Health Care Premiums To Skyrocket In 2018! GO TRUMP!

Leftards are trying to shift the blame for OBAMACARE to Trump.

Run on it in 2018 and 2020!! It's a real winner!!

Yes, health care costs will be at even higher record levels in 2020.

Trump and the GOP will have had four years to fulfill his broken promise.

Of course it will be a real issue. You bet your gullible ass it will, sucker.
Not really. trump refused to pay the Cost Sharing Reduction subsidy for the poorest Obama care recipient's high deductibles and shared costs like co pays....

these plans for only the poorest, (if their income is 200% or below of poverty as the max) only when they purchased a silver plan on the exchange, then the gvt came in and shared a lot of those out of pocket expenses, along with paying the gvt's portion of the monthly premium.

these Cost Sharing Reduction Plans are mandatory for the Insurance companies to offer for these poor people is my understanding.

the gvt had been sending them an extra check, to cover the cost of these low deductible, low co pay, and lower out of pocket expense plans for the poorest on the exchange.

by Trump killing the subsidy, and with these low Cost Sharing Reduction plans MANDATORY for the poorest, the insurance companies had to raise the premium price for all the plans on the exchange, in order to get the money from the government in another manner....

so an $1000 a month plan, went to $1600 a month.....

but here is the kicker, the person getting insurance through the exchange with subsidies, the subsidies are calculated by what a person of a certain income level can PAY without going broke, and the Government was picking up the Rest.

Sooooooooooooo, with these premiums going from say the $1000 a month to the $1600 a month and the person getting the subsidy was having to pay $200 a month out of his own pocket, the gvt paying the rest, the $800....

Now at $1600 a month, the person getting the subsidy is still only having to pay the $200 a month because that is all a person on his income can afford,

AND the govt is paying the difference to the $1600 a month, so the gvt and the tax payer, is now having to pay $1400 a month for this person's subsidy vs the $800 it was....

This means the insurance companies are MORE THAN GETTING their money for the Cost Sharing Reduction subsidy that Trump refused to pay....

it was ALL ridiculous showmanship on Trump's part....and 10 to 1 the Insurance companies are making out even better than when they were given a subsidy for the CSR plans...
what nonsense.
Nope! It ain't nonsense!

It is EXACTLY what happened!
When jc456 is overwhlemed with the truth, or more words than can fit in a tweet, he goes into full on tard mode.
is that any worse than just calling the other person stupid and refusing to acknowledge your own contradictions?
I have no contradictions.

Trump said he had a replacement. He lied.

That's a fact.

The rubes fell for a hoax.

That's also a fact.
it was a serious contradiction when you were talking about the uproar that happens when a white person is shot by a policeman yet "nothing" when blacks are. when i asked for examples you gave me a video showing why white people are never shot.

contradiction. that is you. so while i see you willing to do that why should i take anything you say seriously?

i shouldn't.
Leftards are trying to shift the blame for OBAMACARE to Trump.

Run on it in 2018 and 2020!! It's a real winner!!

You could get angry at Trump for lying to you, or you could just sit there and be a cuck.

Interesting choice! :lol:
what nonsense.
Nope! It ain't nonsense!

It is EXACTLY what happened!
When jc456 is overwhlemed with the truth, or more words than can fit in a tweet, he goes into full on tard mode.
is that any worse than just calling the other person stupid and refusing to acknowledge your own contradictions?
I have no contradictions.

Trump said he had a replacement. He lied.

That's a fact.

The rubes fell for a hoax.

That's also a fact.
it was a serious contradiction when you were talking about the uproar that happens when a white person is shot by a policeman yet "nothing" when blacks are. when i asked for examples you gave me a video showing why white people are never shot.

contradiction. that is you. so while i see you willing to do that why should i take anything you say seriously?

i shouldn't.
I have no idea what the hell you are talking about.
Nope! It ain't nonsense!

It is EXACTLY what happened!
When jc456 is overwhlemed with the truth, or more words than can fit in a tweet, he goes into full on tard mode.
is that any worse than just calling the other person stupid and refusing to acknowledge your own contradictions?
I have no contradictions.

Trump said he had a replacement. He lied.

That's a fact.

The rubes fell for a hoax.

That's also a fact.
it was a serious contradiction when you were talking about the uproar that happens when a white person is shot by a policeman yet "nothing" when blacks are. when i asked for examples you gave me a video showing why white people are never shot.

contradiction. that is you. so while i see you willing to do that why should i take anything you say seriously?

i shouldn't.
I have no idea what the hell you are talking about.
of course you don't. you've been running from my asking you to explain for several days now.

you like to bitch and moan and don't even care if it makes sense, as long as you can slam people with it.

back to ignore.
Nope! It ain't nonsense!

It is EXACTLY what happened!
When jc456 is overwhlemed with the truth, or more words than can fit in a tweet, he goes into full on tard mode.
is that any worse than just calling the other person stupid and refusing to acknowledge your own contradictions?
I have no contradictions.

Trump said he had a replacement. He lied.

That's a fact.

The rubes fell for a hoax.

That's also a fact.
it was a serious contradiction when you were talking about the uproar that happens when a white person is shot by a policeman yet "nothing" when blacks are. when i asked for examples you gave me a video showing why white people are never shot.

contradiction. that is you. so while i see you willing to do that why should i take anything you say seriously?

i shouldn't.
I have no idea what the hell you are talking about.
neither do we with your eleven page rant here.
When jc456 is overwhlemed with the truth, or more words than can fit in a tweet, he goes into full on tard mode.
is that any worse than just calling the other person stupid and refusing to acknowledge your own contradictions?
I have no contradictions.

Trump said he had a replacement. He lied.

That's a fact.

The rubes fell for a hoax.

That's also a fact.
it was a serious contradiction when you were talking about the uproar that happens when a white person is shot by a policeman yet "nothing" when blacks are. when i asked for examples you gave me a video showing why white people are never shot.

contradiction. that is you. so while i see you willing to do that why should i take anything you say seriously?

i shouldn't.
I have no idea what the hell you are talking about.
of course you don't. you've been running from my asking you to explain for several days now.

you like to bitch and moan and don't even care if it makes sense, as long as you can slam people with it.

back to ignore.
You are thinking of someone else, idiot.
LOL, massive federal government interference in the Health Care Market, how are you enjoying it so far?


That is all you have to say about Trump and Republicans, who after all the promises of better system at fraction of the cost have done nothing but fucked up the individual insurance market?

These are real people's lives we are talking about here, so take that popcorn chewing smiley face and shove it up your ass.
You'd take anything if someone told you it was dems fault. Youre not even addressing the 50% increase becaue hey, you got people you cab blame and that makes it all better.
I got the SCOTUS. what else can I say. I got what I voted for.

SCOTUS doesn't feed your family. Is it OK to say I got SCOTUS but would, at the very least, not like a huge increase. Or is that too offensive to Trump?
no, I feed my family and I do it quite well. I love my country and didn't wish to hand it to the clinton dynasty and antifa terrorists. so I stand by my decision with my head held high. Thank you President Trump

Well, as long as you ignore all the harm and just hold your head high I guess that's what' really important.
ignore the harm, I saved our country. that's far from ignoring harm. so your blame game is bubbling up in your sinus.

Listen, now that the election is over and you saved the country from email's is it OK to not want to see a 50% increase or is it too mean to Trump? Because that' going to hurt a lot of people and I don't just mean their feelings.
Nope! It ain't nonsense!

It is EXACTLY what happened!
When jc456 is overwhlemed with the truth, or more words than can fit in a tweet, he goes into full on tard mode.
is that any worse than just calling the other person stupid and refusing to acknowledge your own contradictions?
I have no contradictions.

Trump said he had a replacement. He lied.

That's a fact.

The rubes fell for a hoax.

That's also a fact.
it was a serious contradiction when you were talking about the uproar that happens when a white person is shot by a policeman yet "nothing" when blacks are. when i asked for examples you gave me a video showing why white people are never shot.

contradiction. that is you. so while i see you willing to do that why should i take anything you say seriously?

i shouldn't.
I have no idea what the hell you are talking about.

LOL, Yeah... that's the problem.

"When you see a good person, think of becoming like her/him. When you see someone not so good, reflect on your own weak points." -- Confucius
Leftards are trying to shift the blame for OBAMACARE to Trump.

Run on it in 2018 and 2020!! It's a real winner!!

You could get angry at Trump for lying to you, or you could just sit there and be a cuck.

Interesting choice! :lol:
you have an odd way to express your existence. you expect everyone to be like you. wow. I want to be like Mike.
Leftards are trying to shift the blame for OBAMACARE to Trump.

Run on it in 2018 and 2020!! It's a real winner!!

You could get angry at Trump for lying to you, or you could just sit there and be a cuck.

Interesting choice! :lol:

He is not a dictator. He tried to get Congress to repeal it. Democrats and Senate RINO's protected it.

Obamacare belongs to Obama and the Democrats. No amount of spin will EVER change that.
I got the SCOTUS. what else can I say. I got what I voted for.

SCOTUS doesn't feed your family. Is it OK to say I got SCOTUS but would, at the very least, not like a huge increase. Or is that too offensive to Trump?
no, I feed my family and I do it quite well. I love my country and didn't wish to hand it to the clinton dynasty and antifa terrorists. so I stand by my decision with my head held high. Thank you President Trump

Well, as long as you ignore all the harm and just hold your head high I guess that's what' really important.
ignore the harm, I saved our country. that's far from ignoring harm. so your blame game is bubbling up in your sinus.

Listen, now that the election is over and you saved the country from email's is it OK to not want to see a 50% increase or is it too mean to Trump? Because that' going to hurt a lot of people and I don't just mean their feelings.
sure, next it is time to take down the congress folks who don't go along with trump's agenda.
Leftards are trying to shift the blame for OBAMACARE to Trump.

Run on it in 2018 and 2020!! It's a real winner!!

Yes, health care costs will be at even higher record levels in 2020.

Trump and the GOP will have had four years to fulfill his broken promise.

Of course it will be a real issue. You bet your gullible ass it will, sucker.

Keep dreaming Gtard......hiLIARy was a lock too!!
Leftards are trying to shift the blame for OBAMACARE to Trump.

Run on it in 2018 and 2020!! It's a real winner!!

You could get angry at Trump for lying to you, or you could just sit there and be a cuck.

Interesting choice! :lol:

He is not a dictator. He tried to get Congress to repeal it. Democrats and Senate RINO's protected it.

Obamacare belongs to Obama and the Democrats. No amount of spin will EVER change that.
He never put a replacement on the table.

Trump lied. That's a fact.

You bleeved him.

You never even asked to see his replacement. How terribly embarrassing that must be for you now.
Leftards are trying to shift the blame for OBAMACARE to Trump.

Run on it in 2018 and 2020!! It's a real winner!!

You could get angry at Trump for lying to you, or you could just sit there and be a cuck.

Interesting choice! :lol:

He is not a dictator. He tried to get Congress to repeal it. Democrats and Senate RINO's protected it.

Obamacare belongs to Obama and the Democrats. No amount of spin will EVER change that.
He never put a replacement on the table.

Trump lied. That's a fact.

You bleeved him.

You never even asked to see his replacement. How terribly embarrassing that must be for you now.
12 pages now, we got your point. can't you move on? no one wishes to agree with you. you hitting your head against the bricks is getting annoying.
is that any worse than just calling the other person stupid and refusing to acknowledge your own contradictions?
I have no contradictions.

Trump said he had a replacement. He lied.

That's a fact.

The rubes fell for a hoax.

That's also a fact.
it was a serious contradiction when you were talking about the uproar that happens when a white person is shot by a policeman yet "nothing" when blacks are. when i asked for examples you gave me a video showing why white people are never shot.

contradiction. that is you. so while i see you willing to do that why should i take anything you say seriously?

i shouldn't.
I have no idea what the hell you are talking about.
of course you don't. you've been running from my asking you to explain for several days now.

you like to bitch and moan and don't even care if it makes sense, as long as you can slam people with it.

back to ignore.
You are thinking of someone else, idiot.
i went and looked.

idiot deserved in this reference. i was talking about someone else, not you.

When you open your record high bills, try to tell yourselves America is great again.
He is not a dictator. He tried to get Congress to repeal it. Democrats and Senate RINO's protected it.

Obamacare belongs to Obama and the Democrats. No amount of spin will EVER change that.

Never underestimate the power of spin; by the time all is said and done at least half the sheeple will believe that all the problems created by Obamacare are Donny's fault. ;)

"You don't know the power of the dark side!" -- Darth Vader

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