Hello Americans!


Active Member
Apr 11, 2015
Hi, I am personally US-American, and I want to belong only to the United States, a wonderful country of freedom, opportunity and so on...

I have to mention, how yukky, merciless and extreme provokative the Germans are.
Hi, I am personally US-American, and I want to belong only to the United States, a wonderful country of freedom, opportunity and so on...

I have to mention, how yukky, merciless and extreme provokative the Germans are.

I dont know how to tell you this but that is a myth that has been spread around the world that the united states is a free country.we are actually one of the very most suppressed countries in the world and you would be better of staying where you are at unless it is Israel.

the truth is the US is a facist dictatership.It has one of the most if not the most corrupt government in the world.the constitution that our forefathers here fought for does not exist anymore.it has been trashed and burned by this corrupt two party system we have here.

Both parties are corrupt,there is no difference between the two. we are actually one of the most suppressed countries in the world and constantly losing more and more of our freedoms all the time.
till we get a third party started,there is no hope for america.

the constitution does not exist here in america like it is suppose to.The government is suppose to serve the people but its the other way around,we serve THEM.Most americans fear the government.when you have that,you have a dictatership government.

I understand why you think that though.when I was your age,I thought that as well that we were a free country.thats what we have been taught in our corrupt school system here.when you have been around the block though and get to be much older than you are now,you'll get more wise as i have and understand that we are not a free country here at all.

here get educated.

Debunking the Myth of Freedom and Democracy in America withFacts and Overseas Experiences
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Hi, I am personally US-American, and I want to belong only to the United States, a wonderful country of freedom, opportunity and so on...

I have to mention, how yukky, merciless and extreme provokative the Germans are.

Well, that sounds kinda, uh, Nutz....

Ignore 9/11, someone must have pissed in his Cheerios. Again.

Ignore 9/11, someone must have pissed in his Cheerios. Again.

someone here is living in a fantasyworld unable to deal with facts that we are not a free country.you sure showed me,great rebuttal to my FACTS in that link,glad your not my lawyer.:cuckoo:
Welcome to the forum. We have whack jobs like 9/11, these are not typical. I'm not even sure there are typical Americans, we're very diverse.

I lived in Germany and I know what you mean. Hell, my mom is German so I really know!
Welcome to the forum.

Like Iceweasel said, there are some demented conspiracy theorists like '9/11 inside job' who think that the government is hiding listening devices in his cheerios.
Hi, I am personally US-American, and I want to belong only to the United States, a wonderful country of freedom, opportunity and so on...

I have to mention, how yukky, merciless and extreme provokative the Germans are.

Welcome. Hope you enjoy posting here. I know some Germans that are very nice........:)
Hi, I am personally US-American, and I want to belong only to the United States, a wonderful country of freedom, opportunity and so on...

I have to mention, how yukky, merciless and extreme provokative the Germans are.
Be sure to check out my German watch threads. They are Public Service Announcements that tell the truth about those yukky, merciless and extreme Germans.
Hi, I am personally US-American, and I want to belong only to the United States, a wonderful country of freedom, opportunity and so on...

I have to mention, how yukky, merciless and extreme provokative the Germans are.


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