Healthcare Is Still A Broken System


Senior Member
Feb 8, 2015
Many people think that since Obamacare has been around for a while it is proof that the law works, but the fact is it will be several more years before its sustainability can be verified. One thing impossible to refute is the cost of healthcare insurance has soared for many Americans since it was enacted into law. Gone is the infamous promise Obama made on how the average family will save $2,500 a year on healthcare coverage, it has been supplanted by frustration about affordability.

What Washington may be underestimating is how many people drop coverage, regardless of the penalty because they simply cannot afford to buy what is being served, or worse for America quit their job and move onto the government roll. The article below titled, "Healthcare Is Still A Broken System" delves into why the system may collapse under the weight of soaring cost.

Advancing Time: Healthcare Is Still A Broken System!
Links that actually prove your point would be appreciated: blogspot is not that.

One quote for instance of a source states "It seems roughly a half a million people in the ten co-ops that have folded that are going to be out there again looking for plans because their co-ops have been unable to remain financially solvent. Those that had been in these co-ops are now facing paying more and getting less."

The above is an unsupported statement.

So the writer above is engaged in propaganda quoting a person engaged in propaganda.
ObamaCare wasn't written to fix it.
We've been tricked for decades into thinking health is 'coverage'. Doom.

You have? By whom?
Not me, particularly. There's a long history in how the insurance side of our health infrastructure wiggled their way into being the only realistic way to go to the doctor. In fact, the mandatory way to be an American resident. This has been hailed along the way and businesses/individuals have bought into the system.
We've been tricked for decades into thinking health is 'coverage'. Doom.

You have? By whom?
Not me, particularly. There's a long history in how the insurance side of our health infrastructure wiggled their way into being the only realistic way to go to the doctor. In fact, the mandatory way to be an American resident. This has been hailed along the way and businesses/individuals have bought into the system.

It's true that most Americans have no idea how this happened. The original insurers were nonprofit. As soon as the for-profit insurers got into the market the consumer became the least important piece.
We've been tricked for decades into thinking health is 'coverage'. Doom.

You have? By whom?
Not me, particularly. There's a long history in how the insurance side of our health infrastructure wiggled their way into being the only realistic way to go to the doctor. In fact, the mandatory way to be an American resident. This has been hailed along the way and businesses/individuals have bought into the system.

It's true that most Americans have no idea how this happened. The original insurers were nonprofit. As soon as the for-profit insurers got into the market the consumer became the least important piece.
Some of the original insurers were ponzi schemes, too. These systems are a few degrees from that ponzi characterization still, particularly the hunger for participants and the solvency/collapse issues that get raised.
We've been tricked for decades into thinking health is 'coverage'. Doom.

You have? By whom?
Not me, particularly. There's a long history in how the insurance side of our health infrastructure wiggled their way into being the only realistic way to go to the doctor. In fact, the mandatory way to be an American resident. This has been hailed along the way and businesses/individuals have bought into the system.

It's true that most Americans have no idea how this happened. The original insurers were nonprofit. As soon as the for-profit insurers got into the market the consumer became the least important piece.
Some of the original insurers were ponzi schemes, too. These systems are a few degrees from that ponzi characterization still, particularly the hunger for participants and the solvency/collapse issues that get raised.

Insurance is based on the Pareto principle. Not quite sure how that qualifies as a Ponzi scheme. Can you elaborate?
Employer mandate kicks in next yr......thats gonna leave a mark......and of course the Cadillac tax is finisher...........even Harry is scrambling to ax that one......unions will desert libs enmasse
Lets see you cant get big corps to shell out extra for minimum wage but small business has gobs of cash laying around to buy healthcare for most of their employees......makes total sense
Lets see you cant get big corps to shell out extra for minimum wage but small business has gobs of cash laying around to buy healthcare for most of their employees......makes total sense

Someone doesn't understand the employer mandate.

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