Health Care Premiums To Skyrocket In 2018! GO TRUMP!

I have no contradictions.

Trump said he had a replacement. He lied.

That's a fact.

The rubes fell for a hoax.

That's also a fact.
it was a serious contradiction when you were talking about the uproar that happens when a white person is shot by a policeman yet "nothing" when blacks are. when i asked for examples you gave me a video showing why white people are never shot.

contradiction. that is you. so while i see you willing to do that why should i take anything you say seriously?

i shouldn't.
I have no idea what the hell you are talking about.
of course you don't. you've been running from my asking you to explain for several days now.

you like to bitch and moan and don't even care if it makes sense, as long as you can slam people with it.

back to ignore.
You are thinking of someone else, idiot.
i went and looked.

idiot deserved in this reference. i was talking about someone else, not you.

Apology happily accepted!

Thank you for having the courage to do so. I appreciate integrity more than anything.
SCOTUS doesn't feed your family. Is it OK to say I got SCOTUS but would, at the very least, not like a huge increase. Or is that too offensive to Trump?
no, I feed my family and I do it quite well. I love my country and didn't wish to hand it to the clinton dynasty and antifa terrorists. so I stand by my decision with my head held high. Thank you President Trump

Well, as long as you ignore all the harm and just hold your head high I guess that's what' really important.
ignore the harm, I saved our country. that's far from ignoring harm. so your blame game is bubbling up in your sinus.

Listen, now that the election is over and you saved the country from email's is it OK to not want to see a 50% increase or is it too mean to Trump? Because that' going to hurt a lot of people and I don't just mean their feelings.
sure, next it is time to take down the congress folks who don't go along with trump's agenda.

The agenda that was going to hurt millions? You know no one wanted it and it was unpopular. It wasn't because people didn't want it bad enough.
When you open your record high bills, try to tell yourselves America is great again.
it is great again. 17 years since this high of employment participation, higher wage jobs, a growth of three consecutive periods of 3%. Stock market still escalating helping all of our pensions and 401ks. wow. you're against all that. that's a shame. you can thank us later.
it was a serious contradiction when you were talking about the uproar that happens when a white person is shot by a policeman yet "nothing" when blacks are. when i asked for examples you gave me a video showing why white people are never shot.

contradiction. that is you. so while i see you willing to do that why should i take anything you say seriously?

i shouldn't.
I have no idea what the hell you are talking about.
of course you don't. you've been running from my asking you to explain for several days now.

you like to bitch and moan and don't even care if it makes sense, as long as you can slam people with it.

back to ignore.
You are thinking of someone else, idiot.
i went and looked.

idiot deserved in this reference. i was talking about someone else, not you.

Apology happily accepted!

Thank you for having the courage to do so. I appreciate integrity more than anything.
when i screw up - that's on me. no excuses.
We don’thave Trump care are we are still on obummer Care! Thanks obummer for your horseshittery!

When you tinker with something you own it. It certainly is trumpcare.
Exactly. Trump's supporters have been crowing and crowing about Trump unwinding all of Obama's accomplishments, including ObamaCare, but now they are suddenly claiming Trump doesn't own health care.

It's strange their heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance. I don't know how they live in those weird heads of theirs.
When you open your record high bills, try to tell yourselves America is great again.
I don't have record high bills Gtard. Do you?
Most of America does. And they won't forget who promised, "Your are going to have such great health care, and at a tiny fraction of the cost".

And yes, my health care costs under Tricare are still rising. In fact, Tricare Standard recipients are going to see a big increase in January. Fortunately, I am on Tricare Prime, so the rising costs aren't as steep.
We don’thave Trump care are we are still on obummer Care! Thanks obummer for your horseshittery!

When you tinker with something you own it. It certainly is trumpcare.
Exactly. Trump's supporters have been crowing and crowing about Trump unwinding all of Obama's accomplishments, including ObamaCare, but now they are suddenly claiming Trump doesn't own health care.

It's strange their heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance. I don't know how they live in those weird heads of theirs.

Please provide a list of the things Trump did to "unwind" Obamacare. ....
no, I feed my family and I do it quite well. I love my country and didn't wish to hand it to the clinton dynasty and antifa terrorists. so I stand by my decision with my head held high. Thank you President Trump

Well, as long as you ignore all the harm and just hold your head high I guess that's what' really important.
ignore the harm, I saved our country. that's far from ignoring harm. so your blame game is bubbling up in your sinus.

Listen, now that the election is over and you saved the country from email's is it OK to not want to see a 50% increase or is it too mean to Trump? Because that' going to hurt a lot of people and I don't just mean their feelings.
sure, next it is time to take down the congress folks who don't go along with trump's agenda.

The agenda that was going to hurt millions? You know no one wanted it and it was unpopular. It wasn't because people didn't want it bad enough.
I just posted the benefits since he took office read em. it could be even better with the rest of the agenda enacted. but the congress would rather take vacations and bitch about a 40 year old story about some made up incident in alabamy.
I'm trying to figure out what is the benefit to anyone to hurt people on purpose for Trump.
Garbage, there has been no replacement or repeal of obama care.
So why aren't pseudocons holding Trump's feet to the fire for this?
it's not his mess.
It sure is his mess. He owns it. All of it, since he promised to replace it. It's all his now.

Trump counted on you stupid rubes giving him a pass.
so you want him to create laws now? not me. I want the congress to do that. you're messed up little man.

He already tried with his EO's which few mean nothing.
When you open your record high bills, try to tell yourselves America is great again.
I don't have record high bills Gtard. Do you?
Most of America does. And they won't forget who promised, "Your are going to have such great health care, and at a tiny fraction of the cost".

And yes, my health care costs under Tricare are still rising. In fact, Tricare Standard recipients are going to see a big increase in January.

And how is that TRUMP's fault? DId he pass Obamacare? No? Gtard? Bueller?
Before: "You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy!"

After: "Nobody knew health care could be so complicated!"
Garbage, there has been no replacement or repeal of obama care.
So why aren't pseudocons holding Trump's feet to the fire for this?
it's not his mess.
It sure is his mess. He owns it. All of it, since he promised to replace it. It's all his now.

Trump counted on you stupid rubes giving him a pass.
so you want him to create laws now? not me. I want the congress to do that. you're messed up little man.

He already tried with his EO's which few mean nothing.
I know all of the regulations stopped helped create millions of jobs and higher wages.
"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." Gosh, how many times have the pseudocons harped on that huge lie?

And yet they are totally radio silent about, "You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy!"
We don’thave Trump care are we are still on obummer Care! Thanks obummer for your horseshittery!

When you tinker with something you own it. It certainly is trumpcare.
What EXACTLY did Trump "tinker" with? Please be specific so I can understand.
We will wait a loooooong time for a legit. Answer.

You must not read the news CSR's were axed, that is a tinker. Shortened the time period to sign up.

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