Heather Heyer Did Not Die From Getting Hit By Field's Car, But From A Heart Attack

Source: Her mother.

Heather Heyer's mom delivers message about karma to white nationalists.

Going to be hard to get Fields on a murder rap, they prosecutor would probably lose that, the best bet for them is to go for manslaughter charges.

So the woman actually died because she was way out of shape & morbidly obese, not from any impact from the car.

You think because she had a heart attack after being hit by a car he isn't responsible? Please tell me you aren't serious.
Why dide she run in front of a moving car? A death wish?
You ever heard that in high falls most people die of a heart attack before they hit the ground? So if you push someone out of a plane and they have a heart attack before they hit the ground did you murder them? :rofl:

In some states if you are a bartender and you are shown to over-serve someone and they drive drunk and kill someone you can be tried in connection with that person's death...

But here you are saying she didn't die from getting hit by a car because she had a heart attack. :rolleyes:
Jump off a cliff and prove it to us.
Who was the dishonest mod that moved this to the conspiracy board? This is not a conspiracy theory, the deceased's mother flat out said she died of a heart attack, not from being hit by a car. This is not a conspiracy theory at all, it's fact from one of if not the most reliable source, the family of the deceased that actually spoke to the doctors.

Somebody needs to fire the mod who moved this.

the goyim know...

shut it down.jpg
Source: Her mother.

Heather Heyer's mom delivers message about karma to white nationalists.

Going to be hard to get Fields on a murder rap, the prosecutor would probably lose that one, the best bet for them is to go for manslaughter charges.

So the woman actually died because she was way out of shape & morbidly obese, not from any impact from the car.

You are seriously fucking stupid

good to know we have antifa communists moderating this forum
Her death is a direct result of his purposeful actions. It is the definition of murder.

Those antifa creeps were out to get him, of this I have no doubt. He panicked trying to get out of the situation the charlottesville authorities corralled him into. If the bloodthirsty mob had gotten hold of him, he'd be the one dead right now. You biased reality deniers want to pretend to know what was going on in his head and to that I say fuck you.
NBC is now pushing conspiracy theories? I knew they were fake news but wow conspiracies?
Source: Her mother.

Heather Heyer's mom delivers message about karma to white nationalists.

Going to be hard to get Fields on a murder rap, the prosecutor would probably lose that one, the best bet for them is to go for manslaughter charges.

So the woman actually died because she was way out of shape & morbidly obese, not from any impact from the car.

You are seriously fucking stupid
Ah, makes sense now. Hater mod moves thread because he has a personal problem with my postings in the past. This is not a conspiracy theory. The mother says, in the video....that she died instantly from a heart attack, dipshit. How is posting what she said, video and all....a conspiracy theory? It's not.
Source: Her mother.

Heather Heyer's mom delivers message about karma to white nationalists.

Going to be hard to get Fields on a murder rap, the prosecutor would probably lose that one, the best bet for them is to go for manslaughter charges.

So the woman actually died because she was way out of shape & morbidly obese, not from any impact from the car.

You are seriously fucking stupid
Ah, makes sense now. Hater mod moves thread because he has a personal problem with my postings in the past. This is not a conspiracy theory. The mother says, in the video....that she died instantly from a heart attack, dipshit. How is posting what she said, video and all....a conspiracy theory? It's not.
Don't feel too bad. The same thing happened to my thread I started pointing out that no one had identified Heyer in any video. Some people are so heavy invested in the media narrative, they will prop it up come Hell or high water...
Uh no. I never said I guarded felonies. I guarded FELONY offenders. You're the dipshit that thinks sales tax is an income tax....

You want to bring up intelligence testing? Stop dude. I was questioned about this before and proved it. How about when you're driving around Kentucky looking to visit me to carry through with your threats I'll show you my cool diploma and stuff.

And yeah... there just so happened to be several people there filming this staged incident including a lady from Canada that was there filming to criticize the protesters that caught it on her live feed...

Dude, you are a fucking joke........"felons" doesn't make them dangerous, dipshit....having a certain amount of a controlled substance can put a "felony" on their record. 86 percent of alleged "criminals" were convicted of a victimless crime. You act like you are some kind of "bad ass" because you guarded "felons"? How much did that pay? About three bucks above minimum wage? Yeah, you are a BIG time "toughie".

Lewd-Dog sez???? "I got a cool diploma in criminal justice!!!!". Yeah, that's a big time skill you have attained there, "Einstein". Charlottesville was a disgustingly poorly pulled off media event and they seem to get worse with time......but stupid fucks like you fall for them every time.

AGAIN! I stand by my contention that your I.Q score is in the high 80's and would no way make it into the triple digits.

Man it is fun to get a rise out of you. You're just jealous your only diploma was from graduating 6th grade.

No really. There is no need to try and defend myself to you any longer, and I've proven my statements on here on a consistent basis, including intelligence tests scores. But hey... you keep rotting your brain with all the conspiracy theory bullshit. In fact you should get off this forum right now and go spend the rest of the night doing it.

And actually... when I was working at the institution in 2002 I was making $14 and hour plus mandatory overtime, 80 hours of vacation a year, plus sick day, comp time, and personal days. Worst decision I ever made was to quit that job and start a business. If I had stayed this would be my 20th year.

Obviously your "diploma" didn't include English classes that included basic punctuation. You are incredibly illiterate and your writing abilities are utterly pathetic. You made 14 bucks an hour as recently as 2002 guarding "felony (snicker) offenders??? LMAO!!!! I haven't averaged less than 25 bucks an hour since 1995. The last time I averaged less than 14 an hour was back in 1987. I got all the benefits you claimed and more. I get generous per diems and put up at places like the Marriott when I travel. Twenty years guarding "felony offenders" had you stayed and left in 2002? Do the math, dipshit.........you were only 5 years in at the time.......Hmmmm? What would you be worth now working at a corrections facility with another 15 years under your belt? I bet you could have climbed to at least 17.50.......holy shit, dude....sometimes it's simply better to STFU. You have just given me some serious ammo.

Lewd-Dog SEZ??? In 2002 I made 14 dollars an hour! Count it, read it and weep!!!!!"


I passed the GRE section of the writing test to qualify to teach. :rolleyes: Your punctuation kills baby seals. It really is that bad, and you want to try and judge me. :rofl:

If I were still there I'd be making quite a bit. Well let me set something straight here with little Dale. I had a state job. I was making a base salary around $14 an hour might have been a bit more, but I also had roll call, which is 30 minutes of mandatory overtime per shift. When working holidays I'd get paid and get 12 hours paid comp time. I had insurance that cost me zilch to go to the doctor. I didn't have to pay into Social Security. I was on the SRT team and got to go to all kinds of training all over the state. I got discounts all over the place for working for the state... AND I got free tuition and my books were paid for. It's funny you say ONLY 5 years. You really don't have a clue about the washout rate with Corrections Officers. And I left on my own, I was asked not to leave.

Correcting Lewd-dog, the 14 dollar an hour "felony offender watcher"......

"Well let me set something straight here with little Dale."

Correction: Well, let me set something straight with little Dale.

"I had a state job. I was making a base salary around $14 an hour might have been a bit more, but I also had roll call, which is 30 minutes of mandatory overtime per shift."

Correction: I had a state job and I was making a base salary of around 14 an hour, might have been a bit more. I also had "roll call" which is 30 minutes of mandatory overtime per shift.

Comment: Whoop-de-friggin' do!!!! A "gubermint" job strolling around a corrections facility with a baton guarding "felony offenders". Yeah, if you were guarding "hard core" criminals and your life was only worth 14 measly dollars an hour? What more can I say? LOL!

"When working holidays I'd get paid and get 12 hours paid comp time."
Correction: When working holidays, I'd get paid and get 12 hours in paid comp time.

Comment: You got paid for working holidays? Well, one would hope. You got compensated time and a half in PTO for working a holiday because you were low on the totem pole.......and you are bragging about that???

"I didn't have to pay into Social Security. I was on the SRT team and got to go to all kinds of training all over the state. I got discounts all over the place for working for the state."

So you are actually BRAGGING about sucking off the public teat and costing the tax payers money????? You certainly produced no product and you didn't bring in any income to the corporate entity that you were swinging a baton for....but yet you are PROUD of that? ROTFLMAO!!!!! It just keeps getting better!!!!!!!

"AND I got free tuition and my books were paid for. It's funny you say ONLY 5 years. You really don't have a clue about the washout rate with Corrections Officers. And I left on my own, I was asked not to leave."

Free tuition to a "school" that didn't teach you how to punctuate.......wasted days, wasted nights. "Washout rates" of baton swinging morons that oversee a bunch of inmates that made the mistake of violating an act, statute or code? How fucking stupid does one have to be in order to fuck up even a low paying job that requires no type of manual labor or even critical thinking skills? A job with no skills required but to be able to pass a background check? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!


Well Dale, this is a message board and I could care less about if my punctuation is perfect. You do know an ellipsis is only 3 dots not 7 right? You also don't have a fucking clue about most prisons, as generally most don't carry a baton, and for someone who acts like they are so smart, you would know it is called a PR-24. In most prisons you have nothing but a 'man down' radio, that has a button you push if there is an incident. No critical thinking skills? No other qualifications? Yeah... I was on the SRT team for 3 and half years which had had physical and specialized training requirements. But despite you bragging about how smart you are, you probably don't have a fucking clue what an SRT team is because of all the chem-trails you've inhaled over the years. Right? Just keep blaming all your failures in life on someone else Dale, that's what you do.

As from the rest of your post, it sounds like you were locked up once and got fucked by Big Bubba and it has made you bitter. I understand why you are the way you are now. Carry on.
Source: Her mother.

Heather Heyer's mom delivers message about karma to white nationalists.

Going to be hard to get Fields on a murder rap, they prosecutor would probably lose that, the best bet for them is to go for manslaughter charges.

So the woman actually died because she was way out of shape & morbidly obese, not from any impact from the car.

You think because she had a heart attack after being hit by a car he isn't responsible? Please tell me you aren't serious.
He's not too sharp.
Everyone please join me in a moment of silence for Vastator and OffensivelyOpenMinded's brains. Unfortunately they've passed on to hopefully a better place.
You're letting your emotions control your thoughts, bud. I never said he doesn't bare any responsibility in what happened, so get off your high horse already. Facts are he didn't hit her with the car and no car hit her, she died of a heart attack...so how the heck can the hit him with a murder rap? They can't and if they decide to go full on with the murder charges, instead of charging him with manslaughter...then Fields will be a free man sooner than you think.

You have no way to read the guy's mind, you don't know if he deliberately meant to run into the crowd. In most cases where someone uses a vehicle to run down people, the attacker doesn't drive straight into other cars, they swerve on the sidewalks so they can inflict maximum damage. I think he got scared and his survival instinct kicked in and he just hit the gas. So in my opinion, that may call for manslaughter charges, but not murder. Especially when she didn't get hit by the vehicle, but had a heart attack.
Who said she wasn't hit by the car? They have video of her being hit by the car, don't they?
Source: Her mother.

Heather Heyer's mom delivers message about karma to white nationalists.

Going to be hard to get Fields on a murder rap, they prosecutor would probably lose that, the best bet for them is to go for manslaughter charges.

So the woman actually died because she was way out of shape & morbidly obese, not from any impact from the car.

You think because she had a heart attack after being hit by a car he isn't responsible? Please tell me you aren't serious.
He's not too sharp.
How sharp are the people who took the media's word that she was run over? Without evidence no less? Baa... Baa...
Source: Her mother.

Heather Heyer's mom delivers message about karma to white nationalists.

Going to be hard to get Fields on a murder rap, the prosecutor would probably lose that one, the best bet for them is to go for manslaughter charges.

So the woman actually died because she was way out of shape & morbidly obese, not from any impact from the car.

You are seriously fucking stupid

good to know we have antifa communists moderating this forum
No, you're as stupid as the OP
Everyone please join me in a moment of silence for Vastator and OffensivelyOpenMinded's brains. Unfortunately they've passed on to hopefully a better place.
You're letting your emotions control your thoughts, bud. I never said he doesn't bare any responsibility in what happened, so get off your high horse already. Facts are he didn't hit her with the car and no car hit her, she died of a heart attack...so how the heck can the hit him with a murder rap? They can't and if they decide to go full on with the murder charges, instead of charging him with manslaughter...then Fields will be a free man sooner than you think.

You have no way to read the guy's mind, you don't know if he deliberately meant to run into the crowd. In most cases where someone uses a vehicle to run down people, the attacker doesn't drive straight into other cars, they swerve on the sidewalks so they can inflict maximum damage. I think he got scared and his survival instinct kicked in and he just hit the gas. So in my opinion, that may call for manslaughter charges, but not murder. Especially when she didn't get hit by the vehicle, but had a heart attack.
Who said she wasn't hit by the car? They have video of her being hit by the car, don't they?
Do they? Please point out that video. The one that clearly, and legitimate identified Heather Heyer. Link please. Its all I've asked for since day one.
Source: Her mother.

Heather Heyer's mom delivers message about karma to white nationalists.

Going to be hard to get Fields on a murder rap, they prosecutor would probably lose that, the best bet for them is to go for manslaughter charges.

So the woman actually died because she was way out of shape & morbidly obese, not from any impact from the car.

You think because she had a heart attack after being hit by a car he isn't responsible? Please tell me you aren't serious.
He's not too sharp.
How sharp are the people who took the media's word that she was run over? Without evidence no less? Baa... Baa...
If the autopsy results are in, I'd like to hear them. Obviously, the mom is saying she is consoled that Heather died instantly, but think about it---the massive shock of being struck by a car could easily set off a heart attack. I suppose that's being kept under wraps as evidence for the trial, right?
Everyone please join me in a moment of silence for Vastator and OffensivelyOpenMinded's brains. Unfortunately they've passed on to hopefully a better place.
You're letting your emotions control your thoughts, bud. I never said he doesn't bare any responsibility in what happened, so get off your high horse already. Facts are he didn't hit her with the car and no car hit her, she died of a heart attack...so how the heck can the hit him with a murder rap? They can't and if they decide to go full on with the murder charges, instead of charging him with manslaughter...then Fields will be a free man sooner than you think.

You have no way to read the guy's mind, you don't know if he deliberately meant to run into the crowd. In most cases where someone uses a vehicle to run down people, the attacker doesn't drive straight into other cars, they swerve on the sidewalks so they can inflict maximum damage. I think he got scared and his survival instinct kicked in and he just hit the gas. So in my opinion, that may call for manslaughter charges, but not murder. Especially when she didn't get hit by the vehicle, but had a heart attack.
Who said she wasn't hit by the car? They have video of her being hit by the car, don't they?
Do they? Please point out that video. The one that clearly, and legitimate identified Heather Heyer. Link please. Its all I've asked for since day one.
If she's such a big woman, I shouldn't think it would be that hard to identify her. I was just asking a question.
Source: Her mother.

Heather Heyer's mom delivers message about karma to white nationalists.

Going to be hard to get Fields on a murder rap, they prosecutor would probably lose that, the best bet for them is to go for manslaughter charges.

So the woman actually died because she was way out of shape & morbidly obese, not from any impact from the car.

You think because she had a heart attack after being hit by a car he isn't responsible? Please tell me you aren't serious.
He's not too sharp.
How sharp are the people who took the media's word that she was run over? Without evidence no less? Baa... Baa...
If the autopsy results are in, I'd like to hear them. Obviously, the mom is saying she is consoled that Heather died instantly, but think about it---the massive shock of being struck by a car could easily set off a heart attack. I suppose that's being kept under wraps as evidence for the trial, right?
OHH yeah... The autopsy... Another thing I found suspicious from day one. That they never made public from day one. The media you worship just let you sheep carry on in your rage, with visions of her being run over like a cat in the street. I at least had the wherewithal to question why details such as these; which are made common knowledge as soon as they are known; were withheld from the public... I knew why, even when I didn't know the details... it was done to manipulate the sheep, and craft the outrage. Don't be a sheep your whole life.
Everyone please join me in a moment of silence for Vastator and OffensivelyOpenMinded's brains. Unfortunately they've passed on to hopefully a better place.
You're letting your emotions control your thoughts, bud. I never said he doesn't bare any responsibility in what happened, so get off your high horse already. Facts are he didn't hit her with the car and no car hit her, she died of a heart attack...so how the heck can the hit him with a murder rap? They can't and if they decide to go full on with the murder charges, instead of charging him with manslaughter...then Fields will be a free man sooner than you think.

You have no way to read the guy's mind, you don't know if he deliberately meant to run into the crowd. In most cases where someone uses a vehicle to run down people, the attacker doesn't drive straight into other cars, they swerve on the sidewalks so they can inflict maximum damage. I think he got scared and his survival instinct kicked in and he just hit the gas. So in my opinion, that may call for manslaughter charges, but not murder. Especially when she didn't get hit by the vehicle, but had a heart attack.
Who said she wasn't hit by the car? They have video of her being hit by the car, don't they?
Do they? Please point out that video. The one that clearly, and legitimate identified Heather Heyer. Link please. Its all I've asked for since day one.
If she's such a big woman, I shouldn't think it would be that hard to identify her. I was just asking a question.
you shouldn't think...? I disagree. You should think! Don't assume. Ask. Which one, in the video is she? No one source with any authority has conclusively ID'd her. Why? The same reason that they didn't tell you that she died of a heart attack? Do you think the events that have transpired in the weeks following this incident may have been different, if others asked these same questions I did? If the information was made public when know? The answer is an obvious yes. So why did they, and do they still let the ignorance persist?

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