Heartbeat act fails in Nebraska


I wonder how many people here who are all for controlling what a woman does with her own body have ever offered to take in a pregnant woman who would opt for abortion, pay for her medical bills and then adopt the child that would have been aborted.

But since these people don't give a shit about a child after it has been born I guess that's too much to ask.
None. Or at least the rare exception to the rule.
People like you support abortion up until the moment of birth for any reason including organ harvesting.
Why do you have such horrible fantasies about people you hate or ignore completely. Life is short as it is, people are social animals, here to enjoy each other's company . Stop your hate, start living.
Why do you have such horrible fantasies about people you hate or ignore completely. Life is short as it is, people are social animals, here to enjoy each other's company . Stop your hate, start living.
Why do you support abortion up until the moment of birth with no restrictions?
I am not like you, I have no such desires. Though it would seem you do. Why keep bringing up such off the wall comparisons. You must be really sick.
Because you psychopath you have no respect for the lives or rights of those you bear irrational hatred for and want them to be killed.
You claiming late term abortions do not happen just makes you a liar.

Will you support banning abortion past 15 weeks?
You want to create laws from problems that don't exist. If you knew anything whatsoever about reproduction, you would know that abortions after 15 weeks are sometimes necessary.
Shut the fuck up, you lying piece of shit.

You said no restrictions.

You want the contract killer to decide when they get to kill. So whenever they want money. So all the time. So no restrictions, exactly as claimed.
Never said any of that. No woman is getting an abortion right before birth. But keep up with the lies you're only helping our side.

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