Health Premiums Up $3,000; Obama Vowed $2,500 Cut


Aug 13, 2012
During his first run for president, Barack Obama made one very specific promise to voters: He would cut health insurance premiums for families by $2,500, and do so in his first term.

But it turns out that family premiums have increased by more than $3,000 since Obama's vow, according to the latest annual Kaiser Family Foundation employee health benefits survey.

Premiums for employer-provided family coverage rose $3,065 — 24% — from 2008 to 2012, the Kaiser survey found. Even if you start counting in 2009, premiums have climbed $2,370.

What's more, premiums climbed faster in Obama's four years than they did in the previous four under President Bush, the survey data show.

There's no question about what Obama was promising the country, since he repeated it constantly during his 2008 campaign.

In a debate with Sen. John McCain, for example, Obama said "the only thing we're going to try to do is lower costs so that those cost savings are passed onto you. And we estimate we can cut the average family's premium by about $2,500 per year."

At a campaign stop in Columbus, Ohio, in February 2008, Obama promised that "We are going to work with you to lower your premiums by $2,500. We will not wait 20 years from now to do it, or 10 years from now to do it. We will do it by the end of my first term as president."

2008 Promises, 2012 Reality

To back that up, Obama pointed to a memo drafted by Harvard professors (and unpaid campaign advisers), which claimed that investing in health care IT, cutting administrative bloat, and improving management of chronic diseases would cut health costs by $140 billion a year. That would translate into $2,500 in premium savings for families.

But those projections were wildly optimistic, overestimating potential savings from IT, making big assumptions about disease management, and ignoring the fact that past government interventions have always increased health care administrative costs.

Meanwhile, the health reform law Obama signed in March 2010 has pushed up insurance costs.

In 2011, premiums spiked 9.5%, and many in the industry blame ObamaCare for at least part of it. Premiums climbed another 4.5% in 2012, Kaiser found.

And ObamaCare will continue to fuel health premium inflation.

First, the law piles on new coverage mandates. It requires insurance companies to provide 100% coverage for various types of preventive care, bans lifetime coverage limits, extends parents' coverage to offspring up to 26 years old, and requires plans to meet certain "medical loss ratios." Coming up are rules on "essential standard benefits," limits on deductibles, bans on annual spending caps, and much more.
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The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), or just Kaiser Family Foundation, is a U.S.-based non-profit, non-partisan, private operating foundation headquartered in Menlo Park, California. It focuses on the major health care issues facing the nation, as well as the U.S. role in global health policy. The Foundation states that it is a "non-partisan source of facts and analysis for policymakers, the media, the health care community, and the general public." The Foundation is no longer affiliated with Kaiser Permanente or Kaiser Industries.
you mean.. he lied?

[ame=]Shocked Face ...HA! (E-Trade baby) - YouTube[/ame]
just wait until more and more companies start dropping costly health coverage and paying the penalty instead......workers will then be forced by law to pay for it by themselves.....and the average cost per family is about $15,000 per year and climbing....
Health Premiums Up $3,000; Obama Vowed $2,500 Cut's time to go single-payer.

For-profit insurance companies PROMISED Obama prices would go down. At least we found-out, before Obama's 2nd Term....that for-profit companies CAN'T be trusted!!!



:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:
just wait until more and more companies start dropping costly health coverage and paying the penalty instead......workers will then be forced by law to pay for it by themselves.....and the average cost per family is about $15,000 per year and climbing....

That's exactly what's going to happen.
Health Premiums Up $3,000; Obama Vowed $2,500 Cut's time to go single-payer.​

For-profit insurance companies PROMISED Obama prices would go down. At least we found-out, before Obama's 2nd Term....that for-profit companies CAN'T be trusted!!!

:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:

You are a dumbass, he knew it would go up.....that's his plan....move to Cuba or Canada if you want single payer....there are plenty of options fo you, fucktard
Obamacare is one big cluster fuck ,we need to pass the bill to know what is in it.$3562723908.gif

Of course Obamacare is gonna cost more.

The Govt, in its entire history, has never run anything cheaply or well and they will be running Obamacare.

Those of us who have HC coverage will be paying up the ass to cover those without. Obamacare sucks and the only winners are those who didn't have HC before. The rest of us will be paying their freight as well as our own.

Anyone who think Obamacare is gonna be cheaper is an idiot.

No, no, he didn't lie, he just made shit up.



Folks the entire premise of "50 million" uninsured was made up!!!
When 10 million included in that are NOT citizens,
When 14 million included are already covered by Medicaid
When 18 million PAY their own health services costs
The 8 million truly uninsured problem could have been solved WITHOUT destroying the rest of our health coverage programs!

When tanning salons charged 10% tax because they supposedly cause cancer BUT
when the $100 billion a year in lawyers fees earned mostly from lawsuits that cause fear in physicians enough to submit $600 billion in duplicate tests,etc.
when the hospitals making up on uninsured Pad and pass on to Medicare/insurance markups on services sometimes 6,000%!

All totally solvable by simply requiring hospitals seen these uninsured send claims to a insurance company funded by taxes paid by lawyers!
Hospitals are audited to make sure they aren't "padding and Passing" thus lowering Medicare/insurance companies costs.
Lawyers assured that for ever percent the "$600 billion a year defensive medicine" drops a corresponding drop in the tax!

All without destroying health care as we see now being done!
All without changing ANYTHING as monumental as how we finance and delivery health services as Obamacare has done!
Of course Obamacare is gonna cost more.

The Govt, in its entire history, has never run anything cheaply or well and they will be running Obamacare.

Those of us who have HC coverage will be paying up the ass to cover those without. Obamacare sucks and the only winners are those who didn't have HC before. The rest of us will be paying their freight as well as our own.

Anyone who think Obamacare is gonna be cheaper is an idiot.

Regular Medicare is cheaper than the privatized version Medicare Advantage.
Of course Obamacare is gonna cost more.

The Govt, in its entire history, has never run anything cheaply or well and they will be running Obamacare.

Those of us who have HC coverage will be paying up the ass to cover those without. Obamacare sucks and the only winners are those who didn't have HC before. The rest of us will be paying their freight as well as our own.

Anyone who think Obamacare is gonna be cheaper is an idiot.

Regular Medicare is cheaper than the privatized version Medicare Advantage.

isn't Medicare Advantage the private insurance that covers all the GAPS (meaning the costs not covered) in regular Medicare coverage......?
Health Premiums Up $3,000; Obama Vowed $2,500 Cut

I posted this a few days ago:

Because of Obamacare, family premiums will increase even higher (medical inflation) and tens of millions of uninsured (including millions of covered employees) will be herded into government-subsidized insurance exchanges, creating a massive Medicaid program that will starve private insurance providers and eventually force a single-payer system run entirely by government. As a result, the quality of health care in America will drop substantially for all but the wealthy. The middle class will get hit the hardest. This is by design.
Of course Obamacare is gonna cost more.

The Govt, in its entire history, has never run anything cheaply or well and they will be running Obamacare.

Those of us who have HC coverage will be paying up the ass to cover those without. Obamacare sucks and the only winners are those who didn't have HC before. The rest of us will be paying their freight as well as our own.

Anyone who think Obamacare is gonna be cheaper is an idiot.

Regular Medicare is cheaper than the privatized version Medicare Advantage.

isn't Medicare Advantage the private insurance that covers all the GAPS (meaning the costs not covered) in regular Medicare coverage......?

NO it isn't a GAP filler!
I have a Medicare Advantage plan and under OBAMA hatred of for profits he is doing away with plans like mine that:
1)Instead of having $96.40 deducted each month from my SS it isn't deducted. Over a year under Obama care MY SS will lose $1,156!
2) Under my Advantage plan I don't pay ANY co-pays or deductibles..BUT Obama hates that so destroying my Advantage plan will cost me another $1,000!
3) I get $600 a year in free OTC, i.e. aspirin,toothpaste, blood pressure monitor.. Obamacare destroys that!
4) I have never received calls from Medicare reminding me of health maintenance issues as I do with my Advantage plan.. That Obamacare destroys!

And what does it cost Medicare for me: $800/month.
NO claims to process for them. No physicians to monitor. No FRAUD!!! Because the absolute MOST Medicare pays is $800/month! That's it!

Competition among Advantage plans provides ME better services, lower costs and if the PLAN can't make a profit folks here is the BIG surprise I guess!
THE ADVANTAGE PLAN THAT CAN'T make a profit doesn't get to bid the next year! Plain and simple!

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