Heartbeat act fails in Nebraska

Many of these sick woman-hating mother-fuckers (CarsomyrPlusSix and Nostra for example) are ignorant losers and fanatics. They will keep up their bigotry and “pretense to morality” until they die — despised by their own grandchildren.

Meanwhile they will help MAGA Republicans lose more elections. Every time these creeps open their mouths and insult the great majority of women and American men — as “baby killers” or “killers of their own kids” — because we insist on women’s privacy rights and empathize with them when they are “in trouble,” these assholes lose more support.

Americans can be very foolish at times, but when it comes to their own daughters, sisters, and families, most know they would oppose authoritarian “Moral Majority” phonies and obvious hypocrites bossing our womenfolk around. Real men stand with their women when they are “in trouble” and oppose the draconian laws Republicans are pushing to make abortion pills illegal nationally, or pass six-week “Heartbeat (without a heart) Acts” as in Nebraska. We defend women’s right to use their own judgement in difficult reproductive matters, like an unwanted pregnancy that can ruin their life and their real family’s future.

These misogynistic assholes talk shit about women (even their own daughters and wives) saying they are “sluts” unable “to keep their legs together” — even when it is just a case of birth control failing. Of course most of these men, their cronies, and their leaders spent their own youths trying to pressure women to give in to their own selfish urges. Behind almost every Republican “Bible Thumper” and “preacher of sexual morality,” there is a lying pervert or cowardly would-be rapist, or just a frustrated Incel loser.
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If anyone is “hating”, you hate unborn children. But you probably don’t “hate” them, you’re just wrong on the issue. It’s you leftists who can’t figure out the difference
There is no such animal for the woman who has to contemplate having an abortion wether she wants it or not, or needs it or not. Would you allow a judgemental third party have say over such a critical decision. I wouldn't and I don't believe any sane person would want it either.
There is no such animal for the woman who has to contemplate having an abortion wether she wants it or not, or needs it or not. Would you allow a judgemental third party have say over such a critical decision. I wouldn't and I don't believe any sane person would want it either.
Obviously this is a unique situation.. I don’t know what “animal” you speak of

And you can continue to thumbs down my posts all you want.. I kinda like it.. it lets me know you’re bothered enough to go out of your way to portray rebelliousness. You care about the image
The fact that you cannot see how disagreement does not equal “hate” reveals how contorted you are
The fact that you cannot see I am using that idiot's own words against him so as to mock him reveals your inability to understand sarcasm
The fact that you cannot see I am using that idiot's own words against him so as to mock him reveals your inability to understand sarcasm
I usually can.. I’m not caught up on all ongoing discussions. If I misunderstood your intentions my apologies
It really isn't an issue that can or should be put up for debate or vote. It should simply be understood that the woman is a person, a citizen, a taxpayer and should not have her person subjected to this intrusion by the opinions of others.
Ok, so if it applies in the way that you think (willy nilly), then why are there restrictions on prostitution, driving without seat belts, drug usage of any kind, whooping her children as a form of discipline, adulterous behavior, engaging in witchcraft, and on and on it goes in our restrictive civilized SOCIETY ??????

Why the push to keep abortion mills open, and helping to coerce women into using them or allowing them to use them as a form of contraception, otherwise instead of the women using contraception as a means to prevent the intrusion by another, who then destroys her human fetus as it is developing healthily in her womb ??? Something she ends up haunted by for the rest of her life.
Many of these sick woman-hating mother-fuckers (CarsomyrPlusSix and Nostra for example) are ignorant losers and fanatics. They will keep up their bigotry and “pretense to morality” until they die — despised by their own grandchildren.

Meanwhile they will help MAGA Republicans lose more elections. Every time these creeps open their mouths and insult the great majority of women and American men — as “baby killers” or “killers of their own kids” — because we insist on women’s privacy rights and empathize with them when they are “in trouble,” these assholes lose more support.

Americans can be very foolish at times, but when it comes to their own daughters, sisters, and families, most know they would oppose authoritarian “Moral Majority” phonies and obvious hypocrites bossing our womenfolk around. Real men stand with their women when they are “in trouble” and oppose the draconian laws Republicans are pushing to make abortion pills illegal nationally, or pass six-week “Heartbeat (without a heart) Acts” as in Nebraska. We defend women’s right to use their own judgement in difficult reproductive matters, like an unwanted pregnancy that can ruin their life and their real family’s future.

These misogynistic assholes talk shit about women (even their own daughters and wives) saying they are “sluts” unable “to keep their legs together” — even when it is just a case of birth control failing. Of course most of these men, their cronies, and their leaders spent their own youths trying to pressure women to give in to their own selfish urges. Behind almost every Republican “Bible Thumper” and “preacher of sexual morality,” there is a lying pervert or cowardly would-be rapist, or just a frustrated Incel loser.
LOL, it's hilarious how you used so many references to family in your post above, when the very thing that you support erases or eradicates the family. What daughters, what grandchildren, as they've all been aborted. You are the sick human being in this debate.
I can't force them, that is the difference, I have no desire to you, want lock step

So you don't want to charge women who get abortions with murder?

And I respect people's personal choices YOU want to deny people their personal choices.
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Nobody condemned women.. if you see that you’re delusional
The favorite comment seems to be to equate all women who need an abortion as whores. Look at all the posts, nothing but hatred and blame.
Obviously this is a unique situation.. I don’t know what “animal” you speak of

And you can continue to thumbs down my posts all you want.. I kinda like it.. it lets me know you’re bothered enough to go out of your way to portray rebelliousness. You care about the image
I guess you can view personal freedoms as rebellion, the British called it a rebellion when the founding fathers finally said enough is enough and broke ties with them. I'm honored you placed me in their company. Since justice Alito's opinion on Roe vs Wade had so many references to the founding fathers it is now being thoroughly fact-checked and you wouldn't believe how many half-truths and outfight lies he spoke. Thomas Jefferson, John Marshall and Patrick Henry all didn't believe a woman who had an abortion should be prosecuted. It simply wasn't an issue that was spoken about in those days.
The favorite comment seems to be to equate all women who need an abortion as whores. Look at all the posts, nothing but hatred and blame.
I guess I haven’t seen anyone say that.. and if they did they’re quite wrong to say that.

But… Often times when pro-life people bring up the idea of accountability for women in this issue, pro-abortionists melt and become enraged that their consequence-free, women’s sexual revolution mindset might be questioned.

The modern sex! Sex! Sex! mindset is entirely against established, biological-dictated female behavior, as women are the selectors and control access to their bodies, and are naturally overall less promiscuous. It’s overall the men who are driven by aggressive natural sex drives who are less emotional and more capable of promiscuity without emotional damage (which IMO is a bad thing, and difficult thing for men to deal With when choosing monogamy).

But, no.. it’s not hatred and blame. That’s just you not having a counterpoint and throwing a rhetorical temper tantrum… being triggered that someone dare challenge your radical, extremist view that popped up basically yesterday in regards to human history.. the idea that women should sexually act like men. It clearly makes most unhappy over the long term for many reasons.. they end up single, older, either single wanting children or having many children and wondering why the men they want don’t want them back. Sadly, 3rd wave feminism has convinced them that acting masculine liberates them, but men don’t want masculine women, they want feminine ones. It has convinced them that they need to aim well above their league and to not “settle” for an “average” man, thus causing most women to go after the same top men, which they might get for a night but likely won’t get in a relationship. The top men win, run through the most of women sexually and drop them, while the “average”, based, normal men are overall ignored.

So, the masculine women hit the wall and sadly struggle in loneliness, having given away their best years throughout their 20’s being promiscuous and taking in high numbers of sexual partners when they could have started a family with the kind of guy they want. Even the “average” men are hesitant to take on the baggage, aggressiveness and disagreeableness that masculine women exert.

3rd wave feminism has been horrible for women overall, and the data in regards to their unhappiness proves it.
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I guess I haven’t seen anyone say that.. and if they did they’re quite wrong to say that.

But… Often times when pro-life people bring up the idea of accountability for women in this issue, pro-abortionists melt and become enraged that their consequence-free, women’s sexual revolution mindset might be questioned.

The modern sex! Sex! Sex! mindset is entirely against established, biological-dictated female behavior, as women are the selectors and control access to their bodies, and are naturally overall less promiscuous. It’s overall the men who are driven by aggressive natural sex drives who are less emotional and more capable of promiscuity without emotional damage (which IMO is a bad thing, and difficult thing for men to deal With when choosing monogamy).

But, no.. it’s not hatred and blame. That’s just you not having a counterpoint and throwing a rhetorical temper tantrum… being triggered that someone dare challenge your radical, extremist view that popped up basically yesterday in regards to human history.. the idea that women should sexually act like men. It clearly makes most unhappy over the long term for many reasons.. they end up single, older, either single wanting children or having many children and wondering why the men they want don’t want them back. Sadly, 3rd wave feminism has convinced them that acting masculine liberates them, but men don’t want masculine women, they want feminine ones. It has convinced them that they need to aim well above their league and to not “settle” for an “average” man, thus causing most women to go after the same top men, which they might get for a night but likely won’t get in a relationship.

So, the masculine women hit the wall and sadly struggle in loneliness, having given away their best years throughout their 20’s being promiscuous and taking in high numbers of sexual partners when they could have started a family with the kind of guy they want.
If they don't say it exactly that way, the intent is still there, they should know better than to get pregnant on the first place, what did they expect, the dumb bitches, etc. etc. That's why most people on here are not pro-life, they're just anti-abortion and hate women bigots judge them all the same even the happily married women with several other children who discover the fetus has horrible genetic flaws and predicted low viability. Like one of the women now suing the state of Texas for the egregious abortion laws. Abortion is hard enough to deal with. It's no walk in the park or an easy way out. None of those lies about it are true. Yet people still want to judge them, what good does it do. NONE !
If they don't say it exactly that way, the intent is still there, they should know better than to get pregnant on the first place, what did they expect, the dumb bitches, etc. etc. That's why most people on here are not pro-life, they're just anti-abortion and hate women bigots judge them all the same even the happily married women with several other children who discover the fetus has horrible genetic flaws and predicted low viability. Like one of the women now suing the state of Texas for the egregious abortion laws. Abortion is hard enough to deal with. It's no walk in the park or an easy way out. None of those lies about it are true. Yet people still want to judge them, what good does it do. NONE !
Yeah.. if you’re going to interpret any discussion and questioning as “hatred” and calling women whores.. you’re just paranoid and dishonest, incapable of rationally discussing the topic..

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