Health Care Premiums To Skyrocket In 2018! GO TRUMP!

He is not a dictator. He tried to get Congress to repeal it. Democrats and Senate RINO's protected it.

Obamacare belongs to Obama and the Democrats. No amount of spin will EVER change that.

Never underestimate the power of spin; by the time all is said and done at least half the sheeple will believe that all the problems created by Obamacare are Donny's fault. ;)

"You don't know the power of the dark side!" -- Darth Vader

Nope, everything wrong with ACA is not Trumps fault just everything since he took office and the subtle changes including the high rate increases for 2018. If they truly had no intention of repealing they should have worked on part of it.
We don’thave Trump care are we are still on obummer Care! Thanks obummer for your horseshittery!

When you tinker with something you own it. It certainly is trumpcare.
What EXACTLY did Trump "tinker" with? Please be specific so I can understand.

1. Number one is TOTAL UNCERTAINTY in the individual insurance market Republicans and Trump have bestowed upon America on DAY ONE.

No one know what the fuck tomorrow will be, no one can price in the risks correctly and so they play on the high side to avoid big losses.

2. Promises and EO on mandate weakening/repeal has depressed participation, leaving more sick and less healthy in the market, which raises prices.

3. Trump phased out shared costs subsidies which directly drove prices up.

Halt In Subsidies For Health Insurers Expected To Drive Up Costs For Middle Class

Pa. insurance department says Obamacare rates to rise 30.6 percent

That is all spin. Obamacare premiums have gone up every single year since Democrats passed it. This years increase is right in line with previous year increases. Try again?
If Obama had not been elected, this trend would have continued:

Plan A: Obamacare (Democrats).

Plan B: Nothing (Republicans).

When in a crisis, voters will always pick Something over Nothing. Even if that Something is half-assed.

Plan A: Fix ObamaCare (Democrats)

Plan B: Replace ObamaCare (Trump)

Over to you Donald!


I got nuttin!

So the govt craps out a turd and you think they'll turn it into a rose? You are one gullible creature.
We don’thave Trump care are we are still on obummer Care! Thanks obummer for your horseshittery!

When you tinker with something you own it. It certainly is trumpcare.
What EXACTLY did Trump "tinker" with? Please be specific so I can understand.

1. Number one is TOTAL UNCERTAINTY in the individual insurance market Republicans and Trump have bestowed upon America on DAY ONE.

No one know what the fuck tomorrow will be, no one can price in the risks correctly and so they play on the high side to avoid big losses.

2. Promises and EO on mandate weakening/repeal has depressed participation, leaving more sick and less healthy in the market, which raises prices.

3. Trump phased out shared costs subsidies which directly drove prices up.

Halt In Subsidies For Health Insurers Expected To Drive Up Costs For Middle Class

Pa. insurance department says Obamacare rates to rise 30.6 percent

That is all spin. Obamacare premiums have gone up every single year since Democrats passed it. This years increase is right in line with previous year increases. Try again?
If Obama had not been elected, this trend would have continued:


And we would be left without a travesty of a law.
I have called ObamaCare a bait-and-switch con from day one. I said states would be bankrupted by ObamaCare a few years after Obama left office and he'd be laughing his ass off on the golf course. I can show you this if you don't believe me. I've been saying it for years.

Trump promised to replace ObamaCare.

He lied.

He owns health care now. You rubes are now trying to claim he hasn't done anything to ObamaCare and so it is Obama's fault? Man, you are fucking schizos. Pseudocons have been bragging about Trump dismantling ObamaCare all year!

Positively schizophrenic.

But let's stipulate Trump has done nothing to ObamaCare.

Okay, fine.

By doing nothing, Trump is allowing health care costs to continue to skyrocket.

You didn't hire him to do NOTHING to ObamaCare. You hired him to REPLACE ObamaCare.

He lied to you, folks.

Trump lied to you. Bigly.
When you tinker with something you own it. It certainly is trumpcare.
What EXACTLY did Trump "tinker" with? Please be specific so I can understand.

1. Number one is TOTAL UNCERTAINTY in the individual insurance market Republicans and Trump have bestowed upon America on DAY ONE.

No one know what the fuck tomorrow will be, no one can price in the risks correctly and so they play on the high side to avoid big losses.

2. Promises and EO on mandate weakening/repeal has depressed participation, leaving more sick and less healthy in the market, which raises prices.

3. Trump phased out shared costs subsidies which directly drove prices up.

Halt In Subsidies For Health Insurers Expected To Drive Up Costs For Middle Class

Pa. insurance department says Obamacare rates to rise 30.6 percent

That is all spin. Obamacare premiums have gone up every single year since Democrats passed it. This years increase is right in line with previous year increases. Try again?
If Obama had not been elected, this trend would have continued:


And we would be left without a travesty of a law.

Just travesty of a healthcare system with 18% uninsured rates and costs shooting through our people and government budget roofs.
We don’thave Trump care are we are still on obummer Care! Thanks obummer for your horseshittery!

When you tinker with something you own it. It certainly is trumpcare.
What EXACTLY did Trump "tinker" with? Please be specific so I can understand.
We will wait a loooooong time for a legit. Answer.

You must not read the news CSR's were axed, that is a tinker. Shortened the time period to sign up.

That is why Obamacare premiums have soared every year since it was enacted? really? You going with that? :rofl:
I have actually been trying to be nice here but you fucking idiots that voted for trump have your heads so far up his ass you can't see daylight. I suggest you do a lot of research boy and see what rates were projected to go up this year instead of what they are. BTW rates went up every year for the past 20.
When you tinker with something you own it. It certainly is trumpcare.
What EXACTLY did Trump "tinker" with? Please be specific so I can understand.
We will wait a loooooong time for a legit. Answer.

You must not read the news CSR's were axed, that is a tinker. Shortened the time period to sign up.

That is why Obamacare premiums have soared every year since it was enacted? really? You going with that? :rofl:
I have actually been trying to be nice here but you fucking idiots that voted for trump have your heads so far up his ass you can't see daylight. I suggest you do a lot of research boy and see what rates were projected to go up this year instead of what they are. BTW rates went up every year for the past 20.

When you tinker with something you own it. It certainly is trumpcare.
What EXACTLY did Trump "tinker" with? Please be specific so I can understand.

1. Number one is TOTAL UNCERTAINTY in the individual insurance market Republicans and Trump have bestowed upon America on DAY ONE.

No one know what the fuck tomorrow will be, no one can price in the risks correctly and so they play on the high side to avoid big losses.

2. Promises and EO on mandate weakening/repeal has depressed participation, leaving more sick and less healthy in the market, which raises prices.

3. Trump phased out shared costs subsidies which directly drove prices up.

Halt In Subsidies For Health Insurers Expected To Drive Up Costs For Middle Class

Pa. insurance department says Obamacare rates to rise 30.6 percent

That is all spin. Obamacare premiums have gone up every single year since Democrats passed it. This years increase is right in line with previous year increases. Try again?
If Obama had not been elected, this trend would have continued:


And we would be left without a travesty of a law.
You would be paying even higher costs than you are now.
Remember, health care costs getting out of hand? remember insurance company's increasing costs while at the same time cutting benefits ,
. so the Dems tried to put in place some thing that would work for most people. did they give the Republicans a year to also stick there fingers in the pie? yes. was it a flawed plan? yes
. do you remember those who said lets not dump it lets fix it so it works? did the republicans say yes lets all get together and fix it? no they did not.

republicans said dump it, kill it, WE republicans can do a better job, we will create a new better plan. well its 6 years later, they have done a good job?

yes on there killing the ACA. but NOTHING on a new BETTER plan.

so there ALL to blame & we get nothing,
not a better ACA, or a new health care plan. that's what playing polities has given us. we need good government, not good party followers.
No matter how many red herrings you throw up about Obama lying, that will not change the fact Trump lied to you.

You were hoaxed.

Much worse than Obama hoaxed his voters.

Much worse.

You are going to pay through the nose for your stupidity, folks.

Learn from your mistakes, or you will get a chance to learn from them again!
Health care premiums for 2018 set to go up by as much as 50 percent

Several states have announced rates for health insurance premiums on the Obamacare exchanges for 2018. Topping the list is Georgia, with rates that are 57 percent higher than last year, while Florida said some premiums will be 45 percent higher.

Trump has been so busy golfing, he forgot to fulfill his number one campaign promise.

"My first day in office, I'm going to ask Congress to put a bill on my desk getting rid of this disastrous law, and replacing it with reforms that expand choice, freedom, affordability. You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."

In the wake of the Senate's failure, this is the best thing that could happen in the long term.

Obamacare was Obama's biggest failure (of which there were many), and it's survival is eroding his already-compromised legacy faster than it should be. I remember when the Dems welcomed the term Obamacare, so sure were they of its inevitable success.
Doing NOTHING is not an option. But that is what the GOP has always done.

Trump is so fucking stupid, he thought the GOP had a plan, and he was going to take credit for it.

So he felt very confident in telling the Tard Herd he was going to replace ObamaCare.

I've never met an intelligent huckster in my life. And I used to spend a lot of time debunking them.

Trump is just as stupid as any other con man or woman I've ever dealt with.
When you tinker with something you own it. It certainly is trumpcare.
What EXACTLY did Trump "tinker" with? Please be specific so I can understand.
We will wait a loooooong time for a legit. Answer.

You must not read the news CSR's were axed, that is a tinker. Shortened the time period to sign up.

That is why Obamacare premiums have soared every year since it was enacted? really? You going with that? :rofl:
I have actually been trying to be nice here but you fucking idiots that voted for trump have your heads so far up his ass you can't see daylight. I suggest you do a lot of research boy and see what rates were projected to go up this year instead of what they are. BTW rates went up every year for the past 20.

CBO projections are never right.

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