‘Hell to pay’: Puerto Rico Governor to investigate delays in water, food deliveries

Also, for the record, Hurricane Maria hit on like September 20th, not October 6th as previously noted in this thread. (They couldn't "really" get in there until after Maria cleared out.)
More related information -

To fully unload, and then load a medium sized container ship of about 800 feet takes about 10-12 hrs. (figure 6 hrs to load then, yea?)

Drive time from New York to Florida: 18hrs 59mins

Time to load/unload a semi truck: Depends on what is on it , how well it's loaded, and who's doing the unloading. I've seen trucks get empty in 15 minutes and I've seen it take all day. Normally, it should take less than 2 hours.


News fact snips:

It’s three days after landfall before the main port in San Juan reopens. More than 1.6 million gallons of water, 23,000 cots and dozens of generators arrive on 11 ships. FEMA of Puerto Rico forgot the fuel.

Problems getting supplies and aid to residents: 12 of the 29 bridges that have been assessed are closed; another 65 are damaged.

As of Thursday [September 28], there were more than 10,000 containers at the site awaiting distribution, according to Puerto Rican state officials.

Gov. of PR [September 28]: Puerto Rico has received 4 million liters of water and expects to get another 7.5 million more. "Our biggest challenge has been the logistical assets to try to get some of the food and some of the water to different areas of Puerto Rico," he said. "The food is here and the water is here. Critically what we need is equipment, human resources, whether national guard or state guard," the governor said. He told reporters Thursday that the governors of New York and New Jersey were sending their National Guard troops, and that governors of other states had pledged similar assistance. Thousands of cargo containers filled with much-needed supplies are sitting at the island's ports, but distributing those items has been difficult. Rosselló also noted that Puerto Rico's physical isolation as an island remains a major complicating factor. "Puerto Rico, different to Florida or Texas, has no neighboring states that can actually drive to there and give quick aid," he said. "We need to fly assets over here and bring it by boat, and that has been a little bit of the bottleneck."

[October 11] There are currently 51 ships docked in San Juan, with 33 more expected arrivals as of Wednesday afternoon, according to marine-traffic data. Distributing goods throughout the island after arriving in port remains a challenge in Puerto Rico, and the Jones Act only applies to goods traveling by sea. Though the Jones Act waiver only led to one foreign ship transporting FEMA-related aid, Rosselló argued that any measure that allows more ships to arrive in Puerto Rico will help relief efforts. (For the record I think the Jones Act is kinda crappy - Alaska was in the same territory situation as PR is in, its rough on the local economy for sure. Though I disagree with Rossello in that it has shit to do with emergency supplies getting there. The distribution is the problem, the supplies are already there.)

You are a PC nutjob. The issue has always been getting the supplies from the docks to the people & on location. Trump & his PC wacko trolls spew out fake political BS like Unions, Jones Act & Teamsters, Mayors political party, debt, & every little troll thought you think will sell.

FACT: 3.5 million US citizens begged for Trump Administrations help 37 days ago! They are trying to stay alive for help to arrive. Drivers & trucks could not move because of devastation. Military has it's own communications and can move containers over land, air & sea without roads. They can bridge rivers in minutes. 58 people died so far from lack of help after storm.

Those containers on the docks have supplies, equipment, cell tower & power grid parts that have to get to there destination.

I've noticed some severe cases of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) here. I cannot stand the pig BUT this is not a Trump problem. The problem lays squarely with the elected officials of Puerto Rico.
Shit hit the fan in PR, that's just all there is to it. It sucks, it's horrible for the people there, but there is only so much /anyone/ can do.

IF there's corruption in PR going on - with authority figures (military, government, etc.) not distributing the aid supplies like they should, then by all means nail those folks to the walls, but if everything is being done as well as can be expected given the complete destruction, then there's just no one to put the blame on... Then it just sucks ass for the people stuck in the situation.

As I understand it, over half the hospitals are now at least semi-functional, hopefully that'll help. FEMA PR has a list of where supplies are being distributed from and supposedly all the individual city/town government folks have been sent a phone so they can get coordinated. (Gov of PR was saying that they were using "runners" to coordinate before) so hopefully they can get the ball rolling on distribution of all the supplies and aid they've got stuck in the port to those locations most in need.)

Also I believe Jones Act is irrelevant until the 18th as it's been suspended since Oct. 6th or 8th - President Trump wasn't the one who requested it be suspended, that was the gov of PR, that "political bullshit" is 100% on PR's end, not Trump's administration. President Trump basically said, "okay, we'll suspend it" and did so...

FYI - the Jones Act of 1920 is a trade control thing, it just means that shipments have to come through a US port.

[shoulda posted the relevant part sorry] Preamble of the act: "It is necessary for the national defense and for the proper growth of its foreign and domestic commerce that the United States shall have a merchant marine of the best equipped and most suitable types of vessels sufficient to carry the greater portion of its commerce and serve as a naval or military auxiliary in time of war or national emergency, ultimately to be owned and operated privately by citizens of the United States; and it is declared to be the policy of the United States to do whatever may be necessary to develop and encourage the maintenance of such a merchant marine, and, in so far as may not be inconsistent with the express provisions of this Act, the Secretary of Transportation shall, in the disposition of vessels and shipping property as hereinafter provided, in the making of rules and regulations, and in the administration of the shipping laws keep always in view this purpose and object as the primary end to be attained."

Relevant part: The Jones Act prevents foreign-flagged ships from carrying cargo between the US mainland and certain noncontiguous parts of the US, such as Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Alaska, and Guam.[13] Foreign ships inbound with goods cannot stop at any of these four locations, offload goods, load mainland-bound goods, and continue to US mainland ports, although ships can offload cargo and proceed to the US mainland without picking up any additional cargo intended for delivery to another US location. Usually, they proceed directly to US mainland ports, where distributors break bulk and then send goods to US places off the mainland by US-flagged ships.

Look it up if you want to read the whole bill. I'm not a fan because Seattle and LA used the Jones Act to skim the profits from Alaska's trade goods for nearly a century before we became a state. (We're still getting the shaft)
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Puerto Rico's solar & wind power was destroyed? They need those containers full of parts delivered from the ports to fix it.

Before 2 hurricanes

After Hurricanes
Puerto Rico's solar & wind power was destroyed? They need those containers full of parts delivered from the ports to fix it.

Before 2 hurricanes

After Hurricanes

So now we have an example of left wing 'environmentalism' being thoroughly retarded as well. How much was the Federal subsidy for that idiocy?
Puerto Rico's solar & wind power was destroyed? They need those containers full of parts delivered from the ports to fix it.

Before 2 hurricanes

After Hurricanes

So now we have an example of left wing 'environmentalism' being thoroughly retarded as well. How much was the Federal subsidy for that idiocy?
More PC wacko BS from Trump Trolls.

No Federal subsidies as far as I know. Their fossil fuel cost is very high, they have lots of sun & wind so I imagine solar was very cheap for them. The damage is likely covered by insurance.
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Puerto Rico's solar & wind power was destroyed? They need those containers full of parts delivered from the ports to fix it. Before 2 hurricanes

How is this picture relevant? That solar array was contractually installed by the British firm they bought it from. They are responsible for repairing it. Do you think the US military should try wiring it back?
Puerto Rico's solar & wind power was destroyed? They need those containers full of parts delivered from the ports to fix it.

Before 2 hurricanes

After Hurricanes

So now we have an example of left wing 'environmentalism' being thoroughly retarded as well. How much was the Federal subsidy for that idiocy?
More PC wacko BS from Trump Trolls.

No Federal subsidies as far as I know. Their fossil fuel cost is very high, they have lots of sun & wind so I imagine solar was very cheap for them. The damage is likely covered by insurance.

Oh my bad, cuz like, you just proved it's a great frigging idea to install solar farms on Caribbean islands, because they've never had hurricanes before in that region, so who knew??? I keep forgetting what jeenyuses you 'Resistance' types are and your brilliant fore sights.
Puerto Rico's solar & wind power was destroyed? They need those containers full of parts delivered from the ports to fix it.

Before 2 hurricanes

After Hurricanes

So now we have an example of left wing 'environmentalism' being thoroughly retarded as well. How much was the Federal subsidy for that idiocy?
More PC wacko BS from Trump Trolls.

No Federal subsidies as far as I know. Their fossil fuel cost is very high, they have lots of sun & wind so I imagine solar was very cheap for them. The damage is likely covered by insurance.

Okay, so now we're going to read your rants about the insurance companies not having that fixed yet? CUZ TRUMP!!!! ...

And by the way, there were all kinds of Federal subsidies to Puerto Rico for solar projects, which means the Feds likely paid for that one, too, directly or indirectly. Seems the small operations fare a lot better than the big ones like some tards installed in your pic there. Just one agency here; there are dozens of other programs.

Puerto Rico | USDA Rural Development

Master Products installs $1.8M solar panel system

The system consists of 1,972 solar panels in an area of some 3,924 meters, and has the capacity to generate 652 kilowatts. The Puerto Rican firm Aireko conducted the construction and installation of the system that received financial support from U.S. Rural Development and the Green Energy Fund. The rest was obtained through private funding provided by Oriental Bank.
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Puerto Rico's solar & wind power was destroyed? They need those containers full of parts delivered from the ports to fix it.

Before 2 hurricanes

After Hurricanes

So now we have an example of left wing 'environmentalism' being thoroughly retarded as well. How much was the Federal subsidy for that idiocy?
More PC wacko BS from Trump Trolls.

No Federal subsidies as far as I know. Their fossil fuel cost is very high, they have lots of sun & wind so I imagine solar was very cheap for them. The damage is likely covered by insurance.

Okay, so now we're going to read your rants about the insurance companies not having that fixed yet? CUZ TRUMP!!!! ...

And by the way, there were all kinds of Federal subsidies to Puerto Rico for solar projects, which means the Feds likely paid for that one, too, directly or indirectly. Seems the small operations fare a lot better than the big ones like some tards installed in your pic there. Just one agency here; there are dozens of other programs.

Puerto Rico | USDA Rural Development

Master Products installs $1.8M solar panel system

The system consists of 1,972 solar panels in an area of some 3,924 meters, and has the capacity to generate 652 kilowatts. The Puerto Rican firm Aireko conducted the construction and installation of the system that received financial support from U.S. Rural Development and the Green Energy Fund. The rest was obtained through private funding provided by Oriental Bank.

That's what happens with deregulation. That system was not built to Cat5 hurricane code.
It must be saving over 40% a year in energy cost. Shipping fuel in to run generators is very expensive electricity & drives up fuel prices. Competition is a good thing lowering fuel prices for us all. I Don't Know if PR USDA is funded by US tax payers. But that is chump change to Trump wanting to forgive 70 Billion worth of their debt. That's crazy talk. Tax their ass.

We can bill them for disaster relief. The supplies were already there, All we had to do is clear the roads, move some freight & fuel to get their transportation system back up so they could fix their stuff. Their insurance can pay most of it.
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Puerto Rico's solar & wind power was destroyed? They need those containers full of parts delivered from the ports to fix it.

Before 2 hurricanes

After Hurricanes

So now we have an example of left wing 'environmentalism' being thoroughly retarded as well. How much was the Federal subsidy for that idiocy?
More PC wacko BS from Trump Trolls.

No Federal subsidies as far as I know. Their fossil fuel cost is very high, they have lots of sun & wind so I imagine solar was very cheap for them. The damage is likely covered by insurance.

Okay, so now we're going to read your rants about the insurance companies not having that fixed yet? CUZ TRUMP!!!! ...

And by the way, there were all kinds of Federal subsidies to Puerto Rico for solar projects, which means the Feds likely paid for that one, too, directly or indirectly. Seems the small operations fare a lot better than the big ones like some tards installed in your pic there. Just one agency here; there are dozens of other programs.

Puerto Rico | USDA Rural Development

Master Products installs $1.8M solar panel system

The system consists of 1,972 solar panels in an area of some 3,924 meters, and has the capacity to generate 652 kilowatts. The Puerto Rican firm Aireko conducted the construction and installation of the system that received financial support from U.S. Rural Development and the Green Energy Fund. The rest was obtained through private funding provided by Oriental Bank.

It must be saving over 40% a year in energy cost. Shipping fuel in to run generators is very expensive electricity & drives up fuel prices. Competition is a good thing lowering fuel prices for us all. I Don't Know if PR USDA is funded by US tax payers. But that is chump change to Trump wanting to forgive 70 Billion worth of their debt. That's crazy talk. Tax their ass.

We can bill them for disaster relief. The supplies were already there, All we had to do is clear the roads, move some freight & fuel to get their transportation system back up so they could fix their stuff. Their insurance can pay most of it.

What are you bitching about on the time its taking then? Most insurance companies take months to even approve a claim, much less pay out anything to anyone...
It's been 37 DAYS!

PR declared state of emergency on September 4th.

Well I tell you what, FEMA still hasn't picked up that 5 yards of debris in my driveway, and that's from before Puerto Rico got hit.

It can't have been 37 days.

I'm not feeling that.
lip service. No one will anything.

I have a hunch he will actually DO something this time. While not overt, I also expect he will get assistance from DOJ and other federal agencies. Expect some grand juries and indictments.

what is the orange one doing? it sure isn't his job....

if he put half the energy into assisting American Citizens in Puerto Rico that he does in empowering white supremacists, the Island would be doing a lot better.
That's what happens with deregulation. The buildings, power grid & communications systems were not built to Cat5 hurricane code.
hmmm when did they deregulate, source please.

Perhaps they'll look into building for cat 5 hurricanes now, we'll see.
We already paid for M60 AVLB rapid deploying bridges among other equipment that are just sitting out in storage lots around the world that will eventually be auctioned off for pennies on the dollar. They should have been sent immediately to Puerto Rico.


It appears that not everybody has forgotten about the devastation in Puerto Rico.

Governor Ricardo Rossello of Puerto Rico has ordered an investigation over water and food distribution on the hurricane-battered island after complaints that the supplies were not reaching the people in some areas.

"If there is a place, a locality that is not delivering food to the people of Puerto Rico that need it, there's going to be some hell to pay," Rossello said on Monday, according to Reuters.

Rossello said the government was trying to identify problems in the distribution pipeline, looking to ensure that local leaders deliver resources to people as soon as they arrive in the municipality.

"I think that there are places where water is being withheld and food is being withheld," Rossello said. "We need to showcase it, we need to push it forward to the people."

More @ ‘Hell to pay’: Puerto Rico Governor to investigate delays in water, food deliveries
So he knows PR runs on massive corruption and is acting all upset now because????

the Feds breathing down his neck

one or both?

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