Heartbeat act fails in Nebraska

I’d be happy to discuss perhaps a bit more of a concise issue.. not to reply to a snide, angry, insult-filled straw man commentary which you demonstrated
I have not insulted you, or at least that was not my intention. My comments are usually long and carefully written. I am always open to honest discussion. I actually went to the trouble of going back and reading most of your many comments in this thread. You could do the same and choose any one of my comments when you are ready for a serious and honest discussion.

Anyway, I have to go out now and will not be back for at least an hour.
And they shouldn't exist. They are a violation of basic human rights and a HIPPA violation. You do not need to know anything a another person's health history.
It isn’t health history, it’s evidence of hiring a killer to commit homicide. The police should be involved and then you should go to prison and die there.
Not my problem, sounds like it isn't your's either. MYOB. If you can't say anything nice you shouldn't say anything.
What did he say in what you quoted that wasn’t nice? He made a statement. If you disagree with someone, it doesn’t mean they are a meanie. Lol
Most pregnancies are unplanned and you wonder why abortions happen.
If you partake in an act that produces something, and then that result is produced when you did the act, it’s not “unplanned”… it actually worked according to natural biological planning. For some reason, you and your ilk are confused by this simple logic

I'm surprised there aren't more of them. No doubt there will be as things get worse. All the problems this world is suffering from has one root cause, the overpopulation of the human race.
Well, if we are overpopulated and it’s such a pressing issue, why don’t you lead a leftist movement to begin the charge and lower the numbers yourselves, with your own lives.

Own your stance, don’t hide in a bubble think tank and expect others to solve your problem.

Me? I value human life and don’t actually want you to do that to yourself, but you’re the radical ideologue here.
People who reference the law as their argument don’t realize that they thus supported Jim Crow and all other evils… because at that time, it was the law.

It’s an uncompeling, rather pointless “argument”. Laws change, in case you hadn’t noticed.. and that’s what we’re discussing.. what should be, not just blandly and obviously what is.

Hell, you guys had a conniption when Roe V Wade was overturned (and used such extreme language that a SCOTUS judge was nearly assassinated) why? It’s the law.

Wrong again.

The definition of murder does not apply to abortion not even states that have banned the procedure are willing to call it murder.

And there really is no comparison between a human embryo and a born person. An embryo is not a person in any sense of the word

And who are "you guys"? I'm not emotionally invested in abortion as much as you are. I have no dog in this fight but I do believe that everyone has absolute sovereignty over their own body and that included everything inside that body as well. You don't and you want to control the decisions other people make.
Well she was involved man hating baby murderer, they both said yes, and you blame only the sperm, you are as useless as a one legged man in an ass kicking contest, and your opinion is worse.
YEah she was "man hating" when she was having sex with a man right?

Do you think being childish is actually helping your argument?
It isn’t health history, it’s evidence of hiring a killer to commit homicide. The police should be involved and then you should go to prison and die there.
I am an elderly gay man, I am not having an abortion or could I. I am only an LPN, so I can't perform abortions legally. Yes, abortion is still LEGAL in Nebraska and thank GOD for that. May it always be so. This anti-abortion disease has already infected far too many Americans. This mental illness has to be stopped before it spreads any further.
I am an elderly gay man, I am not having an abortion or could I. I am only an LPN, so I can't perform abortions legally.
Don’t worry, you can always kill your fellow human beings in cold blood if you really want to, scumbag.

Yes, abortion is still LEGAL in Nebraska and thank GOD for that.
What god could you possibly worship? What a joke. None are that evil, outside of fiction.

I assume at this point you worship a D&D god like Bhaal or Lolth. Ugh.

This mental illness has to be stopped before it spreads any further.
Your hate is the mental illness.
Don’t worry, you can always kill your fellow human beings in cold blood if you really want to, scumbag.

What god could you possibly worship? What a joke. None are that evil, outside of fiction.

I assume at this point you worship a D&D god like Bhaal or Lolth. Ugh.

Your hate is the mental illness.
You're the one hurting women's health, even murdering some women with your ridiculous support for these egregious abortion laws. Try to lose all that hate, keeping it all pent up like that can't be helpful or healthy. At least you're venting a little.
You're the one hurting women's health, even murdering some women with your ridiculous support for these egregious abortion laws. Try to lose all that hate, keeping it all pent up like that can't be helpful or healthy. At least you're venting a little.
If anyone is “hating”, you hate unborn children. But you probably don’t “hate” them, you’re just wrong on the issue. It’s you leftists who can’t figure out the difference

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