Heartbeat act fails in Nebraska

Like all life, there is progression. A heart doesn't just pop into place, it gradually forms. At 6 weeks the " Heart " is comparable to that of an earthworm. Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny, remember that one from Bio 101.
You just compared a human being to an earthworm, tell me again how you leftists do not try to dehumanize that baby in the womb!
Including you, 2
I'm for the second amendment as long as they use weapons equivalent to the time it was written in. If the founding fathers were alive to day and they saw the amount of havoc and death caused by semi-automatic and automatic weapons they would surely outlaw them for civilian use.
That's part of the problem - irresponsibility but not all of it. Abortion is one of the solutions, but not all of it.
So if a guy let's his car alarm go of because of irresponsibility and wakes up the neighborhood I can then terminate his life?
I'm for the second amendment as long as they use weapons equivalent to the time it was written in. If the founding fathers were alive to day and they saw the amount of havoc and death caused by semi-automatic and automatic weapons they would surely outlaw them for civilian use.
No they wouldn't, they would see what is becoming a tyrannical Government, and put forth a call to arms
You just compared a human being to an earthworm, tell me again how you leftists do not try to dehumanize that baby in the womb!
No, I compared the heart development of a human embryo at 6 weeks to an earthworm. Which, if you bothered to look it up is correct. I know you guys are members of a cult because you only see what you want to see. The truth could be standing right in front of you and you wouldn't know it. It is what it is, not what you want it to be. Also at that time the embryo ( not yet a fetus ) is about 1 inch long and a third of the body length is it's tail. Looking like a deformed tadpole. Say hello to " baby " !
So if a guy let's his car alarm go of because of irresponsibility and wakes up the neighborhood I can then terminate his life?
Another idiotic comparison. What is wrong with your thinking process ? Does it even exist !
And you republicans questioning everything and anything doesn't make any sense. Like trump's 63 lawsuits over the election. All meaningless, all redundant. Doctors take an oath, you couldn't pay me enough to be a doctor. I'm dedicated but I want to have a life too. If you don't trust anyone you're all alone in this world. Why be so pessimistic; do you really think it does anyone any good.
Nobody said or insinuated “don’t trust anyone”… you must be thinking of another convo you’re having. if something doesn’t add up, you should use your autonomy and conscience and ask questions. As we know, The left selectively condemns questioning authority right now, as they hold power. The moment they lose it they’ll question everything. Nobody on the outside buys it, and it’s sad to see such reckless devotion in the voting public.

If a doctor said it’s time to amputate, would you ask zero questions? Do zero research? From what you’ve said I’d assume you’d call anyone who did as attacking doctors. It’s healthy to question medical authority.. I’ve personally had doctors who missed things and I had to spearhead correct direction, as well as multiple family members. Your ideology would just listen and obey 100%.. and condemn all who would dare to question. It’s sad to see neutered adults without independence and autonomy, and bad for individuals personal care as well as society.
No, I compared the heart development of a human embryo at 6 weeks to an earthworm. Which, if you bothered to look it up is correct. I know you guys are members of a cult because you only see what you want to see. The truth could be standing right in front of you and you wouldn't know it. It is what it is, not what you want it to be. Also at that time the embryo ( not yet a fetus ) is about 1 inch long and a third of the body length is it's tail. Looking like a deformed tadpole. Say hello to " baby " !
What you typed was done to dehumanize that child
I have always stated that fetal viability outside the womb is the line I would like to see.

After 22 weeks if the fetus has no fatal abnormalities then rather than killing it it could be delivered prematurely where it may or may not survive with medical support.
At 22 weeks you're really pushing the limits of viability plus the resultant individual would suffer many consequences from such an early delivery, if it survived at all.
It was the rason for the second idiot, you are a useful idiot
I don't support an old amendment based on a sincere desire to defend one's self which has become outdated because of advancements in technology that now make it a threat to that defense.
You do know what causes pregnancy right?
Modern leftist feminism assumes women have a right to ascend biology and have consequence-free sex.. which by all data overwhelmingly causes increased unhappiness and depression. It encourages women to be more masculine.. which is unattractive to men. Women get mad that men don’t want them, hate men for it, and get angry and overcompensate with “girl power” and “bad b*tch” mantras.

Feminism has been horrible for women.. and the pro-rabid sex narrative only rewards douche bag men who slay. Women are left feeling used and out of place, as they largely don’t get the same happiness from 80 hour work weeks and lives in men-dominated areas.
What you typed was done to dehumanize that child
If informing you and others of the reality that exists, then so be it. I will accept your false charges as foolishness on your part. You can't argue with the truth. Your lies hurt everyone.
Modern leftist feminism assumes women have a right to ascend biology and have consequence-free sex.. which by all data overwhelmingly causes increased unhappiness and depression. It encourages women to be more masculine.. which is unattractive to men. Women get mad that men don’t want them, hate men for it, and get angry and overcompensate with “girl power” and “bad b*tch” mantras.

Feminism has been horrible for women.. and the pro-rabid sex narrative only rewards douche bag men who slay.
You are sicker than I thought.
Tell me where I’m wrong… have you looked at women’s happiness rates since 1970?

Why are women so unhappy? They’ve never been more empowered.
Who is happy anymore ? No one, these constant attempts to control other people are making everyone , including the oppressors, miserable. Imagine a world where everyone actually loved one another. All this hatred is sickening and it's about to get a whole lot worse. Survival mode is on the horizon. Maybe then you'll stop worrying about others and love your own.

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