Health Insurance Premiums Skyrocketing. Thanks, Obama!

I didnt need the WSJ to tell me health insurance premiums are going way up. I have Blue Cross/Blue Shield. My policy this year was a little over $600/mo. I just got notice that it is going to over $800/mo next year. Since I have never seen rates go down, only up, I wonder how long it will be before I am priced out of the market for health insurance. I am not the only one either. SO we will end up with many many more people figuring it is cheaper to pay the penalty than buy health insurance. Result: Many more uninsureds. Another Democrat success story! Nice going, guys! And yes, we had increases before this, but nothing like this kind of jump.

Health Insurers Seek Hefty Rate Boosts - WSJ
Parts of Obamacare have been delayed and it won't fully hit until Obama leaves office (by design).

But the premium increases with higher deductibles are already here :

Major insurers in some states are proposing hefty rate boosts for plans sold under the federal health law, setting the stage for an intense debate this summer over the law’s impact.

In New Mexico, market leader Health Care Service Corp. is asking for an average jump of 51.6% in premiums for 2016.

The biggest insurer in Tennessee, BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee, has requested an average 36.3% increase. In Maryland, market leader CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield wants to raise rates 30.4% across its products.

Moda Health, the largest insurer on the Oregon health exchange, seeks an average boost of around 25%.

All of them cite high medical costs incurred by people newly enrolled under the Affordable Care Act.

Insurers say their proposed rates reflect the revenue they need to pay claims, now that they have had time to analyze their experience with the law’s requirement that they offer the same rates to everyone—regardless of medical history.

I totally agree. We obviously need a national health system.

We had one. It was the best one in the world. Hence, the reason so many from other countries with their socialized medical system came here for top quality care.

Unfortunately, the old system did not allow the government to have a thumb on the vast majority of the middle class's head. The democrats through food stamps or welfare and their propaganda bullshit about robinhood and mythical utopias that we know as socialism has already bought the poor class vote.

In order to capture the vast majority of the middle class they implemented the new tactic. They sell the bullshit (just ask Gruber) and lied through their pathetic evil faces about obamacare. They do it deliberately and their useless tool bags (like all of the moron left wing pieces of shit who post here) sell it.

Turns out every aspect of it has been a lie, just like we said. All of it. What do the fucking useless pieces of shit say? Like the ones that post on this board. They say virtually nothing. They do not care. They do not stand for shit. They are all worthless.

Fucking brainwashed hacks.
Should look into it.

Tri-Care is automatic upon retirement and become secondary payer after your job H.I., if you have a claim, and your H.I. pays $1,276.98 of a $1,599.00 bill, Tri-Care pays the difference..., but, not all of it in some cases, i once had to kick in $3.75 to satisfy a bill. that was before i got Tri-Care for Life.

No dipshit. They dropped me when I moved to a different state. HIPAA Laws never covered the self-employed who purchased private insurance. Just curious, have you always been such a buffoon, or is this something that happened to you more recently?

You can thank your Democrat friends for that dipshit. The Democrats always have opposed the idea of of a consumer purchasing a policy out of state.

These commie states have all that bullshit stuff in that runs up the cost and the Democrats don't want you to be able to buy the policy you need rather than the policy they want you to have so your policy is not transferable to another state.

When you vote for Democrat there are usually bad consequences.

Have you always been one of the stupid Americans that Jonathan Gruber told us about or is this something that happen to you more recently?.

Funny how voting Democrat has worked out better for me. Guess that makes you the stupid one.

Well, I certainly don't want to burden you with reality. So continue on with your fantasy.

This massive welfare state we live in and the destruction to our health care system because of Obamacare is hardly a fantasy.

How about you and I both agree on fairness?

You pay for your health care and I will pay for mine.

You don't have to worry about paying my bills and I don't have to worry about paying yours. If I decided to be lazy and unproductive and not take care of my own problems then you are not out anything. However, if you want to give me some money out of the goodness of your heart to help a bro out then that is fine. That is your decision and you are not forced by the government to do anything you don't want to do.

No. Because I don't want to live in a third world country.

And I think I made it pretty clear that I am not for the ACA. That just leaves it in the hands of the insurance companies, who have already demonstrated they are not to be trusted with control. I want a full national health system, just like the ones that work better than ours all over the planet.

That's what is really amazing. This is not new and it works. It out performs us on everything except expense. But you want to continue to pay far more for far less. And you all call me insane.
So you dont trust a company you can fire but you trust a goverment that has demonstrably lied about the iRS, Benghazi, NSA gathering intelligence, and about a dozen other things?
Are you sure you're not drunk?

And you trust a system which has continuously gotten worse and consistently placed us in last place in comparison to the rest of the first world? Are you stoned?
oost of around 25%.

I totally agree. We obviously need a national health system.

We had a national system at one time. It was called buy your own.

However, that wasn't good enough for the assholes that didn't want to pay for their own health care but wanted somebody else to pay for it.

Yeah. Those awful old people who didn't have the common decency to just go ahead and die. And those nasty kids with cancer. You gotta hate those free loaders.

How do you reach this conclusion from what he said?


By dealing in reality.
oost of around 25%.

I totally agree. We obviously need a national health system.

We had a national system at one time. It was called buy your own.

However, that wasn't good enough for the assholes that didn't want to pay for their own health care but wanted somebody else to pay for it.

Yeah. Those awful old people who didn't have the common decency to just go ahead and die. And those nasty kids with cancer. You gotta hate those free loaders.
Yeah, because they weren't taken care of before. Retard!

No, they weren't. You guys really do live in your own little fantasy worlds.
I didnt need the WSJ to tell me health insurance premiums are going way up. I have Blue Cross/Blue Shield. My policy this year was a little over $600/mo. I just got notice that it is going to over $800/mo next year. Since I have never seen rates go down, only up, I wonder how long it will be before I am priced out of the market for health insurance. I am not the only one either. SO we will end up with many many more people figuring it is cheaper to pay the penalty than buy health insurance. Result: Many more uninsureds. Another Democrat success story! Nice going, guys! And yes, we had increases before this, but nothing like this kind of jump.

Health Insurers Seek Hefty Rate Boosts - WSJ
Parts of Obamacare have been delayed and it won't fully hit until Obama leaves office (by design).

But the premium increases with higher deductibles are already here :

Major insurers in some states are proposing hefty rate boosts for plans sold under the federal health law, setting the stage for an intense debate this summer over the law’s impact.

In New Mexico, market leader Health Care Service Corp. is asking for an average jump of 51.6% in premiums for 2016.

The biggest insurer in Tennessee, BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee, has requested an average 36.3% increase. In Maryland, market leader CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield wants to raise rates 30.4% across its products.

Moda Health, the largest insurer on the Oregon health exchange, seeks an average boost of around 25%.

All of them cite high medical costs incurred by people newly enrolled under the Affordable Care Act.

Insurers say their proposed rates reflect the revenue they need to pay claims, now that they have had time to analyze their experience with the law’s requirement that they offer the same rates to everyone—regardless of medical history.

I totally agree. We obviously need a national health system.

We had one. It was the best one in the world. Hence, the reason so many from other countries with their socialized medical system came here for top quality care.

Unfortunately, the old system did not allow the government to have a thumb on the vast majority of the middle class's head. The democrats through food stamps or welfare and their propaganda bullshit about robinhood and mythical utopias that we know as socialism has already bought the poor class vote.

In order to capture the vast majority of the middle class they implemented the new tactic. They sell the bullshit (just ask Gruber) and lied through their pathetic evil faces about obamacare. They do it deliberately and their useless tool bags (like all of the moron left wing pieces of shit who post here) sell it.

Turns out every aspect of it has been a lie, just like we said. All of it. What do the fucking useless pieces of shit say? Like the ones that post on this board. They say virtually nothing. They do not care. They do not stand for shit. They are all worthless.

Fucking brainwashed hacks.

Total fantasy world.
I didnt need the WSJ to tell me health insurance premiums are going way up. I have Blue Cross/Blue Shield. My policy this year was a little over $600/mo. I just got notice that it is going to over $800/mo next year. Since I have never seen rates go down, only up, I wonder how long it will be before I am priced out of the market for health insurance. I am not the only one either. SO we will end up with many many more people figuring it is cheaper to pay the penalty than buy health insurance. Result: Many more uninsureds. Another Democrat success story! Nice going, guys! And yes, we had increases before this, but nothing like this kind of jump.

Health Insurers Seek Hefty Rate Boosts - WSJ
Parts of Obamacare have been delayed and it won't fully hit until Obama leaves office (by design).

But the premium increases with higher deductibles are already here :

Major insurers in some states are proposing hefty rate boosts for plans sold under the federal health law, setting the stage for an intense debate this summer over the law’s impact.

In New Mexico, market leader Health Care Service Corp. is asking for an average jump of 51.6% in premiums for 2016.

The biggest insurer in Tennessee, BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee, has requested an average 36.3% increase. In Maryland, market leader CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield wants to raise rates 30.4% across its products.

Moda Health, the largest insurer on the Oregon health exchange, seeks an average boost of around 25%.

All of them cite high medical costs incurred by people newly enrolled under the Affordable Care Act.

Insurers say their proposed rates reflect the revenue they need to pay claims, now that they have had time to analyze their experience with the law’s requirement that they offer the same rates to everyone—regardless of medical history.

I totally agree. We obviously need a national health system.

We had one. It was the best one in the world. Hence, the reason so many from other countries with their socialized medical system came here for top quality care.

Unfortunately, the old system did not allow the government to have a thumb on the vast majority of the middle class's head. The democrats through food stamps or welfare and their propaganda bullshit about robinhood and mythical utopias that we know as socialism has already bought the poor class vote.

In order to capture the vast majority of the middle class they implemented the new tactic. They sell the bullshit (just ask Gruber) and lied through their pathetic evil faces about obamacare. They do it deliberately and their useless tool bags (like all of the moron left wing pieces of shit who post here) sell it.

Turns out every aspect of it has been a lie, just like we said. All of it. What do the fucking useless pieces of shit say? Like the ones that post on this board. They say virtually nothing. They do not care. They do not stand for shit. They are all worthless.

Fucking brainwashed hacks.

Total fantasy world.

Maybe you did not get the memo. Obamacare turned to be the fucking lie that we all said it was.

You fucking miserable hack. They fucking admitted they lied and they said the reason they deliberately lied is because you fucking morons are too fucking stupid to accept the truth.

You of course ignore all of that and claim we are the ones in a fantasy world. All while you buy into the mythical utopia that the democrats sell to you.

You, are the fucking idiot. Idiot.
oost of around 25%.

I totally agree. We obviously need a national health system.

We had a national system at one time. It was called buy your own.

However, that wasn't good enough for the assholes that didn't want to pay for their own health care but wanted somebody else to pay for it.

Yeah. Those awful old people who didn't have the common decency to just go ahead and die. And those nasty kids with cancer. You gotta hate those free loaders.
Yeah, because they weren't taken care of before. Retard!

No, they weren't. You guys really do live in your own little fantasy worlds.
You must have been in a coma then, so go lecture somebody else. It's a special kind of stupid to think obamacare is saving the children and old folks that would have died a few years ago.
I didnt need the WSJ to tell me health insurance premiums are going way up. I have Blue Cross/Blue Shield. My policy this year was a little over $600/mo. I just got notice that it is going to over $800/mo next year. Since I have never seen rates go down, only up, I wonder how long it will be before I am priced out of the market for health insurance. I am not the only one either. SO we will end up with many many more people figuring it is cheaper to pay the penalty than buy health insurance. Result: Many more uninsureds. Another Democrat success story! Nice going, guys! And yes, we had increases before this, but nothing like this kind of jump.

Health Insurers Seek Hefty Rate Boosts - WSJ
Parts of Obamacare have been delayed and it won't fully hit until Obama leaves office (by design).

But the premium increases with higher deductibles are already here :

Major insurers in some states are proposing hefty rate boosts for plans sold under the federal health law, setting the stage for an intense debate this summer over the law’s impact.

In New Mexico, market leader Health Care Service Corp. is asking for an average jump of 51.6% in premiums for 2016.

The biggest insurer in Tennessee, BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee, has requested an average 36.3% increase. In Maryland, market leader CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield wants to raise rates 30.4% across its products.

Moda Health, the largest insurer on the Oregon health exchange, seeks an average boost of around 25%.

All of them cite high medical costs incurred by people newly enrolled under the Affordable Care Act.

Insurers say their proposed rates reflect the revenue they need to pay claims, now that they have had time to analyze their experience with the law’s requirement that they offer the same rates to everyone—regardless of medical history.

I totally agree. We obviously need a national health system.

We had one. It was the best one in the world. Hence, the reason so many from other countries with their socialized medical system came here for top quality care.

Unfortunately, the old system did not allow the government to have a thumb on the vast majority of the middle class's head. The democrats through food stamps or welfare and their propaganda bullshit about robinhood and mythical utopias that we know as socialism has already bought the poor class vote.

In order to capture the vast majority of the middle class they implemented the new tactic. They sell the bullshit (just ask Gruber) and lied through their pathetic evil faces about obamacare. They do it deliberately and their useless tool bags (like all of the moron left wing pieces of shit who post here) sell it.

Turns out every aspect of it has been a lie, just like we said. All of it. What do the fucking useless pieces of shit say? Like the ones that post on this board. They say virtually nothing. They do not care. They do not stand for shit. They are all worthless.

Fucking brainwashed hacks.

Total fantasy world.

Maybe you did not get the memo. Obamacare turned to be the fucking lie that we all said it was.

You fucking miserable hack. They fucking admitted they lied and they said the reason they deliberately lied is because you fucking morons are too fucking stupid to accept the truth.

You of course ignore all of that and claim we are the ones in a fantasy world. All while you buy into the mythical utopia that the democrats sell to you.

You, are the fucking idiot. Idiot.

You really can't read very well. I will leave you to your fantasy.
oost of around 25%.

I totally agree. We obviously need a national health system.

We had a national system at one time. It was called buy your own.

However, that wasn't good enough for the assholes that didn't want to pay for their own health care but wanted somebody else to pay for it.

Yeah. Those awful old people who didn't have the common decency to just go ahead and die. And those nasty kids with cancer. You gotta hate those free loaders.
Yeah, because they weren't taken care of before. Retard!

No, they weren't. You guys really do live in your own little fantasy worlds.
You must have been in a coma then, so go lecture somebody else. It's a special kind of stupid to think obamacare is saving the children and old folks that would have died a few years ago.

Is the problem that you people are just so wrapped up in your own little worlds that you can't even read what is written? When you want to argue against what I am saying, I'll be happy to respond. If you just want to make up my side of the discussion, then I will leave you to masturbate.
I didnt need the WSJ to tell me health insurance premiums are going way up. I have Blue Cross/Blue Shield. My policy this year was a little over $600/mo. I just got notice that it is going to over $800/mo next year. Since I have never seen rates go down, only up, I wonder how long it will be before I am priced out of the market for health insurance. I am not the only one either. SO we will end up with many many more people figuring it is cheaper to pay the penalty than buy health insurance. Result: Many more uninsureds. Another Democrat success story! Nice going, guys! And yes, we had increases before this, but nothing like this kind of jump.

Health Insurers Seek Hefty Rate Boosts - WSJ
Parts of Obamacare have been delayed and it won't fully hit until Obama leaves office (by design).

But the premium increases with higher deductibles are already here :

Major insurers in some states are proposing hefty rate boosts for plans sold under the federal health law, setting the stage for an intense debate this summer over the law’s impact.

In New Mexico, market leader Health Care Service Corp. is asking for an average jump of 51.6% in premiums for 2016.

The biggest insurer in Tennessee, BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee, has requested an average 36.3% increase. In Maryland, market leader CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield wants to raise rates 30.4% across its products.

Moda Health, the largest insurer on the Oregon health exchange, seeks an average boost of around 25%.

All of them cite high medical costs incurred by people newly enrolled under the Affordable Care Act.

Insurers say their proposed rates reflect the revenue they need to pay claims, now that they have had time to analyze their experience with the law’s requirement that they offer the same rates to everyone—regardless of medical history.

I totally agree. We obviously need a national health system.

We had one. It was the best one in the world. Hence, the reason so many from other countries with their socialized medical system came here for top quality care.

Unfortunately, the old system did not allow the government to have a thumb on the vast majority of the middle class's head. The democrats through food stamps or welfare and their propaganda bullshit about robinhood and mythical utopias that we know as socialism has already bought the poor class vote.

In order to capture the vast majority of the middle class they implemented the new tactic. They sell the bullshit (just ask Gruber) and lied through their pathetic evil faces about obamacare. They do it deliberately and their useless tool bags (like all of the moron left wing pieces of shit who post here) sell it.

Turns out every aspect of it has been a lie, just like we said. All of it. What do the fucking useless pieces of shit say? Like the ones that post on this board. They say virtually nothing. They do not care. They do not stand for shit. They are all worthless.

Fucking brainwashed hacks.

"We had one. It was the best one in the world" Theowl

When did we have the best healthcare in the world? In the 50's?
You end your post with "Fucking brainwashed hacks". Got a mirror?
You have told the the US has the best healthcare in the world by the US healthcare industry and their paid tools in Washington. And you bought it!:disbelief: Who exactly has been brainwashed? You, sucker.
Last edited:
I didnt need the WSJ to tell me health insurance premiums are going way up. I have Blue Cross/Blue Shield. My policy this year was a little over $600/mo. I just got notice that it is going to over $800/mo next year. Since I have never seen rates go down, only up, I wonder how long it will be before I am priced out of the market for health insurance. I am not the only one either. SO we will end up with many many more people figuring it is cheaper to pay the penalty than buy health insurance. Result: Many more uninsureds. Another Democrat success story! Nice going, guys! And yes, we had increases before this, but nothing like this kind of jump.

Health Insurers Seek Hefty Rate Boosts - WSJ
Parts of Obamacare have been delayed and it won't fully hit until Obama leaves office (by design).

But the premium increases with higher deductibles are already here :

Major insurers in some states are proposing hefty rate boosts for plans sold under the federal health law, setting the stage for an intense debate this summer over the law’s impact.

In New Mexico, market leader Health Care Service Corp. is asking for an average jump of 51.6% in premiums for 2016.

The biggest insurer in Tennessee, BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee, has requested an average 36.3% increase. In Maryland, market leader CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield wants to raise rates 30.4% across its products.

Moda Health, the largest insurer on the Oregon health exchange, seeks an average boost of around 25%.

All of them cite high medical costs incurred by people newly enrolled under the Affordable Care Act.

Insurers say their proposed rates reflect the revenue they need to pay claims, now that they have had time to analyze their experience with the law’s requirement that they offer the same rates to everyone—regardless of medical history.

I totally agree. We obviously need a national health system.
Because government has done such a wonderful job so far we really need to go whole hog on it?
Are you insane?

Government hasn't been doing the job. Insurance companies have been doing it and they were doing such a good job that everyone agreed something needed to be done about it. Including the political right. Insane? I believe it was Einstein who said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. So let me turn that back to you, are you insane?

Our medical care is rated 37 in quality of health care but we are ranked number 1 in cost. Every nation with national health care on the planet is kicking our butts, but you think doing it the same way that got us here is the solution. That is insane.
Medical insurance is not medical care.
Insurance companies have been, and continued to be, hampered by high levels of govt regulation. In fact the companies specifically pointed to their mandate to offer insurance regardless of risk as the reason for the increases.
Piling on more mandates is not the solution. You are right: it would be insane to continue to push a government solution after this goverment solution has alrady failed.

Interesting observation.
Explain one thing to me. Minnesota has the most regulated heath care environment in the country, Yet Minnesota also has the cheapest healthcare insurance rates in the country and the best healthcare in the country.
I thought regulations were driving up the cost of healthcare insurance? Can you give me examples of how the regulations are driving up the cost, when in Minnesota there has been the opposite result?
10 worst states for health care
10 worst states for health care Fox News
The 10 Least Expensive Health Insurance Markets In The U.S.
The 10 Least Expensive Health Insurance Markets In The U.S. Kaiser Health News
We had a national system at one time. It was called buy your own.

However, that wasn't good enough for the assholes that didn't want to pay for their own health care but wanted somebody else to pay for it.

Yeah. Those awful old people who didn't have the common decency to just go ahead and die. And those nasty kids with cancer. You gotta hate those free loaders.
Yeah, because they weren't taken care of before. Retard!

No, they weren't. You guys really do live in your own little fantasy worlds.
You must have been in a coma then, so go lecture somebody else. It's a special kind of stupid to think obamacare is saving the children and old folks that would have died a few years ago.

Is the problem that you people are just so wrapped up in your own little worlds that you can't even read what is written? When you want to argue against what I am saying, I'll be happy to respond. If you just want to make up my side of the discussion, then I will leave you to masturbate.
The problem with you is that you make idiotic statements then run away from them.

Yeah. Those awful old people who didn't have the common decency to just go ahead and die. And those nasty kids with cancer. You gotta hate those free loaders.

How about the ones that refuses to pull up their pants, put down their bong and actually try to be productive so they can earn some money instead of demanding that somebody else their bills?

Right now the only thing you have to do to "earn" free health care is to vote for the Democrats.

You know, people like this:

Well, I certainly don't want to burden you with reality. So continue on with your fantasy.

I'm with claudettte. You would actually want our bumbling idiot govt to run a national healthcare program? They waste hundreds of billions and you actually want them to be in full control? Look at the VA disaster. That's what you want?

But look at the success of Medicare..... it has saved millions of lives.

MOST People on Medicare love it.
BTW your own state has to approve the increase....from insurance companies.

Yeah. Those awful old people who didn't have the common decency to just go ahead and die. And those nasty kids with cancer. You gotta hate those free loaders.

How about the ones that refuses to pull up their pants, put down their bong and actually try to be productive so they can earn some money instead of demanding that somebody else their bills?

Right now the only thing you have to do to "earn" free health care is to vote for the Democrats.

You know, people like this:

Well, I certainly don't want to burden you with reality. So continue on with your fantasy.

I'm with claudettte. You would actually want our bumbling idiot govt to run a national healthcare program? They waste hundreds of billions and you actually want them to be in full control? Look at the VA disaster. That's what you want?

But look at the success of Medicare..... it has saved millions of lives.

MOST People on Medicare love it.

And they aren't paying for it....the taxpayers subsidize the actual cost and it is running out of is unsustainable....

Yeah. Those awful old people who didn't have the common decency to just go ahead and die. And those nasty kids with cancer. You gotta hate those free loaders.

How about the ones that refuses to pull up their pants, put down their bong and actually try to be productive so they can earn some money instead of demanding that somebody else their bills?

Right now the only thing you have to do to "earn" free health care is to vote for the Democrats.

You know, people like this:

Well, I certainly don't want to burden you with reality. So continue on with your fantasy.

I'm with claudettte. You would actually want our bumbling idiot govt to run a national healthcare program? They waste hundreds of billions and you actually want them to be in full control? Look at the VA disaster. That's what you want?

But look at the success of Medicare..... it has saved millions of lives.

MOST People on Medicare love it.

And they aren't paying for it....the taxpayers subsidize the actual cost and it is running out of is unsustainable....
spending money to save fellow American lives does not bother me one iota!

Spending trillions to kill them in unnecessary wars does.

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