Heartbeat act fails in Nebraska

So the act of intercourse negates all future choices of what a woman can do with her own body.

I disagree.
Eh, good for you, it's called being accountable, and adult, deal with it, and don't kill a completely separate human in the process. Make adoption to good christian families easier!
Eh, good for you, it's called being accountable, and adult, deal with it, and don't kill a completely separate human in the process. Make adoption to good christian families easier!
Except a fetus is not a wholly separate being YET is it?

And why would I want Christians to raise a kid?
So then the embryo isn't human unless it it left alone to develop?

And whether you believe it or not it is normal in every human society that has ever existed that some people commit murder. Can you provide proof to the contrary?
Nobody said it doesn’t happen, I don’t understand what you think you’re trying to prove here. Human beings are naturally sinful beings.. they are tempted to do evil. Evil is often easier.

If/when the scenario I laid out happens, it’s evil. Whether or not humans do it is irrelevant. You say that it might not be evil to some people or some cultures.. I say you’re falling short morally. Cold blooded murder is always wrong, no matter the circumstance. I don’t care if Bobby the psychopath thinks it’s okay, or a tribe on an island thinks it’s okay. It’s evil

Absolute moral relativism is a spiral into a cluster where nobody can say anything anyone else does is wrong. That’s insanity
Nobody said it doesn’t happen, I don’t understand what you think you’re trying to prove here. Human beings are naturally sinful beings.. they are tempted to do evil. Evil is often easier.

If/when the scenario I laid out happens, it’s evil. Whether or not humans do it is irrelevant. You say that it might not be evil to some people or some cultures.. I say you’re falling short morally. Cold blooded murder is always wrong, no matter the circumstance. I don’t care if Bobby the psychopath thinks it’s okay, or a tribe on an island thinks it’s okay. It’s evil

Sin is the realm of religion.

If you want to follow a religion go ahead. I deal in facts and reality and the reality is that it is normal for there to be people who commit murder. Good and evil have nothing to do with it.
Sin is the realm of religion.

If you want to follow a religion go ahead. I deal in facts and reality and the reality is that it is normal for there to be people who commit murder. Good and evil have nothing to do with it.
Well, your ideology leads to justifying such actions. I invite you for a moment to have empathy and put yourself on the shoes of a person who is being knifed in the back by a psychopath who thinks it’s not evil to do so. I don’t think your “respect” for their subjective morality would be as strong..but hey, if your life is expendable to maintain your ideology, well, at least you’d go Down with the ship.

You’d be treated much more humanely and it’d be much safer in a community made up of my ideology than yours.
Well, your ideology leads to justifying such actions. I invite you for a moment to have empathy and put yourself on the shoes of a person who is being knifed in the back by a psychopath who thinks it’s not evil to do so. I don’t think your “respect” for their subjective morality would be as strong..but hey, if your life is expendable to maintain your ideology, well, at least you’d go Down with the ship.

You’d be treated much more humanely and it’d be much safer in a community made up of my ideology than yours.
there you go again making shit up.

I am not justifying murder. I said that it is normal for every society to have people that are part of that society who will commit murder.

That is a fact that is irrefutably proven true.

And where did I use the word respect? Since you put in in quotes you are implying that I said I "respect" a person's decision to murder. So please quote the post where you think I said that?

And your ideology has not eliminated murderers has it? No laws, no religious doctrines, no society, no government has been able to eliminate murderers. And yet you think my stating a fact is somehow condoning murder and murderers.

It may be some comfort to you that your god will punish murderers in some afterlife with eternal torment but that still does not disprove anything I said.
You said it yourself, " To me..." You cannot speak for everyone and you shouldn't be judging everyone. That's just the way you come across. I'll say it once more, what you and I think or believe about a woman having any abortion DOESN'T matter, it's her decision in the end. I wouldn't want other people making my choices for me, no sane person would.
You’re not a sane person, you’re a lunatic who frames aggressive violence against innocent human beings as a mere “choice,” and sure, it is something sociopaths choose to do per their own free will and for their own benefit, and that’s why we punish them and keep them locked up so they can’t do it again.
Except a fetus is not a wholly separate being YET is it?

And why would I want Christians to raise a kid?
That human, became human at DNA transfer, which happened at conception, it will always be separate in distinction, no matter ho much you try to soothe your aching soul, and guilt, because you support it
That human, became human at DNA transfer, which happened at conception, it will always be separate in distinction, no matter ho much you try to soothe your aching soul, and guilt, because you support it

No such thing as souls

But do you claim authority over souls too?
there you go again making shit up.

I am not justifying murder. I said that it is normal for every society to have people that are part of that society who will commit murder.

That is a fact that is irrefutably proven true.

And where did I use the word respect? Since you put in in quotes you are implying that I said I "respect" a person's decision to murder. So please quote the post where you think I said that?

And your ideology has not eliminated murderers has it? No laws, no religious doctrines, no society, no government has been able to eliminate murderers. And yet you think my stating a fact is somehow condoning murder and murderers.

It may be some comfort to you that your god will punish murderers in some afterlife with eternal torment but that still does not disprove anything I said.
my ideology doesn’t prevent murder, but it denounces it as evil and makes laws against it and punishes and shames those who do it.

Your ideology, moral relativism, is unwilling to call the action evil, and you said yourself it’s entirely subjective, meaning that if psycho Bob wants to stab you to death, you really can’t tell him he’s wrong because who is anyone to tell anyone they are wrong… which is exactly what you say about abortion. You’re a consistent moral relativist.. and that’s a horrid, inhumane ideology because it allows the worst of humanity to exist unopposed
So the act of intercourse negates all future choices of what a woman can do with her own body.

I disagree.
She already did what she wanted with her body, now there is a separate entity in her, a baby human growing and it is separate from her, are you mentally stable, you keep repeating yourself and are wrong every time
That human, became human at DNA transfer, which happened at conception, it will always be separate in distinction, no matter ho much you try to soothe your aching soul, and guilt, because you support it

No such thing as souls

But do you claim authority over souls too?
Oh a non believer how hive like
I'm not an atheist.

I don't know if gods exist but I really don't care if they do or not.
She already did what she wanted with her body, now there is a separate entity in her, a baby human growing and it is separate from her, are you mentally stable, you keep repeating yourself and are wrong every time

And she can detach that entity if she so chooses.

So if she had the embryo removed and allowed it to live its life as best as it could in a petri dish you should be OK with that right?
And she can detach that entity if she so chooses.

So if she had the embryo removed and allowed it to live its life as best as it could in a petri dish you should be OK with that right?
Learn some Biology, of course that separate entity is in the woman, that is how humans pro create. You just can't reconcile your feelings, that you absolutely know that is a separate human being, and should be protected, now you are just arguing to argue
my ideology doesn’t prevent murder, but it denounces it as evil and makes laws against it and punishes and shames those who do it.

Your ideology, moral relativism, is unwilling to call the action evil, and you said yourself it’s entirely subjective, meaning that if psycho Bob wants to stab you to death, you really can’t tell him he’s wrong because who is anyone to tell anyone they are wrong… which is exactly what you say about abortion. You’re a consistent moral relativist.. and that’s a horrid, inhumane ideology because it allows the worst of humanity to exist unopposed
And mine says it is illegal. So what? it's a distinction without a difference.

And yes good and evil are subjective and always have been.

The church used to execute people for heresy and that was "good" at the time. I bet now you would say that it is "evil" right?

If it is "evil" now and wasn't "evil" in the past then "evil" is relative.
Learn some Biology, of course that separate entity is in the woman, that is how humans pro create. You just can't reconcile your feelings, that you absolutely know that is a separate human being, and should be protected, now you are just arguing to argue
I know how humans procreate but we humans are not slaves to our biology and can CHOOSE to circumvent it.

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