Heartbeat act fails in Nebraska

Of course it is, and the reason for that difference is that the biological process was not interrupted by surly SCOTUS effeminates and their name games.
The Supreme Court never interrupted any pregnancy.
Embryo's is a term used up to dehumanize human babies in the womb, Yes fertilized eggs should not be frozen
Your mistake is to anthropomorphize toward the H. sapiens pole while disavowing H. sapiens as belonging to other members of the Mammalia.

None should want to try that, when we get down to the genetics of inborn errors of development that threaten both mother and embryo, even before it's fertilized. Mom's embryo has a different genetic makeup than dad's incoming sperm. Roll the dice.
The Supreme Court never interrupted any pregnancy.
The Supreme Court made the mistake of playing word games to get the prisoners to believe in their theology, even if there were no abortions or interruptions. Trannies try to use the same dangerous word games so as to get their pathologies written into law (Kansas, Canada, etc.).
The Supreme Court made the mistake of playing word games to get the prisoners to believe in their theology, even if there were no abortions or interruptions. Trannies try to use the same dangerous word games so as to get their pathologies written into law (Kansas, Canada, etc.).
Abortion has nothing to do with trans gendered people

And All Roe ever did was allow women the choice to carry a pregnancy to term or not. No one was ever forced or tricked into having an abortion
Abortion has nothing to do with trans gendered people

And All Roe ever did was allow women the choice to carry a pregnancy to term or not. No one was ever forced or tricked into having an abortion
Wait I thought men could get pregnant now
If you wanted to shoot your neighbor, you psychopath, I would not allow you the courtesy of doing so without going to prison for murder.
I am not like you, I have no such desires. Though it would seem you do. Why keep bringing up such off the wall comparisons. You must be really sick.
Embryo's is a term used up to dehumanize human babies in the womb, Yes fertilized eggs should not be frozen
Now you want to attack people who want to have children. Is there no end to this insanity.
I could fucking give a shit if some wench coat hangers herself pal.......doing a favor if a slut thinks that way..what a mother she would be....lol

it is your blood lust obssession with this shit

i wish every lib here had a mom that was fanatically pro choice and didn't have kids...the world would be way better off
Hang on Sloopy is obsessed with controlling women. It must be sexual with Sloopy.
why does murdering babies with blood lust give you mental defectives a woody?
There is no murder, never was. You've been lied to by the anti-abortion propaganda machine. It's always been about a woman's right to choose and government overreach on the personal issue. Either we are a free nation or we are not.
Your mistake is to anthropomorphize toward the H. sapiens pole while disavowing H. sapiens as belonging to other members of the Mammalia.

None should want to try that, when we get down to the genetics of inborn errors of development that threaten both mother and embryo, even before it's fertilized. Mom's embryo has a different genetic makeup than dad's incoming sperm. Roll the dice.
Prospective parents don't need to gamble, both should get tested and know what the possibilities are for them. If I were heterosexual and found the love of my life, I would want to know if children were a wise choice in our future.
Morality has always been relative because humans invented them
I disagree. Either we protect the most vulnerable among us, or we do not. And if we do not, we have no business calling ourselves an enlightened or civilized society.
Abortion is gonna sink the gop like the Titanic in '24.....Abortion....The gop's iceberg and the gift that keeps on giving for the dems.

I bet every statehouse in the land has gop members who paid for a abortion for a "mistake" they made along the line.

The gop better pull it's head out of it's ass.

Pro-lifers have made it abundantly that they could care less. That's the problem with idealogues. They are incapable of seeing past the nose on their face.
I disagree. Either we protect the most vulnerable among us, or we do not. And if we do not, we have no business calling ourselves an enlightened or civilized society.

Your opinion. And the terms civilized and enlightened are just as subjective as morals are.

But tell me are you offering to adopt babies from women who would get an abortion?
I disagree. Either we protect the most vulnerable among us, or we do not. And if we do not, we have no business calling ourselves an enlightened or civilized society.
If there were no abortions ever, the world would long be dead. Humans can't seem to control their lust.
Pro-lifers have made it abundantly that they could care less. That's the problem with idealogues. They are incapable of seeing past the nose on their face.
There are no pro-lifers. There are just a anti-abortionists and women haters. And none of them can seem to control their emotions or have an honest discussion of the matter.
There are no pro-lifers. There are just a anti-abortionists and women haters. And none of them can seem to control their emotions or have an honest discussion of the matter.

I wonder how many people here who are all for controlling what a woman does with her own body have ever offered to take in a pregnant woman who would opt for abortion, pay for her medical bills and then adopt the child that would have been aborted.

But since these people don't give a shit about a child after it has been born I guess that's too much to ask.

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