Heather Heyer Did Not Die From Getting Hit By Field's Car, But From A Heart Attack

Source: Her mother.

Heather Heyer's mom delivers message about karma to white nationalists.

Going to be hard to get Fields on a murder rap, they prosecutor would probably lose that, the best bet for them is to go for manslaughter charges.

So the woman actually died because she was way out of shape & morbidly obese, not from any impact from the car.

You think because she had a heart attack after being hit by a car he isn't responsible? Please tell me you aren't serious.
He's not too sharp.
How sharp are the people who took the media's word that she was run over? Without evidence no less? Baa... Baa...
If the autopsy results are in, I'd like to hear them. Obviously, the mom is saying she is consoled that Heather died instantly, but think about it---the massive shock of being struck by a car could easily set off a heart attack. I suppose that's being kept under wraps as evidence for the trial, right?
OHH yeah... The autopsy... Another thing I found suspicious from day one. That they never made public from day one. The media you worship just let you sheep carry on in your rage, with visions of her being run over like a cat in the street. I at least had the wherewithal to question why details such as these; which are made common knowledge as soon as they are known; were withheld from the public... I knew why, even when I didn't know the details... it was done to manipulate the sheep, and craft the outrage. Don't be a sheep your whole life.
Are you sure when autopsy results are evidence in an upcoming trial that they are immediately released to the public?
Everyone please join me in a moment of silence for Vastator and OffensivelyOpenMinded's brains. Unfortunately they've passed on to hopefully a better place.
You're letting your emotions control your thoughts, bud. I never said he doesn't bare any responsibility in what happened, so get off your high horse already. Facts are he didn't hit her with the car and no car hit her, she died of a heart attack...so how the heck can the hit him with a murder rap? They can't and if they decide to go full on with the murder charges, instead of charging him with manslaughter...then Fields will be a free man sooner than you think.

You have no way to read the guy's mind, you don't know if he deliberately meant to run into the crowd. In most cases where someone uses a vehicle to run down people, the attacker doesn't drive straight into other cars, they swerve on the sidewalks so they can inflict maximum damage. I think he got scared and his survival instinct kicked in and he just hit the gas. So in my opinion, that may call for manslaughter charges, but not murder. Especially when she didn't get hit by the vehicle, but had a heart attack.
Who said she wasn't hit by the car? They have video of her being hit by the car, don't they?
Do they? Please point out that video. The one that clearly, and legitimate identified Heather Heyer. Link please. Its all I've asked for since day one.
If she's such a big woman, I shouldn't think it would be that hard to identify her. I was just asking a question.
you shouldn't think...? I disagree. You should think! Don't assume. Ask. Which one, in the video is she? No one source with any authority has conclusively ID'd her. Why? The same reason that they didn't tell you that she died of a heart attack? Do you think the events that have transpired in the weeks following this incident may have been different, if others asked these same questions I did? If the information was made public when know? The answer is an obvious yes. So why did they, and do they still let the ignorance persist?
I'm not so sure the forensics experts have not been able to identify who was struck based on detailed examination of the many videos that were collected. I'd bet you a nickel she was struck by the car or the guy wouldn't have been charged as he was. Some of the charges didn't come until the day after. They were still reviewing the vids and interviewing witnesses. The D.A. was careful. Your argument is nuts.
You're letting your emotions control your thoughts, bud. I never said he doesn't bare any responsibility in what happened, so get off your high horse already. Facts are he didn't hit her with the car and no car hit her, she died of a heart attack...so how the heck can the hit him with a murder rap? They can't and if they decide to go full on with the murder charges, instead of charging him with manslaughter...then Fields will be a free man sooner than you think.

You have no way to read the guy's mind, you don't know if he deliberately meant to run into the crowd. In most cases where someone uses a vehicle to run down people, the attacker doesn't drive straight into other cars, they swerve on the sidewalks so they can inflict maximum damage. I think he got scared and his survival instinct kicked in and he just hit the gas. So in my opinion, that may call for manslaughter charges, but not murder. Especially when she didn't get hit by the vehicle, but had a heart attack.
Who said she wasn't hit by the car? They have video of her being hit by the car, don't they?
Do they? Please point out that video. The one that clearly, and legitimate identified Heather Heyer. Link please. Its all I've asked for since day one.
If she's such a big woman, I shouldn't think it would be that hard to identify her. I was just asking a question.
you shouldn't think...? I disagree. You should think! Don't assume. Ask. Which one, in the video is she? No one source with any authority has conclusively ID'd her. Why? The same reason that they didn't tell you that she died of a heart attack? Do you think the events that have transpired in the weeks following this incident may have been different, if others asked these same questions I did? If the information was made public when know? The answer is an obvious yes. So why did they, and do they still let the ignorance persist?
I'm not so sure the forensics experts have not been able to identify who was struck based on detailed examination of the many videos that were collected. I'd bet you a nickel she was struck by the car or the guy wouldn't have been charged as he was. Some of the charges didn't come until the day after. They were still reviewing the vids and interviewing witnesses. The D.A. was careful. Your argument is nuts.
You were played like a fiddle. The music has stopped. Youre allowed to stop dancing...
Charlottesville activist David Vaughn Straughn, 36, was standing just a foot away from Heyer when she was mowed down, he told the Daily News.
“I saw her body, badly hurt. She was bleeding ... I screamed ‘Medic!’... They showed up right away,” said Straughn.

Charlottesville victim Heather Heyer to be buried Wednesday

I don't believe heart attacks cause bleeding.
Who said she wasn't hit by the car? They have video of her being hit by the car, don't they?
Do they? Please point out that video. The one that clearly, and legitimate identified Heather Heyer. Link please. Its all I've asked for since day one.
If she's such a big woman, I shouldn't think it would be that hard to identify her. I was just asking a question.
you shouldn't think...? I disagree. You should think! Don't assume. Ask. Which one, in the video is she? No one source with any authority has conclusively ID'd her. Why? The same reason that they didn't tell you that she died of a heart attack? Do you think the events that have transpired in the weeks following this incident may have been different, if others asked these same questions I did? If the information was made public when know? The answer is an obvious yes. So why did they, and do they still let the ignorance persist?
I'm not so sure the forensics experts have not been able to identify who was struck based on detailed examination of the many videos that were collected. I'd bet you a nickel she was struck by the car or the guy wouldn't have been charged as he was. Some of the charges didn't come until the day after. They were still reviewing the vids and interviewing witnesses. The D.A. was careful. Your argument is nuts.
You were played like a fiddle. The music has stopped. Youre allowed to stop dancing...
Nope! YOU were played like a fiddle!
Do they? Please point out that video. The one that clearly, and legitimate identified Heather Heyer. Link please. Its all I've asked for since day one.
If she's such a big woman, I shouldn't think it would be that hard to identify her. I was just asking a question.
you shouldn't think...? I disagree. You should think! Don't assume. Ask. Which one, in the video is she? No one source with any authority has conclusively ID'd her. Why? The same reason that they didn't tell you that she died of a heart attack? Do you think the events that have transpired in the weeks following this incident may have been different, if others asked these same questions I did? If the information was made public when know? The answer is an obvious yes. So why did they, and do they still let the ignorance persist?
I'm not so sure the forensics experts have not been able to identify who was struck based on detailed examination of the many videos that were collected. I'd bet you a nickel she was struck by the car or the guy wouldn't have been charged as he was. Some of the charges didn't come until the day after. They were still reviewing the vids and interviewing witnesses. The D.A. was careful. Your argument is nuts.
You were played like a fiddle. The music has stopped. Youre allowed to stop dancing...
Nope! YOU were played like a fiddle!
What are you, 5?
If she's such a big woman, I shouldn't think it would be that hard to identify her. I was just asking a question.
you shouldn't think...? I disagree. You should think! Don't assume. Ask. Which one, in the video is she? No one source with any authority has conclusively ID'd her. Why? The same reason that they didn't tell you that she died of a heart attack? Do you think the events that have transpired in the weeks following this incident may have been different, if others asked these same questions I did? If the information was made public when know? The answer is an obvious yes. So why did they, and do they still let the ignorance persist?
I'm not so sure the forensics experts have not been able to identify who was struck based on detailed examination of the many videos that were collected. I'd bet you a nickel she was struck by the car or the guy wouldn't have been charged as he was. Some of the charges didn't come until the day after. They were still reviewing the vids and interviewing witnesses. The D.A. was careful. Your argument is nuts.
You were played like a fiddle. The music has stopped. Youre allowed to stop dancing...
Nope! YOU were played like a fiddle!
What are you, 5?
But you were played like a fool.... your and Dale's conspiracy mongers sold you a bill of goods... which they knew you would buy in to, that Heather was not murdered cuz she died from a heart....! Wake up! You are being lead by the tugging of your nose by people who want to cause chaos and mayhem!!!
You think because she had a heart attack after being hit by a car he isn't responsible? Please tell me you aren't serious.
He's not too sharp.
How sharp are the people who took the media's word that she was run over? Without evidence no less? Baa... Baa...
If the autopsy results are in, I'd like to hear them. Obviously, the mom is saying she is consoled that Heather died instantly, but think about it---the massive shock of being struck by a car could easily set off a heart attack. I suppose that's being kept under wraps as evidence for the trial, right?
OHH yeah... The autopsy... Another thing I found suspicious from day one. That they never made public from day one. The media you worship just let you sheep carry on in your rage, with visions of her being run over like a cat in the street. I at least had the wherewithal to question why details such as these; which are made common knowledge as soon as they are known; were withheld from the public... I knew why, even when I didn't know the details... it was done to manipulate the sheep, and craft the outrage. Don't be a sheep your whole life.
Are you sure when autopsy results are evidence in an upcoming trial that they are immediately released to the public?
It varies between states from my understanding. There was a forensic report done but it wasn't released to the public for some reason.
you shouldn't think...? I disagree. You should think! Don't assume. Ask. Which one, in the video is she? No one source with any authority has conclusively ID'd her. Why? The same reason that they didn't tell you that she died of a heart attack? Do you think the events that have transpired in the weeks following this incident may have been different, if others asked these same questions I did? If the information was made public when know? The answer is an obvious yes. So why did they, and do they still let the ignorance persist?
I'm not so sure the forensics experts have not been able to identify who was struck based on detailed examination of the many videos that were collected. I'd bet you a nickel she was struck by the car or the guy wouldn't have been charged as he was. Some of the charges didn't come until the day after. They were still reviewing the vids and interviewing witnesses. The D.A. was careful. Your argument is nuts.
You were played like a fiddle. The music has stopped. Youre allowed to stop dancing...
Nope! YOU were played like a fiddle!
What are you, 5?
But you were played like a fool.... your and Dale's conspiracy mongers sold you a bill of goods... which they knew you would buy in to, that Heather was not murdered cuz she died from a heart....! Wake up! You are being lead by the tugging of your nose by people who want to cause chaos and mayhem!!!
Led? Silly... I posed these questions the day after the incident. This new information serves only to prove my suspicions were spot on. Unlike many leftists I don't allow the media to influence my emotions, or actions. I was miles ahead of the curve on this one. Stay tuned for the release of face book postings, and pictures that show her as an agitator as well. Another one I called when no one else would ask the question of why her Facebook page was pulled down...
I'm not so sure the forensics experts have not been able to identify who was struck based on detailed examination of the many videos that were collected. I'd bet you a nickel she was struck by the car or the guy wouldn't have been charged as he was. Some of the charges didn't come until the day after. They were still reviewing the vids and interviewing witnesses. The D.A. was careful. Your argument is nuts.
You were played like a fiddle. The music has stopped. Youre allowed to stop dancing...
Nope! YOU were played like a fiddle!
What are you, 5?
But you were played like a fool.... your and Dale's conspiracy mongers sold you a bill of goods... which they knew you would buy in to, that Heather was not murdered cuz she died from a heart....! Wake up! You are being lead by the tugging of your nose by people who want to cause chaos and mayhem!!!
Led? Silly... I posed these questions the day after the incident. This new information serves only to prove my suspicions were spot on. Unlike many leftists I don't allow the media to influence my emotions, or actions. I was miles ahead of the curve on this one. Stay tuned for the release of face book postings, and pictures that show her as an agitator as well. Another one I called when no one else would ask the question of why her Facebook page was pulled down...
Finally got the video where Heyer(if she is the obese woman in green who was thrown over the back hood of the sedan) is seen sitting up and appearing to be dazed but alert. It was in the Faith Goldy video

Link to video:
Here is a photo of Heyer(allegedly) laying on top of the hood of the car.

(*I didn't make this meme, I know it is insensitive but this was the quickest one I could find, if the admins want me to take it down, I will. Don't want to get banned for posting it for the purpose of illustrating my point*).
You look at her photos and then look at the body type of the woman on the hood....it looks like it is her.
View attachment 147598

If that is Heyer on the hood, then she was definitely struck by the Challenger, as I pointed out earlier. That person was knocked onto the top of the white sedan by the Challenger, then rolled/slid down to the hood, as seen in the video of the crash.

Heyer couldn't have ended up on the hood of that car without a crane..........
Sounds like some projecting going on right there............
Here is the picture of the woman on the hood again...seems to be the same woman in the Faith Goldy video. Same shirt, same hair color, same obese body shape.
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Here is the picture of the woman on the hood again...seems to be the same woman in the video. Same shirt, same hair color, same obese body shape.
View attachment 147638
Kinda looks like she was struck.
If this woman is Heyer, she was actually struck or thrown over the back hood over to the front hood because she was climbing on the back hood from looking at the best video, it's still too hard to tell if she was on the hood when the Dodge hit the back of the sedan, or was directly hit and went flying over the car onto the front hood. We still don't even know if it is Heyer though. The woman on the ground in the Faith Goldy video appears hurt but alive still. Her mom said she died instantly from a heart attack and felt no pain in the video I posted in the OP. So this woman may not even be Heyer at all.
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Glad to see this thread where it belongs.....
Yup. In the lefty safe space...
If the woman in green is Heyer, I'm wondering why the docs would tell her mother she died instantly from a heart attack when you can clearly see she is alive in the FG video, sitting up getting some help from bystanders? Is it even legal to lie to the next of kin about how and when their family member died?

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