Heartbeat act fails in Nebraska

Yeah that has nothing to do with the fact that all definitions of mental health disorders have been expanded to include more and more people right?

After all we need a reason to prescribe all those drugs Big Pharma is making don't we?
That's another part of the puzzle. The answer to drug abuse is never taking more drugs. Jokes in the above post.
Yeah that has nothing to do with the fact that all definitions of mental health disorders have been expanded to include more and more people right?
But that is expanded for all people, yet white liberal women have alarmingly higher rates than all other major demographics. so, your point still doesn’t make sense.

Why do you keep running away from addressing this?
But that is expanded for all people, yet white liberal women have alarmingly higher rates than all other major demographics. so, your point still doesn’t make sense.

Why do you keep running away from addressing this?
You go ahead, try to address all the problems of the world, let's see how far you get. I am still working and I see young women wanting to sit and get paid for it. Work ethics, most of them don't even know what that is. It's no wonder mental illness has increased. I thank God when we get a farm girl in, they know what work is.
Well, that's life. But in general the law goes with science and truth. Funny thing, when trump was president he told the Department of Human Services they couldn't use the terms, fetus, abortion, and a bunch of others. It didn't make any of it disappear, it just made people's lives more difficult. That's what ignorance and lies does, it helps no one.

But you aren’t talking about science and truth, you are talking about “whatever the woman thinks is what it is”.

You still haven’t take a position…is it a baby or isn’t it. If it’s not, do we need laws giving pregnant women special privileges? Can women sue for murder if someone causes them to lose their pregnancy ?
You cannot speak for everyone and the majority wanted Roe vs. Wade to stay in place. So you're only speaking about a minority opinion at best.

It doesn’t matter what the majority wants. Just because the majority wants something doesn’t mean you can ignore laws and the cotus.

Scotus actually never said roe was law, honestly, that came from the left wing activists. Roe simply said that a women has the right to privacy, the pro choice activists took that and ran with it and before you know it, everyone was calling roe “settled law”. It never was because scotus can’t do that, and they didn’t.

All the scotus did was recognize the problem that was created after roe and took it out of the federal government hands and put it back to the state hands, as the 10th amendment says.

Scotus can’t make laws or grant rights.
You know, all these “my body, my choice” advocates…how come you don’t ever see them putting this much effort into pushing to legalize drugs, or legalize sex work? After all, my body, my choice, right?

If that’s the case, then you should support someone being able to walk into a “drug” store and buy a half a pound of heroin and then walk die the street and pick up a hooker…all legal. My body, my choice, right?
Buy you aren’t talking about science and truth, you are talking about “whatever the woman thinks is what it is”.

You still haven’t take a position…is it a baby or isn’t it. If it’s not, do we need laws giving pregnant women special privileges? Can women sue for murder if someone causes them to lose their pregnancy ?
Ok, one more time, a fetus is not a baby. That's simply a term of endearment that pregnant women who want a child call it. It doesn't make it so. A fetus is not a person so murder charges are ridiculous. A fetus is property and a woman who was pregnant and wanted to have a child can sue for damages. And before you drag this on and on, I am aware of the mistaken case where the person was charged with a double murder. That judge ignored U.S. Civil Law Code's definition of a person. Fetuses don't meet that definition. I'm surprised it wasn't thrown out of court.
You know, all these “my body, my choice” advocates…how come you don’t ever see them putting this much effort into pushing to legalize drugs, or legalize sex work? After all, my body, my choice, right?

If that’s the case, then you should support someone being able to walk into a “drug” store and buy a half a pound of heroin and then walk die the street and pick up a hooker…all legal. My body, my choice, right?
First off I do not do drugs, smoke tobacco or drink beer or alcoholic beverages. That being said, I've often wondered why tobacco, which is very harmful, kills 1 out of 3 users, is legal. And alcohol use is responsible for so many car accidents it isn't funny , besides causing a lot of deaths from liver and cardiac problems. Why is it legal ? Marijuana should be legal. A lot of people require drugs as their way to unwind. I don't know the statistics but I've never heard any adverse effects from it. Opium and other hard drugs have devastated entire cultures. They should never be legal. Those are my opinions on that subject, be as it may.
It doesn’t matter what the majority wants. Just because the majority wants something doesn’t mean you can ignore laws and the cotus.

Scotus actually never said roe was law, honestly, that came from the left wing activists. Roe simply said that a women has the right to privacy, the pro choice activists took that and ran with it and before you know it, everyone was calling roe “settled law”. It never was because scotus can’t do that, and they didn’t.

All the scotus did was recognize the problem that was created after roe and took it out of the federal government hands and put it back to the state hands, as the 10th amendment says.

Scotus can’t make laws or grant rights.
Remember the 3 supreme court nominees trump snuck in. They all said Roe vs Wade was settled law.
You believe organ harvesting from abortions doesn't happen. Totally what one would expect from the "it's just a weather balloon" posters.
The donor has to give her permission and cannot be compensated in any way for it. That's the law. If you are aware of any criminal intent by parties in the donor program you should report them to the police. Turning a good thing to save lives into a black market is illegal.
But that is expanded for all people, yet white liberal women have alarmingly higher rates than all other major demographics. so, your point still doesn’t make sense.

Why do you keep running away from addressing this?
What do you mean "keep"

This is the first time I have ever responded to that particular claim.

Your stats are suspect though
What do you mean "keep"

This is the first time I have ever responded to that particular claim.

Your stats are suspect though
Of course you’d say that.. they support my position.

Can you identify why they might be “suspect”?
Because men can't control themselves.

Why not then push for a DNA database of every male so that when any women is pregnant we will know who the father is and then force him to provide food shelter and medical insurance for the woman and his kid?
Wait, she is so slutty she doesn't know who the father is? Tell ya what, as soon as the father gets equal say in determining whether his child is murdered or not, you have a deal. By the way if she keeps the child the man is already responsible for providing for the child. Also choose wisely who you allow access to your baby maker.
Even when they are born, people treat their children as property. Ever hear the words, " My kids. " A fetus is property with a lot of potential.
Strange I never hear women call their child a fetus when pregnant
Wait, she is so slutty she doesn't know who the father is? Tell ya what, as soon as the father gets equal say in determining whether his child is murdered or not, you have a deal. By the way if she keeps the child the man is already responsible for providing for the child. Also choose wisely who you allow access to your baby maker.
We all know that is bullshit. Millions of women get no support from the fathers of their kids.

But you just validated my point that you don't want to be told what to do and your control fetish only applies to women

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