Heller Struck Down

clearly I know what I am talking about because I am speaking through logic ...and not emotion as you most definitely are.


LOGIC, not emotion he says!

did you see where you said
Originally Posted by Shogun
LOGIC, eh? naw, bullshit is more like it. Again, if you have anything to offer besides predictable crap then feel free to post it. In case you are wondering, yes, this is a direct challenge to prove marriage, gay or otherwise, is a civil right.

Loving v. Virginia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In its decision, the court wrote:
Marriage is one of the "basic civil rights of man," fundamental to our very existence and survival.... To deny this fundamental freedom on so unsupportable a basis as the racial classifications embodied in these statutes, classifications so directly subversive of the principle of equality at the heart of the Fourteenth Amendment, is surely to deprive all the State's citizens of liberty without due process of law.
See, you can't even figure out when you dive bomb or when what you post to is irrelevant.
Try reading Atlas' post to you... there is no gender, racial or sexual component to the FUNDAMENTAL right of marriage.
Let me teach you a little bit about how a Constitutional case should be read (of course, I'm not an expert, but I'd say I've had a few more minutes of education in the area than you have).
1. If something is found to be a fundamental right, any law limiting that right is subject to strict scrutiny. That means government must have a really good reason for limiting the right.
1.a. When dealing with suspect classifications in laws (particularly those governing fundamental rights) there is an even higher burder to justify any intrusion on the right.
2. Marriage has been found to be a fundamental right. (go back and read Loving, because THAT is the proposition for which is stands).
3. Race, gender and sexuality are suspect when they are singled out for limitation of any right.
Conclusion: One may not single out homosexuals in order to deny them the fundamental right of marriage recognized for the rest of us, regardless of race, religion, etc.
And THAT is how one analyzes a constitutional issue with LOGIC and not emotion.


I seem to be correct as hell about that NY bar exam.

IRRELEVANT, eh? yea, it SURE IS irrelevant to point out that Loving was decided upon the racism that violeted the 14th amendment - an amendment that was the product of ETHNICITY rather than SEXUAL ORIENTATION. Loving doesn't say that there is a FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT to marriage or it would have struck down laws in Utah as well. It states ONLY and SPECIFICALLY that states could not restrict the unions between races. Nothing more, Nothing less. Further, states HAVE excercised their TENTH AMENDMENT RIGHT since loving to exclude a whole list of unions, legally, despite Loving. You are trying to wrap Loving around gay marraige much like you would assume that the interstate commerce clause gives you the jurisdiction to stick your hands in any other state issue. It's a fucking joke that a lawyer would make this arguement.

1. Marriage is not a fundemental right. Further, the fed wont enforce it since it is a right of the state to determine locally. but, just to humor your silliness, Even if it were challenged in the supreme court it would lose because you have only the ASSUMPTION that gay marriage is a right rather than Constitutional precedence. We won't be legalizing polygamy any time soon and, unless you can find some astrix in federal non-discrimiation laws specifically adding sexual oreitnation to those protected status, you lose.

1a. Burdens can be argued. Loving had a constitutional foundation for their arguement. What do you have besides an OPINION?

2. No, Loving did not declare every circumstance of marriage a right. Again, see polygamy. Loving made a statement on the RACIAL element of prohibition of marriage. Nothing more, nothing less.

3. Race, gender and WHAT? SEXUALITY did you say? :lol: Did you really think I wouldn't call you on this? Provide a source that says orientation is a protected status, Jillian. It's cute watching you act like a laywer dancing around the facts but im afraid im going to have to call shenannigans on ya here. Sexual orientation is no more a protected status than hair color is. what YOU THINK is suspect means two things: jack and shit. Your opinon about the motivation to restrict marriage just isn't all that impressive.

Conclusion: You need to go back to school if that is the epitome of your legal expertise. Again, I hate to get all Scalia on ya but you, ma'am, are full of shit.
and psssssssssst... Shogie... the whole point of the Constitution is that some idiot with his/her own biases can't deny someone a right to marry because they don't like them and think they should be discriminated against.


no, Jillian.. the Constitution is meant to be a common system of government where DEMOCRACY (remember that word?) is fulfilled via representatives.

damn, yo.. tell me you are joking.
I don't buy it because my read on the constitution is it does not give us rights, it protects certain rights while the rest are assumed. I can't be the only person that thinks this. DOMA, IMO, is also unconstitutional. The Tenth doesn't give the states the right to deny civil rights.

He's wrong on DOMA and even on Loving,.

He challenged me to prove marriage is a right while referring to Loving in most of his posts to me. Yet he hasn't a clue what the court said in Loving...

In its decision, the court wrote:

Marriage is one of the "basic civil rights of man,"
fundamental to our very existence and survival.... To deny this fundamental freedom on so unsupportable a basis as the racial classifications embodied in these statutes, classifications so directly subversive of the principle of equality at the heart of the Fourteenth Amendment, is surely to deprive all the State's citizens of liberty without due process of law.​

I seem to be correct as hell about that NY bar exam.

Conclusion: You need to go back to school if that is the epitome of your legal expertise. Again, I hate to get all Scalia on ya but you, ma'am, are full of shit.

I passed more states than NY on the first try, shogie baby... do try again.

As for the rest of your rant...

Conclusion: you don't know what you're talking about so are blowing nothing but air.

Go have another ciggie and try again someday....
Please explain how you see this in regard to the CA ruling.

Well, if the CA Constitution protects the right of marriage, and it extends to gay people, then the State would have a very hard time regulating that right differently from how they regulate marriage for straight people. They would have to show a compelling State interest in the regulation, and also show that the regulation is very narrowly tailored to advance that interest, just as when the government makes laws affecting persons belonging to suspect classifications. In the case of suspect class, you apply strict scrutiny. Seems to me the same would apply for regulation of a fundamental right of marriage to gays in California.
I passed more states than NY on the first try, shogie baby... do try again.

As for the rest of your rant...

Conclusion: you don't know what you're talking about so are blowing nothing but air.

Go have another ciggie and try again someday....

Show-gun, has been proven wrong.

please, allow him him lick his wounded scrotum in peace.
1. If something is found to be a fundamental right, any law limiting that right is subject to strict scrutiny. That means government must have a really good reason for limiting the right.

Not only a really good (compelling) reason, but they'd also have to show that the way in which they limit the right is narrowly tailored to advance the state's compelling interest.

no, Jillian.. the Constitution is meant to be a common system of government where DEMOCRACY (remember that word?) is fulfilled via representatives.

damn, yo.. tell me you are joking.

Nope...were that the case, snookie bear the legislature could do whatever it wanted even if it conflicted with the Constitution.

Try again, baby... you're digging way deep...

Well, if the CA Constitution protects the right of marriage, and it extends to gay people, then the State would have a very hard time regulating that right differently from how they regulate marriage for straight people.

They would have to show a compelling State interest in the regulation, and also show that the regulation is very narrowly tailored to advance that interest, just as when the government makes laws affecting persons belonging to suspect classifications.

In the case of suspect class, you apply strict scrutiny.

Seems to me the same would apply for regulation of a fundamental right of marriage to gays in California.
really? that is the most perfect example of discrimination based on sexual preference and that is not a state interest. to show a state interest, one would have to show that interest being gays being a threat to something.

what would the threat be to the state?
You two are way over my head. Are you saying that the burden is on the state to explain why they are limiting someone's civil rights?

Yeppers... to a greater or lesser degree depending on the nature of the right being infringed, the extent of the infringement and the governmental interest in the infringing legislation.
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Loving, a case argued over discriminatory laws and the right of marriage


No, stupid, Loving argued that a state could not resrrict marriage BASED ON RACE. read your own fucking quote of the verdict a little closer, brainiac. It didn't determine that marriage was a right at all. Go share your rage with some polygamist mormons and discover a thing or two about our government.

To deny this fundamental freedom on so unsupportable a basis as the racial classifications embodied in these statutes, classifications so directly subversive of the principle of equality at the heart of the Fourteenth Amendment, is surely to deprive all the State's citizens of liberty without due process of law.

look familiar, pussy?


I'll give you a clue: no one is arguing gays do not have rights as gay citizens or persons.

and neither am I. Clearly, gays have first amendment rights. WHY? BECAUSE THOSE ARE ACTUALLY IN THE FUCKING CONSTITUTION.

do you get IT yet?

I get that you are a fucking idiot with nary the slightest idea of how our government works..

the right that mixed race couples fought for was the right to be treated as equally as same race couples in being allowed to marry...two consenting adults in a civil ceremony recognized by the state. The legal issue was not so much about race as it was about the right of two people to be treated as equally as any other two people and the right for them to marry.




I mean, the fucking verdict ONLY cited the fourteenth amendment! ONLY specifically stated that RACE was the unsupportable factor in state restrictions!


marriage is a right.

go share that joke with a polygamist.

if you had actually read what you say you've read you'd see the Loving case you keep referring to says just that.

No, it really doesn't. And, trying to wrap Loving around gay marraige wont make your opinon any more rellevant than it already isn't.

so go f*ck a duck you stupid f*ck

back atcha, dick breath!


the challenge was one before you got your big yap closed all the way.

the challenge was ONE? good job, dude. You must be a legal aid to some high ranking government official!


see the above ^

feel free to keep thinking this as California's state Constituion bitchslaps you into reality this fall.


DOMA cannot grant or deny a civil right. DOMA is NOT a constitutional amendment.

MARRIAGE IS NOT A CIVIL RIGHT. you can say it a thousand times and it wont be any more true than it already isnt. DOMA clarified the role of the fed regarding the issue of marriage. It was passed into law. Stomp your foot and call me names but the FACT remains that state gay marraige bans wont be overturned by scotus.

do you practice in front of a mirror in your mind? want to borrow my Travis avatar?

Well, I can certainly read without having to warp the interpretations of scotus verdicts.. thats for DAMN sure.

I don't buy it because my read on the constitution is it does not give us rights, it protects certain rights while the rest are assumed. I can't be the only person that thinks this. DOMA, IMO, is also unconstitutional. The Tenth doesn't give the states the right to deny civil rights.

Your opinion about DOMA is noted and tossed in the waste basket. As of right now, it's legal federal standard. The Constition (10th) gives states the authority to restrict marriages. Unfortunately, that "certain right" isn't found anywhere in the constition and sure as hell doesn't trump the TENTH FUCKING AMENDMENT.

Scalia ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was a bit alarmed it was 5-4, but Scalia didn't mince any words in his opinion so that's the trade-off.

Probably could have been 7-2 or 8-1 or even 9-0 had the language been tempered but fuck it... I'll take it!

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