Held In WWII Japanese Prison, IRS Wants To Know Her Politics


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[Comrade Cucksocker Obama's IRS hard at work enforcing his directives wanted to know about a woman who spent WWII in a Japanese prison camp, yano, she just might be a Right Wing Subversive or somethin'. With Mother Nature busy intervening in Obama's behalf again in Moore, Oklahoma, he's famously nowhere to be seen or found when the sh!t is hitting the fan in Benghazi, the IRS, the AP telephone record subpoenas, and now at Fox News, spying on James Rosen Megan Kelly, William LaJeunesse, always playing the Sargeant Schultz "I know notheenk!' role, but Johnny On The Spot, with an aim like Sargeant York, Barry when it comes to the glamorous, glitzy rescues at Staten Island, Joplin, and especially Sandy Hook replaying Jesus's very role of weeping at Lazarus tomb. Get ready to be welcomed into July 1, 1934 Germany by Comrade Barack and his henchmen, Erik, Janet & Co.]

"ALBUQUERQUE – The Internal Revenue Service not only wanted a wide variety of information from the Albuquerque Tea Party‘s application for nonprofit status, it also wanted to know what contacts it had with people from other political organizations too.

That included an 83-year-old great-grandmother who was once held in a World War II Japanese internment camp, New Mexico Watchdog has discovered.

“I’ve always paid my taxes and everything,” Marianne Chiffelle told New Mexico Watchdog. “What I do think is, it doesn’t surprise me…because of this government we have at the moment.”

According to a review of documents conducted by the online news organization Politico, (in a story headlined “The IRS wants YOU — to share everything”), the IRS asked the Albuquerque Tea Party about connections to other groups, including “Marianne Chiffelle’s Breakfasts.”

That prompted us to do some digging.

It took New Mexico Watchdog less than an hour to learn that “Marianne Chiffelle’s Breakfasts” is not some restaurant chain, but a reference to the volunteer work of Chiffelle, a retiree who helps organize informal 9 a.m. meetings for members of the Bernalillo County Republican Party.

The group meets on Fridays at the Golden Corral restaurant at the corner of Eubank and Central.

“We’ve had these meetings for a long time,” Chiffelle said. “It’s not a business.”

Chiffelle is a naturalized American citizen who was born in what was then called the Dutch East Indies, now known as Indonesia. Her father was an executive for Shell Oil and when World War II broke out Chiffelle was sent to a Japanese internment camp between the ages of 12 to 16.

After the war, she moved to the Netherlands and in 1960 she and her late husband immigrated to the United States.

Since living in Albuquerque, Chiffelle has been active in GOP politics and conservative causes. She helped establish the Children’s Freedom Scholarship Fund, which hands out patriotic coloring books to youngsters in the Albuquerque area.

“The kids don’t have any idea, they think freedom is just there for the taking,” Chiffelle said.

The book includes pictures of U.S. presidents and puzzles for kids to learn about U.S. history, as well as essays such as “What Does Freedom Mean to You?”"

Hey, IRS: Here's the WW II prison camp survivor you asked about « Watchdog.org
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