Heart desease up 13000 pct after covid shot

Data from the clinical trials of the Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine and global vaccine safety monitoring systems suggest an increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis following Novavax vaccination. Data from post-authorization monitoring of Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine (Johnson & Johnson) suggest a possible increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis following Janssen vaccination.https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/clinical-considerations/myocarditis.html

Heart risks, data gaps fuel debate over COVID-19 boosters for young people​

Risk of heart inflammation is small but new studies suggest it may take months to fully recover

". . . Still, COVID-19 vaccines do have a rare but worrisome cardiac side effect. Myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle that can cause chest pain and shortness of breath, has disproportionately struck older boys and young men who received the shots. Only one out of several thousand in those age groups is affected, and most quickly feel better. A tiny number of deaths have been tentatively linked to vaccine myocarditis around the world. But several new studies suggest the heart muscle can take months to heal, and some scientists worry about what this means for patients long term. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has ordered vaccinemakers Pfizer and Moderna to conduct a raft of studies to assess these risks.

As they parse emerging data and fret over knowledge gaps, scientists and doctors are divided over whether such concerns should influence vaccine recommendations, especially now that a new COVID-19 wave is looming and revamped boosters are hitting the scene. Nearly all urge vaccinating young people with the first two vaccine doses, but the case for boosters is more complicated. A key problem is that their benefits are unknown for the age group at highest risk of myocarditis, who are at lower risk of severe COVID-19 and other complications than older adults.

“I’m a vaccine advocate, I would still vaccinate children,” says Jane Newburger, a pediatric cardiologist at Boston Children’s Hospital who has cared for and studied postvaccine myocarditis patients. But Michael Portman, a pediatric cardiologist at Seattle Children’s Hospital who’s also studying patients, says he would hesitate to recommend boosters to healthy teens. “I don’t want to cause panic,” Portman says—but he craves more clarity on the risk-benefit ratio.. . . "
It's also completely fictional, but since you're an antivaxxer imbecile, you fall for anything.

Watch me prove it:

Antivaxxers, do you understand the difference between "A study said so" and "My conspiracy theory source claimed a study said so"?

Apparently not.

The Mossad loves

Co2 fraud
Murderous Fraud Vax

and it really hates truth, especially truth about

USS Liberty
Marines in Lebanon 1983
It's also completely fictional, but since you're an antivaxxer imbecile, you fall for anything.

Watch me prove it:

Antivaxxers, do you understand the difference between "A study said so" and "My conspiracy theory source claimed a study said so"?

Apparently not.
My unvaxxed jizz is worth more than your entire existence..... that can't feel too good.... :laughing0301:

Swallow bitch!
130 times as many people ! wow ! :disbelief:
Of course in the actual report that came out in JAMA January 25, 2022, (though this report came out in the Desern Report (where you can stock up on emergency rations on the same page as the report) today, June 22, 2023, as if it were new. You do not see the 130 times more likely in the JAMA report. Nor the 1300% number. But are stuck with the study numbers reflecting VAERS reporting, which had, according to the study zero deaths reported. You are also stuck with the 1626 cases out of the 192 405 448 people, getting a total of 354 100 845 doses during the reporting period from Dec 2020 to Aug 2021. Also interesting was the fact that symptoms showed up (if they were going to show up) 3-5 days after injection, usually with the 2nd dose and that 87% were treated in hospital with non-steroid anti-inflamtory and 98% showed symptoms relieved before leaving the hospital. I was a VAERS reporter, as was my wife, neither of us having any symptoms, but being over 65, they did not choose to even consider data analyzing my group.
From the JAMA report under Discussion:
In this review of reports to VAERS between December 2020 and August 2021, myocarditis was identified as a rare but serious adverse event that can occur after mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccination, particularly in adolescent males and young men. However, this increased risk must be weighed against the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination.18

In case you would like to see the real report, although you may miss out on the emergency ration, retirment income advice, etc, here is a link:
It's also completely fictional, but since you're an antivaxxer imbecile, you fall for anything.

Watch me prove it:

Antivaxxers, do you understand the difference between "A study said so" and "My conspiracy theory source claimed a study said so"?

Apparently not.
I take the same view with the climate change "studies".

I saw the article in the OP this afternoon, considered posting it, but found the "sources" a bit on the sketchy side.

Meh, I'll just go with what my doctor told me....Run away from the clot shots and don't look back. Someone else can deal with the fallout.

Got mine. 4 times so far since 2021 and have mountain hiked with pack for 11 miles with 4,000 ft elevation change, done a 50 mile overnite kayak trip and skied for a week above 8,000 feet with temps that range from 2 to 18 degrees. I guess my heart is fine, of course I'm no teenager.
Of course in the actual report that came out in JAMA January 25, 2022, (though this report came out in the Desern Report (where you can stock up on emergency rations on the same page as the report) today, June 22, 2023, as if it were new. You do not see the 130 times more likely in the JAMA report. Nor the 1300% number. But are stuck with the study numbers reflecting VAERS reporting, which had, according to the study zero deaths reported. You are also stuck with the 1626 cases out of the 192 405 448 people, getting a total of 354 100 845 doses during the reporting period from Dec 2020 to Aug 2021. Also interesting was the fact that symptoms showed up (if they were going to show up) 3-5 days after injection, usually with the 2nd dose and that 87% were treated in hospital with non-steroid anti-inflamtory and 98% showed symptoms relieved before leaving the hospital. I was a VAERS reporter, as was my wife, neither of us having any symptoms, but being over 65, they did not choose to even consider data analyzing my group.
From the JAMA report under Discussion:
In this review of reports to VAERS between December 2020 and August 2021, myocarditis was identified as a rare but serious adverse event that can occur after mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccination, particularly in adolescent males and young men. However, this increased risk must be weighed against the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination.18

In case you would like to see the real report, although you may miss out on the emergency ration, retirment income advice, etc, here is a link:

I imagine VAERS undercounts everything. I know several people who reported some very temporary heart related mild symptoms after the shots. Flutter sensations a few days mostly.

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