Healthcare Speech: Hold Obama To His Words!!!!

I already did.

I don't use talking points. I can write my own opinions about things.
Here. Perhaps this will help:

Sec. 102. Protecting the choice to keep current coverage. Allows the maintenance of current individual health plans as “grandfathered plans” and provides for a five year grace period for current group health plans to meet specified standards (insurance and benefit requirements).

That's all. It's not going to do away with private policies. It grandfathers them into the system, and gives them 5 years to adopt the standards set forth. After that 5 year period, all policies must conform to those standards --->

Sec. 111. Prohibiting pre‐existing condition exclusions. Prohibits the application of pre‐existing condition exclusions.

Sec. 112. Guaranteed issue and renewal for insured plans. Requires guaranteed issue (no one can be denied health insurance) and renewal of insurance policies and prohibits the use of rescissions except in instances of fraud.

Sec. 113. Insurance rating rules. Limits age rating to a ratio of 2 to 1; allows variation based on geographic area and family size as permitted by state insurance commissioners and the Health Choices Commissioner.

Sec. 114. Nondiscrimination in benefits; parity in mental health and substance abuse disorder benefits.

Sec. 115. Ensuring adequacy of provider networks. Provides authority to the Health Choices Commissioner to set network adequacy standards that qualified plans must meet.

Sec. 116. Ensuring value and lower premiums. Requires qualified plans to meet a specified medical loss ratio as defined by the Health Choices Commissioner. If plans exceed that limit, rebates to enrollees are required.

Sec. 121. Coverage of essential benefits package. Requires qualified plans to meet the benefit standards recommended by the Benefits Advisory Committee and adopted by the Secretary of HHS. Plans outside the Exchange must offer at least the essential benefits and others as they choose. Plans within the Exchange must meet the specified benefit packages, which includes a tier with offerings of additional benefits. Allows for the continued offering of separate excepted benefits packages as in current law outside of the Exchange.

Sec. 122. Essential benefits package defined. Outlines the broad categories of benefits required to be included in the essential benefits package, prohibits any cost‐sharing for preventive benefits (including well child and well baby care), and limits annual out‐of‐pocket spending in the essential benefits package to $5,000 for an individual and $10,000 (indexed to CPI) for a family. Defines the initial essential benefit package as being actuarially equivalent to 70% of the package if there were no cost‐sharing imposed.
So after 5 years, ALL policies must adhere to those standards bolded above. You don't have to give up your private insurance.
I'll explain it to you.

Whenever the law commences or actually takes effect, a limit shall be put on new enrollees to plans that do not meet the minimum criteria for a basic plan. People already enrolled get to be "grandfathered" for 5 years at which time, the insurer must meet the minimum criteria. If at any time the insurer substantially changes the policy where they provide less than originally contracted for, that policy shall be void and you will have to get different insurance. This does not automatically mean the public option. This is for the insurance exchange.

the language in 102 that defaults you into the government plan if your insurance does not decide to meet the government standards.

Yeah so much for having a choice.

God forbid i dont want insurance, as obama stated the other night if i go that route i will be fined, just like I am here in MA.

You haven't challenged my initial point about the language of the bill but enjoy yourselves.
the language in 102 that defaults you into the government plan if your insurance does not decide to meet the government standards.

Yeah so much for having a choice.

It does no such thing.

God forbid i dont want insurance, as obama stated the other night if i go that route i will be fined, just like I am here in MA.

You haven't challenged my initial point about the language of the bill but enjoy yourselves.

Your initial point has been ripped to shreds.

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