Heartbeat act fails in Nebraska

I know how humans procreate but we humans are not slaves to our biology and can CHOOSE to circumvent it.
And mine says it is illegal. So what? it's a distinction without a difference.

And yes good and evil are subjective and always have been.
You’re spouting an oxymoron with those two statements.

If evil is subjective, then how can laws be made against it? How can you ever denounce a place or person that says murder is good? You would stand by, shrug your shoulders, and say “well if that’s what they believe I can’t say otherwise”? What kind of cold, unempathetic person would do that? Caring nothing for victims of murder.. unwilling to denounce it???

I don’t think you realize what moral relativism actually is, you just sporadically use it when seemingly convenient in a discussion .. but you don’t own up to the consequences of it. Thus, your claims are hollow.
The church used to execute people for heresy and that was "good" at the time. I bet now you would say that it is "evil" right?

If it is "evil" now and wasn't "evil" in the past then "evil" is relative.
If you want to be educated on Catholic theology, I’m happy to oblige.

The church wasn’t always good, which Catholics understand as it’s led by man, thus able to be led astray, but never abandoned by God and will always be corrected, as it has throughout history. There were anti-popes and occasional dark periods in the church. But murder was never not evil, the morality and theology never changed.

So no, what was “evil” never changed. Man simply corrupted the institution for certain time periods
You’re spouting an oxymoron with those two statements.

If evil is subjective, then how can laws be made against it? How can you ever denounce a place that or person that says murder is good?

I don’t think you realize what moral relativism actually is, you just sporadically use it when seemingly convenient in a discussion .. but you don’t own up to the consequences of it. Thus, your claims are hollow.

If you want to be educated on Catholic theology, I’m happy to oblige.

The church wasn’t always good, which Catholics understand as it’s led by man, thus able to be led astray, but never abandoned by God and will always be corrected, as it has throughout history. There were anti-popes and occasional dark periods in the church. But murder was never not evil, the morality and theology never changed.

So no, what was “evil” never changed. Man simply corrupted the institution for certain time periods
Society deems illegal those behaviors with are detrimental to the survival of the society. This is basic stuff here. Obviously no society where murder is condoned will survive for very long. The word "evil" does not have to be used in order to deem something illegal.

But before humans were living in large stationary groups tribes actually would not prohibit the murder of members of rival tribes and would kill people who were unknown to them for a variety of reasons.

Obviously when larger and larger numbers of people were living in close proximity in a permanent settlement these old tribal ways were quickly realized to be detrimental to the survival of the settlement and had to be controlled so laws were enacted.

And the fact that the church and the people once thought executions for heresy were "good" things and now the church and people in general think those things are "evil" illustrates the subjectivity of "good" and "evil".

And who do you think defines good and evil if it's not men?

And remember the god you worship isn't the god everyone worships and some people like me don't worship gods at all. So if you want to say that your god defines it you have to realize that means nothing to me.

See I can type in ALL CAPS too
My typing in caps was a mistake I just didn't feel like retyping it, she gave up her choice when she chose to engage in sexual activity, the human inside her is a separate human being as I have shown, she is murdeing another human, based on false science, and terminology, that it isn't a separate human, ie, dehumanizing said human with scientific terms that simply describe said human in it's developing stages.
My typing in caps was a mistake I just didn't feel like retyping it, she gave up her choice when she chose to engage in sexual activity, the human inside her is a separate human being as I have shown, she is murdeing another human, based on false science, and terminology, that it isn't a separate human, ie, dehumanizing said human with scientific terms that simply describe said human in it's developing stages.
she never gave up her choice.

And there is no false science.
She did, she made a CHOICE to engage in sex with a man which is how people pro create, the fact that she became pregnant and now is carrying a separate human doesn';y mean she gets to say oops do over, Anyone who think s she should is barbaric in nature, and a ghoul.

:slap: I find your lack of faith disturbing, also your lack of intelligence. Face it, you can't reconcile that the human being killed is a separate human being. It's cool, it may take you awhile, but I am sure you will have some inane response. But hey it's Friday so have a good one
:slap: I find your lack of faith disturbing, also your lack of intelligence. Face it, you can't reconcile that the human being killed is a separate human being. It's cool, it may take you awhile, but I am sure you will have some inane response. But hey it's Friday so have a good one
Faith is believing in something with absolutely no evidence.

I find it disturbing that you will believe in anything without evidence and even more disturbing that you want to force others to believe what you believe.

And yes an embryo is human but in no sense of the word is it a person.
Faith is believing in something with absolutely no evidence.

I find it disturbing that you will believe in anything without evidence and even more disturbing that you want to force others to believe what you believe.

And yes an embryo is human but in no sense of the word is it a person.
See that is the nonsensical argument you continue to make
1. I can't force anyone, to believe anything, period, that discussion is done, and done quit bringing it up.
2. The fact that it is human, and a separate human, different dna, is all we need to know.
See that is the nonsensical argument you continue to make
1. I can't force anyone, to believe anything, period, that discussion is done, and done quit bringing it up.
2. The fact that it is human, and a separate human, different dna, is all we need to know.

I disagree that just because it has DNA that it is a "person". personhood requires the ability to exist as a wholly separate entity with the means of displaying consciousness and sentience. That happens when the fetus is viable outside the womb

Look we're just going to have to agree to disagree here as we are at an impasse and continuing this circular argument is a waste of time.
I disagree that just because it has DNA that it is a "person". personhood requires the ability to exist as a wholly separate entity with the means of displaying consciousness and sentience. That happens when the fetus is viable outside the womb

Look we're just going to have to agree to disagree here as we are at an impasse and continuing this circular argument is a waste of time.
So up until the time it takes it's first breath you are ok with abortion? It is a separate person period, You are just throwing around words that make you feel better.
So up until the time it takes it's first breath you are ok with abortion? It is a separate person period, You are just throwing around words that make you feel better.
read what I said. I said when a fetus is viable outside the womb which is usually well before birth
A surprise vote among Republicans in Nebraska. One vote made the difference. That's about as close as you get. It failed because they wouldn't compromise at all. It cannot be reintroduced this session. Omaha News, Weather and Sports - Nebraska News - KETV NewsWatch 7>articles-Nebraska-Heartbeat-Act-likely-fails-in-lehislature-as-support-falls-short. 52 minutes ago. When asked about why he couldn't vote for the bill as written. The Republican legislator replied, " I believe the pro-life organization has shades of gray in it. If you're going to make changes it's better to make gradual change, not extreme measures. "
Today the Nebraska republicans ( majority ) voted in an underhanded deal to attach a revised version of the heartbeat act ( extended to 12 weeks with several exceptions ) to an equally horrendous anti-transgender bill. Unfortunately these idiots got it passed. Hate embodied in law. A total disgrace.
Murder requires a person. Name one person that was ever aborted.
See that is the nonsensical argument you continue to make
1. I can't force anyone, to believe anything, period, that discussion is done, and done quit bringing it up.
2. The fact that it is human, and a separate human, different dna, is all we need to know.
Obviously not the total truth.
" RINOs Lauding Democracy As Tyranny By Majority Like A Democrat "

* More On Dumbfounded Ideological Hubris *

Democrats and RINOs love them some child sacrifice.
Can't afford to have a kid? Just chop it up and sell its parts.
#ProChoiceRepublicans understand that #dobbs decision is sedition against us 14th , 9th an 1st amendments that i supported by traitors to credo of e pluribus unum for us republic .
I suspect all of them.
Unfortunately the most ignorant states like West Virginia voted to enshrine this atrocious law. Even dumb ( but practical ) Missourians voted to overturn their abortion law. Most will but not all. Dumbest state of all Mississippi, that's another one to watch.

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