Heartbeat act fails in Nebraska

My views are steadfast and pro life, I am no bigot I expect men, and women to engage in accountability for their actions. Men are just as slutty if they are sleeping around. I know that women who have abortions are more likely to suffer from depression, so why do you want women to suffer from depression woman hater? In a nut shell everything you type, is about removing guilt for your actions, and beliefs period, end of discussion, every term for baby that you throw around is to dehumanize them, and assuage guilt.
You have no authority to push your own set of morals on anyone.

Your survey data depends on self reporting as well that alone makes it suspect.
Yes but that would apply for all demographics. Again, it’s the same factors yet women, specifically white liberal ones (thus, likely 3rd wave feminists) are far higher.

So why the gigantic disparity? There’s something about being on the left that makes women unhappy.. and there happens to be a popular movement on the left that does nothing but convince women how oppressed they are by a phantom “patriarchy” and aggressive pushes them towards lifestyles that data shows makes them unhappy.

I mean, one would be CRAZY to suggest anything, right?
And you do realize that a lot of those people might not even be registered to vote don't you?
Whether they voted or not doesn’t matter.
You don't know that's the case. There are many reasons to have an abortion. In judging all women the same the only thing you've proven is you are a bigot and apparently you hate women which makes you. A misogynist as well.
Wow, that’s quite the simpleton, angry temper tantrum you’re throwing. Be better. Running from a discussion by tossing names is lame.
Yes but that would apply for all demographics. Again, it’s the same factors yet women, specifically white liberal ones (thus, likely 3rd wave feminists) are far higher.

So why the gigantic disparity? There’s something about being on the left that makes women unhappy.. and there happens to be a popular movement on the left that does nothing but convince women how oppressed they are by a phantom “patriarchy” and aggressive pushes them towards lifestyles that data shows makes them unhappy.

I mean, one would be CRAZY to suggest anything, right?

Whether they voted or not doesn’t matter.
Women in general are more likely to report they have been treated for mental health than men.

And you just said that you assumed that liberal means democrat voting so your own bias is coloring your interpretation
Guilt should NEVER be any part of a woman's decision to have an abortion. Don't you dare try to blame them for their circumstances. Guilt and shame are unfortunate carryovers from religion. They are no longer acceptable coercive tactics for anyone to use.
So they didn't lay down and allow access to their baby maker, oh I have plenty of compassion for them, when they repent but those who have them and then promote them, well I will pray for them to repent. You don't believe, in guilt, and shame, what about when a pedophile rapes a kid should they feel guilt and shame? You should be ashamed of your stance on what is and will always be killing innocence
Are you not pushing you immorality on others? let me help yes you are.
No you are pushing YOUR morality on others.

I don't care if a woman chooses to get an abortion and I would never tell any person what they can and can't do to their own body.

That's all YOU who wants to exert YOUR control over other people.
Women in general are more likely to report they have been treated for mental health than men.
If that’s the case why are minority women so low?
And you just said that you assumed that liberal means democrat voting so your own bias is coloring your interpretation
It’s data, not interpretation. Are you suggesting women who identify as “liberal” don’t vote Democrat? Maybe there’s an occasional outlier, but that’s of no statistical significance.
No you are pushing YOUR morality on others.

I don't care if a woman chooses to get an abortion and I would never tell any person what they can and can't do to their own body.

That's all YOU who wants to exert YOUR control over other people.
“You can’t enforce YOUR non-murder morality into me… I don’t care if others kill, they can do what they want!”

It’s so ironic how leftists claim to support all the oppressed and supposed victims of our first world paradise (people who CAN vote).. but dehumanize the most innocent victims in the womb (those who CANT vote).

Generally I don’t think leftists care much about true or contrived victims at all. they selectively exploit only specific groups with intense convincing of victimization to gain their devoted loyalty (aka power) through loud, manipulative, media-exaggerated-and- amplified false compassion, while ignoring others who suffer and die who are the wrong race, think the wrong way, or have the wrong cause.
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If that’s the case why are minority women so low?

It’s data, not interpretation. Are you suggesting women who identify as “liberal” don’t vote Democrat? Maybe there’s an occasional outlier, but that’s of no statistical significance.
It's a well known fact that minorities attach a stigma to any type of mental health treatment even ones that don't involve medication. It's a cultural thing.

I don't know that any of those people in that survey who identified as liberals ever cast a single vote and you don't either.
“You can’t enforce YOUR non-murder morality into me… I don’t care if others kill, they can do what they want!”

It’s so ironic how leftists claim to support all the oppressed and supposed victims of our first world paradise (people who CAN vote).. but dehumanize the most innocent victims in the womb (those who CANT vote).

Generally I don’t think leftists care much about true or contrived victims at all. they selectively exploit only specific groups with intense convincing of victimization to gain their devoted loyalty (aka power) through false compassion, while ignoring others who suffer and die who are the wrong race, think the wrong way, or have the wrong cause.

There you go it is YOUR opinion that abortion is murder.

That is not my opinion.

So why are you hell bent of forcing your opinion on everyone else?

Whether a woman gets an abortion or not is none of my business just like it is none of yours.
No you are pushing YOUR morality on others.

I don't care if a woman chooses to get an abortion and I would never tell any person what they can and can't do to their own body.

That's all YOU who wants to exert YOUR control over other people.
I can't control anyone my morals and faith teaches murder is wrong
There you go it is YOUR opinion that abortion is murder.

That is not my opinion.

So why are you hell bent of forcing your opinion on everyone else?

Whether a woman gets an abortion or not is none of my business just like it is none of yours.
The fact that she is engaged in state sponsored murder doesn't bother you?
The fact that she is engaged in state sponsored murder doesn't bother you?
Abortion isn't state sponsored nor is it murder. Even states that have banned the procedure of abortion are not calling it murder.

Capital punishment is state sponsored killing are you for that?
Abortion isn't state sponsored nor is it murder. Even states that have banned the procedure of abortion are not calling it murder.

Capital punishment is state sponsored killing are you for that?
Yes, yes I am, and the comparison is the most ridiculous argument you have made to date, I mean that comparison shows you have absolutely no empathy at all
So she loses control if she has sex?

And she also has the final say about anything to do with her own body
It's not her body she is killing,
She gave up her choice when she made the choice to engage in an activity known for causing pregnancy, of course the man is on the hook to pay, and rightfully so. So again, why does he get no rights when it comes to his child?

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