Heartbeat act fails in Nebraska

There are no pro-lifers. There are just a anti-abortionists and women haters. And none of them can seem to control their emotions or have an honest discussion of the matter.
We’re having an honest and mostly-civil discussion
Bulldog is quite correct, there is not heart beat at 6-Weeks. Just a cluster of cells. There is not heart at 6-Weeks. Electrical Impulses are often confused for a heart beat. You flunked basic biology.
Nope. Straight A's in high school and college.

Not only is the heart formed and pumping blood at 6 weeks--actually at 3 weeks--but it has chambers and is developing or has formed the atrioventricular and semilunar valves.

I posted this information for Bulldog. Apparently you missed it.
There is no murder, never was. You've been lied to by the anti-abortion propaganda machine. It's always been about a woman's right to choose and government overreach on the personal issue. Either we are a free nation or we are not.
you're taking a fucking life, not a clump of cells
Abortion is gonna sink the gop like the Titanic in '24.....Abortion....The gop's iceberg and the gift that keeps on giving for the dems.

I bet every statehouse in the land has gop members who paid for a abortion for a "mistake" they made along the line.

The gop better pull it's head out of it's ass.
And do what ?
Put it to the people, this coming November would be the perfect time. Off year and all.
Actually that would be very good by then the case against the egregious Texas abortion law will have caused it to be declared illegal. And the momentum will be there to rescind all abortions laws nationwide once and for all.
You chose to not see my humanity by calling me a immoral lib. Sorry your opinion is simply an opinion. And you cannot alter the fact that a fetus is not a person until they are born.
Tell that to Scott Peterson and numerous other murderers of pregnant women and their unborn offspring. They were convicted of multiple murders. According to you those children did not exist. I am glad that juries in courts of law are not immoral libs.

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