Heartbeat act fails in Nebraska

Yeah.. if you’re going to interpret any discussion and questioning as “hatred” and calling women whores.. you’re just paranoid and dishonest, incapable of rationally discussing the topic..
You aren't the normal on here, look at the hatred in the posts by these anti-abortion people ,all are judgmental and all are hateful. You are basically the only one that doesn't express that but you still insist it must be governed by courts and or laws. There's nothing to discuss. You're not going to alter that misconception.
A surprise vote among Republicans in Nebraska. One vote made the difference. That's about as close as you get. It failed because they wouldn't compromise at all. It cannot be reintroduced this session. Omaha News, Weather and Sports - Nebraska News - KETV NewsWatch 7>articles-Nebraska-Heartbeat-Act-likely-fails-in-lehislature-as-support-falls-short. 52 minutes ago. When asked about why he couldn't vote for the bill as written. The Republican legislator replied, " I believe the pro-life organization has shades of gray in it. If you're going to make changes it's better to make gradual change, not extremeeasures. "
The rise of authoritarianism is rampant, and any popular opposition to politicians and bureaucrats seizing control of wombs is an endorsement of personal liberty.

It is significant that Canada does not have any of the intrusive, big government, assault on a citizen's privacy of its southern neighbour, and yet the abortion rate in Canada is appreciably lower than that of the U.S.

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One frustrating reality for the maximal statists is that early-stage medical terminations (> 50% of all abortions) are safe and simple thanks to mifepristone. The authoritarians must invade personal mail and other private communication as a result.

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"We's watchin' yuh, Lady!"
You Stann were once a fertilized egg with all the DNA, potential and promise that you have become, a zygote, an embryo, a fetus. It required all those stages for you or any other human being on Earth to be a human being on Earth. Who among us has the authority to see at what precise point of human development, a 'person' exists?
The US government in their Civil Code defines what a " person " is, it does not include any of the embryonic stages of human beings. The laws cover everyone after they are born. Persons officially do not exist before they are born.
The US government in their Civil Code defines what a " person " is, it does not include any of the embryonic stages of human beings. The laws cover everyone after they are born. Persons officially do not exist before they are born.
It's a last ditch effort by these people,abortion will soon become a non-issue. Its their last hurrah ! Time of controlling women is finally ending and they know it. No one should be treated like this. Try telling a man he can only have sex to procreate, no more recreational sex and see what happens. Not even allowed to masturbate according to the bible. No wonder those stories had so much murder and violence, a lot of pent up angst in those people subjected to that. Abortion rates have steadily declined
If these people would stop making an issue of it, it would naturally decline to insignificant numbers. Making it a issue actually works in reverse,it makes things worse.
You aren't the normal on here, look at the hatred in the posts by these anti-abortion people ,all are judgmental and all are hateful. You are basically the only one that doesn't express that but you still insist it must be governed by courts and or laws. There's nothing to discuss. You're not going to alter that misconception.
Well I have a lot of people on ignore, so I might not see them. I guess all I can say is don’t lump me in with people who are just on here to flame. I have many on ignore from both sides who just sling garbage, and have nothing intelligent or compelling to offer.
Well I have a lot of people on ignore, so I might not see them. I guess all I can say is don’t lump me in with people who are just on here to flame. I have many on ignore from both sides who just sling garbage, and have nothing intelligent or compelling to offer.
I made my initial statement on my position. Of the 14 anti - abortion people that responded so far 10 were particularly terrible. CarsomyPlus Six was the worst, she called me " inhuman " then went on to say I was retarded,trash, should murdered and / or in prison because of my opinions on the subject. Then there's another extremists ,The Great Satan who seems to believe only Democrats and RHINOS have abortions and they do it so they can cut up the fetuses and sell the body parts. I guess he believed that propaganda piece the anti-abortion people made uncover about Planned Parenthood. There were only four exceptions most of those attempted to use arguments like how would you like it if you were aborted. Wel if you never existed you can't feel anything about not being here, your life never started. How do you discuss sense with people like that. You just have to keep saying you don't have the right to judge others in personal matters and definitely can't force your beliefs in others in a free nation. So tell me what's to discuss? Nothing.
Well I have a lot of people on ignore, so I might not see them. I guess all I can say is don’t lump me in with people who are just on here to flame. I have many on ignore from both sides who just sling garbage, and have nothing intelligent or compelling to offer.
Worked last night. GoBack again. ing to bed now. Good day for you. Maybe that's why I rambled on this morning
Tired of saying the same things over and over read the posts see who's more reasonable. Also if you put people on ignore you're not getting the whole story. One person I thought about doing that to is Back Again contributes very little, just likes to harass. But even trolls like him need to be heard but mostly ignored.
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So you don't want to charge women who get abortions with murder?

And I respect people's personal choices YOU want to deny people their personal choices.
No, I would rather them not get pregnant, and need to murder their children. We know how people get pregnant, we also have told people for a long time it's ok because desires can't be overcome, so just have at it, and kill whatever is the result, having no responsibility or accountability.
No, I would rather them not get pregnant, and need to murder their children. We know how people get pregnant, we also have told people for a long time it's ok because desires can't be overcome, so just have at it, and kill whatever is the result, having no responsibility or accountability.
That's the ideal situation, unfortunately we do not live in an ideal world. Never have, never will. We are " human spirits " living temporary, independent lives within these physical animal beings. Our spirits are contaminated by the arrangement. Plus most people don't understand what and who they are.
That's the ideal situation, unfortunately we do not live in an ideal world. Never have, never will. We are " human spirits " living temporary, independent lives within these physical animal beings. Our spirits are contaminated by the arrangement. Plus most people don't understand what and who they are.
I know exactly who I am, and can control my personal being, and be responsible.
Well, it's morning, but I am sure you, and the rest of the freeloaders are already in need of a nap!
I am 73 and am still working part-time nights. We had a family business and I can't remember not working at 5 everything seems like play even if it was work. By 10 we were all serious workers. All 7 of us kids. Have seen this world go from extremely beautiful and hopeful in the late 50's and 60's to what dismal state it is in today. Keep judging other people if you wish, but it'll probably come up short in most cases.i worked from 930 pm last night til 630 this morning , I usually don't stay up this long. I was trying to help you. Good night.
The US government in their Civil Code defines what a " person " is, it does not include any of the embryonic stages of human beings. The laws cover everyone after they are born. Persons officially do not exist before they are born.
I do not base my beliefs on what the U.S. civil code defines. Maybe you believe you are not a human being who went through all the stages of human development unborn and born. I however know the biology and know with absolute certainty that I did. Do have a nice day.
I made my initial statement on my position. Of the 14 anti - abortion people that responded so far 10 were particularly terrible. CarsomyPlus Six was the worst, she called me " inhuman " then went on to say I was retarded,trash, should murdered and / or in prison because of my opinions on the subject. Then there's another extremists ,The Great Satan who seems to believe only Democrats and RHINOS have abortions and they do it so they can cut up the fetuses and sell the body parts. I guess he believed that propaganda piece the anti-abortion people made uncover about Planned Parenthood. There were only four exceptions most of those attempted to use arguments like how would you like it if you were aborted. Wel if you never existed you can't feel anything about not being here, your life never started. How do you discuss sense with people like that. You just have to keep saying you don't have the right to judge others in personal matters and definitely can't force your beliefs in others in a free nation. So tell me what's to discuss? Nothing.
Yeah I can’t speak for others… straight flaming is pointless. I don’t do it, and it clogs the board with content-less garbage, which is why my ignore list is high.

However, I’ll say that you’ve participated quite a bit yourself in calling people women-hating bigots for simply disagreeing with you, so, you won’t get some massive sympathy from me on that front.

My strong language was towards a very specific scenario (aborting an 8.5 month child)… and it deserves to be used. An 8.5 month child is a baby by any measure scientifically and observationally. Only ultra-radical feminist extremist ideology can be so entitled and selfish as to kill such an innocent child. It would be in line with a cult which puts ideology above human life. Those who are pro-abortion but have common sense need to check these crazed people. Don’t align yourself with such evil for the good of the cause. I know Im completely willing to call out radical right wing ideology that is immoral, we all need to be able to call out our own side when necessary
No, I would rather them not get pregnant, and need to murder their children. We know how people get pregnant, we also have told people for a long time it's ok because desires can't be overcome, so just have at it, and kill whatever is the result, having no responsibility or accountability.
What you would rather is irrelevant.

And you have absolutely ZERO authority to tell people what to do or to force them to conform to your ideas of morality. if you believe in a god then you have to believe that another person's sins are between them and their god and you have absolutely no say in the matter.

Abortion is not murder. Not even states that ban doctors from performing abortions call it murder.

You keep using words you do not know the definitions of.
I am 73 and am still working part-time nights. We had a family business and I can't remember not working at 5 everything seems like play even if it was work. By 10 we were all serious workers. All 7 of us kids. Have seen this world go from extremely beautiful and hopeful in the late 50's and 60's to what dismal state it is in today. Keep judging other people if you wish, but it'll probably come up short in most cases.i worked from 930 pm last night til 630 this morning , I usually don't stay up this long. I was trying to help you. Good night.
Then how in the hell can you support liberal legislation!
What you would rather is irrelevant.

And you have absolutely ZERO authority to tell people what to do or to force them to conform to your ideas of morality. if you believe in a god then you have to believe that another person's sins are between them and their god and you have absolutely no say in the matter.

Abortion is not murder. Not even states that ban doctors from performing abortions call it murder.

You keep using words you do not know the definitions of.
So then how can we ask people not to steal, murder, speed I mena how can we force them if that is your position then you are an anarchist. I do not recognize their authority to call it anything but and will continue to call it that
I do not base my beliefs on what the U.S. civil code defines. Maybe you believe you are not a human being who went through all the stages of human development unborn and born. I however know the biology and know with absolute certainty that I did. Do have a nice day.
I am sorry you believe you are only an animal. " Human beings " are so much more.

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