Health Care Premiums To Skyrocket In 2018! GO TRUMP!

Before: "You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy!"

After: "Nobody knew health care could be so complicated!"
We don’thave Trump care are we are still on obummer Care! Thanks obummer for your horseshittery!

When you tinker with something you own it. It certainly is trumpcare.
What EXACTLY did Trump "tinker" with? Please be specific so I can understand.

1. TOTAL UNCERTAINTY in the individual insurance market Republicans and Trump have bestowed upon America on DAY ONE.

No one knows what the fuck tomorrow will be, no one can price in the risks correctly and so they play on the high side to avoid big losses.

2. Rhetoric and an Executive Order on mandate weakening/repeal
has depressed participation, leaving more sick and less healthy in the market, which raises prices.

3. Trump phased out shared costs subsidies (CSRs) which directly drove prices up.

Halt In Subsidies For Health Insurers Expected To Drive Up Costs For Middle Class

Pa. insurance department says Obamacare rates to rise 30.6 percent
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We don’thave Trump care are we are still on obummer Care! Thanks obummer for your horseshittery!

When you tinker with something you own it. It certainly is trumpcare.
What EXACTLY did Trump "tinker" with? Please be specific so I can understand.
We will wait a loooooong time for a legit. Answer.

You must not read the news CSR's were axed, that is a tinker. Shortened the time period to sign up.

That is why Obamacare premiums have soared every year since it was enacted? really? You going with that? :rofl:
We don’thave Trump care are we are still on obummer Care! Thanks obummer for your horseshittery!

When you tinker with something you own it. It certainly is trumpcare.
What EXACTLY did Trump "tinker" with? Please be specific so I can understand.
We will wait a loooooong time for a legit. Answer.

You must not read the news CSR's were axed, that is a tinker. Shortened the time period to sign up.
The goldfish have also forgotten how loudly they crowed when Trump signed an EO telling the IRS not to enforce the individual mandate.

They have very convenient amnesia when it suits them.
We don’thave Trump care are we are still on obummer Care! Thanks obummer for your horseshittery!

When you tinker with something you own it. It certainly is trumpcare.
What EXACTLY did Trump "tinker" with? Please be specific so I can understand.

1. Number one is TOTAL UNCERTAINTY in the individual insurance market Republicans and Trump have bestowed upon America on DAY ONE.

No one know what the fuck tomorrow will be, no one can price in the risks correctly and so they play on the high side to avoid big losses.

2. Promises and EO on mandate has depressed participation, leaving more sick and less healthy in the market, which raises prices.

3. Trump phased out shared costs subsidies which directly drove prices up.

Halt In Subsidies For Health Insurers Expected To Drive Up Costs For Middle Class

Pa. insurance department says Obamacare rates to rise 30.6 percent
all great things. your point?
It turns out Trump's replacement plan all along was to take credit for whatever someone else came up with. :lol:
AND not just something somebody else came up with, his plan was ANYTHING anybody else came up with. LOL

No one will lose coverage. There will be insurance for everybody. Healthcare will be a “lot less expensive” for everyone — the government, consumers, providers.

6 promises Trump has made about health care
We don’thave Trump care are we are still on obummer Care! Thanks obummer for your horseshittery!

When you tinker with something you own it. It certainly is trumpcare.
What EXACTLY did Trump "tinker" with? Please be specific so I can understand.
We will wait a loooooong time for a legit. Answer.

You must not read the news CSR's were axed, that is a tinker. Shortened the time period to sign up.
The goldfish have also forgotten how loudly they crowed when Trump signed an EO telling the IRS not to enforce the individual mandate.

They have very convenient amnesia when it suits them.
like the left doesn't do this also.

to portray a human fault we all share to 1 side really takes away from any form of objectivity and puts people doing it into a "cheerleader" type mentality.
It turns out Trump's replacement plan all along was to take credit for whatever someone else came up with. :lol:
AND not just something somebody else came up with, his plan was ANYTHING anybody else came up with. LOL

No one will lose coverage. There will be insurance for everybody. Healthcare will be a “lot less expensive” for everyone — the government, consumers, providers.

6 promises Trump has made about health care
It's a plan. you all said he didn't have one.
Health care premiums for 2018 set to go up by as much as 50 percent

Several states have announced rates for health insurance premiums on the Obamacare exchanges for 2018. Topping the list is Georgia, with rates that are 57 percent higher than last year, while Florida said some premiums will be 45 percent higher.

Trump has been so busy golfing, he forgot to fulfill his number one campaign promise.

"My first day in office, I'm going to ask Congress to put a bill on my desk getting rid of this disastrous law, and replacing it with reforms that expand choice, freedom, affordability. You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy." realize it's still Obamacare. Fucking idiot. :lol:

Not really. trump refused to pay the Cost Sharing Reduction subsidy for the poorest Obama care recipient's high deductibles and shared costs like co pays....

these plans for only the poorest, (if their income is 200% or below of poverty as the max) only when they purchased a silver plan on the exchange, then the gvt came in and shared a lot of those out of pocket expenses, along with paying the gvt's portion of the monthly premium.

these Cost Sharing Reduction Plans are mandatory for the Insurance companies to offer for these poor people is my understanding.

the gvt had been sending them an extra check, to cover the cost of these low deductible, low co pay, and lower out of pocket expense plans for the poorest on the exchange.

by Trump killing the subsidy, and with these low Cost Sharing Reduction plans MANDATORY for the poorest, the insurance companies had to raise the premium price for all the plans on the exchange, in order to get the money from the government in another manner....

so an $1000 a month plan, went to $1600 a month.....

but here is the kicker, the person getting insurance through the exchange with subsidies, the subsidies are calculated by what a person of a certain income level can PAY without going broke, and the Government was picking up the Rest.

Sooooooooooooo, with these premiums going from say the $1000 a month to the $1600 a month and the person getting the subsidy was having to pay $200 a month out of his own pocket, the gvt paying the rest, the $800....

Now at $1600 a month, the person getting the subsidy is still only having to pay the $200 a month because that is all a person on his income can afford,

AND the govt is paying the difference to the $1600 a month, so the gvt and the tax payer, is now having to pay $1400 a month for this person's subsidy vs the $800 it was....

This means the insurance companies are MORE THAN GETTING their money for the Cost Sharing Reduction subsidy that Trump refused to pay....

it was ALL ridiculous showmanship on Trump's part....and 10 to 1 the Insurance companies are making out even better than when they were given a subsidy for the CSR plans...

what nonsense.

Nope! It ain't nonsense!

It is EXACTLY what happened!

Yep, exactly what happened but you left out something, with the rates going up, a year older and FPL going up a little the subsidies are much higher this year than any year in the past, therefore defeating the any dollars that may have been saved by eliminaton the CSR's. What a stupid fucking move. Bet it costs the government more than if they would have left them alone.
We don’thave Trump care are we are still on obummer Care! Thanks obummer for your horseshittery!

When you tinker with something you own it. It certainly is trumpcare.
What EXACTLY did Trump "tinker" with? Please be specific so I can understand.
We will wait a loooooong time for a legit. Answer.

You must not read the news CSR's were axed, that is a tinker. Shortened the time period to sign up.

That is why Obamacare premiums have soared every year since it was enacted? really? You going with that? :rofl:
Insurance premiums have been soaring for over 50 years. And the GOP has never done anything about it.

Actually, the GOP added their own trillion dollar medical entitlement program in 2004 to get the senior vote, and they never paid for it. It is adding to our national debt right up to the current day. I never hear you saps complaining about that!

The GOP has never had a plan to fix health care costs. They just bellyache about the other guy's plan. It's theater for rubes like you.

Now that Trump and the GOP have found themselves in the driver's seat, the hoax is exposed. Again.
Health care premiums for 2018 set to go up by as much as 50 percent

Trump has been so busy golfing, he forgot to fulfill his number one campaign promise.

"My first day in office, I'm going to ask Congress to put a bill on my desk getting rid of this disastrous law, and replacing it with reforms that expand choice, freedom, affordability. You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy." realize it's still Obamacare. Fucking idiot. :lol:

Not really. trump refused to pay the Cost Sharing Reduction subsidy for the poorest Obama care recipient's high deductibles and shared costs like co pays....

these plans for only the poorest, (if their income is 200% or below of poverty as the max) only when they purchased a silver plan on the exchange, then the gvt came in and shared a lot of those out of pocket expenses, along with paying the gvt's portion of the monthly premium.

these Cost Sharing Reduction Plans are mandatory for the Insurance companies to offer for these poor people is my understanding.

the gvt had been sending them an extra check, to cover the cost of these low deductible, low co pay, and lower out of pocket expense plans for the poorest on the exchange.

by Trump killing the subsidy, and with these low Cost Sharing Reduction plans MANDATORY for the poorest, the insurance companies had to raise the premium price for all the plans on the exchange, in order to get the money from the government in another manner....

so an $1000 a month plan, went to $1600 a month.....

but here is the kicker, the person getting insurance through the exchange with subsidies, the subsidies are calculated by what a person of a certain income level can PAY without going broke, and the Government was picking up the Rest.

Sooooooooooooo, with these premiums going from say the $1000 a month to the $1600 a month and the person getting the subsidy was having to pay $200 a month out of his own pocket, the gvt paying the rest, the $800....

Now at $1600 a month, the person getting the subsidy is still only having to pay the $200 a month because that is all a person on his income can afford,

AND the govt is paying the difference to the $1600 a month, so the gvt and the tax payer, is now having to pay $1400 a month for this person's subsidy vs the $800 it was....

This means the insurance companies are MORE THAN GETTING their money for the Cost Sharing Reduction subsidy that Trump refused to pay....

it was ALL ridiculous showmanship on Trump's part....and 10 to 1 the Insurance companies are making out even better than when they were given a subsidy for the CSR plans...

what nonsense.

Nope! It ain't nonsense!

It is EXACTLY what happened!

Yep, exactly what happened but you left out something, with the rates going up, a year older and FPL going up a little the subsidies are much higher this year than any year in the past, therefore defeating the any dollars that may have been saved by eliminaton the CSR's. What a stupid fucking move. Bet it costs the government more than if they would have left them alone.

but hey we got the poor covered. right? I mean that is the focus of obummerfail right? fk the rest of the 99% of americans, we got the poor covered. even though they were before.
incerase the cost of health care
raise the debt ceiling
add 1.7 billion to the debt

all you Trumpbots gotta love the sob thats fucking you so good.

When you tinker with something you own it. It certainly is trumpcare.
What EXACTLY did Trump "tinker" with? Please be specific so I can understand.
We will wait a loooooong time for a legit. Answer.

You must not read the news CSR's were axed, that is a tinker. Shortened the time period to sign up.

That is why Obamacare premiums have soared every year since it was enacted? really? You going with that? :rofl:
Insurance premiums have been soaring for over 50 years. And the GOP has never done anything about it.

Actually, the added their own trillion dollar medical entitlement program in 2004 to get the senior vote, and they never paid for it. It is adding to our national debt right up to the current day.

The GOP has never had a plan to fix health care costs. They just bellyache about the other guy's plan. It's theater for rubes like you.

Now that Trump and the GOP have found themselves in the driver's seat, the hoax is exposed.
But didn’t the fucking obummer promise that our premiums would go down by $2,500.00 dollars? What a fucking liar he was. Worst ever!
When you tinker with something you own it. It certainly is trumpcare.
What EXACTLY did Trump "tinker" with? Please be specific so I can understand.
We will wait a loooooong time for a legit. Answer.

You must not read the news CSR's were axed, that is a tinker. Shortened the time period to sign up.

That is why Obamacare premiums have soared every year since it was enacted? really? You going with that? :rofl:
Insurance premiums have been soaring for over 50 years. And the GOP has never done anything about it.

Actually, the GOP added their own trillion dollar medical entitlement program in 2004 to get the senior vote, and they never paid for it. It is adding to our national debt right up to the current day. I never hear you saps complaining about that!

The GOP has never had a plan to fix health care costs. They just bellyache about the other guy's plan. It's theater for rubes like you.

Now that Trump and the GOP have found themselves in the driver's seat, the hoax is exposed. Again.
so they didn't soar under obummerfail? well wait, isn't that your argument over these fifteen pages? which is it.
We don’thave Trump care are we are still on obummer Care! Thanks obummer for your horseshittery!

When you tinker with something you own it. It certainly is trumpcare.
What EXACTLY did Trump "tinker" with? Please be specific so I can understand.

1. Number one is TOTAL UNCERTAINTY in the individual insurance market Republicans and Trump have bestowed upon America on DAY ONE.

No one know what the fuck tomorrow will be, no one can price in the risks correctly and so they play on the high side to avoid big losses.

2. Promises and EO on mandate weakening/repeal has depressed participation, leaving more sick and less healthy in the market, which raises prices.

3. Trump phased out shared costs subsidies which directly drove prices up.

Halt In Subsidies For Health Insurers Expected To Drive Up Costs For Middle Class

Pa. insurance department says Obamacare rates to rise 30.6 percent

That is all spin. Obamacare premiums have gone up every single year since Democrats passed it. This years increase is right in line with previous year increases. Try again?
Plan A: Obamacare (Democrats).

Plan B: Nothing (Republicans).

When in a crisis, voters will always pick Something over Nothing. Even if that Something is half-assed.

Plan A: Fix ObamaCare (Democrats)

Plan B: Replace ObamaCare (Trump)

Over to you Donald!


I got nuttin!
Trump absolutely failed with his healthcare promises. But only a fucking rube would blame him for this...

only a fucking moron would vote for his sorry old ass.

He'e the president, he owns healthcare just like he did when he promised he was the only one who could fix it and it would be easy, sooooo easy to do,


Nope, that would be O that owns ocare.
We don’thave Trump care are we are still on obummer Care! Thanks obummer for your horseshittery!

When you tinker with something you own it. It certainly is trumpcare.
What EXACTLY did Trump "tinker" with? Please be specific so I can understand.

1. Number one is TOTAL UNCERTAINTY in the individual insurance market Republicans and Trump have bestowed upon America on DAY ONE.

No one know what the fuck tomorrow will be, no one can price in the risks correctly and so they play on the high side to avoid big losses.

2. Promises and EO on mandate weakening/repeal has depressed participation, leaving more sick and less healthy in the market, which raises prices.

3. Trump phased out shared costs subsidies which directly drove prices up.

Halt In Subsidies For Health Insurers Expected To Drive Up Costs For Middle Class

Pa. insurance department says Obamacare rates to rise 30.6 percent

That is all spin. Obamacare premiums have gone up every single year since Democrats passed it. This years increase is right in line with previous year increases. Try again?

Dumbass you are being presented with EXACT REASONS why insurance prices are increasing BEYOND WHAT THEY WOULD HAVE.

And your retarded response is: herp derp all spin, prices increase so...uuhhh...umm..there is way to increase them it definitely wasn't Trump.

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