Heartbeat act fails in Nebraska

So then how can we ask people not to steal, murder, speed I mena how can we force them if that is your position then you are an anarchist. I do not recognize their authority to call it anything but and will continue to call it that
I thought the same thing. Many pro-abortionists simply cannot contemplate even the idea of the humanity of what’s in the womb, they can’t even perform the mental exercise for a moment.

Abortion is a scientific and philosophical issue.. and if what’s in the womb is a human, the sexual revolution pro-abortion feminists suddenly look really horrible, not that I’d expect them to ever accept it even if unanimously decided (they’d probably die trying, violently attacking whatever politician or government structure they had to, Kavanaugh had an assassination attempt on him over roe v wade). They won’t even admit it’s a discussion.. while they pull the trigger before asking the question.

Again, notice that the victims that the woke left do not support are either conservative, male, Christian, white, or unable to speak/vote.
I thought the same thing. Many pro-abortionists simply cannot contemplate even the idea of the humanity of what’s in the womb, they can’t even perform the mental exercise for a moment.

Abortion is a scientific and philosophical issue.. and if what’s in the womb is a human, the sexual revolution pro-abortion feminists suddenly look really horrible, not that I’d expect them to ever accept it even if unanimously decided (they’d probably die trying, violently attacking whatever government structure they had to). They won’t even admit it’s a discussion.. while they pull the trigger before asking the question.

Again, notice that the victims that the woke left do not support are either conservative, male, Christian, white, or unable to speak/vote.
A match made in " heaven ", you finally found someone you can talk to. You even both speak the same language.
What you support is Evil
I support many things. Freedom of the press, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, limited constitutional government, right to due process and equality under the law, etc. Do those make me " evil " ? By the way that's another " label " . Do these sound like " conservative " values to you ? You're starting to show your true colors now, and it isn't pretty. Can you have " human dignity " without respecting equality and individual freedoms first.? Life here is not simple, it wasn't designed to be that way. I believe in what you refer to as " God ". If you really exam everything, we are more alike than different. I'll tell you another obvious " secret " people miss all the time after you reply. It may be a while. I'm trying to decide if I should stay awake for the rest of this day because I have tomorrow off as well and have a big day planned. Getting back on day schedule is somewhat of a challenge.
The reading dysfunction of so many on the left is absolutely astounding.
No just a different point of view. You value the body so much, you forget about the soul within. ( Limit 1 soul per body, delivered with the first breath of air the person takes.) Sorry you can't comprehend that.
No just a different point of view. You value the body so much, you forget about the soul within. ( Limit 1 soul per body, delivered with the first breath of air the person takes.) Sorry you can't comprehend that.
A different point of view totally non sequitur to what was being discussed. But since you insist on changing the subject, show me anywhere in the Bible that suggests the soul does not exist within the developing human before its birth.

And when you are unable to do that maybe we can return to the thread topic?
A different point of view totally non sequitur to what was being discussed. But since you insist on changing the subject, show me anywhere in the Bible that suggests the soul does not exist within the developing human before its birth.

And when you are unable to do that maybe we can return to the thread topic?
It's one of the basic tenets of my belief system which you ignore and Judaism does not consider a fetus is a child. It is only a child when it is born. By the way you wouldn't have a bible were in not for the Jews.
So then how can we ask people not to steal, murder, speed I mena how can we force them if that is your position then you are an anarchist. I do not recognize their authority to call it anything but and will continue to call it that
So you actually go around and tell people not to steal ,murder or speed?

Or do you let the police enforce the laws like they're supposed to?

And if you want to start your own language with your own definitions then you better get started on that new dictionary but until then if you don't want to use the definitions we all use then go talk to yourself in a corner.
It's one of the basic tenets of my belief system which you ignore and Judaism does not consider a fetus is a child. It is only a child when it is born. By the way you wouldn't have a bible were in not for the Jews.
But you can't show me in the scriptures where such a belief comes from? A pity. Neither can science by the way. The belief regarding the soul in the unborn vary among various Jewish sects. And since you insist on discussing something entirely off topic for this thread, I will leave you to it and again wish you a pleasant afternoon and evening.
I thought the same thing. Many pro-abortionists simply cannot contemplate even the idea of the humanity of what’s in the womb, they can’t even perform the mental exercise for a moment.

Abortion is a scientific and philosophical issue.. and if what’s in the womb is a human, the sexual revolution pro-abortion feminists suddenly look really horrible, not that I’d expect them to ever accept it even if unanimously decided (they’d probably die trying, violently attacking whatever politician or government structure they had to, Kavanaugh had an assassination attempt on him over roe v wade). They won’t even admit it’s a discussion.. while they pull the trigger before asking the question.

Again, notice that the victims that the woke left do not support are either conservative, male, Christian, white, or unable to speak/vote.

Why are you so disingenuous?

I am not pro abortion

I am pro letting people make their own choices and pro minding my own business.

You people care more about the unborn than you do the children living and suffering right now. As soon as that kid's born you'll all be whining about welfare mothers on food stamps again
But you can't show me in the scriptures where such a belief comes from? A pity. Neither can science by the way. The belief regarding the soul in the unborn vary among various Jewish sects. And since you insist on discussing something entirely off topic for this thread, I will leave you to it and again wish you a pleasant afternoon and evening.
My beliefs/ opinions are mine, and you cannot prove opinions one way or another. Where in the bible does it, nevermind not going to get into all that tribal nonsense.
Why are you so disingenuous?

I am not pro abortion

I am pro letting people make their own choices and pro minding my own business.
so you don’t believe in lawful protections of a humans right to life? A fetus very well could be considered a life worthy of protection.

Gangsters would live your approach. Mind your business and let me do to others how I see fit.

You people care more about the unborn than you do the children living and suffering right now. As soon as that kid's born you'll all be whining about welfare mothers on food stamps again
Straw man much? And who are you kidding? The lefts policy is the main cause of poverty, and you believe in restricting inspiration to succeed by demanding they focus on how much of victims they are.. you cause it
Why are you so disingenuous?

I am not pro abortion

I am pro letting people make their own choices and pro minding my own business.

You people care more about the unborn than you do the children living and suffering right now. As soon as that kid's born you'll all be whining about welfare mothers on food stamps again
Being judgmental is fueled by self-righteousness, the misguided inner motivation that makes them feel better about their own lives and situations. They don't even realize this is screaming " This is all about me ! "
so you don’t believe in lawful protections of a humans right to life? A fetus very well could be considered a life worthy of protection.

Gangsters would live your approach. Mind your business and let me do to others how I see fit.

Straw man much? And who are you kidding? The lefts policy is the main cause of poverty, and you believe in restricting inspiration to succeed by demanding they focus on how much of victims they are.. you cause it
I know it's all about you.
Being judgmental is fueled by self-righteousness, the misguided inner motivation that makes them feel better about their own lives and situations. They don't even realize this is screaming " This is all about me ! "
You tell yourself whatever you need to. We’ve already established You dont seem to Interpret things well. You make gigantic leaps to negatively characterize those you disagree with.
You tell yourself whatever you need to. We’ve already established You dont seem to Interpret things well. You make gigantic leaps to negatively characterize those you disagree with.
You just described yourself. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are collectively called the Judgmental Religions, that's a fact. Far too many self-righteous people in the world attempting to feel good about themselves by belittling others they neither know nor care about. If that doesn't sound familiar to you, you're further gone than I thought.

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