Heartbeat act fails in Nebraska

You just described yourself. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are collectively called the Judgmental Religions, that's a fact. Far too many self-righteous people in the world attempting to feel good about themselves by belittling others they neither know nor care about. If that doesn't sound familiar to you, you're further gone than I thought.

yes, I’m a Christian, but abortion isn’t primarily a religious issue.

However, you sure seem to be triggered by religion. Sorry you are so insecure when measuring up to the standards.
far too many self-righteous people in the world attempting to feel good about themselves by belittling others they neither know nor care about.
coming from the side of non-stop virtue signaling, that’s freaking hilarious.

Who am I belittling? Why are you so sensitive that you’re so triggered by people merely disagreeing with you?

yes, I’m a Christian, but abortion isn’t primarily a religious issue.

However, you sure seem to be triggered by religion. Sorry you are so insecure when measuring up to the standards.
I am steadfast in my belief all people should have autonomy over their own bodies. The issue really is more of a non-issue to me, that's how secure I am in my position
I am steadfast in my belief all people should have autonomy over their own bodies. The issue really is more of a non-issue to me, that's how secure I am in my position
But what about the human entity inside one’s body that has entirely different DNA.. that they willfully caused?

Here’s a better question.. are you okay with a woman using meth and alcohol while they’re pregnant? It’s their body…
But what about the human entity inside one’s body that has entirely different DNA.. that they willfully caused?

Here’s a better question.. are you okay with a woman using meth and alcohol while they’re pregnant? It’s their body…
You only made one unsustained assumption, " They willfully caused " ( attempting to place blame ) that's an improvement. It's a know fact that those are detrimental to fetuses. So any woman not needing an abortion should definitely not do this. Even the women who are needing an abortion shouldn't abuse themselves like this. But in either case it's their choice, not mine. I can disagree with it but I can't tell them what to do. We are still mostly a free nation.
You only made one unsustained assumption, " They willfully caused " ( attempting to place blame )
She had sex, that is biologically designed to produce children. And If there’s an unwanted child, it’s statistically near certain it was unprotected sex, so they weren’t responsible about preventing it. Admittedly-inconveniently and possibly seen as “unfair”, biology dictates that’s mostly on her, as Women are the gate keepers to sex (unless the unlikely exception that she was raped).

Before birth control women had to be entirely more careful about who they had sex with because it was likely they would get pregnant, and thus have to deal with the man and ensure he was honorable and not a douche. Birth control and the masculine sexual revolution made women far less selective, thus more likely to bare children with dishonorable, flakey men.

All of this is pretty established behavioral psychology. Radical feminism is angry at biology, and wants to try to socially engineer established gender specific behaviors out of people.. and it largely doesn’t work.

Women have a blast when they have their youth and use it to be run through by high value men (but not given a ring, which men are the gate keepers to).. but when they hit the wall many regret their choices because now they are less attractive, run-through women who can’t get a man to commit to them. Women generally lose their value in the dating marketplace over time while men gain value because they make more money and status once they reach their 30’s.
that's an improvement. It's a know fact that those are detrimental to fetuses. So any woman not needing an abortion should definitely not do this. Even the women who are needing an abortion shouldn't abuse themselves like this. But in either case it's their choice, not mine. I can disagree with it but I can't tell them what to do. We are still mostly a free nation.
Man you sure don’t believe in protecting the vulnerable and innocent. You’re being the stereotypical “soy boy” here, afraid to challenge women even if lives are at stake.
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She had sex, that is biologically designed to produce children. And If there’s an unwanted child, it’s statistically near certain it was unprotected sex, so they weren’t responsible about preventing it. Admittedly-inconveniently and possibly seen as “unfair”, biology dictates that’s mostly on her, as Women are the gate keepers to sex (unless the unlikely exception that she was raped).

Before birth control women had to be entirely more careful about who they had sex with because it was likely they would get pregnant, and thus have to deal with the man and ensure he was honorable and not a douche. Birth control and the masculine sexual revolution made women far less selective, thus more likely to bare children with dishonorable, flakey men.

All of this is pretty established behavioral psychology. Radical feminism is angry at biology, and wants to try to socially engineer established gender specific behaviors out of people.. and it largely doesn’t work.

Women have a blast when they have their youth and use it to be run through by high value men (but not given a ring, which men are the gate keepers to).. but when they hit the wall many regret their choices because now they are less attractive, run-through women who can’t get a man to commit to them. Women generally lose their value in the dating marketplace over time while men gain value because they make more money and status once they reach their 30’s.

Man you sure don’t believe in protecting the vulnerable and innocent. You’re being the stereotypical “soy boy” here, afraid to challenge women even if lives are at stake.
You said they no other interpretation but all of them was possible. Total bigotry. And your attempts to attack my message are futile. And that's better than promoting counterproductive and harmful abortion laws.
You said they no other interpretation but all of them was possible. Total bigotry. And your attempts to attack my message are futile. And that's better than promoting counterproductive and harmful abortion laws.
Welp.. your go to is to ignore points and just call people bigots because they disagree.

Childish, not intellectually compelling. You bore me.
Welp.. your go to is to ignore points and just call people bigots because they disagree.

Childish, not intellectually compelling. You bore me.
Those were your words. You did this to yourself.The intent was crystal clear and now you' re attempting to call me childish.
A surprise vote among Republicans in Nebraska. One vote made the difference. That's about as close as you get. It failed because they wouldn't compromise at all. It cannot be reintroduced this session. Omaha News, Weather and Sports - Nebraska News - KETV NewsWatch 7>articles-Nebraska-Heartbeat-Act-likely-fails-in-lehislature-as-support-falls-short. 52 minutes ago. When asked about why he couldn't vote for the bill as written. The Republican legislator replied, " I believe the pro-life organization has shades of gray in it. If you're going to make changes it's better to make gradual change, not extremeeasures. "
News update here in Nebraska another devious and corrupt Republican representative attached a 12 week abortion ban to an equally horrible bill banning gender-affirming health care for young transgendered people under the age of 19. This insanity never seems to end, the evil keeps on attacking tsome of the most vulnerable people in our society with no letup. Very sick control freaks. Total over-reach of government.
so you don’t believe in lawful protections of a humans right to life? A fetus very well could be considered a life worthy of protection.

Gangsters would live your approach. Mind your business and let me do to others how I see fit.

Straw man much? And who are you kidding? The lefts policy is the main cause of poverty, and you believe in restricting inspiration to succeed by demanding they focus on how much of victims they are.. you cause it
Nowhere is a fetus defined as a person will the full compliment of rights as a born person.

A fetus, especially during the first 12 weeks of a pregnancy is human yes but it is not yet a person in any sense of the word. There is no sentience, no consciousness and no ability to survive as a wholly separate being.

And most abortions occur before week 11.

And calling me " the left" is just you illustrating the lack of depth of your intellect. I am not a democrat or a republican what I am is a person who recognizes the rights and sovereignty every person has over their own body.
But what about the human entity inside one’s body that has entirely different DNA.. that they willfully caused?

Here’s a better question.. are you okay with a woman using meth and alcohol while they’re pregnant? It’s their body…

Are you OK with locking up women whop are pregnant so they can't do those things? What about if they eat a poor diet and refuse to see a doctor?

When you people say you want a fetus to have all the rights of a born person have yo thought out all the consequences of that>?
Those were your words. You did this to yourself.The intent was crystal clear and now you' re attempting to call me childish.
My words? Which words that you said were mine? I’ll own ones i said, but without your irrational, conspiracy conclusions on them.

When someone is struggling on the issue, they sprint towards intent, which you’ve clearly done, inventing negative ones to try to attack.. it’s as predictable as it is cliche and boring at this point
Are you OK with locking up women whop are pregnant so they can't do those things?
Huh? You’re asking if I want to put all pregnant women in prison? LMAO. Are you insane?

What about if they eat a poor diet and refuse to see a doctor?
A. A “poor diet” is subjective, meth and alcohol are not.

B. Poor diets don’t cause fetal defects and alcohol syndrome.

You’re comparing apples to chainsaws.
When you people say you want a fetus to have all the rights of a born person have yo thought out all the consequences of that>?
Certainly. It’s a very difficult situation, not that most pro-abortion folk ever acknowledge that. You seem to think that the pro-life movement is this evil group of people laughing at the poor woman put in a difficult scenario.. it’s quite the convenient characterization to make out your opponent on an issue as an evil uncaring monster. However, it’s also completely incorrect, along with lazy, dishonest, and a solid tool in a radicals handbook.

The person who needed to think about consequences in this scenario was the woman who had unprotected sex with likely unfit, dishonorable partners, drunk on the 3rd wave feminist mantra of masculine sexual activity and trying to resist/run from their natural biological behavior. 3rd wave feminism leads them down a path and then completely bails in them. It’s an entirely selfish ideology, wanting the candy as food without considering the long term health effects. Women with tons of sexual partners are less likely to be married, more likely to cause a divorce if married, and are generally growing in unhappiness.
I support many things. Freedom of the press, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, limited constitutional government, right to due process and equality under the law, etc. Do those make me " evil " ? By the way that's another " label " . Do these sound like " conservative " values to you ? You're starting to show your true colors now, and it isn't pretty. Can you have " human dignity " without respecting equality and individual freedoms first.? Life here is not simple, it wasn't designed to be that way. I believe in what you refer to as " God ". If you really exam everything, we are more alike than different. I'll tell you another obvious " secret " people miss all the time after you reply. It may be a while. I'm trying to decide if I should stay awake for the rest of this day because I have tomorrow off as well and have a big day planned. Getting back on day schedule is somewhat of a challenge.
Individual freedom does not entail taking a separate human life because of oops, we may be after the same goal but believe in completely different avenues to achieve it!
So you actually go around and tell people not to steal ,murder or speed?

Or do you let the police enforce the laws like they're supposed to?

And if you want to start your own language with your own definitions then you better get started on that new dictionary but until then if you don't want to use the definitions we all use then go talk to yourself in a corner.
I am simply applying your logic to issues. According to you we should have carte blanche
Huh? You’re asking if I want to put all pregnant women in prison? LMAO. Are you insane?

A. A “poor diet” is subjective, meth and alcohol are not.

B. Poor diets don’t cause fetal defects and alcohol syndrome.

You’re comparing apples to chainsaws.

Certainly. It’s a very difficult situation, not that most pro-abortion folk ever acknowledge that. You seem to think that the pro-life movement is this evil group of people laughing at the poor woman put in a difficult scenario.. it’s quite the convenient characterization to make out your opponent on an issue as an evil uncaring monster. However, it’s also completely incorrect, along with lazy, dishonest, and a solid tool in a radicals handbook.

The person who needed to think about consequences in this scenario was the woman who had unprotected sex with likely unfit, dishonorable partners, drunk on the 3rd wave feminist mantra of masculine sexual activity and trying to resist/run from their natural biological behavior. 3rd wave feminism leads them down a path and then completely bails in them. It’s an entirely selfish ideology, wanting the candy as food without considering the long term health effects. Women with tons of sexual partners are less likely to be married, more likely to cause a divorce if married, and are generally growing in unhappiness.
Not pro-abortion.


And not even you control freaks actually want a fertilized ovum to be legally called a person.

And my examples would have to be issues that you would have to confront if an embryo was given all the rights of personhood because legally the fetus would be a child so if a mother refuses to feed her born child what would happen? The child would be taken from her custody. but you can't take a fetus into custody so you must take the pregnant women into custody and force her to take in enough nutrition to feed her fetus. What if a woman wants to travel to a state where abortion is legal for the purpose of getting an abortion? Would a state where a fetus is given all the rights of personhood be justified in detaining her against her will?

What about a woman who smokes? Or engages in what the state deems "risky behavior"?
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I am simply applying your logic to issues. According to you we should have carte blanche
No you're not.

Because YOU do not pull people over and tell them not to speed do you?

And your analogies fail because speeding and murder aren't things that can be done to a person's own body by the person that owns that body.

What a person does to his or her own body is their business and theirs alone.
No you're not.

Because YOU do not pull people over and tell them not to speed do you?

And your analogies fail because speeding and murder aren't things that can be done to a person's own body by the person that owns that body.

What a person does to his or her own body is their business and theirs alone.
What does that have to do with anything, are the free or not to do as they wish. Their Body is not the one being extinguished
My words? Which words that you said were mine? I’ll own ones i said, but without your irrational, conspiracy conclusions on them.

When someone is struggling on the issue, they sprint towards intent, which you’ve clearly done, inventing negative ones to try to attack.. it’s as predictable as it is cliche and boring at this point
You are pathetic. Not worth talking to. I can't help you, you are obstinate and super- critical of others, which is unreasonable. Sorry Life isn't just about you and your desires. Others do exist, get over yourself.

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