Hello All

All righty, then! Welcome!

I note "Fogey" in your screen name. If that is an age reference, welcome again - there are a number of us here.

I sincerely hope you are of the liberal persuasion. If you are, you are a Good Guy. If you are not, you are a Putz. ;)
Welcome aboard.

I guess we'll learn over time what "Black Nationalistic ... African and WASP cultures, style and food" really means.
I am a Black male from New England. I am of Black Nationalistic though, African and WASP cultures, style and food. I like to stay reasonably politically aware and that is why I joined the forum.

Good luck brother. If I can be of spiritual help please feel free to ask.

ex-Fr. Yukon
Welcome, pilgrim. It matters not what color you are. What matters is only what you do.
Welcome aboard. But who cares what color you are? And why should that make any difference?

To many right-wingers a person's skin colour is very important. Myself, I could care less, we are all God's children and besides I'm a card-carrying member of the Liberal Party of Canada.

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