Heartbeat act fails in Nebraska

Nobody said it doesn’t happen, I don’t understand what you think you’re trying to prove here. Human beings are naturally sinful beings.. they are tempted to do evil. Evil is often easier.

If/when the scenario I laid out happens, it’s evil. Whether or not humans do it is irrelevant. You say that it might not be evil to some people or some cultures.. I say you’re falling short morally. Cold blooded murder is always wrong, no matter the circumstance. I don’t care if Bobby the psychopath thinks it’s okay, or a tribe on an island thinks it’s okay. It’s evil

Absolute moral relativism is a spiral into a cluster where nobody can say anything anyone else does is wrong. That’s insanity
Although most sins have equivalent secular laws. Not all do, " honor thy god and have no others before him. " Is a sin in most judgmental religions. It can have no secular counterpart in a free and democratic nation. I see abortion as another one of those iffy religious laws that should have no secular counterpart.
Unfortunately the most ignorant states like West Virginia voted to enshrine this atrocious law. Even dumb ( but practical ) Missourians voted to overturn their abortion law. Most will but not all. Dumbest state of all Mississippi, that's another one to watch.
Always shocks me to see leftists like yourself, who are so race hypersensitive to these things, go and attack the state with the highest rate of black people in it as the dumbest state.

Just to put on a racist leftist perspective for a second: “YOURE JUST SAYING THE STATE IS DUMB BECAUSE IT HAS A LOT IF BLACK PEOPLE IN IT!!! YOURE A BIGOT FULL OF HATE!!!”

okay, let me get back to reality and leave that left, racist, angry, paranoid thinking
Always shocks me to see leftists like yourself, who are so race hypersensitive to these things, go and attack the state with the highest rate of black people in it as the dumbest state.

Just to put on a racist leftist perspective for a second: “YOURE JUST SAYING THE STATE IS DUMB BECAUSE IT HAS A LOT IF BLACK PEOPLE IN IT!!! YOURE A BIGOT FULL OF HATE!!!”

okay, let me get back to reality and leave that left, racist, angry, paranoid thinking
I was quoting statistics, Mississippi's always last. Most poverty, least educated, etc. It's not being prejudiced. It's just too bad the rich white people in the state don't care to look out for the well-being of all of their citizens. That is a disgrace. Greed serves no one.
" Mandating Least Likely To Succeed With Proliferation "

* Abortion Choice Republicans On A Bent *

Always shocks me to see leftists like yourself, who are so race hypersensitive to these things, go and attack the state with the highest rate of black people in it as the dumbest state.
Just to put on a racist leftist perspective for a second: “YOURE JUST SAYING THE STATE IS DUMB BECAUSE IT HAS A LOT IF BLACK PEOPLE IN IT!!! YOURE A BIGOT FULL OF HATE!!!”
okay, let me get back to reality and leave that left, racist, angry, paranoid thinking
It is supposed that a public median iq of 90 is required for governments based on principles of individual liberty .

Importing immigrants without a single criteria has been estimated to have reduced the median iq of developed nations as much as 2 points .

" Mandating Least Likely To Succeed With Proliferation "

* Abortion Choice Republicans On A Bent *

It is supposed that a public median iq of 90 is required for governments based on principles of individual liberty .

Importing immigrants without a single criteria has been estimated to have reduced the median iq of developed nations as much as 2 points .

Sad to think like that, along those same lines imagine how much damage is done to states that don't allow mother's the right to abort fetuses with Down's Syndrome. If these anti-abortion laws stand for long periods of time it will definitely have a cumulative deleterious affect on those states intelligence ratings.You can't hide them all.
" Uniform Fetish Myopia To Quell Mortal Anxiety As Anthropocentric Egoism Of Sanctimonious Sacrosancts "

* So Much For Individual Liberty Of Self Ownership *

Sad to think like that, along those same lines imagine how much damage is done to states that don't allow mother's the right to abort fetuses with Down's Syndrome. If these anti-abortion laws stand for long periods of time it will definitely have a cumulative deleterious affect on those states intelligence ratings.You can't hide them all.
The abortion antichoice trope are in fact highly irate that approximately 90% of down syndrome are aborted , without regard for qualify of life , liberty or pursuit of happiness of the individual , without regard to trisomy 21 being sterile .

A literal meaning for metaphors of an after life is to pass on ones genetic identity , so that another , both figuratively and literally as themselves , through a sophisticated physical state , may experience the sentience , sapience and introspection that is afforded as life , where failure to do so in perpetuity is ascribed the metaphors of final judgement and eternal damnation .

An altruism of hue mammon kind is for the introspection of hue mammon kind to exist in perpetuity , while it can be deduced through naturalism from empirical evidence of nature , as a conjectured will of gawd , that all instances of hue mammon kind are not necessary to satisfy an altruism .

The abortion antichoice pundit invokes super naturalism for claims that all instances of hue mammon kind are necessary to satisfy the altruism and consequently seek to outlaw all abortion through a contradiction with direct inferences from nature .
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I was quoting statistics, Mississippi's always last. Most poverty, least educated, etc. It's not being prejudiced. It's just too bad the rich white people in the state don't care to look out for the well-being of all of their citizens. That is a disgrace. Greed serves no one.
Wow, why do you assume all the rich people are white?

Why do you assume all the people in poverty are black?

Classic soft bigotry. You sure have a negative view of black people in your head.
" Uniform Fetish Myopia To Quell Mortal Anxiety As Anthropocentric Egoism Of Sanctimonious Sacrosancts "

* So Much For Individual Liberty Of Self Ownership *

The abortion antichoice trope are in fact highly irate that approximately 90% of down syndrome are aborted , without regard for qualify of life , liberty or pursuit of happiness of the individual , without regard to trisomy 21 being sterile .

A literal meaning for metaphors of an after life is to pass on ones genetic identity , so that another , both figuratively and literally as themselves , through a sophisticated physical state , may experience the sentience , sapience and introspection that is afforded as life , where failure to do so in perpetuity is ascribed the metaphors of final judgement and eternal damnation .

An altruism of hue mammon kind is for the introspection of hue mammon kind to exist in perpetuity , while it can be deduced through naturalism from empirical evidence of nature , as a conjectured will of gawd , that all instances of hue mammon kind are not necessary to satisfy an altruism .

The abortion antichoice pundit invokes super naturalism for claims that all instances of hue mammon kind are necessary to satisfy the altruism and consequently seek to outlaw all abortion through a contradiction with direct inferences from nature .
You'd be better off to speak more plainly with these anti-choice people ; remember they believe there's a " baby " in there from the moment of conception.
You'd be better off to speak more plainly with these anti-choice people ; remember they believe there's a " baby " in there from the moment of conception.

Of course we do, a fertilized human egg cannot become a horse.
" Anthropocentric Egoism Homunculus Super Naturalism Chimp Out "

* Self Ownership Through Progeny Not To Be Determined By Authoritarianism Dictates Of A Collective State *

Of course we do, a fertilized human egg cannot become a horse.
An altruism of hue mammon kind is for the introspection of hue mammon kind to exist in perpetuity , while it can be deduced through naturalism , by empirical evidence from nature , even as a personified conjectured will of gawd , that all instances of hue mammon kind are not necessary to satisfy the altruism .

Thus , a premise by abortion antichoice pundits , that all instances of hue mammon are to be protected from abortion , as being necessary to satisfy an altruism for the perpetuity of hue mammon introspection , is false .
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A surprise vote among Republicans in Nebraska. One vote made the difference. That's about as close as you get. It failed because they wouldn't compromise at all. It cannot be reintroduced this session. Omaha News, Weather and Sports - Nebraska News - KETV NewsWatch 7>articles-Nebraska-Heartbeat-Act-likely-fails-in-lehislature-as-support-falls-short. 52 minutes ago. When asked about why he couldn't vote for the bill as written. The Republican legislator replied, " I believe the pro-life organization has shades of gray in it. If you're going to make changes it's better to make gradual change, not extremeeasures. "
What a stupid answer.
Of course we do, a fertilized human egg cannot become a horse.
Baby - a very young child, especially one newly or recently BORN. BORN being the key word there. That's why a human embryo is called by very specific names, the last being fetus. The potential for a child is there, if and when it reaches fruition. Did you ever know a child without a birthdate. Rhetorical question, but I'm m sure you'll come up with another lame excuse to argue the fact.
Baby - a very young child, especially one newly or recently BORN. BORN being the key word there. That's why a human embryo is called by very specific names, the last being fetus. The potential for a child is there, if and when it reaches fruition. Did you ever know a child without a birthdate. Rhetorical question, but I'm m sure you'll come up with another lame excuse to argue the fact.

No excuse. You'll answer to God.
No excuse. You'll answer to God.
LOL, that's the biggest excuse of all. The god of the Universe is going to be offended by what he created and damm them. Not possible with a real GOD, only possible with the archaic judgmental tribal gods you obviously still foolishly worship.
" Literal Versus Trans Literal Consequences Of Determining Fate Within An Indeterminate Destiny "

* Due Ewe Hue Mean Answer *

No excuse. You'll answer to God.
A phenotype , by genotype , loosely represents a gawd , as natural garb of kindred clad , and so go great ape subspecies .

An after life , a chance for eternal life , a life to come , reincarnation , transmutation of soles , etc . , are metaphors with a literal meaning for passing on ones genetic identity , so that another , both figuratively and literally as ones self - by haploid , may have an opportunity to experience sentience , sapience and introspection , where failure to do so , in perpetuity is ascribed the metaphors of eternal damnation by final judgement .

An a priori inference from an infinite number relates a quality of infinitude as being and becoming through some transition .

From deduction , by induction , procreation emulates being and becoming through some transition , and self preservation of a sophisticated state that is capable of sentience and sapience is necessary to satisfy an altruism for the perpetuity of hue mammon introspection .
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" Literal Versus Trans Literal Consequences Of Determining Fate Within An Indeterminate Destiny "

* Due Ewe Hue Mean Answer *

A phenotype , by genotype , loosely represents a gawd , as natural garb of kindred clad , and so go great ape subspecies .

An after life , a chance for eternal life , a life to come , reincarnation , transmutation of soles , etc . , are metaphors with a literal meaning for passing on ones genetic identity , so that another , both figuratively and literally as ones self - by haploid , may have an opportunity to experience sentience , sapience and introspection , where failure to do so , in perpetuity is ascribed the metaphors of eternal damnation by final judgement .

An a priori inference from an infinite number relates a quality of infinitude as being and becoming through some transition .

From deduction , by induction , procreation emulates being and becoming through some transition , and self preservation of a sophisticated state that is capable of sentience and sapience are necessary to satisfy an altruism for the perpetuity of hue mammon introspection .
I guess it doesn't make a difference, they're not going to listen to you even if you used plain English.
" Forwarding Conclusions Determined Self Evident And Definitive "

* Continuing Persuasion Through Passive Encounters *

I guess it doesn't make a difference, they're not going to listen to you even if you used plain English.
Informed consent is able to provide resolutions for disparities in conflicts .

The constitutional foundations of the abortion issue are obvious ; however , the public at large has been and continues to be deprived of ever having been informed of it .
" Forwarding Conclusions Determined Self Evident And Definitive "

* Continuing Persuasion Through Passive Encounters *

Informed consent is able to provide resolutions for disparities in conflicts .

The constitutional foundations of the abortion issue are obvious ; however , the public at large has been and continues to be deprived of ever having been informed of it .
Most of the people posting here are not intelligent enough to handle the truth. They may not even qualify as sentient beings.
Except a fetus is not a wholly separate being YET is it?

And why would I want Christians to raise a kid?

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