Heartbeat act fails in Nebraska

My morals are mine and you have no control over them and that just bugs the shit out of you doesn't it?

And I don't "hate" anyone this is you projecting your emotions on to me.

If a man doesn't want a woman to have the right to abort a child that may be his then he should not voluntarily deposit his sperm into her body. There are these things called condoms that will prevent that in case you didn't know.

Or are you one of those religious wackos who thinks birth control is "immoral" too?
Man Hater, why is only he who has to take precautions?
The typical woman seeking an abortion; 1. Already has children 2.Is in her late 20's. 3. Is unmarried. 4. Has attended some college 5. Has low income. 6. Is having her first abortion. 7. Is in the first six weeks of her pregnancy and 8. Lives in a blue state.
How is that anyone's fault but hers
And yet you want to ban women from exercising control over their own bodies.
A fetus has completely different DNA… so it’s not their body by definition, although it’s a complicated and difficult situation for many. Nobody denies that.

However, it’s not THEIR body they are destroying. The thing they are ending is unable to speak or advocate for themselves.. the truest class of a voiceless oppressed people… and the bleeding hearts chose to view them as expendable moss like cold icicles… void of compassion to the most obvious.
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But the child is equally his you twit, how many abortions have you had good Lord!

Doesn't matter as I have explained to you multiple times. it is her body if she doesn't want to be pregnant it is her choice.

There is an inescapable disparity between men and women when it comes to reproduction and until a man can carry a fetus in his body this disparity will remain.

Life ain't fair deal with it.
Doesn't matter as I have explained to you multiple times. it is her body if she doesn't want to be pregnant it is her choice.

There is an inescapable disparity between men and women when it comes to reproduction and until a man can carry a fetus in his body this disparity will remain.

Life ain't fair deal with it.
That body inside has different dna which means you are wrong. The woman carries it is simple reproduction assignment which should not give her supreme rights over the facdt that he has parental rights that have been stripped.
That body inside has different dna which means you are wrong. The woman carries it is simple reproduction assignment which should not give her supreme rights over the facdt that he has parental rights that have been stripped.

And as you seem utterly incapable of understanding the fetus is ATTACHED to the woman's body. A woman has the right to sever that attachment.
I'm not excusing anything because there is nothing to excuse.

EVERYONE male or female has absolute sovereignty over their bodies and anything in them.

Why is that so hard for you to understand?
Why is it so hard for you to understand that is human life with separate DNA baby killing man hater
And as you seem utterly incapable of understanding the fetus is ATTACHED to the woman's body. A woman has the right to sever that attachment.
Wrong that is the science of reproduction and is murder you immoral twit I am sick of the excuses. It's a separate person and has separate DNA so up your you baby murdering man hater
A fetus has completely different DNA… so it’s not their body by definition, although it’s a complicated and difficult situation for many. Nobody denies that.

However, it’s not THEIR body they are destroying. The thing they are ending is unable to speak or advocate for themselves.. the truest class of a voiceless oppressed people… and the bleeding hearts chose to view them as expendable moss like cold icicles… void of compassion to the most obvious.
“The thing they are ending is unable to speak or advocate for themselves …the truest class of a voiceless oppressed people …”

This is almost comical. A “thing” not even born … is suddenly transformed into “a voiceless oppressed people”! And all just in a few keystrokes!

This is what happens in fevered imaginations, when sober and rational language is replaced by ideological hysteria. Sober scientific language better captures what is truly amazing here, and can better guide us to adopt positive and compassionate humanist policies — policies that in the end respect a fully grown and responsible human female’s rights above the tiny “thing” growing within her.

The “thing” is of course a fertilized human egg or a zygote which when implanted in a woman’s womb can grow into a human fetus and eventually be born. Yes, the fetus has its own DNA. Yes, it can “die” … and so is “alive.” At first this living “clump of cells” can be simply washed away with a “day after pill” or fail to implant, later it can “naturally” stop developing in a miscarriage, or its development can be intentionally ended when a woman who did not want or plan to become pregnant decides to take a modern “abortion pill.”

A zygote or fetus is unique living tissue, with the capacity — in the right circumstances — to develop into a tiny helpless human being.

On the other hand, in thousands of fertility clinics around the world, clinics whose very purpose is to help women and men have children, there are millions of human eggs fertilized outside of the womb and cytogenetically frozen, completely organically inactive. They can later be (depending on the contracted terms of fertility clinic & clients) implanted into the womb of any healthy young woman to continue developing. Many of these frozen zygotes will eventually end up being donated for scientific research or just destroyed — are they too part of the “voiceless oppressed people” Mr. Friscus worries about?

There is so much more that can be said about real modern life in the 21st century. Do some really want to go back to the “horse and buggy” era? Mustn’t we try to go forward instead?

We certainly don’t live in a science fiction movie on a rocket ship, preserving the last precious frozen zygotes of humanity, planning — with the help of a few nubile female astronauts or slave girls — to recreate the human race on a new planet. That is not what I’m talking about.

We live on earth, a planet already with too many people, too much poverty and ignorance, too little freedom and human compassion, too much nutty politics.

In my opinion it is good the “heartbeat bill without a heart” lost. It will be a good thing too if cynical mysogenist MAGA Republicans continue to pay a high price in lost votes for capitulating to evangelical fruitcakes and fake “Moral Majority” absolutists.
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