

VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
One more vignette inspired by Blood Diamond (Leo DiCaprio). Thanks so much for reading,


Isaac is a nerd. He's a CalTech student planning a computer hack from the Salk Bank into a terrorist Silo in the Middle East controlled by ISIS. Isaac is also a thief. He's bored with NSA work. His hobbies are unusual. He wants to steal Antwerp blood diamonds from the Salk Bank.


ISAAC: I like movies about great human mobilization and the 'heat' of social passions regarding great daydreams...and ambition.


You can't be a geek off the street to get to work for the NSA. You have to be a real infiltrating officer or agent. You have to know the modern labyrinth. Isaac does. He's been planning this Salk blood-diamond heist for years. He wants to intercept the nefarious warlord driven blood diamond highway in North America by staging an incredible onion heist in California.


The Salk Bank is a really impressive building. Isaac will have to find a way to present himself as an unusual investor if he wants access into the safe-box area containing all the million-dollar blood diamonds from South Africa, now controlled by Dutch barons and warlords with domains in Europe. The Salk Bank boasts lavish laser security systems!


Isaac first walks into the Salk as as Middle Eastern princely priest, seeking to store his sacred family diamonds in the safe-box area alongside the other highly-secured gems in Salk. They escort him into the area with the valued Antwerp diamonds. Isaac requests taking photos of the diamonds in the neighboring safe-boxes before storing his own (fake) diamonds in one of these safe-boxes. He then leaves. Two hours later, he returns pretending to be an anti-terrorist working along the ISIS axis, responsible for assassination attempts of the Arabian prince-priest's rival who's just been trying to murder the priest-prince for his valued diamonds and shows the Salk manager the priest's Polaroid photos.


Once inside the safe-box area, Isaac tells the manager he's brought with him a laser-pen to inspect the diamonds owned by the Dutch baron controlling blood diamond traffic from Europe (Antwerp) and South Africa. He skillfully cuts open the baron's safe-box and switches the blood diamonds with the fake ones from the prince-priest identity's box he opened earlier while the manager is busy inspecting the diamonds from a different box. He then tells the manager he's taking photos of the baron's blood diamonds. The manager bids Isaac farewell, thinking he's just a clever and important anti-warlord agent sent by Interpol!


ISAAC: I transferred the baron's blood diamonds in the underground for money to store in a US controlled Swiss account.


Isaac then meets with his girlfriend in Amsterdam and covers his trail of diamond switches for warlords from South Africa to detest.


Isaac spends some time buying some toys and gifts for his son while in Amsterdam and warns him never to get involved with the modern hideous business of treasury piracy and warlord activity which only reminds people of terrorism.


ISAAC: I'd like to see a comic book film in America featuring a super-villain symbolizing capitalism darkness.


What do you think? Is Isaac a modern real-life pirate or simply an ingenious patriot seeking to use Robin Hood tactics to clean up the blood diamond hellmouth in North America? Blood diamond activity has become so nefarious, it's the subject of a major Hollywood (USA) movie now starring Leo DiCaprio!


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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