Health insurance companies are a big problem in this country. My friend just had to shell out $130 out of pocket for his mom’s medicine.

Just as it’s been posted before John Kramer had it right. The problem is not the government or the people it’s the goddamn health insurance companies.

One cannot be a morally upright Christian, and say it’s totally fine for insurance companies and the pharmacy industry to demand extremely high payments for medicine. It is literally pricing people out of healthcare. That’s unbelievable in the country like America. It’s a straightforward issue. It’s either somebody is on the right side of morality or they’re

I can’t imagine what it’s like to wake up every day, working for these pharmaceutical or health insurance companies, and jacking up the prices of medicine. These are the most evil people in the world. They’re worse than people who engage in a strong armed robberies of 7-Elevens.

Context and content matter. $130 for what and how long a supply?

Besides, if you're lazy and/or disabled, you can get healthcare in the USA for free. Ironic right, legalize marijuana AND let the citizens decide if they want to be worthless and carried by the middle class. Only Obama and Pelosi can come up with a plan like that. Leftists enjoy antonyms.
Just as it’s been posted before John Kramer had it right. The problem is not the government or the people it’s the goddamn health insurance companies.

One cannot be a morally upright Christian, and say it’s totally fine for insurance companies and the pharmacy industry to demand extremely high payments for medicine. It is literally pricing people out of healthcare. That’s unbelievable in the country like America. It’s a straightforward issue. It’s either somebody is on the right side of morality or they’re

I can’t imagine what it’s like to wake up every day, working for these pharmaceutical or health insurance companies, and jacking up the prices of medicine. These are the most evil people in the world. They’re worse than people who engage in a strong armed robberies of 7-Elevens.

So it should all be free?
My friends mom was recently thrown out of the hospital, and she’s not ready to go home yet. Her insurance company “could only cover so much.”

This is sickening what’s happening in America all out attacks on Christianity. These government officials, and healthcare officials who are letting this happen are clearly not Christians their something else.

Some of these government officials + healthcare officials are going to burn in hell at least for sometime after they pass away. Maybe if they learn their lesson, they can get it to heaven.

Prove it, show us what they denied.

ACA plans do not limit coverage. Medicare however sets limits and once you hit those limits you are indeed screwed. Medicare limits the number of days you can be Hospitalized. 150m days max lifetime. There are no limits on drug spend but one must always check the formulary, not all drugs are covered by any one plan.
I totally agree. You should move to Cuba for their superior healthcare. Godspeed, my friend
That is kind of funny. I was thinking you were the one that needed to go. For instance, you make the claim that you have not asked the government to pay for any of your healthcare. Are you not on Medicare? I highly doubt that with five strokes and AFib you are not on Medicare. Do you know how Medicare works? Perhaps you have a Medicare Advantage plan, but the Mayo Clinic, even that seems a remote possibility.

Nope, you should go to Cuba. Want to know why Cuba spends $600 per person and the US spends $8600 per person. How many ablation procedures have you had done? How is that working out for you? If you were in Cuba you would not have had any, and your AFib would have been cured.

In the United States health care is all about the Benjamins. My father had AFib, and after two ablation procedures he still had it. He desperately needed brain surgery for another condition that is a separate story. But that wasn't going to happen as long as he was suffering from AFib.

It was in the fall, and at that time I had hundred year old wild muscadine vines as thick as ropes on a hundred foot yacht. They reached the top of towering oaks in the virgin forest that was my backyard. I gathered them up by the buckets full. I pulled out the flesh and dried the hulls in the sun, Dad ate a big bowl full every night. In two weeks, AFib gone, he had the surgery. That is what they would have done in Cuba, it is called resveratrol, and in wild, red, muscadine hulls the level is over 100 times the amount found in red wine. Problem is, no one makes any money curing AFib with muscadines gathered in the wild.
That is kind of funny. I was thinking you were the one that needed to go. For instance, you make the claim that you have not asked the government to pay for any of your healthcare. Are you not on Medicare? I highly doubt that with five strokes and AFib you are not on Medicare. Do you know how Medicare works? Perhaps you have a Medicare Advantage plan, but the Mayo Clinic, even that seems a remote possibility.

Nope, you should go to Cuba. Want to know why Cuba spends $600 per person and the US spends $8600 per person. How many ablation procedures have you had done? How is that working out for you? If you were in Cuba you would not have had any, and your AFib would have been cured.

In the United States health care is all about the Benjamins. My father had AFib, and after two ablation procedures he still had it. He desperately needed brain surgery for another condition that is a separate story. But that wasn't going to happen as long as he was suffering from AFib.

It was in the fall, and at that time I had hundred year old wild muscadine vines as thick as ropes on a hundred foot yacht. They reached the top of towering oaks in the virgin forest that was my backyard. I gathered them up by the buckets full. I pulled out the flesh and dried the hulls in the sun, Dad ate a big bowl full every night. In two weeks, AFib gone, he had the surgery. That is what they would have done in Cuba, it is called resveratrol, and in wild, red, muscadine hulls the level is over 100 times the amount found in red wine. Problem is, no one makes any money curing AFib with muscadines gathered in the wild.

The government can't pay shit without you paying the government

Good grief
Context and content matter. $130 for what and how long a supply?

Besides, if you're lazy and/or disabled, you can get healthcare in the USA for free. Ironic right, legalize marijuana AND let the citizens decide if they want to be worthless and carried by the middle class. Only Obama and Pelosi can come up with a plan like that. Leftists enjoy antonyms.
$130 for maybe like a week.

She’s not getting enough to cover her expenses from Social Security disability. My Vietnam veteran had a similar issue. His wife is facing $12,000 a month in nursing home bills and he has to pay like $6000 out of pocket for it. There’s something wrong with this picture.
So it should all be free?
Maybe. But the underlying problem is in my opinion is the lockdowns which we spent trillions of dollars on via stimulus checks in unbelievable thing where people were given over $1000 a week for sitting at home doing nothing in some businesses were given millions of dollars there’s all sorts of fraud. It was perhaps the worst decision in the history of the United States or at least one of the worst with regard to the lockdowns and the “stimulus payments”

Spending trillions of dollars on unnecessary foreign wars giving billions of dollars to Ukraine and Israel, anti-Americanism, BLM, allowing millions and millions of illegals to this country and giving them government handouts. There you go you get rid of this type of unnecessary spending and we could use that money toward healthcare.

It’s a disgrace that Vietnam veterans like my Poker friend are paying over $6000 a month to help foot a nursing home Bill.

Other Christian majority western countries have a better healthcare system, and some of it is free. They also don’t spend trillions of dollars on unnecessary wars
The government can't pay shit without you paying the government

Good grief
That is the problem with you self-absorbed Republicans, you rue every single penny you pay in taxes and yet don't even acknowledge what you are taking from the government. Like Kaz's false claim that she is not asking the government to pay for anything. Good God Almighty, what the government has paid for her health care is probably more money than I will make between now and when I go on Medicare in four years.

I mean it is flippin comical. Trump supporters at his rallies, raising hell about the government as they collect their disability checks and have Medicare pay for their healthcare and prescriptions.
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Just as it’s been posted before John Kramer had it right. The problem is not the government or the people it’s the goddamn health insurance companies.

One cannot be a morally upright Christian, and say it’s totally fine for insurance companies and the pharmacy industry to demand extremely high payments for medicine. It is literally pricing people out of healthcare. That’s unbelievable in the country like America. It’s a straightforward issue. It’s either somebody is on the right side of morality or they’re

I can’t imagine what it’s like to wake up every day, working for these pharmaceutical or health insurance companies, and jacking up the prices of medicine. These are the most evil people in the world. They’re worse than people who engage in a strong armed robberies of 7-Elevens.

Yeah we need socialized medicine so badly. Look at how much better it is in Britian the NHS covers your bills free. This a video clip from one of my favorite movies by Micheal Moore - Sicko.
Um, we didn't have inflation under Trump, ONLY BIDEN.

So let me correct you:

"Anyway, my friend is broke, the inflation caused by Democrats for locking us down and paying out trillions of dollars in stimulus, along with giving billions to Ukraine and Israel. And he has child support payments, and has to pay huge out-of-pocket costs for his mom‘s medicine."

You voted for that senile mother fucker, enjoy it.
I voted for trump
You don’t pay hundreds and hundreds with Good RX. I use it. This is another liberal rendering his feelings as facts on a subject he has no knowledge of nor direct experience with

He has good RX Orr uses it at the pharmacy and yes his latest round of pills for his mom was $130.

You know when somebody says they are Christian or a Trump supporter and then they get told there not that’s a form of trolling by the other person

When somebody tells somebody oh no, “your friend didn’t have to pay $6000 for his wife’s nursing home monthly expenses, your friend did not have to pay $130 for pills” for his mom that is trolling. This is a conversation here and it’s not affecting policy.

Our conversations are not going to affect government policy.
Agreed. The idea that government should just pay for whatever drug or procedure the medical community dreams up is totally insane. No country does or has ever done that. The rich get it first because they can afford it. The costs go down and more and more can afford it. But denying companies making their money back or just fucking taxpayers is just a path to our destruction. Democrats want that, we have to recognize that and stop them. Just like we have to stop bank robbery and other crimes against the American people
With the amount of money we give to Israel and Ukraine, with the trillions of dollars we have spent on unnecessary foreign wars, the billions or trillions of dollars on our military industrial complex, along with the trillions of dollars Republicans, and Democrats spent on lockdowns you see that’s the big problem. Use that money toward healthcare. Use the money toward a college education for Americans for free like other Christian western countries have.

I’ve said that many times already, and in response a few people here are engaging in trolling and not responding to these points. They go off on a tangent about Biden, socialism or liberalism or something like that.

No, don’t worry OK, I think that so many Democrat politicians are brainwashing people with BLM and CRT propaganda that these traditional democrat issues like national healthcare, free college, education, ending homelessness have largely been forgotten about.
Just as it’s been posted before John Kramer had it right. The problem is not the government or the people it’s the goddamn health insurance companies.

One cannot be a morally upright Christian, and say it’s totally fine for insurance companies and the pharmacy industry to demand extremely high payments for medicine. It is literally pricing people out of healthcare. That’s unbelievable in the country like America. It’s a straightforward issue. It’s either somebody is on the right side of morality or they’re

I can’t imagine what it’s like to wake up every day, working for these pharmaceutical or health insurance companies, and jacking up the prices of medicine. These are the most evil people in the world. They’re worse than people who engage in a strong armed robberies of 7-Elevens.

If mom can't take the medicine prescribed by her doctor for any reason- including not being able to afford it- she should definitely let her doctor know. There is more than one way to skin a cat, and if one medicine isn't available, there is another treatment out there that might be.
Just as it’s been posted before John Kramer had it right. The problem is not the government or the people it’s the goddamn health insurance companies.

One cannot be a morally upright Christian, and say it’s totally fine for insurance companies and the pharmacy industry to demand extremely high payments for medicine. It is literally pricing people out of healthcare. That’s unbelievable in the country like America. It’s a straightforward issue. It’s either somebody is on the right side of morality or they’re

I can’t imagine what it’s like to wake up every day, working for these pharmaceutical or health insurance companies, and jacking up the prices of medicine. These are the most evil people in the world. They’re worse than people who engage in a strong armed robberies of 7-Elevens.

Didn’t Obiecare fix all of this? The government is in charge now.

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