA JAN 2001 111,859,000

DUBYA LEAVES JAN 2009 111,397,000


Obama Jan 2009 111,397,000

TODAY 116,594,000

That's 5+ MILLION NET private sector workers (9+ million since hitting Bush's bottom March 2010)

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

The accurate comparison would be Bush 2001-2006 to Obama 2009-2014.
More people were working the day Bush left office in the worst recession post war than for most of Obama's tenure.

Yep, Bush allowing AND CHEER LEADING for US household debt to double under him (2001-2007) will create a false economy. Can you say PONZI scheme? There was ZERO real growth under Bush's 8 years

And you want to blame Obama for the depth of the hole Bush/GOP left US in? lol

Obama doubled Bush's debt.
You're such a moron.

SURE HE DID *shaking head*

He just went on tax cutting (revenues) sprees UNFUNDED wars and UNFUNDED Medicare expansion (that the CBO said costs as much this decade as Obamacares, which is 100%+ FUNDED)...

Obama's first F./Y budget begins

National Debt Oct 1, 2009 $11,920,519,164,319.42

Now TRUE, Reagan tripled the US debt and BOTH Bush's doubled it, but no, Obama will not double the GOP's debt

Economic Downturn and Bush Policies Continue to Drive Large Projected Deficits

Economic Recovery Measures, Financial Rescues Have Only Temporary Impact

Tax Cuts, War Costs Do Lasting Harm to Budget Outlook

Just two policies dating from the Bush Administration — tax cuts and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan — accounted for over $500 billion of the deficit in 2009 and will account for nearly $6 trillion in deficits in 2009 through 2019 (including associated debt-service costs of $1.4 trillion). By 2019, we estimate that these two policies will account for almost half — over $8 trillion — of the $17 trillion in debt that will be owed under current policies

Economic Downturn and Legacy of Bush Policies Continue to Drive Large Deficits ? Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Total private Workers (excluding farms)

DUBYA JAN 2001 111,859,000

DUBYA LEAVES JAN 2009 111,397,000


Obama Jan 2009 111,397,000

TODAY 116,594,000

That's 5+ MILLION NET private sector workers (9+ million since hitting Bush's bottom March 2010)

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

The accurate comparison would be Bush 2001-2006 to Obama 2009-2014.

Sure, if ONLY you could somehow give me some bills the Dems passed that changed Dubya's policies BEFORE 2009? lol
BTW I don't see you refuting the data I posted.

Look at the Trillions to Pump up the Markets from the Federal Reserve and get back to me.

It's all BS, and it's coming down again as soon as they pull the plug.

Sure, Bush/GOP did so a bang up job on the economy, the federal reserve NEEDED to step in and help US, as the GOP has refused too...

Bush and Comp bankrupted US, US household debt doubled, revenues for the Gov't went to Korean war levels while expenditures on 2 UNFUNDED tax cuts, 2 UNFUNDED wars and UNFUNDED Medicare expansion that costs as much this decade as Obamacares, which was 100%+ funded, did some REAL harm...
More people were working the day Bush left office in the worst recession post war than for most of Obama's tenure.

Yep, Bush allowing AND CHEER LEADING for US household debt to double under him (2001-2007) will create a false economy. Can you say PONZI scheme? There was ZERO real growth under Bush's 8 years

And you want to blame Obama for the depth of the hole Bush/GOP left US in? lol

As was Clinton. Hell Obama was dang lawyer to challenge unfair lending prices. Both sides were pushing for reduced standards on mortgages.

And neither side stopped the Markets from hell which caused this.

Both played the smoke screen of TARP..............

Your a one sided BS artist. Both sides are guilty. I throw them all under the bus, and I've been doing so since the 90's for their BS.

You are spouting only one side of the equation.

Got it, WANT to blame Clinton/Obama

The "turmoil in financial markets clearly was triggered by a dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for U.S. subprime mortgages, beginning in late 2004 and extending into 2007," the President's Working Group on Financial Markets OCT 2008


One president controlled the regulators that not only let banks stop checking income but cheered them on. And as president Bush could enact the very policies that caused the Bush Mortgage Bubble and he did. And his party controlled congress.

Q Why would Bush’s regulators let banks lower their lending standards?

A. Federal regulators at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) and the Office of Thrift Supervision work for Bush and he was pushing his “Ownership Society” programs that was a major and successful part of his re election campaign in 2004. And Bush’s regulators not only let banks do this, they attacked state regulators trying to do their jobs. Bush’s documented policies and statements in timeframe leading up to the start of the Bush Mortgage Bubble include (but not limited to)

Wanting 7 million more minority homeowners
Tells congress there is nothing wrong with GSEs
Pledging to use federal policy to increase home ownership
Routinely taking credit for the housing market
Forcing GSEs to buy more low income home loans by raising their Housing Goals
Lowering Invesntment bank’s capital requirements, Net Capital rule
Reversing the Clinton rule that restricted GSEs purchases of subprime loans
Lowering down payment requirements to 0%
Forcing GSEs to spend an additional 440 billion in the secondary markets
Giving away 40,000 free down payments
But the biggest policy was regulators not enforcing lending standards.
January 2008 employment peaked at 115977. Before the Crash............

We have just now after 6 years of Obama gone past that mark. It doesn't take into effect the population increases during that time.

The Crash happened on his watch buy you deny that the Dems had anything to do with it. Both sides are guilty of what happened. Our Gov't new damned well they were bubbling the markets. One of the main culprits was Graham who was tied to Enron.

Now as you goose step for Obama, you need to tell me how Obama CREATED ALL THOSE JOBS............Trillions in Stimulus. QE's to 4 and a half TRILLION DOLLARS.........
16.1 TRILLION in initial back door loans from the Federal Reserve...........

Fiat Currency did this. And we are headed for another crash. We have been in a downward trend since 98.............Mostly do to Free Trade in my opinion. Poverty has increased, and too many have completely dropped out of the work force.

Not to mention that China, Russia, and even Germany are looking to kill the Dollar as the Reserve Currency.

No matter what you say about this recovery, we are headed over the cliff.

Peaked in 2008? Oh right, Bush/GOP ponzi scheme he allowed and cheered the Banksters with his 'home ownership society' and gutting regulators AFTER warnings, was all Clinton, Barney and the Dems fault *shaking head*

The "turmoil in financial markets clearly was triggered by a dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for U.S. subprime mortgages, beginning in late 2004 and extending into 2007," the President's Working Group on Financial Markets OCT 2008

US household debt doubled under Bush. Mortgage market went from $1 trillion a year in 2000 to almost $4 trillion a year by 2007. HMM

Who was in charge?

Like the GOP great depression, they allow HUGE bubbles to be created then are shocked it takes so long to correct itself!

You refuse to see any wrong doing with Democrats during the same time. As you will continue to refuse that Democrats refused to see anything wrong in the Housing Market. Your side was pushing for this as well, and were not trying to fix anything as the bubbles went to hell.

Both sides are guilty.

And both sides are equally guilty for what's upcoming.

One president controlled the regulators that not only let banks stop checking income but cheered them on. And as president Bush could enact the very policies that caused the Bush Mortgage Bubble and he did. And his party controlled congress.

The "turmoil in financial markets clearly was triggered by a dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for U.S. subprime mortgages, beginning in late 2004 and extending into 2007," the President's Working Group on Financial Markets OCT 2008

Pretty boilerplate conservative, always blubbering excuses about how conservatives aren't responsible for the complete and utter failure of their policies


Conservative Ideas Can't Escape Blame for the Financial Crisis

The onset of the recent financial crisis in late 2007 created an intellectual crisis for conservatives, who had been touting for decades the benefits of a hands-off approach to financial market regulation. As the crisis quickly spiraled out of control, it quickly became apparent that the massive credit bubble of the mid-2000s, followed by the inevitable bust that culminated with the financial markets freeze in the fall of 2008, occurred predominantly among those parts of the financial system that were least regulated, or where regulations existed but were largely unenforced.

Predictably, many conservatives sought to blame the bogeymen they always blamed

Politics Most Blatant | Center for American Progress


Dubya was warned by the FBI of an "epidemic" of mortgage fraud in 2004. He gave them less resources. Later in 2004 Dubya allowed the leverage rules to go from 12-1 to 33-1 which flooded the market with cheap money!

Bush drive for home ownership fueled housing bubble

He insisted that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac meet ambitious new goals for low-income lending.

Concerned that down payments were a barrier, Bush persuaded Congress to spend as much as $200 million a year to help first-time buyers with down payments and closing costs.

And he pushed to allow first-time buyers to qualify for government insured mortgages with no money down
January 2008 employment peaked at 115977. Before the Crash............

We have just now after 6 years of Obama gone past that mark. It doesn't take into effect the population increases during that time.

The Crash happened on his watch buy you deny that the Dems had anything to do with it. Both sides are guilty of what happened. Our Gov't new damned well they were bubbling the markets. One of the main culprits was Graham who was tied to Enron.

Now as you goose step for Obama, you need to tell me how Obama CREATED ALL THOSE JOBS............Trillions in Stimulus. QE's to 4 and a half TRILLION DOLLARS.........
16.1 TRILLION in initial back door loans from the Federal Reserve...........

Fiat Currency did this. And we are headed for another crash. We have been in a downward trend since 98.............Mostly do to Free Trade in my opinion. Poverty has increased, and too many have completely dropped out of the work force.

Not to mention that China, Russia, and even Germany are looking to kill the Dollar as the Reserve Currency.

No matter what you say about this recovery, we are headed over the cliff.

Peaked in 2008? Oh right, Bush/GOP ponzi scheme he allowed and cheered the Banksters with his 'home ownership society' and gutting regulators AFTER warnings, was all Clinton, Barney and the Dems fault *shaking head*

The "turmoil in financial markets clearly was triggered by a dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for U.S. subprime mortgages, beginning in late 2004 and extending into 2007," the President's Working Group on Financial Markets OCT 2008

US household debt doubled under Bush. Mortgage market went from $1 trillion a year in 2000 to almost $4 trillion a year by 2007. HMM

Who was in charge?

Like the GOP great depression, they allow HUGE bubbles to be created then are shocked it takes so long to correct itself!

You refuse to see any wrong doing with Democrats during the same time. As you will continue to refuse that Democrats refused to see anything wrong in the Housing Market. Your side was pushing for this as well, and were not trying to fix anything as the bubbles went to hell.

Both sides are guilty.

And both sides are equally guilty for what's upcoming.

Q My conservative friends blame policies from 1864, 1977, 1992, 1995, 1999 and 2000. Why aren’t those policies responsible for the Bush Mortgage Bubble?

A Those policies had nothing to do with banks lowering their lending standards in late 2004 and they had nothing to do with Bush’s regulators not their jobs and had nothing to do with Bush’s regulators blocking state regulators from doing their jobs.

Q I have a friend who's a realtor and she insists the Bubble started in 2000, if not a year or so before then. What about that?

A Well I cant answer for anecdotal statements that are simply not supported by any data. I can only post clear straightforward points and back them up with solid factual links. Bush's working group told you it started late 2004. The fed told you it started in the same timeframe. Subprime loans increased 300 % a little before that timeframe and No Doc loans ROCKETED UP 1000% in that exact timeframe laid out by Bush's Working Group.
Total private Workers (excluding farms)

DUBYA JAN 2001 111,859,000

DUBYA LEAVES JAN 2009 111,397,000


Obama Jan 2009 111,397,000

TODAY 116,594,000

That's 5+ MILLION NET private sector workers (9+ million since hitting Bush's bottom March 2010)

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

The accurate comparison would be Bush 2001-2006 to Obama 2009-2014.

Sure, if ONLY you could somehow give me some bills the Dems passed that changed Dubya's policies BEFORE 2009? lol

Why? You're comparing Bush to Obama. You can't take the whole Bush term and then call Obama's 3/4 term and draw a parallel. At this time in Bush's administration things were going quite well, much better than things are going now. Sure it all went to shit in 2008 but that doesn't mean it won't happen to Obama too.

The stock market is a good example of a bubble being over inflated, and it's Obama's folks doing it. Time will tell if the coming crash is just as bad and/or caused directly by his policies.
Peaked in 2008? Oh right, Bush/GOP ponzi scheme he allowed and cheered the Banksters with his 'home ownership society' and gutting regulators AFTER warnings, was all Clinton, Barney and the Dems fault *shaking head*

The "turmoil in financial markets clearly was triggered by a dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for U.S. subprime mortgages, beginning in late 2004 and extending into 2007," the President's Working Group on Financial Markets OCT 2008

US household debt doubled under Bush. Mortgage market went from $1 trillion a year in 2000 to almost $4 trillion a year by 2007. HMM

Who was in charge?

Like the GOP great depression, they allow HUGE bubbles to be created then are shocked it takes so long to correct itself!

You refuse to see any wrong doing with Democrats during the same time. As you will continue to refuse that Democrats refused to see anything wrong in the Housing Market. Your side was pushing for this as well, and were not trying to fix anything as the bubbles went to hell.

Both sides are guilty.

And both sides are equally guilty for what's upcoming.

One president controlled the regulators that not only let banks stop checking income but cheered them on. And as president Bush could enact the very policies that caused the Bush Mortgage Bubble and he did. And his party controlled congress.

The "turmoil in financial markets clearly was triggered by a dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for U.S. subprime mortgages, beginning in late 2004 and extending into 2007," the President's Working Group on Financial Markets OCT 2008

Pretty boilerplate conservative, always blubbering excuses about how conservatives aren't responsible for the complete and utter failure of their policies


Conservative Ideas Can't Escape Blame for the Financial Crisis

The onset of the recent financial crisis in late 2007 created an intellectual crisis for conservatives, who had been touting for decades the benefits of a hands-off approach to financial market regulation. As the crisis quickly spiraled out of control, it quickly became apparent that the massive credit bubble of the mid-2000s, followed by the inevitable bust that culminated with the financial markets freeze in the fall of 2008, occurred predominantly among those parts of the financial system that were least regulated, or where regulations existed but were largely unenforced.

Predictably, many conservatives sought to blame the bogeymen they always blamed

Politics Most Blatant | Center for American Progress


Dubya was warned by the FBI of an "epidemic" of mortgage fraud in 2004. He gave them less resources. Later in 2004 Dubya allowed the leverage rules to go from 12-1 to 33-1 which flooded the market with cheap money!

Bush drive for home ownership fueled housing bubble

He insisted that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac meet ambitious new goals for low-income lending.

Concerned that down payments were a barrier, Bush persuaded Congress to spend as much as $200 million a year to help first-time buyers with down payments and closing costs.

And he pushed to allow first-time buyers to qualify for government insured mortgages with no money down

You're correct that Bush didn't stop this madness, but the GOP had some hearings on the matter and got completely objected by Democrats even when Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were suspected of fraud.

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